Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #42

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Yeah and what was that she told AS in phone call about her “blood being mixed on wall with G’s!?” WTH was that all about??? Why would HER blood be in the mix? Knife???

And “when we came in from smoke with covers we had blood.” This isn’t a processing disorder, or like a foreigner trying to speak English. It’s like nothing I’ve ever heard. It could just be that she has a very low IQ. Where are these speech patterns coming from. Even children who are raised in illiteracy situations where the mother can’t read or write don’t speak like that. Ben Carson, a famous Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon’s single mother was illiterate, but she made sure the kids were all educated. I honestly think she has some type of learning disability or something. It has to be. The fact alone that she would tell so many vastly different versions of events is very telling. I think it’s way beyond her just “not being smart.”
Do they IQ test all of these murder suspects routinely?

When I get flustered, my brain works way faster than normal. That occasionally makes coherent speech difficult. I think it could be a combination of knowing she's eff'd, stress, low IQ, and mental health issues IMO
Remember that autistic guy who murdered his grandfather and mother on separate occasions close together so he could inherit the family fortune? He represented himself in court and never batted an eyelash. Zero remorse. And this other guy with a learning disability described as a nice guy until one day he snapped and beat his roommate to death with a baseball bat. Maybe she’s got some kind of childlike intellect. We usually assume that would be innocence and butterflies and flowers, but not necessarily. Not if you combine it with a lifetime of desperation and exposure to the seething underbelly of society. Maybe a childlike mind doesn’t do well in those conditions. I don’t know. All I know is there is something definitely wrong with her brain.
@zenzen , considering all that is written in your post, along with noted personality traits, his death (obliteration) had to benefit her in some way.

TS was unhappy in her marriage and already looking to get away. Why didn't she just leave? There was nothing to hold her. This tells me that her intent was kill Gannon before leaving (which is exactly what she did).
Yes. She had one foot out the door, and she was going to leave pain and suffering in her wake.
A hollow point would do some massive damage. No idea what kind of blood pattern it would leave, but there would be a lot of blood and probably no exit wound.

Personally, I'm not sold on the idea of a gun at all though.
Yes, I'm not sure about a gun either, but I think it's likely she inflicted many injuries, especially to his head, to cause that much blood.

She may have used a heavy object to bludgeon him, or a knife to stab him, or all three.

I wonder at what point she decided to kill him and why would she do it so close to the time Gannon's sister and her daughter would be in the home?

Was she planning on doing it earlier and running out of time? Or did she suddenly murder him in a rage?

I think it's likely that she planned to kill him that day. I just don't understand the reason for what appears to be overkill.

The one thing I’m glad that most murderers don’t realize is that the simpler the story the harder it is for investigators to solve. Fortunately for all of us decent humans, most murderers like LS believe the more complex the story is the harder it is to figure out. The problem they fail to realize is that while it may take some time to unravel, it’s also leaving a huge trail of evidence. Fortunately for investigators in this case T likes to talk. I realize some of the things she eventually said were more about buying herself time and not plausible explanations. But never the less her original plan was faulty from the get go. It would be almost laughable if it wasn’t so terribly tragic! That and she left a mountain of evidence in her own home. Another thing about murders is that they aren’t as smart as they think they are, no intelligent individual would think that murder is a reasonable solution!
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According to this, they are saying that the rented Nissan Altima was utilized by LS January 30 - February 1.
For them to state that, I’m thinking they know it was returned to rental agency and never left town ? Her Aunt only rented it for in-town use? I guess we still don’t know what vehicle LS took to Florida. JMO


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I agree and IMO that's why LS had such a strong reaction to people not believing Gannon got out of the truck. One tiny shard of truth amid her barrel of lies and social media didn't believe her - it must have made her livid. Hehe... <insert devil smiley chuckling here>

I guess she never read the story about the boy who cried wolf? :D
Regarding RD's video ...

The AA sure threw a wrench in my theory. I bought into the belief that GS never came back home (hook, line & sinker). Now, I am accepting that the video was not all as it appeared. I am interested in your thoughts about the following:

The given is that TS used a blunt force object or a gun to inflict a head wound as GS was laying in his bed.
  • How did she get him to lay down at that time of the afternoon?
  • Is the reason we didn't see GS get out because he was asleep in the back?
When they returned, it took TS 3 times before there was enough room between the truck and the car.
  • Did TS seek a wider space to carry GS from the back seat?
  • Did TS use the Right passenger door to hide from cameras?
When TS finally exited the truck, she walked directly into the garage without a glance to another passenger inside the truck.
  • Could the mysterious shadow actually be TS preparing to carry GS?
TS seemed insistent that RD's video (or the public's interpretation of it) was not accurate.

1. "Now, I am accepting that the video was not all as it appeared."

CrimeOnline spoke with Drayton regarding the date of the security footage. Drayton said he not only was he absolutely sure that Stauch left with Gannon on January 27 and returned home alone, but the video footage was given to the FBI with the dates and time stamps attached.

‘He could barely walk’: Gannon Stauch neighbor confirms security footage dates after stepmother’s murder arrest [EXCLUSIVE UPDATE]

2. How did she get him to lay down at that time of the afternoon?

I think he had been beat so profusely or was drugged--- he probably had been begging to go home and lay down on that crazy 4 hour trip.

3. When they returned, it took TS 3 times before there was enough room between the truck and the car.

I dont think so. I think her intentions all along was to put that vehicle back where it was and never let her husband know she moved it. It had been stated in other links that he did not like her driving his vehicle.

I still do not accept there was any kind of shadow.

I think you're onto something. All of you who have theorized that she intended for him to die in the car are probably right. The idea that she would have then brought him back and pretended he had died of "natural causes" in the bed makes me think she may well have thought she could get away with poisoning him with Epsom salts.

Not sure why she drove him around while doing this. Perhaps she was undecided between "runaway" scenario and "died in bed" scenario. The second one would have painted her in the best light and, in her mind, given her the ability to comfort Albert and in theory get closer to him (evil).

The question then becomes "What did she do while driving around that she thought would hasten Gannon's death?" If he became increasingly ill once he was in the truck, perhaps she stopped at Petco just to get out of the truck and allow him to die unattended. But he didn't die. Or perhaps she shoplifted something that would further poison him.

LE seems to believe (via ADT records) that Gannon was still somewhat ambulatory upon his return. It's not completely clear from the AA if they believe that, but since they knew that Gannon was killed at home, they have to use a theory that he came home again. I wonder if he was ambulatory at that time. She could easily have had him in the rear of the truck (again perhaps hoping that exposure would hasten things?) We can't see the rear of the truck on the RD video.

Anyway, LS abandoned both of her earlier plans (runaway, natural causes) and apparently shot him in the basement. Full-on Monster.

Considering she mentions calling a nurse to ask how much medication is too much and that there are truths sprinkled amongst her lies, the drugging theory has always made a lot of sense. Can't wait to see the toxicology report
Yeah and what was that she told AS in phone call about her “blood being mixed on wall with G’s!?” WTH was that all about??? Why would HER blood be in the mix? Knife???

And “when we came in from smoke with covers we had blood.” This isn’t a processing disorder, or like a foreigner trying to speak English. It’s like nothing I’ve ever heard. It could just be that she has a very low IQ. Where are these speech patterns coming from. Even children who are raised in illiteracy situations where the mother can’t read or write don’t speak like that. Ben Carson, a famous Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon’s single mother was illiterate, but she made sure the kids were all educated. I honestly think she has some type of learning disability or something. It has to be. The fact alone that she would tell so many vastly different versions of events is very telling. I think it’s way beyond her just “not being smart.”
Do they IQ test all of these murder suspects routinely?

IDK. It was a text. Maybe a mixture of dialect, colloquialism and good ole auto-correct? Most of her texting and typing input look this badly.

I think you're right about her speech patterns, there have been lots of good posts about her disordered personality, cognitive ability, etc. Plus, she probably had had zero sleep.
Not only are these two men not real and imaginary.... she herself says twice she was the last person to see GS alive.
1) when she gave the Spencer interview.
2) it states in #22 "based on the facts outline below and Leticia's statement to dispatcher, Leticia is the last person that ever saw Gannon alive."
The stories were fictional imo, but Quincy Brown is indeed a real person. See #162 #168 #169.
Even if RD's footage was inconclusive about whether Gannon returned to the house with LS that afternoon, it's hard to conceive that another neighbor's camera did not. That neighborhood is FULL of cameras & I was sure that a neighbor from the other side or across the street would have better footage of Gannon if he did, in fact, return. It sounds like LE thinks he did, but they did not go as far to say that they are 100% sure about this. Or am I not understanding the AA correctly? Obviously there's a lot of footage (RD's & others') that we don't know about.

I'm still having a really difficult time wrapping my head around LS bringing Gannon back to the house alive that afternoon! :confused:
Wow. I am guessing they are understaffed and overwhelmed?
What about reporting something where there is a virus shutting down the nation?
I would have thought they would have arrived at Gannons home within half an hour.

Maybe TS was instructed to contact friends (specifically the friend's house he went to), prior to calling the non-emergency line? If we are to believe the 6pm curfew Gannon was given, he had only been missing for 55 minutes at the time of the 911 call.

I know that every case is different, but when my 8 year-old daughter first went missing, I was asked numerous questions by the 911 operator. What time did she leave for her friends house? Have you verified she made it there? (In my case, I physically walked her the one block, and verified the parents were home). I called 911 because when my daughter did not return home at the agreed upon time, I walked over to her friends house only to learn she had left 2 hours earlier- by herself. I am the first person to promote an immediate response to children reported missing, but am curious if the information provided by TS somehow delayed a sense of urgency on LE's part? (Which would be of benefit to her cleaning/hiding/disposing process). Did she call a second time? Why did she not appear frantic when LE arrived- especially if her rapist was still in the home, or Gannon had been kidnapped by the first rapist? I absolutely am not condoning the three hour response time, but am certainly wondering if there is a reason for it?
I'm catching up..
So when LS and HH came home they were told he was in T's bed. They went to the store for cleaning stuff came home and was told what? I'm confused on how he went from in the bed not be bothered to walking to a friends house and missing??
So both girls were there when he "left for a friends house" ??
Wouldn't HH think it was weird he stayed home from school sick..possibly told Gannon Room needed cleaning from an Gannon lying in bed to leaving to play with a "friend"??
Or am I crazy and confused!
eta- LH to LS
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According to this, they are saying that the rented Nissan Altima was utilized by LS January 30 - February 1.
For them to state that, I’m thinking they know it was returned to rental agency and never left town ? Her Aunt only rented it for in-town use? I guess we still don’t know what vehicle LS took to Florida. JMO

Interesting - Its a 25 hr drive plus stops to eat and gas up, maybe knowing there's a body in back, TS was adamant they drive straight thru, no stopping so signs of that don't start permeating thru the car or van. Two drivers in each vehicle could make it happen. Not sure when the interview was on the 31st but if they left by noon or early afternoon, they could still get to Myrtle Beach with time to return a car on the 1st. Plus LE was looking for her movements in FL a few days later, so she may have then gone down there by herself, which is easier to believe she dumped him without anyone knowing.
Off topic
Does anyone know how I can get help to set up a new password. I’ve tried about 25 times and it won’t send me an email to allow a reset.
I don’t know my password cause it’s automatic. So setting up a new computer I need a password.
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