Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #42

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Okay so... 8:13am TS takes a picture of Gannon in bed. At 10 p.m. at night law enforcement with a body cam takes a picture of his bed.

So in # 54 we see that the blankets are different and the pillowcase if not the whole pillow is different.

I noticed someone else and others had posted this before, but I just didn't catch on to right now. Wow!

She sealed her own fate with all the stupid picture taken she did....

It's the timing of the locking and unlocking that's significant not that she locked it at all. I almost always lock my phone when I set it down even if no one else is home. I don't have a passcode on mine you just swipe to unlock it. It's just a habit and it saves the battery rather than putting it down all lit up and waiting for it to lock itself in a few minutes. It was 4-5 hours that she didn't touch her phone. iPhones and probably all smart phone lock themselves after a few minutes of inactivity unless you change the settings to "never auto-lock" but who does that? I was surprised to learn that the phone companies even know when our phones are locked and unlocked though.

my android has never been locked
I make sure of that when I first get a new one
Someone said earlier Why didn't law enforcement search the her vehicle. # 51 says that LS provided verbal consent for deputies to search the house for Gannon. But as someone else said I would imagine just leaning over the back of the VW and looking in and just seeing a possible suitcase back there, they have no reason to open the suitcase.

Make one wonder. And didn't see the blood on the bumper (black vehicle and bumper?) If only. 20/20 hindsight; happens in so many cases. Remembering Polly Klass.
Okay so... 8:13am TS takes a picture of Gannon in bed. At 10 p.m. at night law enforcement with a body cam takes a picture of his bed.

So in # 54 we see that the blankets are different and the pillowcase if not the whole pillow is different.

I noticed someone else and others had posted this before, but I just didn't catch on to right now. Wow!

She sealed her own fate with all the stupid picture taken she did....
Here is one for the books....

During the time LS had the Kia she would not provide the location of her VW and AS never saw the VW.

Look at # 59, between investigators and AS, a limited search for the for her VW was conducted, and produce negative results. What?? Whao??

So, by the 28th or 29th AS is in cahoots with in the investigators searching for her VW! Whoa!!!!
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Good point.

As one of our other posters said Sunday night GS could have been mortally wounded. Could that have splattered blood, drained blood from him? Could he had vomitted blood? I just don't know.....
I think he was mortally wounded in his bed on Monday and that's where he died. There was blood on top of the mattress, on the bedding and missing pillow, down the side of the mattress where his head would have been, on the carpet underneath the foot of the bed, and on the concrete beneath the carpet. No way could he have survived that.

There was an outline of blood around the cover of the electric socket, which LE believed to be caused from a large amount of blood covering the light fixture that soaked in around the edges. Then of course there was the blood splatter on the wall. That was all after she cleaned it up.

It was a brutal, violent murder.

my android has never been locked
I make sure of that when I first get a new one
I have my phone setup that if it goes undisturbed for 3 or 4 minutes it'll automatically lock. I did that because, once my daughter left her phone in a restroom in a mall, someone stole it. If it would have had a locking mechanism they could have never got in it and never used it never looked at it never searched it yada yada yada. It was a learning experience for me, so my phone has a lock.
I think possibly what you’re picking up on is Southern black dialect in her speech coupled with a low-average IQ which results in poor sentence structure and illogical and/or confusing transitions. I don’t see any evidence of mania or pressured speech evident during manic episodes nor schizoaffective “word salads.” JMO

I spent soooo much time pondering LS 's behavior, but one doesn't need to have cognitive or mental disabilities to be evil...

If we get into the minutiae of her psychological problems, one could
diagnosis her with a multitude of disorders at various points of her life.

She's got mommy issues. She's got daddy issues. She hates herself. She loves herself. She grew up in a poor southern community, with both the pride and stigma of being a Native American, belonging to a tribe that has struggled to prove themselves even to other Native Tribes. She wanted to be more than a poor, uneducated woman, but didn't have the tool-set to do so... and on and on and on

Lots of people have these problems and more with actual, cripple mental disorders . They don't go out and kill children.

Her "disorder" - She's just a piece of trash. It's really that simple.
Whoa, careful with those periods in place of spaces.....o_Oo_Oo_O

I know this wasn't for me, but I have to chime in. the space bar is too close to the period! It happens all the time lol
P.O.T. disorder!
Here is one for the books....

During the time LS had the Kia she would not provide the location of her VW and AS never saw the VW.

Look at # 59, between investigators and AS, a limited search for the for her VW was conducted, and produce negative results. What?? Whao??

So, by the 28th or 29th as is in cahoots with in the investigators searching for her VW! Whoa!!!!
And all that time it was at the airport, likely with Gannon's body in the trunk.
Until she moved it again and had her daughter pick her up.
Then she shows up two hours late for her interview with LE, with the car still wet from washing it.
Okay so... 8:13am TS takes a picture of Gannon in bed. At 10 p.m. at night law enforcement with a body cam takes a picture of his bed.

So in # 54 we see that the blankets are different and the pillowcase if not the whole pillow is different.

I noticed someone else and others had posted this before, but I just didn't catch on to right now. Wow!

She sealed her own fate with all the stupid picture taken she did....

She sealed her own fate with may things that she did and said. Her stupidity truly knows no bounds
I'm catching up..
So when LS and HH came home they were told he was in T's bed. They went to the store for cleaning stuff came home and was told what? I'm confused on how he went from in the bed not be bothered to walking to a friends house and missing??
So both girls were there when he "left for a friends house" ??
Wouldn't HH think it was weird he stayed home from school sick..possibly told Gannon Room needed cleaning from an Gannon lying in bed to leaving to play with a "friend"??
Or am I crazy and confused!
eta- LH to LS

Maybe, since she seems so obsessed with the condition of Gannon's bowels, T told the girls that Gannon had had the runs and messed his bed.

Not sure that LS knows how Google searches work!!

Her searches were worded like a kid using a Magic 8 Ball! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

My favorite is the one about whether or not it's bad when LE asks for a missing child's toothbrush (paraphrasing), lol. I mean, yeah, it's bad... but it's not worse than asking for their hairbrush? Could it be possible she's so dumb she doesn't know WHY they would ask for his hairbrush? Or, was this supposed to be part of her faux-naif "throw people off the trail"?

Locking features allow a phone to lock after so many minutes, mine is set to lock after idling 5 minutes.

Personal experience: I have a hideous time with my iPhone pocket dialing people and opening random apps from time to time, if I am carrying it in a purse or pocket. I've even clicked the right-side button to make it go blank, after which I was assuming it was in fact locking itself because after I do so, I believe I almost always have to manually input my key code on the little electronic pad; this does nothing to keep it from going haywire in my pocket. It will open apps and type weird sequences of characters; it dials people on the phone and on FaceTime; I've in fact sometimes said, it seems impossible to me that I could set the phone to a short enough lag time in order to have it "lock" and "stay locked". Maybe the unlocking isn't anything really to do with your "fingerprint", and it's more to do with some weird combination of body heat given off by my thigh/hip?? Either way, I can't trust it to track anything by its locks and its unlocks; just putting that out there.
I agree on the 8-10 am timeframe. I wonder what the ADT movement and computer searches show for that time. What else could she have been doing? Seems like she didn’t sleep all night. Was wide awake with camera in his face at 8 am, biting at the chomp to kill him. So why wait until after 10 am to leave?
Probably cleaning up is my guess and trying to come up with a plan. We know she didn't really sleep that night. I think the photo was for something, but I dont know what. To prove he was alive that day? Petco isn't open till 10 although I dont think petco really ties into his murder. i dont think she purchased anything there that she needed for the murder or coverup. She probably did leave the phone there as others suggested. I wonder if she did and chose petcos because she thought she had a good handle on camera angles to hide the phone? If I wanted to leave a phone somewhere, Petco is probably a good choice. There arent that many people working there for the size of the store. There are stuffed toy bins. You can also pop a phone in one of those dog jacket packages.

My first guess on cleaning is she tried to get the big stuff out of the way. Then got to work changing his bedding and cleaning the walls and carpet. Then the remaining cleaning she did when she got home was manageable and the cleaning stuff she needed from HH was minimal. She probably vacuumed with her carpet powder and then cleaned the cleaning stuff outside before running the dishwasher. I just can't see that volume of cleaning being done in a couple hours. Especially when she could have called the police later than 7pm. She could have waited till 9 and said she went looking for him or was hoping he lost track of time? She was ready at 7 though and it would seem super risky to have a whole murder scene when Laina and HH were home.
Probably cleaning up is my guess and trying to come up with a plan. We know she didn't really sleep that night. I think the photo was for something, but I dont know what. To prove he was alive that day? Petco isn't open till 10 although I dont think petco really ties into his murder. i dont think she purchased anything there that she needed for the murder or coverup. She probably did leave the phone there as others suggested. I wonder if she did and chose petcos because she thought she had a good handle on camera angles to hide the phone? If I wanted to leave a phone somewhere, Petco is probably a good choice. There arent that many people working there for the size of the store. There are stuffed toy bins. You can also pop a phone in one of those dog jacket packages.

My first guess on cleaning is she tried to get the big stuff out of the way. Then got to work changing his bedding and cleaning the walls and carpet. Then the remaining cleaning she did when she got home was manageable and the cleaning stuff she needed from HH was minimal. She probably vacuumed with her carpet powder and then cleaned the cleaning stuff outside before running the dishwasher. I just can't see that volume of cleaning being done in a couple hours. Especially when she could have called the police later than 7pm. She could have waited till 9 and said she went looking for him or was hoping he lost track of time? She was ready at 7 though and it would seem super risky to have a whole murder scene when Laina and HH were home.
Agreed on all points!
I think since video evidence shows Gannon getting into the truck that morning, and the lack of any blood in the truck (however there is blood in the SUV), you have to assume he was killed after arriving home.
MOO can't directly see Gannon get out but there is evidence someone got out of the rear passenger door.
Okay so... 8:13am TS takes a picture of Gannon in bed. At 10 p.m. at night law enforcement with a body cam takes a picture of his bed.

So in # 54 we see that the blankets are different and the pillowcase if not the whole pillow is different.

I noticed someone else and others had posted this before, but I just didn't catch on to right now. Wow!

She sealed her own fate with all the stupid picture taken she did....
I can't get over how creepy it is that she took a picture of him sleeping the morning of his murder. Why would she do that?

So that his parents will have a "happy memory," like the picture of him waving goodbye?
why do you say that?
I know what locking on a phone is
I have it disabled - no fingerprint, no pattern swiping etc.
At first I thought they were referring to locking as when the carrier automatically locks the phone so it can't be used by another network. With most phones it's impossible to unlock unless you don't have a payment plan or you buy a specific type of phone.

But I think LE was referring to turning the phone off and then not being able to open it without a password. (Like what you are describing)

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