Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #44

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Who could have predicted that TS would brutally murder a child? No one.

She shouldn’t have been around children in the first place though.

She was a walking, talking, warning sign.

I bet you anything that AS never googled her before he married her. He probably had no clue about the rap sheet or aliases. It’s human nature to be curious about others, just not those we let inside our world. We like to think that
our instincts and choices are the right ones, especially with regard to the ones we fall for. That’s probably why they call it “fall for.” And I’m sure she ran a good game. I think we all can agree on that much.
This is possibly judgmental on my part... but LS ceased to be a 'good mother' to her own daughter once she decided to murder a child.

And then to pull her own daughter into her lies by making her testify in the cousin Itt interview when HH asked her mom "What do you want me to say ?"
Notice LS didn't say... "Just tell the truth."

But instead coached HH to say that she (HH) and Gannon returned home after the hike at the GOTG.

It's bad enough to kill someone elses' child, but then to involve your own daughter and possibly have her face charges as well ?
And it sounded as if LS had 'used' HH before, as if this was an accepted relationship.
LS is and was a horrible parent.
How often had HH had to cover for her mother's lies ?

I think getting the cleaning supplies wasn't the first time HH had to do errands for her; maybe without even knowing why she was picking LS up on random highways or making store runs.
I'll certainly agree with the being 'blind' part and if that is all it was, that's just me trying to be understanding.
But didn't Gannon tell anyone what was happening ?
His friends, teachers , or his dad ?

What went wrong ?
I'd like to think this was entirely preventable, but we don't know the whole story.
It's so sad and infuriating.

Sad & infuriating is right!

I've thought about this a lot and of course hindsight is 20/20, so who knows? I think Gannon wanted his parents to be happy and probably didn't want to let them down or stress them out by complaining. He seemed like a kid that tried to make the best of things and make those around him happy. I still think there were some red flags.

I guarantee that people that even knew LS casually in the neighborhood or the kids' teachers thought she was "odd." Again, no one would've pegged her as a murderer, but as far as I can tell through interviews with high school classmates, pictures, etc, she's a big fake that creates trouble wherever she goes and has no real friends outside of family. I've wondered about Gannon's teachers and school staff, did they know or suspect anything? Was he absent from school very often, especially after a weekend or when AS was out of town?

This is a complete tragedy all the way around, but I try and ask myself what can we (as parents, adults, teachers, neighbors, friends, relatives, etc) learn from this so that we can prevent this from happening to another innocent child.
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His grieving parents are also victims,

I doubt this will turn into another trial of ‘blame the victim’ ala JA, where she attempted to disseminate Travis’ character, since she can’t legitimately ascribe any blame to an 11 year old child. <modsnip> I mean, I deal in sports, not crime and murder trials, except to read for fun, but I don’t see any opportunity for the defense here to drag his parents into this trial but for any reason other than to state the facts as they know them regarding the case. If the defense even attempts to muddy the characters of the bio parents surely it will just backfire. A lot of people divorce and trust their new spouse to watch their kids full or part-time. From everything I’ve seen his bio mom really loved him, and he her. <modsnip>
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But, at the same time, she was an apparently good if not great mother to her own biological daughter, this acc to various u tube vids made praising her by HH...
I stress APPARENTLY because to my eyes it was more like symbiotic from the little we know, though that's a judgement too.

Just another observation with spotty knowledge:
From all appearances HH is a kind of hostage and her u tube videos have as much validity as the Kardashians talking about their mother. (Well rehearsed with lots of editing by Mom.)

Exactly right.
This isn't about "victim blaming."

It's about victim naming:

The victim's name is GANNON.

Gannon is the innocent victim here.
He was an 11-year-old child.
It's not a young child's job, nor is it a child's responsibility, to protect himself from adults.

GS was made a victim in what should have been a safe environment for him; namely, his own home.


BBM Perfectly said.
I doubt this will turn into another trial of ‘blame the victim’ ala JA, where she attempted to disseminate Travis’ character, since she can’t legitimately ascribe any blame to an 11 year old child. And as far as I can see, his parents are off limits. I mean, I deal in sports, not crime and murder trials, except to read for fun, but I don’t see any opportunity for the defense here to drag his parents into this trial but for any reason other than to state the facts as they know them regarding the case. If the defense even attempts to muddy the characters of the bio parents surely it will just backfire. A lot of people divorce and trust their new spouse to watch their kids full or part-time. From everything I’ve seen his bio mom really loved him, and he her. Honestly the last thing these people need right now is victim blaming. Whatever fault they might hold for any of this, I’m sure they’ve already suffered punishment enough for.
Me too.
I cannot even begin to imagine the pain they are in.
I know how it's affected many of us here and we didn't know the sweet child, only that he was a sweet child.
Huge JMO!!!!!!

We all have a job as members of society and as adults to look out for ALL children, especially but not limited to our own. Again, aside from the obvious tragedy of the loss of an innocent child's life at the hands of a trusted adult, I'm trying to come out of this asking myself what we can all learn to help prevent it from happening to another child. Period.
Me too.
I cannot even begin to imagine the pain they are in.
I know how it's affected many of us here and we didn't know the sweet child, only that he was a sweet child.

I guess the State will just have to prepare the parents for whatever the defense throws at them. But really, what would be the point. All it would prove is that, TS spent a lot of her time taking care of them. So what. How does that help her, unless she’s using the Snapped Defense, which I doubt she is bc then she’d have to confess to it. If she tries to frame G’s stepfather, that will backfire too. It’s really pointless for the defense to badmouth the bio parents in court I think.
AS said if he thought for one second she was capable of hurting them, if he saw anything he wouldn’t have left them. They both said similar things. So who knows if he thought she was crazy. Maybe she was a good actress around him. They say Ted Bundy was very well liked.
I have no idea how she pulled that one off.
It is my opinion that her motivation was fed by her hatred of his mother.

AA- her searches and the dates... it was all about hurting LH is my opinion.

I do believe this was her modus operandi with a child who had a young mind, possibly younger than many 11 yr olds. He would not necessarily have recognised the mental and psychological abuse.

Pinky promises all over the shop etc..

He was a mere pawn in her game- her game was to destroy his mother.

I often wonder if she suspected AS still had feelings for LH?
I guess the State will just have to prepare the parents for whatever the defense throws at them. But really, what would be the point. All it would prove is that, TS spent a lot of her time taking care of them. So what. How does that help her, unless she’s using the Snapped Defense, which I doubt she is bc then she’d have to confess to it. If she tries to frame G’s stepfather, that will backfire too. It’s really pointless for the defense to badmouth the bio parents in court I think.

She will accuse him of all kinds of things, like the hapless wonder Eduardo or whatever his name was...
None will stick but his life and career will be destroyed as a result.
That's all she wants now.
To 'kill' both bio parents too.
I'm damned if I'll assist her efforts.

ETA to add IMO.
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Many have posted one of her quotes: “When we came back inside from the smoke there was blood on both of us. I didn’t know what to do. I was scared I would get fussed out about it and I don’t know if he should go to the doctor. I kept trying to add the candle thing but Albert kept saying it was small and minor. I was scared the basement was smoky and when I threw the cover everything we both had blood.” just dawned on me, who's "the both of us" or who's "we both had blood"??

There were four people living in that house. Why is she only taking GS outside if there's smoke, why not the other two children????
My guess is that she could not include her step daughter or HH in her "story" because they would not have been able to back it up.
I really hope they confiscated cell phones from the aunt, the guy driving the moving van, HH, her family in S.C. and anyone else she knew. Also I hope they checked with the local libraries and any hotels she stayed at to see if she used their computers. People can also go into hotel lobbies and use the lobby computers if you’re a member of the hotel. I think all of her google searches will tell the tale. They just have to find them all.
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Don't you people ever sleep??!! :) Just read - okay - skipped a few pages.... so this is late in responding.

Pianoturtle said:
this article, dated March 17, is from the day his body was found
Santa Rosa investigates body found near Escambia River Bridge
Santa Rosa investigates body found near Escambia River Bridge

ETA date

Thank you - I have added this link to my notes.

Seattle1 said:
The carpet was allegedly ruined by a burning candle and GS burned with candle wax(?)... Maybe LS used scented candles to cover her indulgence. AA reports basement smelled like coconut.

Incense maybe?
She will accuse him of all kinds of things, like the hapless wonder Eduardo or whatever his name was...
None will stick but his life and career will be destroyed as a result.
That's all she wants now.
To 'kill' both bio parents too.
I'm damned if I'll assist her efforts.

Can’t that only happen if they let her on the stand? I honestly wish they’d let more reporters into the jail to interview her. See what kind of crazy cards she pulls out of her deck next. Rope and all that.
Can’t that only happen if they let her on the stand? I honestly wish they’d let more reporters into the jail to interview her. See what kind of crazy cards she pulls out of her deck next. Rope and all that.
I never thought it was a good idea to interview her after her TV interview.
She is a liar and to publish her lies only fans the flames.
Remember she had quite a fan club going.
It can happen if her defense is borderline insanity or utter wretchedness because her husband abused her severely.

Her google searches should kill that defense,hopefully but she will try anything and she has time to think and plan ahead.

She is unlikely to have reformed in any way or to feel remorse.

She will plead not guilty and put the state to tremendous expense and his family through hell again because that's how she rolls.

A woman scorned.
She thinks she has all the angles to throw a jury off.
So did Jodi Arias!
The ducks have lined up sista!
Welcome to prison life!

How’s that flat mattress working out for you?

Maybe he really had no idea. Look what happened with TA and JA. He liked her at first, then he couldn’t get rid of her once he saw the crazy. Maybe the same was true here. I think a lot is going to come out in this case.
Well, Arias and TA were together for a very short time, and it didn't take him long to realize Arias was not marriage material.

In this case they were living together, married, and TS took care of his children.

Maybe by the time of the murder AS did see her for who she was and he did want out of the marriage.

Her googling indicates that she resented taking care of the kids and didn't feel appreciated. She seemed to feel more like a babysitter than a wife who is loved by her husband.

So yes, maybe he did realize she was crazy and she knew her marriage was falling apart.

I read about a case in the news recently where this millionaire’s wife tried to kill him and apparently was sweet as could be until she drank, and then she would abuse him. It said she’d become very enraged every time she drank.
The rage that TS displays doesn't look like an alcohol-induced rage to me. Might be drug-enhanced rage, I wouldn't be surprised, but she doesn't seem like a drinker or smoker to me. At all. My opinion.

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