Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #44

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Having just watched the CourtTV piece, I'm more convinced than ever that Gannon never came back home.

The neighbor's AUDIO cam tells the story. She returns. He hears her open the garage, he hears her lock the truck.

What that tells me is that SOMEHOW that micropreemie, Sonic loving, sister protecting special boy SURVIVED a VIOLENT ASSAULT in his bedroom, that even Dan May thought NO ONE could survive. With perhaps a MASSIVE head injury, sweet Gannon was able to walk to the truck.... death defying....

Keep in mind that the Prosecution has considerably more information now, more than they had at the time of the AA. His body. Possible bullet fragments. His clothing. They know whether the ultimate cause of his death matches or doesn't match scene in his bedroom, the scene at Perry, etc., etc.

I think we're going to learn just how strong amazing Gannon was, how badly he -- broken body and all -- wanted to live.

She drove to Petco, she probably dosed him with something just prior to his walk to the truck, waited until he was nearly knocked out, drove him probably to Palmer Lake....

She DID say that boards just sometimes fly out of the truck and, oh, she got lost out there.

I think with great confidence she later added that any search would be unproductive as Gannon wasn't there. Because she'd ALREADY MOVED HIM.

(REALLY dumb thing to say. None of US could say where Gannon was or wasn't. ONLY TS could say where he wasn't -- because she alone knew where he was!)

Anyway I do think she did probably get lost out there. On one of at least three (by my count) trips to the scene of her crime.

Dastardly deed complete, she only had to return to Petco and scoot home. She had serious cleaning to do.

Get home, run to the bathroom, then get to work. Boxing and bagging up bloody bedsheets. Back and forth from his bedroom to the utility room, upstairs, downstairs, out the door, in the yard, to the trash, to the spigot, back to the basement. She WAS getting quite the workout! Very aerobic. Bet she had her earbuds in, rocking to her favorite playlist while she worked.

I hope LE thought to check her earbuds for DNA....

And to think she was three-way texting with HH and AS about earbuds, all the while scrubbing blood from the walls of their house.

How did she pass as a human being for as long as she did????? Are we SURE she's human?


Well done my friend.


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If this is true, then how did the video that does not show Gannon get released? People said they downloaded it facebook. I am not doubting you but I think many people would have seen it and we would have heard about in the groups that were monitoring her.
It is the same video with the film blackened.
Many people did actually see it.
It is simply impossible to 'doctor' such a video on the night it was released.
I saw it immediately.
So did several others.
Mine was found on youtube. I was afraid she'd remove it. Mine starts by videoing Laina and TS saying: "I don't know what I'm going to do now." And Laina replying: " Why? What happened?"
She seems to walk forever to where GS is.
Then ends with what sounds like GS saying I'm bleeding as he cries.
I wonder if I already had an edited version.
I would play it on here but don't know if I can. And don't know if I know how.

I can't believe the fool put it on her fb page.
Publicly no less. Putting the nail in the coffin even without G’s body (had that been the case). MOO moo cow.
I’m off to do research about what disorders cause extreme & aggressive impulsivity.
@DTPeke Is this yet another thing that I am misunderstanding? :eek:

1st doc, page 2, para 5 - Leads me to believe that additional evidence was obtained and entered for sealing on that same day (March 19). TS was arrested on March 2, so where did the additional information come from? -04 People Request.pdf Order 040820(1).pdf

ETA: Clairification

Gannon’s body was discovered March 18. That may have something to do with it.
^^^ Yes, that recording was NOT accidental. None of us can make sense of her twisted mind. We try really hard, but it is scary & hurts my brain to try and think like LS for too long. I have to do it in small doses!

Pictures & video taken by her always have a purpose, and that is to serve some selfish need or goal for the sole benefit of LS.
1. The pathetic evil GOTG hiking pic=Gannon was healthy & happy on Sunday+ I'm a great step-mom, just look at the wonderful things I do with the kids!
2. Vacation pics with Gannon waving=we went to Hawaii (did I mention we went to HAWAII?) I take the kids on awesome vacations and take care of them because their BM doesn't want to!
3. The Sunday night video=Gannon damaged the carpet+Gannon's a naughty child+I'm calm, caring, and helpful to Gannon+I "fix" family problems created by the kids+it's not my fault if "that lady be mad at us & throw us out of the house" or we loose this house.
4. The pic of Gannon "sleeping" in his bed Monday morning=Gannon was fine & sleeping in his bed Monday morning+see I stayed home from work to take care of him.

These are the ones we know about, but I'm sure each and every day was full of staged/purposeful pics & videos taken by LS. That's not even counting all the duck faced selfies! :cool::rolleyes: She's a selfish, evil, manipulative person. Living with, being married to, or being friends with this woman would be exhausting!
Excellent post!
I don't think we know if she did or not, but she most certainly posted it publicly on her FB, so she clearly wasn't concerned about him seeing it.
My post wasn't clear ... I am thinking about whether TS sent it to AS while he was still away. We know how it is effecting us, I can't imagining the effect on him while he is trying to get back home. You make a point about TS posting it on FB. Do you remember that date?
In the AA (pg. 22) some of LS' Google searches were listed and it does appear that something happened right after midnight on the 27th. Typed exactly as on the AA:

Starting at 12:09 am she asks about a burnt carpet:
12:09 am_ my son.burned the carpet i
12:42 am_ if exposed to smaoke
12:43 am_ smoke affects will humidifier help
12:43 am_ smoke affects from fire will humidifier help

12 minutes later she's asking about keeping a sick child home from school:
12:55 am_ colorado law for kid stating at home
12:57 am_ School is out. Is it okay for my kid to stay home alone?
1:01 am _ son is sick but I have to.go
1:03 am _ son sick can he stay.home

Then nothing until 4:40 am when she asks about repair kit for a suede sofa. The next search shown is at 6:54 pm asking for the El Paso Sheriff's number. FINAL redacted 040120.pdf
Awesome catch!!!!!
I know!

My guess is that she convinced them it wasn't safe for her to stay - she was getting death threats, had to protect HH, was pushed out of her own home by bio-mom "who didn't want to raise her own kids," didn't have anywhere to stay (likely found out she didn't have a job).

In the TV interview, she says she expects an apology, especially from her husband - and I'm guessing she told some stories to her family about how awful he was treating her too.

And they believed her, I guess. Or willing to pretend they did.

Less than a week after she murdered her step-son, she fled across the country (with a dead body).

I bet she thought she got away with it.

... and TS mentioned nothing about Landen's aunt staying there as well. TS is comfortable manipulating, splitting and acting out on LH and AS. But Landen's aunt is a highly regarded, affluent and respectable lady.
Thanks for this. IF she caused damage to his eye area, that could explain his disorientation in slow-walking the next day.

Just curious, are you working the front lines in some capacity in this corona fight?

I left the field a few years ago but I'm applying to get my certification back under the emergency provisional rules.
Note to self / Things to do today:
Take a drive around the neighbourhood / countryside and look for a construction site with a random construction guy to come and repair my carpet (because logic tells me that carpet repair companies would not do such a good job)

YES! May I join you? Eggy has to be out there.... somewhere
... ;)
@DTPeke Is this yet another thing that I am misunderstanding? :eek:

1st doc, page 2, para 5 - Leads me to believe that additional evidence was obtained and entered for sealing on that same day (March 19). TS was arrested on March 2, so where did the additional information come from? -04 People Request.pdf Order 040820(1).pdf

ETA: Clairification
What I was attempting to say: you deserve credit for piecing it together. It was not clear TO ME from the documentation how long the wiretaps were in effect. You had given me credit. I only noticed the two phones tapped.

The complaint information released March 11th has all the FBI resources neatly lined up looking like a route. They were tracking her.

Sorry, I can be a Pea brain but at least I am not a Tee brain. :p
I wonder if Pilot Wilson found and “right place right time” video capturing at the dumping grounds with his drone?

I don’t have the NET at home (we live in the boonies) so I am taking advantage of my scary hospital stay using their free connection & Looking at ALL 702 items posted by the incredible @crankycrankerson!! Is this also @crankywitch? Isn’t 105 area within 50 miles from the house?
It is the same video with the film blackened.
Many people did actually see it.
It is simply impossible to 'doctor' such a video on the night it was released.
I saw it immediately.
So did several others.
She could have taken several videos to prove what a "good & caring" stepmom she was.
It looks like the jury will have to view all videos/photos in their entirety.
I feel for them. :(
I'm just saying it was pretty ballsy to call the police to report a missing 11 year old and have the body there on the property where she had no clue if they would check the vehicle. She had to have thought I'm calling in a missing child, they are going to look for him on the property first. And, they should have checked the cars! IMO. Seriously risky on her part....
Yes especially since some children have died locked in trunks ...
In the AA (pg. 22) some of LS' Google searches were listed and it does appear that something happened right after midnight on the 27th. Typed exactly as on the AA:

Starting at 12:09 am she asks about a burnt carpet:
12:09 am_ my son.burned the carpet i
12:42 am_ if exposed to smaoke
12:43 am_ smoke affects will humidifier help
12:43 am_ smoke affects from fire will humidifier help

12 minutes later she's asking about keeping a sick child home from school:
12:55 am_ colorado law for kid stating at home
12:57 am_ School is out. Is it okay for my kid to stay home alone?
1:01 am _ son is sick but I have to.go
1:03 am _ son sick can he stay.home

Then nothing until 4:40 am when she asks about repair kit for a suede sofa. The next search shown is at 6:54 pm asking for the El Paso Sheriff's number. FINAL redacted 040120.pdf
Wowzer you're good and quick to boot!

It's obvious something happened to prompt all those searches. I have given up making any sense of them. There is not a carpet burn or is not even mentioned in the video.

I give up trying to decipher what she was up to. It is clear that he was berated, belittled, abused and eventually murdered in cold blood.

I only hope he enjoyed the time he had with his grandmother and wonder if he confided in her. My pre-teen niece did this with my mother (not physical abuse but mental). My brother's marriage unraveled shortly after....
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Thanks, SillyBilly!

That video is actually an extremely important piece of the puzzle.

The video is a big part of the reason I don't subscribe to the theory that the blood in his bedroom is from Monday afternoon.

It is very, very apparent listening to GS's voice in that video that he is in tremendous pain.
That is a very pained cry, and a frightened cry.
He coughs at one point, and it sounds like a liquid, gurgling cough, not a dry cough.
He also says that he's bleeding.

Based on this video alone, I have no doubt whatsoever in my mind that TS violently attacked him on Sunday night, and that he was bleeding profusely as a result.

I don't know what she was trying to prove by posting that video to her FB.
All it goes to prove is that she's an evil, perverse, hideously deformed monster.

Once DDA Allen shows the jury this video, it's going to be all over for her.

He also appears to be on the floor next to a toilet, hiding perhaps?
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