Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #45

DNA Solves
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I still think she put tissues down her pants because she got her period. She later claimed LE didn't let her use the bathroom (which I don't believe, btw).

The description of the tissues is vague and it's hard to picture what she was doing. I'm sure it will come up again later, with better description.


Thats possible too. It was one of the many bizarre things we heard about in the AA.
About the tissues described in the AA.
This was already suggested by some who I think nailed it. It helped cement how I think things went down at the station when she finally decided it was time to bring her pre-written list of lies along to face LE.

Im guessing as she was being interrogated, she threw in a little fake crying and grabbed some tissues to wipe at her dry eyes for special effect. Then when the DNA testing subject was thrown at her, she panicked and stuffed the tissues down her pants thinking they had traces of her DNA.

Then when she realized LE would end up getting a warrant to take her DNA one way or another, she has fake chest pains and ends up getting an ambulance called because LE has to cover themselves for liability reasons.

The ride over there in the ambulance must have been a hoot. She was playing unconscious and would not respond to questions but then she had a miraculous recovery once at the hospital.

She manages to leave the hospital without LE because they likely did not have the paperwork yet to force a hold on her.

Her time would eventually come when they caught up with her in Carolina.
Hatfield I agree about the tissues and her worry of a dna test. It’s the only thing that makes sense to me. Not that anything she does makes sense.
Left the house for the first time in weeks, took a drive up Perry Park Road.....

My heart is heavy.

To think she did something so ugly, so vile, so serpentine against such a majestic backdrop, it's grotesque. Just grotesque. A violation of all that is good...

I cannot get my head around her decisions. Not the least of which, the location she picked. It makes no sense. Even if I reverse engineer it, starting at her postsplain -- the trip to Castle Rock that she never took, the bike shopping that never happened, forced detour off of I-25 because of dubious car accident. The only truth, that she got lost. THAT PART is credible. Because I did too. Very easy to get turned around with all those winding offroads. That she did any of it at night is mind boggling. It would've had to be dark as pitch out there. Only her exit from the highway would have beenit up like day. Exit 105 is a hub in Monument, a huge cluster of restaurants, gas stations, businesses. A CRAZY exit to take. Unless you have a destination (or general location) already in mind. Very quickly though it becomes less commercial...two small towns, Palmer Lake and Larkspur, with houses -- some closer together, some farther apart -- along the way. No good place to stop.

She must've been out that way before. Family daytrip to Spruce Mountain? All those trails, perhaps she had a very real memory of some remote locations???? Still, her choice just makes no sense. If it was between 11 and 1 that day, she would have quickly been pressed for time.... she would have been a long way from Mandan....and 3:15 would have been pressing down on her.

It's hard to fathom that her first foray out there was Tuesday night... so dark....perhaps it would feel more desolate.... I can't imagine getting lost, turned around out there after dark, with no phone for navigation to get back out....

I have been in the camp where the murder occurred between 11 and 1 .... but I can't quite reconcile the rental... was it JUST to keep AS out of her car? Was there blood in her car? Bloody sheets waiting for disposal... or a body, after all? And no way for her to get the body from her car to the rental so she HAD to take her own car? But was that part of her reasoning for GETTING the rental, for transport? But she had to reject that plan?

Or did she in fact murder Gannon between 11 and 1, but at a location as yet undiscovered by LE? And she moved him on Tuesday, from there to Perry Park, and then again, to Florida? We know she's not adverse to moving him. Monster. In this scenario, it under-utilizes the rental ....

Did she make THREE separate excursions to PP? Monday at noon, Tuesday at 9 pm and again on the 31st?

Is LE right that she DID go there to make sure he was concealed, only they are off by WHICH trip of hers she did that? They didn't know that she'd EVER moved him, at that point....

Could it be she left him at PP on Monday, went back on Tuesday to move him farther, under the cover of night (and really did get lost, driving around in the dark, unsure of the exact location she'd been to the day before), and then again on Friday, before removing him altogether?

Is EVERYTHING about her frenetic????? I can't follow her movements, her explanations, her ENGLISH.


...where in Hell's name did she go on Monday, between 11 and 1 and why??????

Could there be a mystery location?

Just how many times did TS move his precious body?

Just when did TS remove the suitcase from the home?

As an aside, hers and mine, outside of these events, was TS ACTIVELY planning to bolt? The Google searches --apartments in Florida. Flight attendant jobs. Could she ALREADY have had a (brown) suitcase packed, ready to grab at a moment's notice? And then something happened on Sunday night that gelled it, only with a whole different HOMICIDAL urgency????

So many questions....

Sobering to travel her path.

And yet, what remains for me is how beautiful the area was and how beautiful it remains. Mountains and spruce trees, a mountain lake and some million dollar houses, gorgeous rock formations and stately deer, standing guard with a gentle innocence....

It's like all that was putrid blew in with TS and blew right back out, a stench that followed her all the way to where she sits now. Cold, stark, stenchfilled. Essence of T.

May she stew in it.

And Gannon, you are beautiful. She tried but she didn't succeed in taking that away from you....

What remains is the pursuit of justice, to keep TS as far away as possible from life as she knew it.

I wish there were a way to prevent her from so much as seeing another mountain, another sunrise, another sunset, another thing of beauty....

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LE may be able to differentiate blood spatter from an instrument from blood spray from a cough.... but we do hear Gannon cough, a wet cough, in the Sunday night video.

We know the video starts upstairs. Possibly in LaiS's room or just as possible, in the master bedroom, with LaiS bedded there. TS moves past the kitchen, TV in the living room is visible....and then it generally goes black... is she walking down the stairs at this point? If she's anywhere upstairs, I wonder if there's a location where Gannon may have cowered, and coughed. Did THAT location ever get tested???? (LE missed the blood on the toilet and tub in the Patrick Frazee case -- KB's own family discovered it.) Could there be a location (where Gannon coughed) TS cleaned well enough, it was never noticed????? Or did she go all the way downstairs? Was Gannon in his room? And his cough sent a spray on the walls? Not enough to suggest a VIOLENT EVENT. Yet. But combined with greater bloodshed to follow?

That cough to me is significant. Where Gannon was when it happened is significant. If he coughed up blood, wiped his face on his arm or sleeve, he'd SEE that he was bleeding, which may have come as a scary surprise to him.....

Where might he have been? Near the couch? In a bathroom? In the stairwell? In his bedroom?

And from where did his blood come? A head injury? An abdominal injury? A bowel injury?

Can we rewind the clock and take that precious boy TO THE HOSPITAL? And take TS back to hell, from whence she came?

I’ve been gone for a few days...sometimes I will take a break from a case because of nightmares. Not to mention all of this quarantine madness, working from home, and homeschooling! It’s a lot!

Anyways, returning today and doing a little catch up. Two new ideas came to mind:

1) Could the murder have taken place from 11-1 on Monday, like we originally thought? I had a thought...the blood in his room was from Sunday night. He was severely injured...and lost a good amount of blood. Could the blood have coagulated by Monday (maybe that’s why he seemed ‘drugged’ in the video), therefor no trace in the red truck? The blood throughout the house, and in TS car could have been from her clean-up job Monday afternoon.

2) I believe she went to SC with her daughter and their belongings, and once there asked a family member to stay with HH while she went to a “job interview.” My theory is she rented another vehicle from SC on or around Feb. 2 and drove to Pace, FL to dispose of Gannon’s remains. Maybe she managed to take G’s remains with her to SC...or maybe she went back to CO to pick them up?
LE may be able to differentiate blood spatter from an instrument from blood spray from a cough.... but we do hear Gannon cough, a wet cough, in the Sunday night video.

We know the video starts upstairs. Possibly in LaiS's room or just as possible, in the master bedroom, with LaiS bedded there. TS moves past the kitchen, TV in the living room is visible....and then it generally goes black... is she walking down the stairs at this point? If she's anywhere upstairs, I wonder if there's a location where Gannon may have cowered, and coughed. Did THAT location ever get tested???? (LE missed the blood on the toilet and tub in the Patrick Frazee case -- KB's own family discovered it.) Could there be a location (where Gannon coughed) TS cleaned well enough, it was never noticed????? Or did she go all the way downstairs? Was Gannon in his room? And his cough sent a spray on the walls? Not enough to suggest a VIOLENT EVENT. Yet. But combined with greater bloodshed to follow?

That cough to me is significant. Where Gannon was when it happened is significant. If he coughed up blood, wiped his face on his arm or sleeve, he'd SEE that he was bleeding, which may have come as a scary surprise to him.....

Where might he have been? Near the couch? In a bathroom? In the stairwell? In his bedroom?

And from where did his blood come? A head injury? An abdominal injury? A bowel injury?

Can we rewind the clock and take that precious boy TO THE HOSPITAL? And take TS back to hell, from whence she came?

When I listen to it there is a echo when she first starts talking to him. It sounds like when I'm on the phone with my sister and she walks into the bathroom. There's an echo.

But, then it changes, as if she squats down or such to talk to him. The echo disapates.
Left the house for the first time in weeks, took a drive up Perry Park Road.....

My heart is heavy.

To think she did something so ugly, so vile, so serpentine against such a majestic backdrop, it's grotesque. Just grotesque. A violation of all that is good...

I cannot get my head around her decisions. Not the least of which, the location she picked. It makes no sense. Even if I reverse engineer it, starting at her postsplain -- the trip to Castle Rock that she never took, the bike shopping that never happened, forced detour off of I-25 because of dubious car accident. The only truth, that she got lost. THAT PART is credible. Because I did too. Very easy to get turned around with all those winding offroads. That she did any of it at night is mind boggling. It would've had to be dark as pitch out there. Only her exit from the highway would have beenit up like day. Exit 105 is a hub in Monument, a huge cluster of restaurants, gas stations, businesses. A CRAZY exit to take. Unless you have a destination (or general location) already in mind. Very quickly though it becomes less commercial...two small towns, Palmer Lake and Larkspur, with houses -- some closer together, some farther apart -- along the way. No good place to stop.

She must've been out that way before. Family daytrip to Spruce Mountain? All those trails, perhaps she had a very real memory of some remote locations???? Still, her choice just makes no sense. If it was between 11 and 1 that day, she would have quickly been pressed for time.... she would have been a long way from Mandan....and 3:15 would have been pressing down on her.

It's hard to fathom that her first foray out there was Tuesday night... so dark....perhaps it would feel more desolate.... I can't imagine getting lost, turned around out there after dark, with no phone for navigation to get back out....

I have been in the camp where the murder occurred between 11 and 1 .... but I can't quite reconcile the rental... was it JUST to keep AS out of her car? Was there blood in her car? Bloody sheets waiting for disposal... or a body, after all? And no way for her to get the body from her car to the rental so she HAD to take her own car? But was that part of her reasoning for GETTING the rental, for transport? But she had to reject that plan?

Or did she in fact murder Gannon between 11 and 1, but at a location as yet undiscovered by LE? And she moved him on Tuesday, from there to Perry Park, and then again, to Florida? We know she's not adverse to moving him. Monster. In this scenario, it under-utilizes the rental ....

Did she make THREE separate excursions to PP? Monday at noon, Tuesday at 9 pm and again on the 31st?

Is LE right that she DID go there to make sure he was concealed, only they are off by WHICH trip of hers she did that? They didn't know that she'd EVER moved him, at that point....

Could it be she left him at PP on Monday, went back on Tuesday to move him farther, under the cover of night (and really did get lost, driving around in the dark, unsure of the exact location she'd been to the day before), and then again on Friday, before removing him altogether?

Is EVERYTHING about her frenetic????? I can't follow her movements, her explanations, her ENGLISH.


...where in Hell's name did she go on Monday, between 11 and 1 and why??????

Could there be a mystery location?

Just how many times did TS move his precious body?

Just when did TS remove the suitcase from the home?

As an aside, hers and mine, outside of these events, was TS ACTIVELY planning to bolt? The Google searches --apartments in Florida. Flight attendant jobs. Could she ALREADY have had a (brown) suitcase packed, ready to grab at a moment's notice? And then something happened on Sunday night that gelled it, only with a whole different HOMICIDAL urgency????

So many questions....

Sobering to travel her path.

And yet, what remains for me is how beautiful the area was and how beautiful it remains. Mountains and spruce trees, a mountain lake and some million dollar houses, gorgeous rock formations and stately deer, standing guard with a gentle innocence....

It's like all that was putrid blew in with TS and blew right back out, a stench that followed her all the way to where she sits now. Cold, stark, stenchfilled. Essence of T.

May she stew in it.

And Gannon, you are beautiful. She tried but she didn't succeed in taking that away from you....

What remains is the pursuit of justice, to keep TS as far away as possible from life as she knew it.

I wish there were a way to prevent her from so much as seeing another mountain, another sunrise, another sunset, another thing of beauty....

I don't know if this has been discussed yet, but I searched the address for the PetCo on the AA and found it to be close to the Garden Of The Gods where they went hiking on Sunday. I just find it odd that she did not choose the one closer to her house.
When I listen to it there is a echo when she first starts talking to him. It sounds like when I'm on the phone with my sister and she walks into the bathroom. There's an echo.

But, then it changes, as if she squats down or such to talk to him. The echo disapates.

If Gannon's in a bathroom when he coughs, I sure hope LE swabbed multiple locations in the house.

I wonder how much LaiS was able to explain, of her memory of the events of that night. She was in bed so maybe she didn't SEE anything but perhaps she could describe where TS had been.....

Just how many times did she injure him on Sunday?????

Who wrote the request, TS herself? I'm seriously worried the conviction is going to be overturned based on ineffective counsel!! What. the. heck??!!
My thoughts exactly!! TS must have written it because no attorney would send such a request without substantiating documentation ???
Her defense team is throwing whatever they can out there to see what sticks !!
They are desperate because they know this goose is cooked and they have nothing else.
LS probably told them to do this--sounds like T-splaing BS to me LOL
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Is this on the original? There are many claims it is not and was later added on by someone. I believe that is why the moderater was wanting only an original video posted on here.

I heard the original, from her FB page and the "I'm bleeding" was not on it.
A youtuber got ahold of it and the next day showed it, and the "bleeding" comment was there at the end.
It's possible the youtuber got ahold of an edited version but there are many versions out there now.
When I listen to it there is a echo when she first starts talking to him. It sounds like when I'm on the phone with my sister and she walks into the bathroom. There's an echo.

But, then it changes, as if she squats down or such to talk to him. The echo disapates.

I had the same thought. How the sound is different from a carpeted room into a tile or linoleum room like the bathroom or kitchen.
About the tissues described in the AA.
This was already suggested by some who I think nailed it. It helped cement how I think things went down at the station when she finally decided it was time to bring her pre-written list of lies along to face LE.

Im guessing as she was being interrogated, she threw in a little fake crying and grabbed some tissues to wipe at her dry eyes for special effect. Then when the DNA testing subject was thrown at her, she panicked and stuffed the tissues down her pants thinking they had traces of her DNA.

Then when she realized LE would end up getting a warrant to take her DNA one way or another, she has fake chest pains and ends up getting an ambulance called because LE has to cover themselves for liability reasons.

The ride over there in the ambulance must have been a hoot. She was playing unconscious and would not respond to questions but then she had a miraculous recovery once at the hospital.

She manages to leave the hospital without LE because they likely did not have the paperwork yet to force a hold on her.

Her time would eventually come when they caught up with her in Carolina.
Will the video of this interrogation become available?
I’ve been gone for a few days...sometimes I will take a break from a case because of nightmares. Not to mention all of this quarantine madness, working from home, and homeschooling! It’s a lot!

Anyways, returning today and doing a little catch up. Two new ideas came to mind:

1) Could the murder have taken place from 11-1 on Monday, like we originally thought? I had a thought...the blood in his room was from Sunday night. He was severely injured...and lost a good amount of blood. Could the blood have coagulated by Monday (maybe that’s why he seemed ‘drugged’ in the video), therefor no trace in the red truck? The blood throughout the house, and in TS car could have been from her clean-up job Monday afternoon.

2) I believe she went to SC with her daughter and their belongings, and once there asked a family member to stay with HH while she went to a “job interview.” My theory is she rented another vehicle from SC on or around Feb. 2 and drove to Pace, FL to dispose of Gannon’s remains. Maybe she managed to take G’s remains with her to SC...or maybe she went back to CO to pick them up?
Your theory is absolutely possible. But how are you figuring in his death?

#2 in your theory makes more sense. I believe that from the moment she put Gannon's body inside the suitcase, it was never out of her sight.
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