Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #48

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Oh Gosh. LS is talking more.....LS called Leigh Egan from the El Paso County jail......

Update on Letecia from Leigh Egan from CrimeOnline on WS Youtube tonight.

This is in the first few minutes of the show.
A recorded call from jail to Leigh is played. I cannot decipher some of is brief, basically, LS running her duck lips saying AS was a serial cheater. Leigh Egan emphasizes this is all alleged. LS wants to make it clear she did not steal or cheat with AS when he was with Landen. Landen warned LS about AS cheating. Mentions the new girlfriend that AS has now. AS cheated in Alaska, that is the reason they left Alaska.

I feel dirty typing this. I hate her (to be clear this is me DTPeke saying this part)....LOL:mad::(:eek::D

LS maintains her innocence. NOT TAKING ANY RESPONSIBILITY TO WHAT HAPPENED TO GANNON. LS shared her theory/story of what actually happened to Gannon. Leigh was not comfortable sharing this part of the conversation until it is run through the Crime Online legal department. Apparently LS named/accused people.

LS gets one hour out of her cell daily when she can make calls but Leigh says it is not a set time and has missed previous calls from her. Leigh says LS loves to talk.

BOTH Tricia and Leigh warn that this is LS and be careful what is believed. ALL is alleged.

I am falling asleep. Night night termites. Hope that was coherent. Please excuse any typos or missed info....

Oh god!
I cannot believe my ears...
This lady is quite likely to insist upon defending herself!
And boring us all to within an inch of our lives.
If she's going down and even if she is not, she's taking as many as possible with her.
She's not finished with Al yet, not by a long shot..
OH My God!
Miss Malice.
I just knew LS wasn't going to shut up and follow her attorney's advice.
I'll repeat again. She reminds me of Jodi Arias. We haven't heard the last of her.
We'll probably get a weekly installment.
We'll become fodder for her, enablers if we're not careful.
This one is on a high road to hell and she's not goin' alone.
I expect you are correct, @Seattle1. She'll be found competent. But I don't see anything in your attached material that says 24 hour notice is to be given to the prosecution before any restoration care commences. So I'm not sure that's true.

I remember the prosecution objected to immediate restoration. I can think of several reasons why. But I don't see anything in what you've attached about the prosecution being given 24 hours notice so I don't think we can guess the competency outcome on that basis.

The only place 24 hours is mentioned that I can see is in (4). And I'm not an attorney but it seems that has to do with sending materials TO Pueblo for the upcoming eval.

In (3) the prosecution's objection is noted. But I think this is why as the citation matches the citation in (3) of the order (italics and bold added by me below)

(b.5) When the court orders an inpatient evaluation, the court shall advise the defendant that restoration services may commence immediately if the evaluation concludes that the defendant is incompetent to proceed, unless either party objects at the time of the advisement, or within seventy-two hours after the receipt of the written evaluation submitted to the court. The court shall record any objection to the order of commitment to the department.

From Section 16-8.5-105 - [Effective Until TBD] Evaluations, locations, time frames, and report, Colo. Rev. Stat. § 16-8.5-105 | Casetext Search + Citator
Thanks @NCWatcher for the correction -- I'm recalling 24 hold prior to restoration specific to Tier1, and I may have read ahead. I recall new provisions effective July 2020 and Jan 2021.

My mistake, carry on. :)
You're so correct.
And Gannon didn't deserve this.
Do you think this was revenge because AS cheated on her? I have wondered.
I don't think she needed a reason, I think she hated both Landen and Al and everybody else she ever encountered.. I always thought she hated Landen more but now she's in a place where she has nothing left to lose and it's all seemingly festering and again, it's no longer about Gannon, the wee child whose life she allegedly stole, it's about her again and her power to destroy all and sundry.
I don't think she needed a reason, I think she hated both Landen and Al and everybody else she ever encountered.. I always thought she hated Landen more but now she's in a place where she has nothing left to lose and it's all seemingly festering and again, it's no longer about Gannon, the wee child whose life she allegedly stole, it's about her again and her power to destroy all and sundry.
Perhaps these words she is saying is digging the knife in deeper for Landon too. Definitely trying to give blame to AS imo.
Is anyone else wondering who is feeding her the latest outside drama? She has not made one mention of Al allegedly being a cheat in all this time,and yet in true LS fashion, as soon as social media blows up with more 'information' there she is shouting her mouth off,trying to control the narrative!.
There has been all sorts suggested over social media and youtube etc with regards to Al and his new girlfriend,and rumours of cheating up the wazoo from so called inside sources,rumours that IMO have reached their way to LS in jail so she needs to put in her two pennies worth and make sure no one else is getting her share of the attention!.
Is anyone else wondering who is feeding her the latest outside drama? She has not made one mention of Al allegedly being a cheat in all this time,and yet in true LS fashion, as soon as social media blows up with more 'information' there she is shouting her mouth off,trying to control the narrative!.
There has been all sorts suggested over social media and youtube etc with regards to Al and his new girlfriend,and rumours of cheating up the wazoo from so called inside sources,rumours that IMO have reached their way to LS in jail so she needs to put in her two pennies worth and make sure no one else is getting her share of the attention!.
I wonder if she is obsessed with AS.
Honestly, her seeming obsession and jealousy seem like it could be motive in Gannon's murder.
I wonder if he cheated on her and she got revenge.
Wow! That's some kind of revenge!
Reminds me of Jodi Arias.
Both wacko's.
Is anyone else wondering who is feeding her the latest outside drama? She has not made one mention of Al allegedly being a cheat in all this time,and yet in true LS fashion, as soon as social media blows up with more 'information' there she is shouting her mouth off,trying to control the narrative!.
There has been all sorts suggested over social media and youtube etc with regards to Al and his new girlfriend,and rumours of cheating up the wazoo from so called inside sources,rumours that IMO have reached their way to LS in jail so she needs to put in her two pennies worth and make sure no one else is getting her share of the attention!.

I don't follow this case in social media so I had no idea there were rumors about AS's love life. But clearly someone is funneling this info into the jail for her.
Just trying to understand here.

Am I correct in thinking that Tee has finished the psych assessment and is back in “jail”?

That was pretty quick wasn’t it?

And another thing...I find it comical that when she has an opportunity to discuss her case with her lawyers she chooses to call a reporter.

I see a change in representation on the horizon. With all the evidence they have on Tee she hasn’t got a hope in hell in getting off. Her lawyers must be apoplectic.

She is an incredibly stupid piece of scrap.

Oh Gosh. LS is talking more.....LS called Leigh Egan from the El Paso County jail......

Update on Letecia from Leigh Egan from CrimeOnline on WS Youtube tonight.

This is in the first few minutes of the show.
A recorded call from jail to Leigh is played. I cannot decipher some of is brief, basically, LS running her duck lips saying AS was a serial cheater. Leigh Egan emphasizes this is all alleged. LS wants to make it clear she did not steal or cheat with AS when he was with Landen. Landen warned LS about AS cheating. Mentions the new girlfriend that AS has now. AS cheated in Alaska, that is the reason they left Alaska.

I feel dirty typing this. I hate her (to be clear this is me DTPeke saying this part)....LOL:mad::(:eek::D

LS maintains her innocence. NOT TAKING ANY RESPONSIBILITY TO WHAT HAPPENED TO GANNON. LS shared her theory/story of what actually happened to Gannon. Leigh was not comfortable sharing this part of the conversation until it is run through the Crime Online legal department. Apparently LS named/accused people.

LS gets one hour out of her cell daily when she can make calls but Leigh says it is not a set time and has missed previous calls from her. Leigh says LS loves to talk.

BOTH Tricia and Leigh warn that this is LS and be careful what is believed. ALL is alleged.

I am falling asleep. Night night termites. Hope that was coherent. Please excuse any typos or missed info....

Well I am not surprised at all... if there are any outside rumblings about AS it is gonna get to LS don’t know how but it will and that fueled LS to sing like a canary.. I knew that was coming and I am sure we haven’t heard the last of it. Just didn’t expect her to chirp so quick after the letter.... wow
Just trying to understand here.

Am I correct in thinking that Tee has finished the psych assessment and is back in “jail”?

That was pretty quick wasn’t it?

And another thing...I find it comical that when she has an opportunity to discuss her case with her lawyers she chooses to call a reporter.

I see a change in representation on the horizon. With all the evidence they have on Tee she hasn’t got a hope in hell in getting off. Her lawyers must be apoplectic.

She is an incredibly stupid piece of scrap.


I mentioned it before, way way back, long before she was arrested that a drama queen such as herself, that just loved all the attention she was getting and creating on social media, would just implode in jail, where she can't feast on all the drama, rumor, scandal and her name being in the spotlight.

I guess she figured out a way to make sure people are still talking about her. :mad:
Just trying to understand here.

Am I correct in thinking that Tee has finished the psych assessment and is back in “jail”?

That was pretty quick wasn’t it?

And another thing...I find it comical that when she has an opportunity to discuss her case with her lawyers she chooses to call a reporter.

I see a change in representation on the horizon. With all the evidence they have on Tee she hasn’t got a hope in hell in getting off. Her lawyers must be apoplectic.

She is an incredibly stupid piece of scrap.


Yes, she was back at the jail within 2 weeks of being transferred to the state hospital, if I recall correctly.

As far her meetings with her lawyers, I assume those are scheduled hours that have nothing to do with her daily one hour out of her cell when she chooses to call reporters. MOO
Hey Sleuth Bee,

I personally would be surprised if the jury for TS's trial were sequestered. Maybe fear of a COVID-infected juror mid-trial will make a difference. I agree that would be a big deal. But by that standard, all juries for trials lasting more than one day would have to be sequestered. And not only is that just not going to happen, even sequestration wouldn't be a guarantee against juror infection. (A false negative test result could happen with a juror at the beginning, for example. Or a baliff could pass the virus on as baliffs, the jury bus driver, hotel personnel, and so forth won't be sequestered.)

Sequestration is also costly and there have already been lots of court-related expenses for COVID (Cleaning courthouse, retrofits, etc.) Testing is also costly and rapid tests are not available everywhere. Finally, rapid COVID test results are less accurate than the takes-days slower PCR tests. Some estimate that half of the rapid negative results are wrong. In other words, half of the people who are told they are negative for COVID are positive. But even the slower PCR tests can be be wrong too. One study showed a 29% false negative rate.
Here’s Why We Can’t Rely on Rapid Coronavirus Testing

While we feel THIS trial is incredibly important (and it is) any criminal trial is important for the people involved and for the long-term maintenance of social order. So I don't think a decision can be made for sequestration based on the perceived "importance" of a given trial. And if there was a ranking of trial importance, how could that be done? If it's a murder trial, number of people killed? Only one person here. Would this trial be less important than a trial that involved two murders? Or three? Ugh. Public interest? Yikes. Bad precedent.

I agree there are issues related to rearranging the courtroom seating. But I disagree that all courtrooms are set up the same way. When we saw TS in court in March, she was seated in the jury box. Had jurors been seated there, it certainly appeared they would have had a full frontal view of the faces of all those at the defense and prosecution tables. All jury boxes are not like that.

Jurors can definitely see at least the sides of the faces of witnesses (although experienced witnesses often turn towards the jury during testimony) when I've been on juries in two different NC counties. But the faces of the defense and prosecution members were mostly viewable from the side depending on where one was seated in the box. And defense attorneys usually blocked the side view of defendents as their facial expressions aren't evidence unless they are on the stand. (On the other hand, some regard the defense's success in positioning Casey Anthony facing the jury as key to her aquittal. Certainly she behaved differently in the presence of the jury. Others blame sequestration. Still others blame the state for overcharging.)

When I've been a juror, those seated at one end towards the middle of the jury box had a good view of the judge and witnesses, side view of everyone else. Seated at the other end of the box, better view of defense/prosecution, less good view of the judge and witnesses.

I understand that sequestration affects the lives of those who are sequestered. And some legal experts have argued that sequestration can lead to poor decision-making by juries, in part because sequestration is so disruptive. Leaving that argument aside, I don't see how one could possibly "ask for volunteers." That's just not how jury selection works. And if that were done, I think it could constitute reversible error.

Finally, Rule 24 of the Colorado Rules of Criminal Procedure state (my italics):

"The court should only sequester jurors in extraordinary cases. Otherwise, (J)urors should be permitted to separate during all trial recesses, both before and after the case has been submitted to the jury for deliberation. Cautionary instructions as to their conduct during all recesses shall be given to the jurors by the court."

The jury wasn't sequestered in Colorado in the James Holmes case even though the defense requested it because of concerns over media influences during trial and potential juror exposure to inadmissable evidence. And that case involved the killing of 12 people and injury to 70 others.

Earlier someone posted sequestration was needed because TS is violent and bribes people. I can't find that post now, but it's not clear to me how sequestering the jury would be prevent TS from trying to exhibit violence in the courtroom. I also am drawing a blank on when she's been convicted of bribery (and how she could actually bribe an un-sequestered jury. What resources does she have? She's hardly a Mafia boss.)

I don't know what the solution is re: COVID. But I don't think sequestration is a magic bullet. And even if it was, there's still the issue of everyone else-- prosecution, defense, judge, witnesses, court reporters, baliffs, family members....

Hey NCWatcher

Your response was above and beyond my hope for a reply plus continued discussion about COVID's effect on an upcoming trial. I appreciate your attention and thank you for the points and information you offered for this discussion. I am a bit embarrassed as my ideas of volunteering for the jury and sequestration with luxury accommodations and meals was mostly fictitious.

The situation is unprecedented, so the best solution will require the input of several points of view and positions. Adhering to COVID precautions without hindering the criminal case will not be an easy feat.

For the record, I think your points pretty much scratch off jury sequestration as a solution for the COVID issue ;) But there is no harm in fantasizing of fine accommodations and dining then voting to convict such a vicious and pathetic excuse of a human being (TS).
I don't follow this case in social media so I had no idea there were rumors about AS's love life. But clearly someone is funneling this info into the jail for her.

Yep,the past week or so it has gone a bit crazy,names,accusations,etc. Then people countering,saying that if she had known about an affair she would have been shouting about it left,right and centre and now,like the bad Penny she is,she has obviously heard all about it and up she pops again :rolleyes:
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