Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #48

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Yep,the past week or so it has gone a bit crazy,names,accusations,etc. Then people countering,saying that if she had known about an affair she would have been shouting about it left,right and centre and now,like the bad Penny she is,she has obviously heard all about it and up she pops again :rolleyes:

Well lets keep the Facecrack drama there, shall we? :cool:
Just some thoughts as I read her letter of complaint.
There may be a policy in place to provide Ensure to inmates when their daily intake drops below a certain percentage. I've seen some purposely not eat in order to obtain Ensure. It's a sweet treat for some. Also a way to lose weight, if you rely on it for all meals. Would TS do that and later complain that she was afraid that she was being poisoned?
Also I have seen many, not some, who are in restraints, purposely cause self injury by friction or jerking their arms/legs, in order to cause trouble for their care takers. It doesn't work, as their game is quite transparent. But it is very common, nonetheless. Would TS do this?
Of course she would. Moo

Very interesting & informative @Fireflize! I totally agree with you that LS would do all of these things to herself and then cry foul and play the victim! Maybe the Ensure was a way for her to try to loose weight, I mean she'd measured the window and needed to slim down for her broomstick escape! :rolleyes::D

Very interesting & informative @Fireflize! I totally agree with you that LS would do all of these things to herself and then cry foul and play the victim! Maybe the Ensure was a way for her to try to loose weight, I mean she'd measured the window and needed to slim down for her broomstick escape! :rolleyes::D

You know, now that you mention it, I bet that was her plan, snicker snort. Moo
My take is different. She has lost complete control. Of her narrative, of her former life, of facebook, of her normal drama.

What she CAN control is eating. So she creates drama -- people are pushing her nutter butter -- because she WANTS PANERA. Jail doesn't mind. She doesn't want PB&J, they're happy to provide manufacturer-sealed meal replacements. IMO NOT the outcome she was hoping for.

T can't handle being treated like one of many. IMO

Also IMO, she's LEGALLY CAPABLE of participating in her own defense, but she's JMO JMO JMO eating up all of her attorneys' time blathering about her PI, about poison, about constitutional violations, about knowing who did this but not saying.

The sooner she controls her mouth, the sooner she can let her defense team get a word in, so she can effectively participate in her own defense. Then she can maybe have an ounce of say over WHERE she spends her LWOP.

She still thinks she's getting out.

Newsflash: (IMO) THAT'S not happening. Stuff napkins in your pants, claim a peanut allergy, spout constitutional violations, wrap yourself in a flag, it's not happening.

I'm just sorry she's able to continue inflicting pain on Gannon's family.

May it somehow provide them a piece of peace to know that T isn't garnering any sympathy, just showing the world what's she's made of. And it'd not pretty.

Pilar of nothing but desparation.


AMEN & applauding your post @Megnut!!! Agree 110%, she's lost control (of everything) and can't stand it! I also think this letter is the product of her being in solitary and not having contact with anyone to listen to her blabbering!! She's going into BS withdraw and has been storing all of this up......and it came out ALL at once like verbal diarrhea in a 4 page letter to the judge!

I suspect that you're right that she spends all her time with her defense talking about herself, the PI, her "EDD", peanut butter, etc and they can't even begin to deal with the actual case! It is telling that she mentions that she had to write this letter to tell the judge because her attorneys "have refused to let you know due to the public knowing" (whatever in the world that means :confused:) I'm sure they advised her NOT to write this letter as it goes against her competency claim & can be used as evidence in trial. OF course she didn't listen to them because good 'ole Dr. Stauch always knows best! Keep writing T it's not going to help you, nothing can!

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I don't follow this case in social media so I had no idea there were rumors about AS's love life. But clearly someone is funneling this info into the jail for her.

Leigh was on Websleuths with Trish discussing LS's letter last week, and Leigh mentioned that she was going to ask LS about AS's alleged affair the next time she called her from jail. Leigh said she was sure that LS would call her again, little did she know it would be so soon! I'm not doubting that someone would be giving LS info in jail, but Leigh came out and asked LS about the affair. Without hesitation, LS trashed AS and had a whole story about all of his affairs and said that LH had warned her! Sadly, this is just the beginning of the mud she's going to bring out and drag AS & LH through i
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Oh Gosh. LS is talking more.....LS called Leigh Egan from the El Paso County jail......

Update on Letecia from Leigh Egan from CrimeOnline on WS Youtube tonight.

This is in the first few minutes of the show.
A recorded call from jail to Leigh is played. I cannot decipher some of is brief, basically, LS running her duck lips saying AS was a serial cheater. Leigh Egan emphasizes this is all alleged. LS wants to make it clear she did not steal or cheat with AS when he was with Landen. Landen warned LS about AS cheating. Mentions the new girlfriend that AS has now. AS cheated in Alaska, that is the reason they left Alaska.

I feel dirty typing this. I hate her (to be clear this is me DTPeke saying this part)....LOL:mad::(:eek::D

LS maintains her innocence. NOT TAKING ANY RESPONSIBILITY TO WHAT HAPPENED TO GANNON. LS shared her theory/story of what actually happened to Gannon. Leigh was not comfortable sharing this part of the conversation until it is run through the Crime Online legal department. Apparently LS named/accused people.

LS gets one hour out of her cell daily when she can make calls but Leigh says it is not a set time and has missed previous calls from her. Leigh says LS loves to talk.

BOTH Tricia and Leigh warn that this is LS and be careful what is believed. ALL is alleged.

I am falling asleep. Night night termites. Hope that was coherent. Please excuse any typos or missed info....

OMG, does this woman *ever* shut up? Listening now - I've been busy with other stuff and missed the @Tricia podcast.

I can't wait for Leigh to check with legal regarding LS's latest "theory" about Gannon's death. Leigh says LS will not take any responsibility for his death. I can't wait to see what crackerdoodle stuff spewed from LS's mouth.

And kudos to @leighEg for continuing to interact with LS.

Tricia's description of LS and her lies coming from a lifetime of her family believing her lies or at least tolerating and ignoring them IMO is right on, not unlike CA. In any case I'm personally a firm believer that no matter how outrageous one's upbringing is there comes a time of reckoning and once one is an adult it's their responsibility to self examine their beliefs and behavior and become responsible for how they act going forward.

Apparently LS didn't get that memo. SMDH and MOO.
Leigh was on Websleuths with Trish discussing LS's letter last week, and Leigh mentioned that she was going to ask LS about AS's alleged affair the next time she called her from jail. Leigh said she was sure that LS would call her again, little did she know it would be so soon! I'm not doubting that someone would be giving LS info in jail, but Leigh came out and asked LS about the affair. Without hesitation, LS trashed AS and had a whole story about all of his affairs and said that LH had warned her! Sadly, this is just the beginning of the mud she's going to bring out and drag AS & LH through in the trial!

MOO, MOO, MOO I do think AS was cheating and while this wasn't the sole reason, it was a contributing factor in LS's spite, rage and jealousy! (Remember her wacky Google searches?) Still it's no excuse for what poor Gannon had to endure and or for his murder! Nothing is, and I hope LS is miserable and rots in prison with threatening peanut butter for the rest of her life! However after reading that letter, seeing her backward interview, and observing LS over the past 7 months, I do think that AS had to know that she was less than kind to those children, that she had a history of violence, wasn't normal, and was vengeful & why didn't he divorce her sooner & WHY did he leave his children alone in her care??

My thoughts too after this latest fiasco.
If true.
Anyway, I console myself by seeing Gannon as a shining star, above all of it, above all who ever harmed him in any way at all. Knowingly and unknowingly for any and every reason.
Love to you Gannon, in whatever sphere you are occupying away from all the awful drama.
Just catching up in here and reading the letter to the Judge.
Really ??!?!?
Threats in her P-Nut Butter??? LOL Ensure ??? POISON comments?? Boo Hoo
Let's see--Over 15 times she has been abused--How many times did SHE ABUSE GANNON??? .. She is crying about injured ribs, knot on her head (apparently NOT hard enough, IMO) ankle and wrist bleeding, bruises in her knee in her cell ??? (How did that happen??what was she doing on her knees in her cell??)
Oh, MY Goodness-
Gee LS, Let's talk about all the harm you did to innocent, little Gannon, shall we ??
I am so mad that she is trying to play the victim but I also find hope and humor that NOBODY, not even the Judge, bothers to acknowledge it.
All she is doing is trying to manipulate and control the court system.
She obviously is not happy where she is at. GOOD.. I am happy to hear that. IMO
OK--rant over. Just Unbelievable.
I cannot stand this monster.
You're so correct.
And Gannon didn't deserve this.
Do you think this was revenge because AS cheated on her? I have wondered.
That never entered my mind until LS most recent phone call with the reporter LE. I understand the reporter did not want to share all during the WS YT but it's sounding more like AS leaving for DIA one day before his flight was the catalyst for what followed.

I just wish I could unsee poor Gannon hobbling to dad's truck with that monster on his last Monday alive. :(
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That never entered my mind until LS most recent phone call with the reporter LE. I understand the reporter did not want to share all during the WS YT but it's sounding more like AS leaving for DIA one day before his flight was the catalyst for what followed.

I just wish I could unsee poor Gannon hobbling to dad's truck with that monster on his last Monday alive. :(
This is what makes me wonder if GS's murder was premeditated.
There's something about LS taking the kids hiking the day before I think might be sinister too.
So, if LS found out AS was cheating on her, while she was the primary caretaker for his children, Gannon's murder might have been revenge. AS hearing him suffer on her phone recording is another thing I think might apply as revenge.
Not sure because it all seems pretty wacko to me, but then again, she does seem wacko to me.
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