Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #12

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''Instead they said he did not get out on the other side''
Could you please post an MSM link where the police stated this.
I think the OP may mean that LE is not disputing the neighbors account of what happened, which is that Gannon did not return with TS.

But you are right that they did not use those particular words. It wasn't in quotations so it was probably an interpretation of what LE said. Jmo

"I caught Gannon getting into her vehicle at 10:13 Monday morning," Drayton said. He said the video shows the truck returning to the house at 2:19 p.m. but Gannon is nowhere to be seen. I just kept searching and I saw where she came back. And he didn’t get out of the vehicle. So she came back by herself about four hours later," Drayton said. Drayton says he showed the security footage for Gannon’s father on Sunday."He just broke down crying and said, 'she lied. She lied about the time. He didn’t go to a friend’s house,'" Drayton said."

A spokeswoman for the El Paso County Sheriff’s Department said investigators have a copy of the video and do not dispute Drayton’s description of what the footage purportedly shows. The video, they caution, is only one part of the investigation." Family of missing Colorado boy makes tearful plea after new surveillance video revealed

This has been posted so many times. LE does not dispute that the video they have, from the neighbor (not the one we've seen, the actual, full video, with audio) shows TS returning in the truck at 2:19pm alone. By herself. No Gannon. That's how it was described by the neighbor, that's what AS saw, that caused him to break down in tears and accuse TS of being a liar.

That's LE's version.
Take it or leave it.
I'm inclined to believe them.

ETA: additional thoughts and bolded what the neighbor said about TS returning home alone, and NOT seeing Gannon ever get out of the truck.
i often think about getting that link tattooed on my hand....
has anyone been able to locate a twitter update on current search efforts? Wondering if they picked up where they left off last night and are still digging under that tree and behind that gate?
I just posted the same thing! I am guessing that reporters are taking shifts and wondered if there is anyone "new" to follow today.

Eager for news....

Will someone please explain to me (and to others also wondering) for what this acronym "MOO" I keep seeing in this forum stands. I assume the initialism is not some bovine reference. I've gotten most of the other relevant initialisms (AS, GS, LE, LS/SM, etc.). But I'm still out in the pasture about this "MOO" business. Thank you.
bbm in red

"I caught Gannon getting into her vehicle at 10:13 Monday morning," Drayton said. He said the video shows the truck returning to the house at 2:19 p.m. but Gannon is nowhere to be seen. I just kept searching and I saw where she came back. And he didn’t get out of the vehicle. So she came back by herself about four hours later," Drayton said. Drayton says he showed the security footage for Gannon’s father on Sunday."He just broke down crying and said, 'she lied. She lied about the time. He didn’t go to a friend’s house,'" Drayton said."

A spokeswoman for the El Paso County Sheriff’s Department said investigators have a copy of the video and do not dispute Drayton’s description of what the footage purportedly shows. The video, they caution, is only one part of the investigation." Family of missing Colorado boy makes tearful plea after new surveillance video revealed

This has been posted so many times. LE does not dispute that the video they have, from the neighbor (not the one we've seen, the actual, full video, with audio) shows TS returning in the truck at 2:19pm alone. By herself. No Gannon. That's how it was described by the neighbor, that's what AS saw, that caused him to break down in tears and accuse TS of being a liar.

That's LE's version.
Take it or leave it.
I'm inclined to believe them.

ETA: additional thoughts and bolded what the neighbor said about TS returning home alone, and NOT seeing Gannon ever get out of the truck.
That does not confirm that "Drayton's description of what the footage purportedly shows" is accurate to what actually occurred.

In essence, LE does not dispute that RD described what he saw, not that what RD described is actually what happened.

Upon initial review it appears only SM exits the truck, but if you go beyond basic viewing of the video and examine all areas shown in the video we do see other elements that might suggest things might not be what they seem (upon initial, basic review). I, and other individuals, see shadows both above and below the vehicle proper.

Therefore, I am reserved in defining exactly only what is directly observable (that only SM exited) and remain open to the possibility that someone (assumed GS since we assume it was he who entered the vehicle earlier) GS exited the other side.

LE has not definitively commented that GS did not exit the vehicle. If I missed that, please provide a link.

ETA: spelling
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Will someone please explain to me (and to others also wondering) for what this acronym "MOO" I keep seeing in this forum stands. I assume the initialism is not some bovine reference. I've gotten most of the other relevant initialisms (AS, GS, LE, LS/SM, etc.). But I'm still out in the pasture about this "MOO" business. Thank you.
My opinion only
Eta: or My only opinion
Take your pick. lol I had to smile at the bovine.
Will someone please explain to me (and to others also wondering) for what this acronym "MOO" I keep seeing in this forum stands. I assume the initialism is not some bovine reference. I've gotten most of the other relevant initialisms (AS, GS, LE, LS/SM, etc.). But I'm still out in the pasture about this "MOO" business. Thank you.
MOO My Own Opinion also JMO Just My Opinion
Will someone please explain to me (and to others also wondering) for what this acronym "MOO" I keep seeing in this forum stands. I assume the initialism is not some bovine reference. I've gotten most of the other relevant initialisms (AS, GS, LE, LS/SM, etc.). But I'm still out in the pasture about this "MOO" business. Thank you.
MOO = My Opinion Only

jmo (Just My Opinion)
I'm the step of a child who was difficult and damaged at age 5. I went through HE double hockey sticks for years. When he was 11 he choked my 5yo daughter. But never once did I get violent with him. Yelled, grounded, took away privileges, put him in touch with bio-mom ( who had abandoned him), told my hubby he had to man up and deal with reality. But I love the (now adult) kid and can't imagine "disappearing" him. :(

KathrynL, I read your post and it brought tears to my eyes,as it brought home to me a very painful memory and experience. Thank you for you being honest and sharing it with us. You are a amazing person and Mom.
I know and liked how people opinions in looking at this case.
Everyone love and hope for Gannon shines through your words on every thread.

Forgive me for not expressing my thoughts and opinions of the Step Mother, I admit, IMO her words and actions are questionable but I cannot judge I will leave it for the law enforces to collect evidence for when you have been placed in in a such a situation you cannot make judgement without evidence.
In my past and personal experience(Welfare Child,long story) when I was 11 years of age for a period of 18 months I was accused of a crime I did not commit, last years I manage to get my Welfare files and of the incident and it was badly handled.
I was in a Children Homes in 1979, new House Mother kicked me out,after she finished slapping and punching me all to the fact I caught a young boy going through my things, I grabbed his arm and shoved him out of my room,through the punches I find out it is her son. Removed to another Children home, there only three weeks, as she informs them/Welfare she is filing charges , I was removed to Remand Center for five weeks......waiting impending charges nonething happens no police interveiws no Children court no body asks me any questions during this time I had no idea what is going on. Welfare transferes me to a Girls Detention Center for accessment, I am there over 14 months before the matter is dropped I am released two days before my 13th birthday
(What I witnessed in the Girls Remand Center I gave an Account to Royal Commission 4 years ago and Redress 10 years).
What I found in my Welfare files was the former House Mother gave Six different stories,no evidence, vague details no name.time or place where it happened, all these statement were given house mother refused to sign statements.
This dragged out for 14 months before someone finally contact the police to investigate suddenly the matter was dropped.
I am not the only Welfare Child this has happened too.

Wishing and praying for Gannon to be found soon.
My issue with the video of the truck is that it looks a lil high up , so if G was there getting out of the passenger side I think we should see his lil feet jumping down not just a shadow. Or 1 foot at a time at least. You can clearly see under the truck to the other side on the ground. I looked and looked on a slowed down version of it on YouTube and the regular one too. I saw no feet.

"I caught Gannon getting into her vehicle at 10:13 Monday morning," Drayton said. He said the video shows the truck returning to the house at 2:19 p.m. but Gannon is nowhere to be seen. I just kept searching and I saw where she came back. And he didn’t get out of the vehicle. So she came back by herself about four hours later," Drayton said. Drayton says he showed the security footage for Gannon’s father on Sunday."He just broke down crying and said, 'she lied. She lied about the time. He didn’t go to a friend’s house,'" Drayton said."

A spokeswoman for the El Paso County Sheriff’s Department said investigators have a copy of the video and do not dispute Drayton’s description of what the footage purportedly shows. The video, they caution, is only one part of the investigation." Family of missing Colorado boy makes tearful plea after new surveillance video revealed

This has been posted so many times. LE does not dispute that the video they have, from the neighbor (not the one we've seen, the actual, full video, with audio) shows TS returning in the truck at 2:19pm alone. By herself. No Gannon. That's how it was described by the neighbor, that's what AS saw, that caused him to break down in tears and accuse TS of being a liar.

That's LE's version.
Take it or leave it.
I'm inclined to believe them.

ETA: additional thoughts and bolded what the neighbor said about TS returning home alone, and NOT seeing Gannon ever get out of the truck.

But that's not a "theory." If it's true that LE has concluded that the video shows the stepmother arriving at home without Gannon at 2:19, that part would be a fact. The THEORY part is why he can't have come home and left between 2:19 and 3:00-3:15 some other way (it appears that the father assumed that he could not have). If the stepmother doesn't have an answer for that, there's the problem, imo.
Although suspicious, I’m not yet convinced this camera footage is the smoking gun. Because I work far from home I have 5 cameras at my home. Countless times I have seen my husband pull in and although the drivers side door is in full view of the camera at the time, there is nothing on the playback that shows him actually get out of the car. Other times you can see it clearly. Not saying SM is innocent only that I definitely don’t trust the camera to be accurate.
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