Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #12

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I am curious as to why LS would feel the need to volunteer this information in the first place. What good does it do her?
She is probably being coached by some of those same youtubers we've seen in the Watts case and recently the Heidi Broussard case. IE grooming/exploiting insiders and "friends" to appear on their channel$.
I really hate typing this but given how the searches are going I do worry about wild animals as time goes on.....
Groan...coyotes scavenged on my little brothers’s body. Omg, it was horrible to find and see. In the middle of a hot August. Thankfully Mother Nature may be helpful in preservation when they find Gannon. Prosecution needs all the evidence they can to judicially force the killer to pay the price for her crime.
So, everybody is off searching for Gannon.

What are the possibilities of her having had an opportunity to actually destroy his body?

What would be available for that purpose in the area, the 4 hr area, I mean?
Rubbish eaters ?
Dangerous acids in exposed vats- not likely, I know, but she had a week at least of a headstart..
Anything that would have been available to her on Monday January 27th? But not necessarily something that is always available..
Could, at a stretch be within a 2 hr drive...?

Do any local people know of any such thing, please?

I just had another thought while writing that.. is it possible she did a vehicle swap with owner of white VW before departing to wherever... borrowed it for a couple of hrs before collecting her own and leaving it back? Is that the reason it was taken for , presumably , forensics on the day she did the public TV rant?
A good cadaver dog can pick up scent within seconds, even if the source of the scent is then moved.

We had opportunity to study this in depth in the course of the Ying Ying Zhang murder.
could she have pushed him down a manhole?

Just in case this search doesn't turn up anything today, I'm refraining from hoping it will or becoming attached to an outcome from it because I think if he was there they would have found him yesterday... their first search point would have been the most obvious one. He wasn't there..

What OTHER options had she had she chosen to dispose of him in a pre-ordained area on that specific date and time?

Anybody feel like thinking about this?
If today's search turns up empty it will stop us drowning in lethargy and repetition, is all?

She is probably being coached by some of those same youtubers we've seen in the Watts case and recently the Heidi Broussard case. IE grooming/exploiting insiders and "friends" to appear on their channel$.

I have tried listening to those .....they just hurt my brain. I have yet to see one with any credible truth to them but then again, I can’t bare to listen for more than a minute. I am picky though so maybe it’s just me.
Groan...coyotes scavenged on my little brothers’s body. Omg, it was horrible to find and see. In the middle of a hot August. Thankfully Mother Nature may be helpful in preservation when they find Gannon. Prosecution needs all the evidence they can to judicially force the killer to pay the price for her crime.
That’s horrible. I’m sorry for your loss.
Hugs )))) ISG, Thank you for sharing this with us. So hard to loose a brother....Hope the cold snap helps preserve any evidence that helps LE.
This SM sooo reminds me of TMH. Please let the searchers be successful ! I will always keep Kyron and his family in my prayers. Sorry OT ...MOO
Can you guys please give me your thoughts on something that is driving me crazy.

If Gannon truly never came home that Monday. Why would she say he went missing sometime between 3:15 and 4 (when his friends AND SISTER would be home from school). Wouldn't his sister be able to immediately say she never saw him and everyone would immediately know Tee was lying?

If she is this good at hiding Gannon, wouldn't she have been able to come up with a story that couldn't immediately be proved false?

And if his little sister did see him after she got off of the bus, wouldn't that change everything?
Didn’t the original missing poster state he left between 315-330? I thought it opened from an original 15 minute window to 45 minutes. That’s significantly different if he was originally believed to have left by car vs on foot. Just sayin.
I have tried listening to those .....they just hurt my brain. I have yet to see one with any credible truth to them but then again, I can’t bare to listen for more than a minute. I am picky though so maybe it’s just me.
It's not just you, it's like those TV movies, we've followed these cases so closely that the online crime movies seem so uninformed and they present BS.
She is probably being coached by some of those same youtubers we've seen in the Watts case and recently the Heidi Broussard case. IE grooming/exploiting insiders and "friends" to appear on their channel$.
Weirdly, that makes so much sense I'm wondering whether she has one going for herself, hid right out in the open?
There's certainly plenty of stooges, probably money to be made..
nothing surprises me anymore...let it play out, I reckon...
I think a kidnapper would surely have got their act sufficiently together to have sent a ransom note by now, had that been the case JMO
Groan...coyotes scavenged on my little brothers’s body. Omg, it was horrible to find and see. In the middle of a hot August. Thankfully Mother Nature may be helpful in preservation when they find Gannon. Prosecution needs all the evidence they can to judicially force the killer to pay the price for her crime.
So very sorry ima ((hugs)) I cant imagine.
Groan...coyotes scavenged on my little brothers’s body. Omg, it was horrible to find and see. In the middle of a hot August. Thankfully Mother Nature may be helpful in preservation when they find Gannon. Prosecution needs all the evidence they can to judicially force the killer to pay the price for her crime.
I’m so very sorry about your lil brother:( I am so so sorry you had to see that:( Heart breaking:(
The false sighting of Gannon on a video cam near/in a shop.... Was it ever released to the public?? Also if TS thought (pretended) it could be Gannon, do we know why it was discounted? I'm just wondering if it looked anything at all like Gannon as TS seemed to run with it could be if I'm remembering correctly.
Groan...coyotes scavenged on my little brothers’s body. Omg, it was horrible to find and see. In the middle of a hot August. Thankfully Mother Nature may be helpful in preservation when they find Gannon. Prosecution needs all the evidence they can to judicially force the killer to pay the price for her crime.

I didn’t want to “like” your post...but wanted to say I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine a sibling passing, let alone be found in that manner. xxhugsxx

Like you said, I guess the silver lining for all this snow, is the preservation of evidence :(
If she’s on the spectrum many of us think she’s on, yes, there is often a kernel of truth to the story, because it’s the foundation on which greater lies are constructed. However, these kinds of people also simply make things up.
So are you saying......the spectrum...Casey Anthony for instance is on??? I mean she made up stuff heavier than imaginary friends....freaking imaginary life for herself! SMH
And the other goofy addition...the gate/key.... let's just say that would be a handy explanation for any blood found in that area, since it was deliberately mentioned to be "after" the cut foot incident.


Or... it could be an explanation for a conversation about a gate and a key. Isn’t the are they are searching a gated property?
I am curious as to why LS would feel the need to volunteer this information in the first place. What good does it do her?

Gives a non-criminal explanation for blood in the garage and on the truck or car. The word "edge" clouds things more than "bumper" or "tailgate." It's very concerning that she felt she needed to mention a bloody accident. Of course, she makes it seem minor (like everything else that has happened to Gannon).

We've heard of no polygraphs being given in this case. Not sure if it would help the case, given their general unreliability except as an interrogation scheme.
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