Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #12

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Weirdly, that makes so much sense I'm wondering whether she has one going for herself, hid right out in the open?
There's certainly plenty of stooges, probably money to be made..
nothing surprises me anymore...let it play out, I reckon...
I think a kidnapper would surely have got their act sufficiently together to have sent a ransom note by now, had that been the case JMO
Trying to avoid getting demerits by mentioning names, in the Watts case there was a youtuber who was essentially connected by brain to the CWatts' family. Then when that fell through suddenly she was championing the other side. As I mentioned, I would bet that through their connected FB sites, these youtubers are counseling family members, including SM with the intent of exploiting them on some "live" YT show.
The wording of her last dispatch was stilted, yet with bizarre grammatical errors, as though several people wrote it.
Can you guys please give me your thoughts on something that is driving me crazy.

If Gannon truly never came home that Monday. Why would she say he went missing sometime between 3:15 and 4 (when his friends AND SISTER would be home from school). Wouldn't his sister be able to immediately say she never saw him and everyone would immediately know Tee was lying?

If she is this good at hiding Gannon, wouldn't she have been able to come up with a story that couldn't immediately be proved false?

And if his little sister did see him after she got off of the bus, wouldn't that change everything?

I think this would depend on what time school lets out and what time the bus arrives home each day. And whether or not his little sister went straight home or was picked up by someone else? I don’t think we have any solid information regarding this, but I assume the police do.
Imo i believe Gannon will be found. SM is planning on that fact. Shes already laying out a defense for every possible question knowing she has some explaining to do. If Gannon was hidden so well that she wouldnt be worried about being caught, she would just shup up and mind her business. She cant help herself. She knows he will be found. Shes several steps ahead.
Seriously, even if Gannon is never found, there's so much evidence that has been removed from that house right now that there's more than enough to convict someone of something, sometime.
I feel in my heart a conviction will happen but I'm no longer feeling any confidence that he will be found.
DA is brilliant.
He is more than enough for anything he is ever likely to encounter in any realm at any time. He struck me as having earned wisdom. It's rare. JMO IMO
Groan...coyotes scavenged on my little brothers’s body. Omg, it was horrible to find and see. In the middle of a hot August. Thankfully Mother Nature may be helpful in preservation when they find Gannon. Prosecution needs all the evidence they can to judicially force the killer to pay the price for her crime.

Oh I am so so sorry. I can't imagine. I don't even know the right thing to say other than I am so sorry. :(
I agree for a normal minded person this would be the way to go. But she has NPD. Anyone questioning her story? Yeah that’s like torture to a narc. They must be believed, it tarnishes their fragile ego to have people not believe their narrative. I don’t know if she is smart enough to plan a defense? Maybe. I hope he is close to being found, but I don’t think her little rant...I mean statement was because she believed he’d be found. I actually think her lack of media presence, social and otherwise, since they moved north with the search is more telling than her statement IMO. MOO

BBM. I keep seeing this mentioned, but what is it based on? I have seen obvious cases of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but I just don't see it with LS.
I wish this would become one of those exploited raise-money-site stories. Stunt abduction. A way to make money... garner sympathy, a hatched plan by TS. It'd explain her lack of a credible cover story. She couldn't have predicted heat would be on her, so fast, so focused. I like this idea because it's the only one that brings Gannon out of this nightmare alive. I can imagine her saying, "G, YOU did this. It's YOUR fault. I'm going to have to hide you with X until we get enough money. And YOU can never tell because this is YOUR fault." Raise-money-fraud is a scenario that protects MY head from having to admit the world is full of people, who walk among us, who do horrific things, who lack the inherent capacity to care about anyone's life but their own.

Sadly, what really happened that weekend is going to break our hearts.

I wish we could all be 100% wrong.

<modsnip: quoted post was deleted by member>She's full of excuses/stories. If a child cuts their foot in the garage, why would a parent drag them over to the edge of a car to bandage it up? :rolleyes: Ridiculous! Why not clean it and bandage it up right there in the garage or bring them inside. MOO
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Hi I’m new here..I was wondering if maybe she felt the need to say he cut his foot and sat on the car because maybe the daughter or her may have hit him with car accidentally ..I don’t know I don’t like the woman at all ..I also kinda felt the video of her yelling at him was her way of saying see he is alive I have proof .. but for that to be true she would have to know whatever happened to him would be fatal ..I can’t get my head around what she could of done to him .. I know it’s a long shot but I’m praying he’s found safe
So, everybody is off searching for Gannon.

What are the possibilities of her having had an opportunity to actually destroy his body?

What would be available for that purpose in the area, the 4 hr area, I mean?
Rubbish eaters ?
Dangerous acids in exposed vats- not likely, I know, but she had a week at least of a headstart..
Anything that would have been available to her on Monday January 27th? But not necessarily something that is always available..
Could, at a stretch be within a 2 hr drive...?

Do any local people know of any such thing, please?

I just had another thought while writing that.. is it possible she did a vehicle swap with owner of white VW before departing to wherever... borrowed it for a couple of hrs before collecting her own and leaving it back? Is that the reason it was taken for , presumably , forensics on the day she did the public TV rant?
A good cadaver dog can pick up scent within seconds, even if the source of the scent is then moved.

We had opportunity to study this in depth in the course of the Ying Ying Zhang murder.
could she have pushed him down a manhole?

Just in case this search doesn't turn up anything today, I'm refraining from hoping it will or becoming attached to an outcome from it because I think if he was there they would have found him yesterday... their first search point would have been the most obvious one. He wasn't there..

What OTHER options had she had she chosen to dispose of him in a pre-ordained area on that specific date and time?

Anybody feel like thinking about this?
If today's search turns up empty it will stop us drowning in lethargy and repetition, is all?


I've thought similar things as these. I'm not convinced they're looking for a body at this search site. I am reasonably confident if Gannon's body were there, a canine would locate it.

The other thing is, I've considered that a monster may have dismembered him, and placed parts about this area, and others, but if that were the case, I still remain convinced a canine would locate it.

Canine's can hit on scent coming up from a submerged body in a lake, did ya know that? A dog can be in a boat, and locate a body that's at the bottom of a lake. I know a woman who is a canine SAR trainer, and has written several books on various topics relative to the matter.

The searchers were very meticulous in moving across some of that ground, as though looking for smaller items.

Not sure what to make of it all. At this point, with what little we know, Gannon could still be alive, holed up somewhere in someones home. I doubt it, but in reality, we just....don't....know.
The false sighting of Gannon on a video cam near/in a shop.... Was it ever released to the public?? Also if TS thought (pretended) it could be Gannon, do we know why it was discounted? I'm just wondering if it looked anything at all like Gannon as TS seemed to run with it could be if I'm remembering correctly.
i understand she 'confirmed it'
The #arrogance of this person makes me faint and swoon..... No words,......... ever since the night she dropped into Websleuths in the form of her TV interview, my jaw dropped open and I'm overwhelmed ever since.
(the real kid showed up is how it got discounted)
Hi I’m new here..I was wondering if maybe she felt the need to say he cut his foot and sat on the car because maybe the daughter or her may have hit him with car accidentally ..I don’t know I don’t like the woman at all ..I also kinda felt the video of her yelling at him was her way of saying see he is alive I have proof .. but for that to be true she would have to know whatever happened to him would be fatal ..I can’t get my head around what she could of done to him .. I know it’s a long shot but I’m praying he’s found safe

I have no theory either. I’ve followed this case from the beginning, TS does seem to be in love with herself, and seems to love drama, but if she did harm/kill the little guy, what was her motive???? At the end of the day, she just doesn’t seem like a murderer to me. This is a very strange, heartbreaking case.
BBM. I keep seeing this mentioned, but what is it based on? I have seen obvious cases of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but I just don't see it with LS.

I guess I should have said IMO she has NPD. And I base that on my personal experience living with a mother with NPD. At the very least IMO she has traits.

Most of my observations came from her on air interview.

*she never really focused of Gannon, but rather herself being a victim...the police bullied her, she wants an apology etc
*she pulls her daughter into the interview to justify her timeline (without being asked) and basically spoon feeds her the info. Narcs tend to do this, especially when they’re lying
*she refused to take any responsibility...being the last person known to see Gannon, and her being the ONLY care giver at the time, there’s a level of responsibility to his disappearance...even if it’s just that she was careless in not properly following up with his comings and goings. The fact that she hasn’t once said “I feel terrible” (at least publicly) that her SS is missing or taking any sort of responsibility is A big indicator for me to think NPD. Instead she continues to make excuses for any and every little thing, and it’s all someone else’s fault. All MOO

My apologies for making a statement instead of a speculation, thanks for catching that ;)
I get that. I have kids who fall/cut/bleed all over my house, granted we are a clumsy family inherited from my side. But I wouldn’t be able to explain every instance and certainly wouldn’t give any specific information through sm. Unless, it was a substantial amount of blood and LS felt she needed to explain that.

I believe the idea is that there is fresher blood tracks (even if the area had been cleaned) on the car, in the garage and near the gate. So, it is not that every single area in the house where there are traces but in certain areas, especially the ones where it is documented he was on Sunday night and Monday. The idea that she put out a statement that addresses the blood tells me that: 1. it was a part of her original story when they interviewed her for the timeline, or 2. it was not part of her narrative and when she realized they had the cars, were in the garage (msm photos) collecting that she had to say something about what she anticipates that they will find.

If wasn't until way after Jennifer Dulos disappeared that we found out that the truck had been detailed but had evidence soon after that her ex-husband had been seen in Hartford the night she disappeared (the truck had not been seized for a period of time). If he did it (allegedly) he knew he had to get that truck detailed to wipe away trace evidence. This step-mother didn't have that luxury of time to get the car detailed or the house scrubbed because of the timeline. IMO, of course.
Geeze. How helpful my Google alerts are! :confused::p
Slightly O/T but, google alerts have to be fine tuned. How often, the source (this matters a lot, for this forum), region, etc. Even then, for the first several days you'll tend to get a jumble of new/old MSM links. It tends to sort itself out after a day or two. Usually. (You may already know this, but others may not, so FWIW)
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