Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #13

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Wondering out loud about the timeline (because it seems we're at a standstill right now) - my own speculations...and I do apologise if this has been speculated upon already and missed by me!

WHAT IF - what if Gannon was actually removed from his home on the Sunday night (after the so-called burnt carpet and ensuing video incident)...
What if, hypothetically speaking, TS loaded him into the truck, along with any other evidence she needed to ditch, and any tools that she may need, and took off with him in the middle of the night?
So, when Monday morning comes around and Gannon isn't getting ready for school, TS can tell little sis that he's sleeping in as he's not feeling well. She then has the whole of Monday to get a head start on covering tracks/fitting the evidence.
And, what if, the video that we've seen released is approved by LE because they don't want us to see the REALLY INCRIMINATING stuff from Sunday night....I know, I'm reaching. But if RD was being hounded by the media for the video, perhaps LE pre-empted that and allowed him to issue a small piece from his CCTV that could have been recorded waaay before any of this happened.

Sadly, even with this speculation on the timeline, I realise that we still don't know where Gannon is. The only thing that might change potential new leads coming in, is if Monday (10h15 to 14h00) is actually incorrect amd people need to think back to Sunday night instead.
I have no doubt that LE know the truth. It's just that we cannot be privy to everything, understandably, and that has us at a bit of a standstill.
Still here for Gannon

My theory is similar, except in my version she gravely injured him Sunday evening and realized she would need to “take care of it” so not to be found out. Overnight Sunday night/early Monday she prepared the dump site then Gannon did leave with her on Monday morning.

I also think she had a week to finish the disposal/destroy evidence prior to the video being found.

Since we’re spinning wheels here, shall we discuss Gannon’s “sick” stomach? There was a little bit of discussion in Thread #9 that LS has given him Miralax. Here are the details on the drug, including what one might take it for and what side effects might occur:

Drugs & Medications

I personally would assume it was given for constipation, and I find it odd that he would be so constipated that he would need a laxative at his age. I know it can happen; I just think it’s odd. I also wonder if the constipation was a result of the other “meds” we have read that he takes, and I wonder if his other meds could cause an interaction or reaction as WebMD indicates is possible.

All JMO- sorry for the potentially unpleasant topic, but my wheels are spinning...

Please come home, Gannon!
There are so many potential scenarios in this case. I highly doubt Gannon's body is at the place they are searching. I guess it's possible, but it's just so close to the road.

So the question in my mind becomes, what are they searching for there? Did something occur there that has left extremely valuable investigative evidence?

Is Gannon buried there, but they just have yet to find him?

And horror of horrors, the speculation that dastardly, evil, bodily mutilation occurred there, and the remains dispersed elsewhere?

But in broad daylight? Not a chance. But behind that fence that appears to be screened? How about overnight? Under cover of darkness? Possibly. But who got in that truck that morning then?

Was there a meetup of sorts at that location? Are others involved? Is evidence there that is leading investigators down paths yet unknown to us? Are drugs involved? Either dealing, or using? Could the crime have been committed in a blackout, and the perp truly does not recall?

If Gannon did run away, and/or was abducted, did the perp take him to the location currently being searched? It would stand to reason.

LE has been at that location for quite some time, with lots of people. Was LS there? Was Gannon there? Was a possible abductor there? Were there others there?

Truth for me, MOO, there is someone who was last seen with Gannon. Whether one thinks he left in that truck that day and never returned, or if he possibly returned, there is STILL a person who was last seen with Gannon. I think I know who that someone is.

Is there any evidence whatsoever that Gannon was picked up in that neighborhood? Not that I've seen.

Last person I know of that saw this young man is LS.

I think bodies are often found close to a road. Because the perp is in a hurry to get rid of the evidence.
I agree, we need more. I feel like no one will be named a POI until there is an arrest made. LE may have someone in mind but at this point, mums the word. I also don’t believe they have that key piece evidence they would like.....yet.
Of course, THE most important piece is Gannon and we hope and pray they will find him soon!

I just watched the KKTV news clip of RD saying that LE felt the video was, "the break they needed." Knowing that Gannon left with TS in THAT truck opened the investigation wide open. Even if the truck didn't have GPS there was something to look for, they could track THAT TRUCK, and that is huge. Not some random car skulking around the neighbourhood in days leading up to Gannon's disappearance as per TS's "story."

Right now I feel anxious. Will they find him? Will "someone" and her lies be exposed not just by websleuths here, but by LE? I do so desperately hope so! Bring Gannon home!!

Once again, the colours are symbolic to ME. Please don't ask :)
Since we’re spinning wheels here, shall we discuss Gannon’s “sick” stomach? There was a little bit of discussion in Thread #9 that LS has given him Miralax. Here are the details on the drug, including what one might take it for and what side effects might occur:

Drugs & Medications

I personally would assume it was given for constipation, and I find it odd that he would be so constipated that he would need a laxative at his age. I know it can happen; I just think it’s odd. I also wonder if the constipation was a result of the other “meds” we have read that he takes, and I wonder if his other meds could cause an interaction or reaction as WebMD indicates is possible.

All JMO- sorry for the potentially unpleasant topic, but my wheels are spinning...

Please come home, Gannon!

I wondered if he had some anxiety carried from the previous night. Children who have anxiety will complain of having a stomach ache. Could also explain why he stayed home from school. Could it be that whatever happened the previous day, he was worried about the consequences and made himself sick thinking about it?
Of course, THE most important piece is Gannon and we hope and pray they will find him soon!

I just watched the KKTV news clip of RD saying that LE felt the video was, "the break they needed." Knowing that Gannon left with TS in THAT truck opened the investigation wide open. Even if the truck didn't have GPS there was something to look for, they could track THAT TRUCK, and that is huge. Not some random car skulking around the neighbourhood in days leading up to Gannon's disappearance as per TS's "story."

Right now I feel anxious. Will they find him? Will "someone" and her lies be exposed not just by websleuths here, but by LE? I do so desperately hope so! Bring Gannon home!!

Once again, the colours are symbolic to ME. Please don't ask :)
No need to explain your colors, I automatically understood what they signify. I am not from the area but does the city have traffic cams? Or another form of plate tracking?
Looks to me like three/four pieces of wood placed on the floor. What am I missing?

Whatever you are missing, I'm missing too. It doesn't look like the boards are below the level of adjoining concrete. It looks like they are on top, maybe to avoid whatever had been placed there from getting wet from melted snow that was tracked into the garage.

Would LE really jackhammer out a portion of a concrete floor? If blood was found I'd think they'd test it and photograph it but jackhammer out a section of concrete floor? And if it was cut out, is it possible to cut a section out so neatly?
Wow, I hadn’t seen footage of garage before. I was picturing a mess of woodworking tools all over the floor-not that I believe he cut his foot in the garage.

I thought she’d at least make it look messy, but I guess she wasn’t able to since she seems to be making explanations up on the fly.
G'morning/evening err middle of the night....whereever you are!!:)
WOW!! Alot of catching up to do!!! Am caught up now but admittedly did skim read some so forgive me if I'm about to double up here.

For those of you familiar with the area, I'm wonding is this snowy weather something that is gonna last awhile yet like a month or two or can we hope to see a change in the weather pretty soon?? .

Here's hoping for a move forward in locating Gannon this week and may the weather hopefuly be on our side.

More snow coming today and lasting probably through Wednesday. Depending on which app you use, or which weather forecaster you follow, more coming in a few days. We are entering our snowy months here in Colorado. And honestly, we tell newcomers not to really plant much of anything until at least after Mother's Day because it is normal to get snow through May. Of course when the snow pauses for a few months, then we get hail. Lots and lots of hail. Gardening is a fun time out here.

I think they will just keep searching through the snow and it won't hinder them that much. That is what they are used to doing around here.

Praying today is the day! Come home, Gannon!
Screenshot in attachment.
Looks to me like there’s enough room for a small car. And early on there was the report that LE searched the back yard and back a car out of the garage. Being that there are 3 cars in the household, it’s likely that one HAS to be parked in the garage if street parking isn’t allowed. I feel like those boards are there to help someone park the car just right in the midst of the clutter. They seem centered in the open space. JMO.
No need to explain your colors, I automatically understood what they signify. I am not from the area but does the city have traffic cams? Or another form of plate tracking?
Yes there are.

Also highways have speeding ticket cams, I know---I got one. Lol!

Also, just as in the Frazee case LE will go to every business and receive cam info, and from there can create a driving trail for that red pick up.

They really nailed Frazee. Because of the trial we could actually watch everywhere he drove.
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