Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #14

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I just can't make that leap MsBetsy. She could have been a cold stepmother who was ultimately glad when he disappeared. She could have been hurt and scared to have been essentially made a persona non grata at her own home, by her own husband, and having biomom move in when she may have had a colored past with biomom, and biomom with her. She could have beaten him up all the time, which I doubt because little sis would have told Dad. She could have turned into a complete monster over the weekend (insert things we can't mention here), and hit him, pushed him in the wrong way. Or not. I just think that something would have surfaced before 2 years if there was abuse in the home. So I can't make that leap from the apparent lack of concern she showed in the video for assuming she usually treated him badly.
I made the leap after AS reaction to video. Whatever was playing on his mind seemed to be confirmed.
I made the leap after AS reaction to video. Whatever was playing on his mind seemed to be confirmed.
We never saw or heard his reaction, we don't know what he reacted to. If he did react, he may have just reacted to RD's casually pointing out that Gannon did not get out the same side of the car. He may have reacted, if he did, to learning that she even left at all that day. We don't even know if that part was known, ie if she had previously said she was in the house all day.
Exactly. Gannon was never seen again and LE is searching for him in another county. I think we can assume he did not get out.


This is such an excellent point.

The fact that GS never made it home from that truck ride is a logical inference that can be drawn from the fact that LE is searching >40 miles away.

It requires a great many assumptions to conclude that GS got out of the truck on the passenger side that afternoon.

Assumptions which the facts do not support.

Ignoring facts to focus on shadowy conjecture is not a sound basis for arriving at the truth.

I'm not talking about the actual video. I'm talking about what was supposedly said about the video by various people.

In the 2nd link you provided, LE refused to comment on the video. At all. The neighbor was supposedly "quoted" but we don't know if the quote was accurate. And we don't know if LE actually told RD the video was "the break we needed." So my position remains unchanged.

So far as there being sound on the video, how good would that sound be from two houses away? Several threads back a poster shared video from his/her own security system to show the clarity of the visual aspects. But do we know how clear the audio would be from two houses away? I ask because a number of people commenting seem to be depending on the audio being quite clear to RD and AS even though we've not heard it.
The audio aspect was discussed here several threads back. With members saying their systems could pick up clear audio throughout the neighborhood.ETA which really stood out to me because it spooked me . No more outside convos about weird neighbors!!!
Hi from the UK, first time posting here..... I've been following this from day one.... i can't get the poor boy out of my mind and find myself refreshing the page every hour at work to see if we have any updates. Fingers are always crossed for you little man.
IMO If TS and Gannon returned from their 10-2ish trip, there would no issue with her accounting for that entire time, including any shopping she might have done and providing receipts for said shopping. She should also be able to show LE her purchases. She should be shouting this from the rooftops to clear her name - look at the store videos, look at the parking lot videos. That this has not been mentioned or done, speaks worlds.
The audio aspect was discussed here several threads back. With members saying their systems could pick up clear audio throughout the neighborhood.ETA which really stood out to me because it spooked me . No more outside convos about weird neighbors!!!
LOL! I grew up on a lake, and in the evenings we could hear people talking across the lake clear as a bell. To this day I am careful with outdoor conversations at night! :)

Edited to add: I do think there is something on the audio that was distressing to AS, not just the visual. Perhaps Gannon crying, StepMom scolding, etc.
Narcissists lie so much they believe their own lies. If she’s convinced herself it’s not her fault she wouldn’t see herself as ‘being involved in Gannon’s disappearance’ and would possibly pass a lie detector, however I’ve not seen LE confirm or deny this all we have is her word. If she is a narcissist she probably sees herself as a perfect mom and stepmom, and if Gannon had done something that she thought deserved punishment then that punishment went too far she would see it as Gannon being responsible for his own disappearance, if she’s thinking ‘If he hadn’t been naughty/answered back then this wouldn’t have happened’ then in her mind none of it is her fault. Victim blaming is a common trait in narcissists, and sometimes the mind is so twisted it actually believes that the abuse/death was deserved. Passing a polygraph means nothing if you’re a good liar.
The audio aspect was discussed here several threads back. With members saying their systems could pick up clear audio throughout the neighborhood.ETA which really stood out to me because it spooked me . No more outside convos about weird neighbors!!!

That's good to know but the demo a poster showed here didn't seem to have that strong a capability re: audio although the visuals were very good. I must have missed the thread posts about audio quality.

So conversations in the yard two houses down are typically recorded by neighbors' security systems? If so, I hope it helps here but I agree that's very creepy. Most of us know cameras are "everywhere" but personally I've never assumed my yard was "bugged" by the neighbors down the block. Ugh.
But... a lie worth crying over?

That's my sticking point.

Unless it involves Gannon being hurt, I can't imagine why this would spark tears; unless in an alternate scenario they think he passed away inside the house due to neglect and abandonment while she was gone.
Honestly, we can’t say what a parent of a missing child should cry over. We don’t know what he saw, but if I’d been fed a story that fell apart upon viewing a video of my child on a timeline the other party conveniently hadn’t mentioned, that would do it for me. It’s the last known image of Gannon. Alive.
Just stepped out on my deck and no visible activity from the command post area. There are a few vehicles, but certainly not on par with activity level during the search days. There could be activity in other locations, however. Weather is 16 degrees F, high of 22 degrees F expected, maybe snow, cloudy and certainly cold.
IMO If TS and Gannon returned from their 10-2ish trip, there would no issue with her accounting for that entire time, including any shopping she might have done and providing receipts for said shopping. She should also be able to show LE her purchases. She should be shouting this from the rooftops to clear her name - look at the store videos, look at the parking lot videos. That this has not been mentioned or done, speaks worlds.

But, her statements are about her. She was denied rights at the police station, she was mistreated by LE at Marshall's, she was left taking care of some other woman's kids, she had to buy new underwear because she's kicked out of the house, she deserves an apology from people who accuse her...and she is victimized because a neighbor's video shows only one side of the vehicle.

Well.....that's not the point. The point is, where were you in the car with Gannon when you didn't mention the car ride until after the video appeared?

The point is Gannon is missing. The point isn't about you, StepMom.

Edited from wonky previous quote that no idea where it came from

Good morning, I'm up from my nap. No it's not this case, after seeing pics from the news about Ayla Reynolds case it triggered my memory, a little girl in FL. Before Nancy Grace left Headline news. Haleigh Cummings. I believe that exact statement came from mother or stepfather. "Smoked" it was def not the phrase used. ;) I also need to add: I'm not interested in polygraph at all, don't care what I care about is the need TS has to blab about it.

Ayla and Haleigh were both such heartbreaking cases to follow, and they both still leave me desperately sad every time I think of those poor babies. I don’t want Gannon to share their unknown fate. I pray much more is known in this case. I have confidence in Dan May.
From TS’s interview:

“was put in hand cuffs over the keys that was in her purse so they could take her car...and they weren't even in her purse, they were in my pocket...”

I believe this happened in Marshall’s. Now how does it go this far in a store that the daughter is handcuffed over car keys while the mother sits there and refuses to tell LE they are in her pocket? IMO there is some big reason that LE wanted that car and some big reason TS did not want to hand over the keys to that white car. So big she watched her daughter get handcuffed. This account was in her interview then a few days later (correct me if wrong but I believe at this point LE has possession of her daughter’s car) she talks about cut foot and blood in garage and how she bandaged it on edge of “car”. JMO but this white car has some significance in GS’s disappearance or she would have been more cooperative and readily handed those keys over when asked. Why did they want that white car? I hope neighbors looked at surveillance for that car as well as the red truck.
Think about it....the only one who has told that story is RD, IIRC. Yes, the guy who voluntarily got out on the media for his 15 minutes of fame "revealing" key/hush hush aspects of a missing persons' case that LE had not released. I think he could easily have influenced the then-understandably-very-emotional-and-tender father to believe anything. I just don't think RD thought of the boy getting out on the other side of the truck, and most likely did not do the analysis that Gray Hughes did. (posted here earlier).

Sadly, I think the father had other ways of figuring out whether Gannon came home that day, some of them involving surveillance video.
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