Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #15

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I've been wondering less about who leaked the video than about who made the editorial choice about the specific version (in terms of length, video quality, lack of audio, etc) that was made available. Based on the last few threads, I'm now guessing that it was not *intentional* editorial choice at all (by either the neighbor, or by LE, or by the media), but rather something opportunistic, based simply on what had been made briefly available to reporter #2. But do we know this for sure?
This has been my theory. LS left again perhaps after she reported GS missing and went “out searching with her aunt?” Maybe she left and disposed of evidence in Douglas county that evening or the days after. Until the 30th, I believe, he was still labeled a runaway. I doubt that LE had a tail on her up to that point. MOO.

Edit: fix grammar

It probably took them less than 7 seconds to realize her words and actions were "off." For reference, they were most likely onto her quicker than Chris Watts. Doesn't mean she's guilty of anything though.
No it isn't, and no evidence tape barrier either.
What’s the theory of why they aren’t securing it? Was it a trap for a perp? To divert the press? Found nothing? OR they found everything they needed? I’m confused by this lack of concern by LE for the search area. Maybe I’m reading too much into it? MOO
MOO the question is: is the video conclusive? It isn't, and that it the problem with having it out there. The police rep said its value for the police when they reach the trial stage has possibly been diminished by having it scrutinized in a public forum.

Nay Nay, the question posed by me had nothing to do with 'conclusive'. It specifically is directed at those who believe Gannon returned in the truck that day, and what then is the theory of what transpired thereafter.
Wait... so, if she’s lying about taking the polygraph, and she said she passed, does that mean she’s lying about the results, when she never really took the polygraph; she just said she did something that she really didn’t even do, so like; she was right she passed because she didn’t fail. And, what if she really meant to say, “they asked me to take a polygraph, but I passed.” Like, no thank you, no polygraph for me... I pass. - I know it’s a terrible time for joking... ugh. Wtf. Where is he?! I’m so sad for this boy, his family, and friends.

If her attorneys (and I do believe she has attorneys) asked her to take a polygraph paid for by them, by a defense team polygrapher, it's in order to get some smallish thing on record that helps establish LS's innocence. That's their job. Typically, in the polygraphs I've seen administered in this way, they only ask a few pertinent questions ("Did you have anything to do with Gannon's disappearance?" etc.

And there's at least a 50/50 chance their client will pass. If client doesn't pass, don't ever mention it again.

If LS is the type of personality I think she is, she'd pass a polygraph.

As to the search area, I reckon they are looking for ordinary items that would not be of interest to anyone, that are likely under some snow, and not easily seen by anyone but dedicated searchers. I also think they found (part of) what they looking for.
MOO the question is: is the video conclusive? It isn't, and that it the problem with having it out there. The police rep said its value for the police when they reach the trial stage has possibly been diminished by having it scrutinized in a public forum.

As proof of whether the stepmom left at all during the day, it's very conclusive.
IIRC the truck left by going in front of his house, ie turning left out of the driveway, and returned by coming back in front of his house then maneuvered to back in the driveway. At least that is what is burned in my brain from watching it 20 times. Maybe I am wrong, but although I don't think I'm wrong, if I am, he still would have seen the truck coming and going, obviously.
But remember I was posting in response to someone who said that AS kicked step mom out of the house as a result of being shown that tape by RD of Step mom coming home alone (in his POV). So what I was saying is that step mom apparently was "kicked" out of the house very early on, and that proves to me that RD found that part of the video early on, too. Which is why I think he really found it on Monday night in time to show AS when he got there on Tuesday. Not a week later.

Why would you think that? LS is not out of the house until a week later!! She's definitely out by Monday next (when she gives the interview). The video gets into the media the next day. Presumably, neighbor showed AS the video on that Monday and LS's response was to work the media.

There's absolutely nothing to suggest she was out of the house until that next Monday, when LS herself announces to the public that she was abruptly asked to leave (and she seems mad about it, from her tone and word choice).
What’s the theory of why they aren’t securing it? Was it a trap for a perp? To divert the press? Found nothing? OR they found everything they needed? I’m confused by this lack of concern by LE for the search area. Maybe I’m reading too much into it? MOO

Nothing a couple trail cams can't take care of :)
It probably took them less than 7 seconds to realize her words and actions were "off." For reference, they were most likely onto her quicker than Chris Watts. Doesn't mean she's guilty of anything though.
Even if they suspected her story was bogus, it doesn’t mean they had enough to warrant a tail. I think she COULD have left after the initial report, and the days following to rid her life of evidence. MOO.
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As proof of whether the stepmom left at all during the day, it's very conclusive.

It sure is. And as Laina is much shorter than Gannon, unless LS's daughter is inexplicably home from work (which would be known) and wearing Gannon's clothes and imitating him, then that's Gannon also leaving the house. On his sick day from school. For a 4 hour trip around Colorado Springs.
IIRC the truck left by going in front of his house, ie turning left out of the driveway, and returned by coming back in front of his house then maneuvered to back in the driveway. At least that is what is burned in my brain from watching it 20 times. Maybe I am wrong, but although I don't think I'm wrong, if I am, he still would have seen the truck coming and going, obviously.
But remember I was posting in response to someone who said that AS kicked step mom out of the house as a result of being shown that tape by RD of Step mom coming home alone (in his POV). So what I was saying is that step mom apparently was "kicked" out of the house very early on, and that proves to me that RD found that part of the video early on, too. Which is why I think he really found it on Monday night in time to show AS when he got there on Tuesday. Not a week later.
I don't believe she was "kicked out" of the house. IMO she left because BM was briefly staying there. LS interview alludes to this. I need to go back to timeline to check when interview happened
Nothing a couple trail cams can't take care of :)

Excellent point! We have three trail cams in our yard. They're cheap, easy to hide and very effective.

MOO the question is: is the video conclusive? It isn't, and that it the problem with having it out there. The police rep said its value for the police when they reach the trial stage has possibly been diminished by having it scrutinized in a public forum.

Where did you read this? Early on, LE said that some SM usage (I think they were speaking about LS) had made things harder, and not to submit tips by SM. That's it. They never said that it damaged evidence for the trial stage. MOO.
Even if the suspected her story was bogus, it doesn’t mean they had enough to warrant a tail. I think she COULD have left after the initial report, and the days following to rid her life of evidence. MOO.

Piggy-backing off of this to say


Scott Peterson was under almost immediate suspicion when Lacey Peterson disappeared. He was still able to travel freely and returned to several places linked to the murder/evidence disposal and may have attempted to dispose of additional evidence.

Many criminals have done the same. Return to the scene of the crime, slip away under the cover of darkness to tie up loose ends, takes time and probable cause to secure warrants, as shebisch points out.

Something I never thought of until like 3am this morning out of my sleep....I wonder if she admits to driving him around out there where they were searching and has told them she pulled over for him to either be car sick or go #2? If they could find this, they could test it and see if he had anything in his system that would raise concerns.

Just a thought, IMO
Why would you think that? LS is not out of the house until a week later!! She's definitely out by Monday next (when she gives the interview). The video gets into the media the next day. Presumably, neighbor showed AS the video on that Monday and LS's response was to work the media.

There's absolutely nothing to suggest she was out of the house until that next Monday, when LS herself announces to the public that she was abruptly asked to leave (and she seems mad about it, from her tone and word choice).
I just updated the timeline
bbm- Gannon Stauch: Stepmother speaks out, says her rights were violated after little boy, 11, mysteriously disappears while in her care

in her Friday January 31 interview she says she had to leave when LH arrived and I believed she arrived on Tuesday?
"She explained that not only has she received death threats online, but she’s no longer staying in her home after Gannon’s biological mother arrived from South Carolina to help with the search."

“My husband’s ex-wife is living in our home,” the woman complained. “I took care of GS for the last two years in our home because his mother didn’t want to do it…OK, and I would never, ever hurt this child.”
MOO it means she now has a lawyer. And she should really.
I have heard a lot of defense attorneys want their client to take a polygraph.
There are two companies I saw.
Proof Positive looks most likely which has two locations, one in Denver and the other in Colorado Springs.

Even when polygraphs are administered by trained people in the FBI, they're not accepted as evidence in court.

When one is given by a private company and paid for by the suspect's attorney with questions carefully worded by said attorney, they're worthless. MOO

"The accuracy (i.e., validity) of polygraph testing has long been controversial. An underlying problem is theoretical: There is no evidence that any pattern of physiological reactions is unique to deception. An honest person may be nervous when answering truthfully and a dishonest person may be non-anxious."
Nay Nay, the question posed by me had nothing to do with 'conclusive'. It specifically is directed at those who believe Gannon returned in the truck that day, and what then is the theory of what transpired thereafter.

MOO from the video seen as Gannon NOT returning:
MOO they had an argument in the truck. Fragile boy killed or jumped out of moving car or took off running. Hides body or abamdons him. She attempts to cover up with a runaway story.

Second: MOO from video seen as Gannon RETURNS in the truck.
Argument in the houde or garage and fragile boy killed, hidden in a vehicle and taken away.
Maybe taken away on a trip out to "look for him" that 1/27 night.

Forensics should have caught this presence in vehicle. There were intensive seatches of especially ponds and water near his home.
Here’s a completely different theory—WHAT IF everything LS said was true. Her behavior strange, absolutely. But maybe those who know her would say this is her “normal.” Maybe there’s another POI, possibly one who has inserted themselves into the investigation? Haven’t we all seen that before? Just a thought.
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