Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #18

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@Lambseatoats most of what I have seen where an “accidental” child abuse results in death or near death of a child has been in the infant and toddler populations. The numbers are staggering particularly during the Holiday season.
With an 11 year old child it would have to be a blow to the head or abdomen. Or some sort of severe punishment like making a child bathe in boiling hot water.
In Gannon’s case I think it’s extremely unlikely that his death (if he is dead) was the result of an accident. The details we know or think we know appear to be intentional actions. Starting with he was kept home from school. An accidental death from child abuse would be more likely to occur in his home and not out in public running errands.
So either TS took him somewhere with the intent to kill him, she had already killed him at home accidentally and what we saw on video was a different day, or she accidentally killed him upon returning, or he’s not dead. I still don’t feel I have enough facts to make a sound determination on any of the above.
But here’s some info I thought you might find interesting/helpful.

Thank you for the link. It is interesting to see these facts (and very sad). I agree with you that an accident seems unlikely. @Bethan sent me a message detailing a ruptured spleen from a blow or kick to the upper abdomen.

"If a spleen is injured, for example in an accident, or as you suggested a kick to the upper abdomen, the bleeding can remain ‘encapsulated’ around the organ, painful, but the bleeding is contained.

After a period of time the ‘capsule’ ( containing the bleeding & blood) can then suddenly rupture resulting in massive blood loss into the peritoneal cavity & the patient to collapse & die ( basically bleed to death) if not in a hospital/ trauma unit where they can be resuscitated & have immediate emergency surgery to remove the spleen."

In this scenario, abuse could cause an injury that would result in death later (depending on how severe the internal bleeding). It would explain walking slowly to the truck, IMO. It would explain a need to cover a death caused by abuse. I hope I'm wrong, but time will tell. JMO
Updated February 24,2020

The investigation into the disappearance of an 11-year-old boy is now into its fifth week.


The El Paso County Sheriff's Office has not revealed every location they have searched but has provided media with some information.

On Feb. 21, the crime lab returned to the Stauch family home. Details on why the crime lab was back at the house were not shared publicly, although authorities have said in the past we can expect to see the crime lab at the home off and on. The search was also suspended for the time being.

ENDANGERED: 11-year-old Colorado boy has been missing 4 weeks
Thank you for the link. It is interesting to see these facts (and very sad). I agree with you that an accident seems unlikely. @Bethan sent me a message detailing a ruptured spleen from a blow or kick to the upper abdomen.

"If a spleen is injured, for example in an accident, or as you suggested a kick to the upper abdomen, the bleeding can remain ‘encapsulated’ around the organ, painful, but the bleeding is contained.

After a period of time the ‘capsule’ ( containing the bleeding & blood) can then suddenly rupture resulting in massive blood loss into the peritoneal cavity & the patient to collapse & die ( basically bleed to death) if not in a hospital/ trauma unit where they can be resuscitated & have immediate emergency surgery to remove the spleen."

In this scenario, abuse could cause an injury that would result in death later (depending on how severe the internal bleeding). It would explain walking slowly to the truck, IMO. It would explain a need to cover a death caused by abuse. I hope I'm wrong, but time will tell. JMO
Yes and a ruptured appendix can do the same. IMO
Good morning - been without internet for a few days, was hoping to log back on this morning and see that he had been found, but sadly, doesn't look like anything new has come about. Hoping and praying today is the day.
Updated February 24,2020

The investigation into the disappearance of an 11-year-old boy is now into its fifth week.


The El Paso County Sheriff's Office has not revealed every location they have searched but has provided media with some information.

On Feb. 21, the crime lab returned to the Stauch family home. Details on why the crime lab was back at the house were not shared publicly, although authorities have said in the past we can expect to see the crime lab at the home off and on. The search was also suspended for the time being.

ENDANGERED: 11-year-old Colorado boy has been missing 4 weeks
From your link:

"11 News is honoring the El Paso County Sheriff's Office's request not to show the video or discuss details about the video that cannot be confirmed by the sheriff's office. "This video may be a big part of the investigation," said Sgt. Deborah Mynatt with the sheriff's office. "... We hope it will not jeopardize the investigation, but the reason we asked [media[ not to [air the video] was because there is potential for that."
The surveillance shows a driver and passenger getting into a truck the day Gannon went missing.
The truck leaves and returns a few hours later, around 2:30 p.m.
Only one person gets out."

I've seen this several times.
Such and such news outlet honoring the sheriff's office request not to show the video or discuss details and then... they go on to detail what's seen on the video.
This doesn't make much sense to me.
Sort of along the same lines as seeing the CRIME lab techs back at the house several times, removing bagged/tagged items and yet... this is still not a criminal investigation.
From your link:

"11 News is honoring the El Paso County Sheriff's Office's request not to show the video or discuss details about the video that cannot be confirmed by the sheriff's office. "This video may be a big part of the investigation," said Sgt. Deborah Mynatt with the sheriff's office. "... We hope it will not jeopardize the investigation, but the reason we asked [media[ not to [air the video] was because there is potential for that."
The surveillance shows a driver and passenger getting into a truck the day Gannon went missing.
The truck leaves and returns a few hours later, around 2:30 p.m.
Only one person gets out."

I've seen this several times.
Such and such news outlet honoring the sheriff's office request not to show the video or discuss details and then... they go on to detail what's seen on the video.
This doesn't make much sense to me.
Sort of along the same lines as seeing the CRIME lab techs back at the house several times, removing bagged/tagged items and yet... this is still not a criminal investigation.
One news station reported the video to police and agreed to keep quiet about it. Unfortunately the neighbor shared it with other news stations who then posted it online. At that point the original news station and police reported it.
Thank you for the link. It is interesting to see these facts (and very sad). I agree with you that an accident seems unlikely. @Bethan sent me a message detailing a ruptured spleen from a blow or kick to the upper abdomen.

"If a spleen is injured, for example in an accident, or as you suggested a kick to the upper abdomen, the bleeding can remain ‘encapsulated’ around the organ, painful, but the bleeding is contained.

After a period of time the ‘capsule’ ( containing the bleeding & blood) can then suddenly rupture resulting in massive blood loss into the peritoneal cavity & the patient to collapse & die ( basically bleed to death) if not in a hospital/ trauma unit where they can be resuscitated & have immediate emergency surgery to remove the spleen."

In this scenario, abuse could cause an injury that would result in death later (depending on how severe the internal bleeding). It would explain walking slowly to the truck, IMO. It would explain a need to cover a death caused by abuse. I hope I'm wrong, but time will tell. JMO

I can tell you from my own experience. I tripped on my basement stairs and plunged down 6 steps and landed on a Hoover board. When I stood up, I was out if breath and was for sure I probably broke a rib. I kept coughing, crying, and was short of breath. I was home alone, and eventually drove to hospital and noticed I couldn't move my arm when I got there. Checked in and told triage, that I landed on my stomach and oddly couldn't move my arm. They rushed me in and did a CAT scan. My spleen was ruptured and I was internally bleeding. They transferred me to a trama hospital and kept me in ICU and by the next morning, I was in excruciating pain, my stomach swelled up and I could not walk without pain or hardly move. I then got emergency surgery.

I know there are things we can not discuss here from Sunday night yet. Based on other things I saw, I believe she harmed him with a blow to the belly. I am for certain his spleen was ruptured and she saw the damage that Monday morning. IMO MOO
Good morning all, I’m a thread behind. Health issues are life’s annoyances that won’t be ignored. Anyways, when I last left off, I was focused on this image:
EPCSheriff (@EPCSheriff) | Twitter

I found it clever of the EPCSO to use this visual. I’ve thought of several statements by LE speaking of puzzles and pieces. Some of the comments I quickly found are:

"This is just one piece in a very, very, very large puzzle," El Paso County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman Jackie Kirby told the TV station.

"You might see the crime lab off and on at the Stauch home and that is all a part of the investigation," she said. "They're collecting different pieces, and it is a big large puzzle, and we're trying to put all of those pieces together. Our number one goal at the Sheriff's Office is to bring Gannon home safely."

"The crime lab is used to, again, get pieces. That’s a part of the investigation," said Sgt. Deborah Mynatt with the El Paso County Sheriff's Office. "That’s what they’re used for. So they’re out there and ensure they’re doing this with the proper measures. They’re using gloves and doing different things because they might come across something that might be part of the investigation. We get pieces of information that might not be criminal, that might just lead to where [Gannon] might be. Those kinds of things. So when we get pieces of evidence, it has to be maintained and protected and, again, that's why we might use crime lab. They're really good with that they're experts in the field, and that's why we do that, so it might not be criminal.”

The sheriff's also confirmed that the rumored inconsistencies in Stauch's account are another piece in the large puzzle.

***I usually put the edges of the puzzle together first. With one straight edge, the pieces are easier to identify and put together. After creating a framework. I’ve found sorting is the key to solving puzzles. The larger the puzzle, the more time I devote to sorting the pieces into zones.

Puzzle pieces don't always connect. Success says the team who avoids taking a hammer to make the pieces fit together.

When a group of people collectively solve a puzzle, who gets the credit? The person who puts the final piece in the puzzle? The person who sorted out the edge pieces at the beginning? The person who realized what the picture was of? The person who found the puzzle pieces and suggested trying to put them together? The person who managed the project and kept everyone on track? The whole group? I think we will see how this puzzle was solved. I’d love to see a flow chart. Perhaps the cooperation and leadership may serve as examples in future investigations. I see the only way this puzzle picture to be complete - Gannon must be the final piece.

Thoughts? Ideas? What are the edge pieces?
What jumped out at me was the neighbor (RD) calling the FBI. Not sure I’ve seen that reported anywhere before vs. him just calling the police or reporting it [to someone/some authority] in general. Of course, like much of what we’ve seen online, could just be a ‘typo’.
Maybe they went door to door and requested calls of information? Moo
I can tell you from my own experience. I tripped on my basement stairs and plunged down 6 steps and landed on a Hoover board. When I stood up, I was out if breath and was for sure I probably broke a rib. I kept coughing, crying, and was short of breath. I was home alone, and eventually drove to hospital and noticed I couldn't move my arm when I got there. Checked in and told triage, that I landed on my stomach and oddly couldn't move my arm. They rushed me in and did a CAT scan. My spleen was ruptured and I was internally bleeding. They transferred me to a trama hospital and kept me in ICU and by the next morning, I was in excruciating pain, my stomach swelled up and I could not walk without pain or hardly move. I then got emergency surgery.

I know there are things we can not discuss here from Sunday night yet. Based on other things I saw, I believe she harmed him with a blow to the belly. I am for certain his spleen was ruptured and she saw the damage that Monday morning. IMO MOO
I hope you are wrong as I don’t want to contemplate an 11 year old going through that without his mommy and it hurts just to read it! Maybe we can go without details till he is found. :(
Medical neglect either alone or in combination with another maltreatment type was reported in 7.4 percent of fatalities. See exhibit 2 for additional information about fatalities by maltreatment type.
One more thought...She could have miss self diagnosed. He could really have been deathly ill. She decided not to seek medical attention resulting in death and then coverup. Moo
Either way, she is an evil person. She shows no remorse, not missing him, no concern for his welfare. Nothing from her. Zero. EVIL.
I was just considering that discussing is supposed to be about facts here. LS also has many "alias" names which made me curios if she is actually even married to AS or just living with him? There was an article quoted on here where everyone said he should be loyal to his wife and a confusing comment I may have misread about his "wife knew something was wrong" which made me question the family dynamics. Like I said if we're all about truth I'm just hoping we don't overlook some things in empathy. All in my confusion. Moo
As someone who doesn’t follow SM I have come to the conclusion that I know only a very thin layer of the family dynamics surrounding this case. I keep wondering how many layers there could be and just how many family members have a vested interest in Gannon’s well being. In some ways it’s reminding me of the case that brought me to WS. And that’s the Pike County massacre (such respect and admiration I have for the posters on that thread). A multi layer web of multiple players with a precious child stuck in the middle resulting in the death of 8 family members on one side and 4 family members on the other arrested in the brutal killings. All over what is suspected to be a custody dispute. Spent my drive yesterday wondering how many family members could feel they have a steak in Gannon. Moo
What jumped out at me was the neighbor (RD) calling the FBI. Not sure I’ve seen that reported anywhere before vs. him just calling the police or reporting it [to someone/some authority] in general. Of course, like much of what we’ve seen online, could just be a ‘typo’.
There may have been a hotline to an FBI number to call for locals who may have seen anything. FBI is who I would call if I saw him on video.
There may have been a hotline to an FBI number to call for locals who may have seen anything. FBI is who I would call if I saw him on video.

I could be wrong but I feel like the FBI wasn’t even involved yet at that early point (?). Especially if it’s true that the video gave them the break they needed to even start feeling like there was a case/something amiss.
I was just considering that discussing is supposed to be about facts here.

Some folks just prefer their middle name to their first, and he may be one of those folks. I don't consider using one's middle name in day to day life an alias. Let's say my given name is Mary Elizabeth, but all my life since childhood I've been called Beth. I'm not being nefarious in any way. Just using the part of my name I like best.

And....Grandma I'm happy to see you posting and pray you are feeling much better!

Some folks just prefer their middle name to their first, and he may be one of those folks. I don't consider using one's middle name in day to day life an alias. Let's say my given name is Mary Elizabeth, but all my life since childhood I've been called Beth. I'm not being nefarious in any way. Just using the part of my name I like best.

And....Grandma I'm happy to see you posting and pray you are feeling much better!

I clearly understand this.
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