Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #21

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I would be floored it the news agency...let alone anybody else in the civilized world...would be "on her side"...this was the only agency willing to give her a platform and not ask her any questions that she hadn't already prepared. And given the fact that everyone would read/tune in to this interview would immediately bring attention to the news organization as getting a highly coveted interview from a person the nation is so intrigued about in a world-wide case....JMHO

Wondering if paid for any interviews? One seems to be so obsessed with getting money and resentful to LH for help from the community. Wonder why one has such a need for money, even a small amount so desperately? Perhaps even a desperate haul of items to resell sports shops...if that occurred. What (extreme huger/lifestyle) must be fed even before G went missing? Motive?

So, a thought -

  • RD's feed gets "leaked."
  • There were questions about a shadow upon return.
  • TS claims that Gannon DID get out of the truck in that clip and that the shadow is from him.
  • TS claims that the time frame of the videos is incorrect (after previously referencing the same clip, above)
  • TS then claims that she didn't back the truck into the driveway on the day in question.

So, maybe the "leaked" clip was a bit of a decoy. Maybe Gannon did exit the truck in that clip...and maybe when she returned and didn't back it into the driveway that's when Gannon didn't show back up...leading to AS breaking down at RD's house.

Just really struggling with the story shift that TS has made.

I’m coming back to this last paragraph—I have to get a cup of coffee and figure out what you just’s like you said “shift” and it’s crazy how she’s staying others pointed out, Jodi Aris like.... thanks for post I’m going to ponder for a while.
Holy hell! Took a little break yesterday because between this case and missing baby Evelyn, my heart has been so heavy. It's taken me several hours to catch back up. I thought SM had possibly lawyered up, but after that interview there is NO way. I can't believe she keeps talking. She's trying to thwart investigators and get public support but she's not thinking far enough into the future and how she is providing excellent material for the prosecution and eliminating possible defense arguments. Keep talking Tee... Dan May and the world are listening...
Ha yes! I have wondered if it’s no coincidence that Jose Baez confirmed he is not representing TS on the very day she did this incriminating interview. Moo
WHO-TS in this case, takes a sick Stepson out to buy Daddy a birthday present. o_O

She didn’t even say it was a birthday present: “They later went to Castle Rock to to find a new bicycle for Al Stauch, who was out of town working at the time, Stauch said.”

(Hmm, ‘bicycle’ used here but ‘bike’ when referring to the girls going to Dollar Tree/General.)
BBM - This has been on my mind for a few threads. I've been wrong many times before but, I'm questioning the day of the video that was released.

And I can see how one could be in doubt.
But first SHE tried to give credibility to it and claimed he got out the other side.
but NOW is trying to change the narrative and take it back by saying it wasn't even showing the right day.
Her shifting stories will hopefully be the end of her soon.
I know that everyone has been picking apart LS ridiculous explanations in the latest interview- I’m still not 100% caught up on this thread, but one thing that has been bugging me is the “explanation” for taking the truck. I’ve leased vehicles and never had I had a monthly mileage limit, only a limit on total miles at the end of the lease. I know this only one tiny “explanation” and not even the most troublesome one, but the mileage on her lease just stood out for some reason. MOO and I still hope she keeps talking. It helps LE prove inconsistencies in the “stories”

Most importantly WHERE IS GANNON?
She didn’t even say it was a birthday present: “They later went to Castle Rock to to find a new bicycle for Al Stauch, who was out of town working at the time, Stauch said.”

(Hmm, ‘bicycle’ used here but ‘bike’ when referring to the girls going to Dollar Tree/General.)
Thanks for the correct quote, I’ll correct my original.
How interesting a catch in the whole bike bike bike thing, hmmm
My guess is she hasn’t followed stories on here about an Apple Watch being used to track a suspect... in Kelsey Berreth’s case, it was just the phone, so SM felt she did enough by leaving the phone behind.

Or stories about people being caught cheating on their SO by a FitBit or Apple Watch showing increased physical activity when there should not have been any. IMO
I know that everyone has been picking apart LS ridiculous explanations in the latest interview- I’m still not 100% caught up on this thread, but one thing that has been bugging me is the “explanation” for taking the truck. I’ve leased vehicles and never had I had a monthly mileage limit, only a limit on total miles at the end of the lease. I know this only one tiny “explanation” and not even the most troublesome one, but the mileage on her lease just stood out for some reason. MOO and I still hope she keeps talking. It helps LE prove inconsistencies in the “stories”

Most importantly WHERE IS GANNON?

We've discussed this. There are several people who have said that they stick to a monthly amount of driving when they lease a vehicle so they don't worry about going over on the two / three year lease.
If she did indeed wear that Apple Watch, I am intrigued. So much information can be gained from it. Mine shows my heart rate, sometimes minute by minute, plotted on a graph by time, steps, number of flights climbed, all according to time, periods of non-movement, etc...

Perhaps this is what has driven search areas and the time spent combing through that S curve. Maybe LS left a lot more data to follow by wearing that watch and conveniently leaving her phone behind at home.Moo
Given the time, risk and expense, I sure hope the searches are based on something factual as opposed to T-speak and possible erroneous tips. Hence, my need to know about the Apple watch. Would the red truck have GPS?
Having tried to keep up w/ all of last nites postings and then wake up to even more, all I can say is,this latest interview has sadly removed that .00000000000000000000000001 possibility that Gannon is alive. In my heart I have known LS was directly involved, and the attempts at humor have momentarily lifted my spirits... I can only hope that the second half of interview begins like this...”if LE stopped chasing me they would find him, he is right there, ————where I Left him, blah, blah, blah, blah”, because that is exactly how persons of this behavior type, hang themselves, in their every day interactions...this I believe will and is happening... there is a certain satisfaction in watching it happen, tempered w/ the reality that When Gannon does come back, his spirit has moved on long ago...
Wholeheartedly agree! ALSO, who says "electronic device" when referencing picking up an item a child has dropped?? It's SIX syllables and oddly generic, when she could have just said "game," "phone," etc.
Also possible she kept it vague on purpose so people wouldn’t be sleuthing any tracking capabilities etc.
Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can:

  • Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
  • Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerate achievements and talents
  • Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
  • Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
  • Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations
  • Take advantage of others to get what they want
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Be envious of others and believe others envy them
  • Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
  • Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office
At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism, and they can:

  • Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment
  • Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted
  • React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior
  • Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior
  • Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change
  • Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection
  • Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation
  • Mayo Clinic
I'll add to this list that after a lifetime of narcissistic behavior, the person is at ease with creating chaos around them, constantly. Drama and chaos are how this type of person lives all the time.

For those of us who value peaceful relationships with people and strive to minimize stress, it's hard for us to realize some people are completely comfortable with chaos...and if chaos doesn't exist, they will create it and work up everyone around them.

I think Tee has gone from one drama to another all her life and she will not do anything for clarity or peace. In overly simplistic terms, she's not capable of that, imo.

My armchair analysis, worth what you paid for it. JMO
LS statements remind me of the stories my kids try to tell when they get caught doing something they shouldn't be:

Mom: Why is my lamp broken?
Kid: My ball fell out of my hand and I reached behind the sofa to get my ball and knocked the lamp down by accident.
Truth: They were playing ball in the house and rough-housing when they weren't supposed to be.

IMO, there's little bits of twisted truths mixed up in all of these statements and hopefully LE has put enough of them together to figure out the TRUTH and find Gannon!
If you noticed in the video she went back in the house, I'm assuming after she took the selfie, then left her phone. JMO

Wow, just stop for a moment to think about the malice aforethought charge that Dan May's office is gonna be able to bring now (JMO, IMO).

Took a driveway selfie ("OK, 'G'! Smile!"), coolly exited the car and chucked her iPhone onto the kitchen counter or w/e, came back out, and drove off.

So, a thought -

  • RD's feed gets "leaked."
  • There were questions about a shadow upon return.
  • TS claims that Gannon DID get out of the truck in that clip and that the shadow is from him.
  • TS claims that the time frame of the videos is incorrect (after previously referencing the same clip, above)
  • TS then claims that she didn't back the truck into the driveway on the day in question.

So, maybe the "leaked" clip was a bit of a decoy. Maybe Gannon did exit the truck in that clip...and maybe when she returned and didn't back it into the driveway that's when Gannon didn't show back up...leading to AS breaking down at RD's house.

Just really struggling with the story shift that TS has made.


Oh, don't struggle to make it all make sense.

IMO, there's no way to make all of TS's statements hang together without breaking your brain.

None. I promise it.

Because, as @MassGuy would say, "it didn't happen".

The ones I get from the dentist are way too small to use. I use plastic bags from the grocery store or walmart double bagged.

Thank you, that's what I was trying to say - bags constructed with a double layer; or, in this case, their homemade equivalent. My dentists' bags are about the size of an airplane barf bag, thus why I made the determination.

Also, as an apartment dweller with a small trash chute, all my bags are from the grocery store (or were, before Sunday's bag ban goes into effect. Thanks NYC!!), and/although one of the local chains, I swear, has never ever sent me home with a bag that didn't have holes in the bottom corner; I've always hung the bag on a cupboard knob, as a trash can for one person is, IMO, excessive and a waste of space. More times than I want to admit, I have put wet trash in the plastic grocery bag "thinking" it was intact, and lived to rue the day :( ; to the point where nowadays I check all the bags immediately and if they're holey, I just toss them.
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