Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #21

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From what we know of the weekend and Monday that Gannon went missing, there appears to be evidence of mental and physical abuse of Gannon. I find it odd that are no reports of abuse previously reported to DSS, or by school officials.

Just an observation that I find curious...
With HIPPA laws in effect, how do we know this wasn’t reported? Police could indeed have school reports and we may not know until trial,
Here today for Gannon !!!
I am curious about this "Military" search ON/OFF change for today.
First they announce a search asking for CONG volunteers then they CANCEL the search around the same time we see a news release with another "Blah, Blah, Blabber mouth " article from SM.
Hmmmmmm !!!!!!!!!
She also said she needed the room in the back of the truck to bring used sports equipment to “Play it Again Sports,” a sporting goods store that buys and sells new and used sporting goods.

What on earth did TS put in the truck Sunday night..?
Could it have been some kind of weights..?

I feel Ugh just writing this, but it popped into my head as I read this part that she may have used something to weigh Gannon down with in a body of water..?
Is this a possibilty..?

TS is as Deranged as it it gets, so I guess anything is possible!! JMO

IMO, TS was selling Gannon's favorite things to torment him. My heart is broken.
I'll add to this list that after a lifetime of narcissistic behavior, the person is at ease with creating chaos around them, constantly. Drama and chaos are how this type of person lives all the time.

For those of us who value peaceful relationships with people and strive to minimize stress, it's hard for us to realize some people are completely comfortable with chaos...and if chaos doesn't exist, they will create it and work up everyone around them.

I think Tee has gone from one drama to another all her life and she will not do anything for clarity or peace. In overly simplistic terms, she's not capable of that, imo.

My armchair analysis, worth what you paid for it. JMO
OH I absolutely agree with your armchair analysis. Her reactions are predictable when viewed as her chaotic norm.
I could totally see her being like, "Yeah, so your kid is missing, but I got you a bike."

Who buys a bike without the rider present to try it out?
Nobody. My husband would find it absurd if I went shopping for a bike for him. (And I wouldn't want to.)

I guess if they had shopped previously and she knew exactly what model he wanted, maybe that's a possibility. If that is the case, he would know that and could confirm.

I think the story is to show what a thoughtful person she is. She wasn't disappearing her husband's kid, but shopping for the two of them.

With a barf bag.

Hard to keep up with the posts on here, I like hearing everyones thoughts. I am not sure if this has been asked - Why wouldn't there be more texts or calls to Gannons friends on his phone? If he is going to a friends house usually a child would discuss the "get together plan with their buddy". Other children would have been in school so he has no idea if they would be home etc... My thoughts

Just speaking as a mom here, my kid won’t text his neighbor buddies to make plans, he’ll just ask if can go to so-and-so’s house. I usually will text the mom just to confirm he’s there if he doesn’t come back right away . Then they usually just run back and forth. But this is a house two down and I can watch him go back and forth.

I would NEVER not know whose house he was going to though. Ever.

ETA: My child was desperate for us to get him a data plan. We finally did for his birthday and I thought that phone would be forever attached to him. Nope. I still have to remind him to take it to school so he knows where to meet me for pick up and to his friend's house. I usually end up just texting the mom.
Turns out he mainly wanted it so he could watch YouTube in the car! Not to actually be in touch with anyone.
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I've been wondering about this as well. Surprising that no one has come forward and said "hey I noticed this weird behavior" or something along those lines. How chilling that something like this would happen out of the blue with no precursor?!
We don’t know what school officials have released to LE. We likely will never know.
IMO, TS was selling Gannon's favorite things to torment him. My heart is broken.
I agree. I think the abuse up until this point was likely psychological, at least the "heavy" abuse was likely to toy with his emotions. (He went missing because of physical abuse, imo.)

Manipulators make me so mad.

With HIPPA laws in effect, how do we know this wasn’t reported? Police could indeed have school reports and we may not know until trial,

And FERPA too.

OTOH, educators can be called to testify but they are also mandated reporters, so presumably, CPS has already been notified if there's any evidence of abuse noticed at school.
Nobody. My husband would find it absurd if I went shopping for a bike for him. (And I wouldn't want to.)

I guess if they had shopped previously and she knew exactly what model he wanted, maybe that's a possibility. If that is the case, he would know that and could confirm.

I think the story is to show what a thoughtful person she is. She wasn't disappearing her husband's kid, but shopping for the two of them.

With a barf bag.

Right on. Asked the family to gift me a beach bike for Christmas. It became a very complicated conversation...after all, everyone agreed I’d shop the bike and they’d purchase exactly what I picked out.
I truly feel as though SM is really trying to create reasons for things LE may or may not find. There is absolutely no reason to say in a statement that he “pooped his pants” (or something to that nature) I also feel like that is a really demeaning statement towards Gannon. Think for a minute if he did, in fact, run away on his own..between the “accidental” video of him crying and now you really think he would want to come back at this point? Doesn’t seem like things I would put out in the public if I was attempting to say anything at all to make him want to come back. In my opinion, she knows he isn’t. The whole storyline of her going miles away to go shopping for dog coats of all things with a sick child...getting lost...taking back me, this is all distraction. Let’s not lose our focus. There’s no need to tear apart all of this. She is a proven liar and the truth won’t come from her anytime soon..if ever. We can focus on what we know to be facts. There aren’t many we know but those should be the focus. If she were to go to trial at this point she very well could get off from all of this with the reasonable doubt she’s creating. Her statements to the public should be only to get Gannon home. Period. She obviously cares more about herself seeing that all she keeps doing is defending her own actions and putting Gannon down in one fell swoop. I will be shocked if anything other than her being responsible is the outcome. At this point though, trying to pick apart all of her lies is pointless and she’s truly getting what she wants. Doubt. Don’t give her that. Let’s not give her anything. MOO
Just speaking as a mom here, my kid won’t text his neighbor buddies to make plans, he’ll just ask if can go to so-and-so’s house. I usually will text the mom just to confirm he’s there if he doesn’t come back right away . Then they usually just run back and forth. But this is a house two down and I can watch him go back and forth.

I would NEVER not know whose house he was going to though. Ever.
Yes and I’d be more cautious with my step child.
I know that everyone has been picking apart LS ridiculous explanations in the latest interview- I’m still not 100% caught up on this thread, but one thing that has been bugging me is the “explanation” for taking the truck. I’ve leased vehicles and never had I had a monthly mileage limit, only a limit on total miles at the end of the lease. I know this only one tiny “explanation” and not even the most troublesome one, but the mileage on her lease just stood out for some reason. MOO and I still hope she keeps talking. It helps LE prove inconsistencies in the “stories”

Most importantly WHERE IS GANNON?

With all due respect though, when tracking the total mileage at the end of the lease, many (myself included) prefer to think of it as a monthly breakdown. That way, I can adjust if I have a big trip planned. She's a liar but this is the least problematic for me.
One (additional) thing that really bothers me here... for all us parents out there- how many of us take selfies with our sick kids? I’m not referring to the snuggle pics where they just aren’t feeling well... I’m referring to when they have stomach flu, soiling themselves and projectile vomiting. I don’t think I ever have... actually- I’m certain I haven’t...
I also don’t think my husband would want to see those pics either... even if he’s traveling and wants to see real time what’s going on. I just wouldn’t do it.

but I’m also not a murderous monster...

I hate when people post photos on SM of their sick kids looking miserable! Not a photo I would want to remember because it hurts my heart to see them that way. But everyone is different I guess.
Right on. Asked the family to gift me a beach bike for Christmas. It became a very complicated conversation...after all, everyone agreed I’d shop the bike and they’d purchase exactly what I picked out.

For expensive gifts, this is what I do with my partner. We discuss the purchase, agree whether our budget can handle it, then the person receiving the gift makes the transaction.
1. I have never made it through a 4 hour car ride with two children without at least one of my children, even on their healthiest days, needing to get out to use the bathroom, or asking to stop for food or a snack. Ever. And if such a stop would’ve occurred, there would be video of Gannon entering or leaving, or video of the drive thru at the very least.

2. If she did take a selfie and then exited the truck and purposefully put her phone inside, this shows premeditation in my mind.

3. She either forgot she was wearing her Apple Watch, and now knows they were able to track her movements based on where they are searching, or incorrectly assumed it could not track her if not closely paired with her phone, realizes now that it did and is trying to twist it to her advantage. Seems like a possible reason she left the phone at home, instead of just turning it off. She thought she covered her bases.

3. In the video of Gannon and little sister playing out front on Saturday before the trip to GoG, Gannon is running around, bending over, playing without a care, and without any trouble at all. I cannot watch this footage without tears in my eyes, knowing his fate only one day later. Seeing him walk slowly and unable to bend over to pick up a dropped item the very next heart breaks for that little boy.

4. None of her lies are going to matter at trial, because they are going to be able to prove without a shadow of a doubt (pun intended) she left that home with Gannon and returned alone. The only thing that is going to matter at this point is whether or not she is smart enough to realize she is not getting away with this, and tells them where to find Gannon and tries to plead down to lesser charges.

4. I never thought anyone would ever reach the monstrous level of hate I have for Chris Watts and his actions, until now. How dare she shift guilt and blame, embarrassment and culpability to Gannon, an innocent little boy who did everything he could to try to please her and everyone else, and make them happy. I look at his photos every single day so I don’t forget what matters most in all of this (same way CW tried to demonize Shanaan). I doubt she has even looked at his photos once. If this woman has even the tiniest piece of humanity in her, she would do what’s right and tell them where Gannon is so his family can lay him to rest.

Edited to add: From viewing the Sunday video of kids playing in the yard before GoG, she uses her SUV that day. GoG is 30+ minutes from their home. Weird how she wasn’t worried about miles that day, but so very concerned the next.

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Yes but we must remember she is a very giving and caring person. A bike for hubby and sports equipment for Gannon. It was so important on that day to drag a sick kid around. Does she really think believe we are buying this. I would say yes in her convoluted mind.
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