Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #21

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I believe LE is being very shrewd and calculating in all of this. If the interview actually took place Monday I am sure that the news agency showed LE the interview prior to putting it out there...thus, the organized search. LE took that interview information, compared it to other information they've received/found and gave the news outlet the "go ahead" to publish once LE had their plan in place.
That’s censorship, and the government, in this case LE, has no authority to approve or not approve media content. The press can’t be muzzled. Even in the case of the release of the neighbor’s video, LE said they want to be the source of credible info because future justice pursuits could be compromised by releases of potential evidence, but they left it at that.

LE is very careful in what they themselves release, and they’re keeping this case close to the vest, but that doesn’t include monitoring the 1A freedoms of the media or the big mouth of LS. If anything what she says is a gift to them.
Every once in a while I get the "yeah but, what if..." and then TS does something like, issue another statement or grants an interview, and sets me straight all over again. I mean, even IF she isn't primarily responsible for disappearing this sweet kid, it's perfectly clear that she's still lying through her teeth about the events that day.

Im glad im not the only one that has second guessed at times. But, lying liars lie... videos don't!
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LS statements remind me of the stories my kids try to tell when they get caught doing something they shouldn't be:

Mom: Why is my lamp broken?
Kid: My ball fell out of my hand and I reached behind the sofa to get my ball and knocked the lamp down by accident.
Truth: They were playing ball in the house and rough-housing when they weren't supposed to be.

IMO, there's little bits of twisted truths mixed up in all of these statements and hopefully LE has put enough of them together to figure out the TRUTH and find Gannon!

Even if she is not telling the truth, she could make up a big old lie and, if she leads LE to Gannon, I would let her hold on to her lie. She knows that she is getting closer to having this thing pinned onto her so she can say it was an accident, or that he ran from the truck or that he fell puking off the side of a cliff while they were hiking, IMO, just as long as she leads people to Gannon.

I have faith that any jury who listened to her story and the pros. side of this investigation would hold her to account.
4. I never thought anyone would ever reach the monstrous level of hate I have for Chris Watts and his actions, until now. How dare she shift guilt and blame, embarrassment and culpability to Gannon, an innocent little boy who did everything he could to try to please her and everyone else, and make them happy. I look at his photos every single day so I don’t forget what matters most in all of this. I doubt she has even looked at his photos once. If this woman has even the tiniest piece of humanity in her, she would do what’s right and tell them where Gannon is so his family can lay him to rest.

I could not agree more! I sure wish she'd take a page out CW's book and tell authorities where Gannon is though.
How dare she shift guilt and blame, embarrassment and culpability to Gannon

This is the root of my anger about this entire case. HOW DARE SHE make herself the victim every time she speaks. HOW DARE SHE attack Gannon's bio mom when that is of zero importance.

But then again, she's likely a cold-blooded murderer. I wish there were a bird-flipping emoji on here, because I feel like her or someone she's close to reads this board and I want that directed solely at her.
Yes but we must remember she is a very giving and caring person. A bike for hubby and sports equipment for Gannon. It was so important on that day to drag a sick kid around. Does she really think believe we are buying this. I would say yes in her convoluted mind.
Yes, I agree. I think she expects people to believe her.

In the past, people likely got wise to her manipulative ways and simply distanced themselves from her. Confronting her would just create another layer of chaos and gaslighting. So, she gets away with her lies only because people get away from her.

She doesn't even realize the possibility that NOBODY is falling for her stories.

Psychological abuse leaves no physical marks. Until it becomes physical.
From interview with LH, it is so apparent that she had a strong love bond with Gannon. It is also apparent from interview that T had a lot of malevolent feeling towards LH. She would not have been able to tolerate Gannon's love for his mother.. IMO
Given the time, risk and expense, I sure hope the searches are based on something factual as opposed to T-speak and possible erroneous tips. Hence, my need to know about the Apple watch. Would the red truck have GPS?

Don't know about the truck, but all versions of Apple Watch 2.0 and higher have GPS.

Also possible she kept it vague on purpose so people wouldn’t be sleuthing any tracking capabilities etc.

Or because it's missing and she knows LE is looking for it, doesn't want to make it any easier for them. I think they already know exactly where she went and where she slowed down and where she stopped.

So to be clear, the watch can operate the phone camera, but there is no lens on the watch?

Exactly. No lens on the watch. No way to take pictures from the watch. So the Car Selfie had to be taken with the phone, then the phone put back in the house (in 7-8 seconds).

(There is no selfie, IMO).

And I don't think she'll end up with a Public Defender, CS will offer the standard budgeted amount for a big defense case to whatever lawyer she chooses who will take that fee (and there will be many willing to take that fee - it's regular money for a couple of years, perhaps longer). The cost fo the actual Public Defender's office to ramp up for a case like this is considerable, it's often better policy to let a private PD handle it.

Lawyers are probably already standing in line offering free pre-arrest consultations. She can't sign a retainer that promises them money at this point in time so she's running around like crazy, attempting to use her TV based knowledge about law.

All lawyers would tell her to shut up. Some lawyers would cease wanting to be her lawyer at this point, I'm sure. But a hungry lawyer wanting national publicity? Yep, they'll take the case. IMO, won't be a PD.
Yes, I agree. I think she expects people to believe her.

In the past, people likely got wise to her manipulative ways and simply distanced themselves from her. Confronting her would just create another layer of chaos and gaslighting. So, she gets away with her lies only because people get away from her.

She doesn't even realize the possibility that NOBODY is falling for her stories.


Occasionally, online, I will read someone who says that ghosting a relationship (leaving a person without giving any reason) (ETA: is a terrible thing to do) and I think

1) they haven't known anyone like a few of the people I have known
2) they are like a few of the people I have known.
That’s censorship, and the government, in this case LE, has no authority to approve or not approve media content. The press can’t be muzzled. Even in the case of the release of the neighbor’s video, LE said they want to be the source of credible info because future justice pursuits could be compromised by releases of potential evidence, but they left it at that.

LE is very careful in what they themselves release, and they’re keeping this case close to the vest, but that doesn’t include monitoring the 1A freedoms of the media or the big mouth of LS. If anything what she says is a gift to them.

Very true...I agree 100% regarding 1A stuff...I just think the news outlet went to LE and said hey, we've got this/that and we're gonna release it and LE could have said "OK" (or not) but asked they wait a day or two....that was really my point not that they gave them permission per se
Full disclosure, I'm like 65 pages behind (this entire thread plus 35 from the last thread), but I have to admit I expected the latest interview she gave to Crime Online to have WAY more information given the number of posts/pages since I last checked in (5pm yesterday). Sure, she provided more lies (interspersed with half truths, probably?), but it wasn't terribly useful to us other than to give us something else to beat to death without any real evidence.

That interview was quite the nothing burger, or should I say, quite the nothing word salad, IMO. Other than to give us more of the same - lying liars lie. ETA: "Pre-splaining"

I am looking forward to catching up and seeing what our great WS community has to say. You guys always put 2 and 2 together better than I do. Welcome to the new posters I spotted on my lunch-time skim.

---back to your regular programming of useful posts. :D
Yes, I agree. I think she expects people to believe her.

In the past, people likely got wise to her manipulative ways and simply distanced themselves from her. Confronting her would just create another layer of chaos and gaslighting. So, she gets away with her lies only because people get away from her.

She doesn't even realize the possibility that NOBODY is falling for her stories.

Really doubt that anyone ever believed her about anything. They just learn that there was no way to win an argument with her. She is exhausting!! Unfortunately for her, it caused her to believe that she is superior and invincible. She is in for a very rude awakening! IMO
From interview with LH, it is so apparent that she had a strong love bond with Gannon. It is also apparent from interview that T had a lot of malevolent feeling towards LH. She would not have been able to tolerate Gannon's love for his mother.. IMO

Can you imagine being such a rotten person? Gannon and his sister must have really resented TS for all the turmoil they’ve lived with these past few years at the hands of this monster. And now one of the children is gone. I’m truly amazed the sister didn’t disappear either. Gannon had to go because she realized her abuse had gone too far and he was old enough to speak up coherently and be believed. TS had to have hated the fact that there were “complications” (the kids AND LH) involved in her new marriage. She can’t control LH but she could do so with the kids...or so she thought. What do you do when you can’t control someone? You get rid of way or another.

This kind of wackadoo BS is why I don’t have friends.


EDIT to remove unintended gossip. Sorry all!
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