Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #23

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She took a picture of them hiking at the Garden of the Gods on Sunday?
She recorded an audio of her and Gannon conversing and him sounding weak and crying on Sunday?
She took a picture of her and Gannon in the truck on Monday?
Does this seem excessive?
I have 2 kids and 5 grandkids. Never in my life did I even consider all of this!
Garden of the Gods.....ok. Got it. All the rest.....huh? Excessive. Planned.

Is Garden of the Gods scenic? It’s sounds like it is. It’s odd to me the only photo of the day is a close up selfie, rather than one of the kids (or solo shots) just in nature’s beauty. I agree that the photos of the day are excessive, but I think the GotG photo was also alibi building- to prove they were one big happy...
If you accept that she lied about the reasons for renting the car (which, come on...) then her actual reason must be nefarious I think.

She covered huge mileage - further than John O'Groats to Lands End here, one corner of mainland UK to the other - way too much to be pootling around looking.

That amount of mileage must have been used to create distance. I cant imagine any small inanimate incriminating object that couldnt be hidden well enough if needed.

I think where they have been searching is where she left him the first time and they've been looking for small bits of evidence to back that up.

Unfortunately I think she did go back the next day and she moved him. To somewhere maybe 400 miles away.

The car should be talking in that case as Mass Guy says, but hopefully also gas stations and pit stops may map out the route. I hope she used credit cards and it had some kind of sat nav system.

Regarding the car rental invoice... mistakes happen and I’m not convinced it’s real. If there were errors though, I’m sure LE looked into it months ago.

my experience (not with Budget car rental, nor in Colorado), but I rented a car for work travel as I always do, and I cancelled it once when my trip was cancelled. I got a confirmation and everything.
Then fast forward to the week after the trip, I received an email invoice that I returned the car with an empty tank of gas, 3 days late, and had driven over 1K miles (I had only reserved the car for one day). I don’t recall the specifics as it was a year ago, but the point was— none of it was true!
I called to look into it and they told me they had to “pull the videos” to confirm what happened, as their records showed I picked it up.
Two weeks later, the credited me back the fee without a further explanation...
If true, 955 miles is a lot to cover if you believe your child ran away... however, I’m not yet convinced the invoice is accurate.
Morning :)
I've been reading and I still have 294 messages to go is allo_O
I wonder if there will be any searches for Gannon today?
They are gonna find you little man,
No way is the craziness of this woman gonna win out
NO WAY!!!!
Surely the rental car whereabouts can be determined if used for nefarious reasons. She is not as smart as she thinks she is but is also not dumb enough to use the rental car. The melting snow will reveal her evil. Her every move has, and is being, watched closely.
According to what the lying liar said in Crime Online interview part 2, Al was with her when she rented this vehicle. No offense but I’d like to hear that from him. And does Mr. Stauch know she put 955 miles on the rental? And did he wonder where she went? And why didn’t he ask he4 to stay at home while HE rode around in the rental and look for his son?

Every time this woman opens her mouth, I get more and more confused. Maybe because her lies get more and more bizarre.

Where is Gannon? Enough messing around with this woman and find the boy. Following her GPS is the only sane lead from that woman they will get. FWIW
A little late as I’ve been busy but I really want to respond to “Part 2”.
“Hallelujah, holy ... where’s the Tylenol?!?!”

My god... I hope she didn’t hurt herself coming up with all that?!?!
Not for a split second do I believe ANYTHING from that article except:
•’maybe’ she went to PIAS on Monday
•the red truck was never left at the airport
•she did rent a car
•’maybe’ she actually picked up AS from the airport

I know this type of person, I’ve had family members who can spew ridiculous statements or stories that could easily be proven false. I know, I know, she must think he can’t read, but I imagine him reading this... “She got a rental car because why?? “WE” drove around door to door, what?? SHE picked me up from airport??” Really, they do this.

AND to actually go public with the receipt was the purest example of lunacy! Did she think we wouldn’t notice? I did a little digging & see others did as well and I have to say it seems legit. It’s insane, I know, I wouldn’t think she’d have it in her either but until a logical explanation presents itself I am inclined to believe she took a 955 mile road roundtrip!

I am under the impression that AS may not have arrived until closer to noon (?) therefore she might not have been the one who picked him up... she clearly needed to get started ASAP. BUT maybe she did bring him home & got started in the early afternoon, who knows. It’s pretty clear there’s a hatred of poor LH so I’m sure a planned storming off wasn’t a problem but I would wager she did it right away that morning even before LH arrived (if she brought AS home) to get going on her trip.

I say it’s the easiest answer... my thoughts are as follows IMHO MOO... she realizes police presence may be stronger than she anticipated or they immediately became suspicious of her, yada yada so she decides to “storm off”, get a rental car so her own car doesn’t show up on traffic/security cams or give out GPS locations and better hide her ‘evidence’. She doesn’t seem like the type who could do what we think she’s about to do but I would guess she’s getting scared. She goes to the place she left her ‘evidence’
(perhaps where recent searches have taken place?) & retrieves it (in daylight none the less) and starts driving. Did she bring her cell phone (or just have her watch)??? I feel like she’d need to but she knows they’ll find out... who knows. So, driving & driving & driving and thinking & thinking & thinking.... when it’s finally dark she finds a place to stop (in the vicinity of 450mi out) & leaves her ‘evidence’ this time under the cover of night. She gets gas with cash, maybe she rests a little then heads all the way back to CS airport to turn car in. It’s ludicrous, I know.

From my understanding she never took part in any neighborhood searches. I would really be interested if anyone can say they saw her between Tues mid-morning to Wednesday afternoon. I think she feels safer & possibly thinks she’ll get away with it so now she’s cocky enough to make Friday’s camera interview all about herself.

It’s just a gut thing but with the little we have to go on it just seems the most logical to me. I believe LE HAS the rental, it’s been ‘sniffed’ & finely ‘combed over’ and hopefully they know where it’s been but my guess is they are holding out a little longer for a body. I’m pretty sure they could already arrest but since she’s probably being watched like a hawk I imagine they’d prefer to build a rock solid case. They could’ve been searching 450 mi out. Yes, I realize this might all be crazy, just speaking an over-tired brain. MOO

(It pains me, I have boys who were 11 not long ago, I look at sweet Gannon’s face constantly & just swell up:()

sorry capslock caused by cat.

These searches are very strange..
Why in God's name would they search for a body right beside a roadway, when there are thousands of tracks that she could have taken off same roadway to hide or kill him, if that is what happened?

If rental car farce was a mere tactic to keep AS from discovering something in red vehicle, when did she get to clean it up, the red one, I mean?

Why are they not using 'planes and drones f they ave a military facility at their disposal?
Was the ball dropped here in a big way somewhere along the line?

Some ideas:

A shoe
Bottle of medicaton
Water bottle
Glove compartment papers
Key fob or lanyard
School book or papers
Headphones or earbuds
Earring, necklace or bracelet
Blood frozen in snow
A little late as I’ve been busy but I really want to respond to “Part 2”.
“Hallelujah, holy ****... where’s the Tylenol?!?!”

My god... I hope she didn’t hurt herself coming up with all that?!?!
Not for a split second do I believe ANYTHING from that article except:
•’maybe’ she went to PIAS on Monday
•the red truck was never left at the airport
•she did rent a car
•’maybe’ she actually picked up AS from the airport

I know this type of person, I’ve had family members who can spew ridiculous statements or stories that could easily be proven false. I know, I know, she must think he can’t read, but I imagine him reading this... “She got a rental car because why?? “WE” drove around door to door, what?? SHE picked me up from airport??” Really, they do this.

AND to actually go public with the receipt was the purest example of lunacy! Did she think we wouldn’t notice? I did a little digging & see others did as well and I have to say it seems legit. It’s insane, I know, I wouldn’t think she’d have it in her either but until a logical explanation presents itself I am inclined to believe she took a 955 mile road roundtrip!

I am under the impression that AS may not have arrived until closer to noon (?) therefore she might not have been the one who picked him up... she clearly needed to get started ASAP. BUT maybe she did bring him home & got started in the early afternoon, who knows. It’s pretty clear there’s a hatred of poor LH so I’m sure a planned storming off wasn’t a problem but I would wager she did it right away that morning even before LH arrived (if she brought AS home) to get going on her trip.

I say it’s the easiest answer... my thoughts are as follows IMHO MOO... she realizes police presence may be stronger than she anticipated or they immediately became suspicious of her, yada yada so she decides to “storm off”, get a rental car so her own car doesn’t show up on traffic/security cams or give out GPS locations and better hide her ‘evidence’. She doesn’t seem like the type who could do what we think she’s about to do but I would guess she’s getting scared. She goes to the place she left her ‘evidence’
(perhaps where recent searches have taken place?) & retrieves it (in daylight none the less) and starts driving. Did she bring her cell phone (or just have her watch)??? I feel like she’d need to but she knows they’ll find out... who knows. So, driving & driving & driving and thinking & thinking & thinking.... when it’s finally dark she finds a place to stop (in the vicinity of 450mi out) & leaves her ‘evidence’ this time under the cover of night. She gets gas with cash, maybe she rests a little then heads all the way back to CS airport to turn car in. It’s ludicrous, I know.

From my understanding she never took part in any neighborhood searches. I would really be interested if anyone can say they saw her between Tues mid-morning to Wednesday afternoon. I think she feels safer & possibly thinks she’ll get away with it so now she’s cocky enough to make Friday’s camera interview all about herself.

It’s just a gut thing but with the little we have to go on it just seems the most logical to me. I believe LE HAS the rental, it’s been ‘sniffed’ & finely ‘combed over’ and hopefully they know where it’s been but my guess is they are holding out a little longer for a body. I’m pretty sure they could already arrest but since she’s probably being watched like a hawk I imagine they’d prefer to build a rock solid case. They could’ve been searching 450 mi out. Yes, I realize this might all be crazy, just speaking an over-tired brain. MOO

(It pains me, I have boys who were 11 not long ago, I look at sweet Gannon’s face constantly & just swell up:()

I just hope LE got GPS from the rental as well as forensics and are getting closer to tying a noose around her neck. IMO
Nobody saw that child after 10.13am Monday January27.
It matters nothing what she rented Tuesday Wednesday Thursday or Friday or tomorrow. Even if she rented camels or lions, it's not gonna help us find him.

The 4 hr window and all the possibilities within are where the answer lies.

Sure it's massive country.
Sure it's a needle in a haystack scenario but I'm through with chasing her cobwebs.
Enough is enough.
The case is stalled search wise.
A few guys clearing snow from the side of the road or sifting snow or eating snow on sides of roads is going nowhere.
I feel like taking a flight myself at this stage.

To look at what is possible, hustle some drones and choppers and make enough noise so they will be given.
enough is enough. This is pathetic.
Assuming she did a 955 mile round-trip, this rental car must have been used for nefarious reasons...IMO

1. Who would be joy-riding, taking in the scenery, when the rest of CO is out looking for your step-son? Ya, I know, I know. SM, possibly.
2. Unless she planned on fleeing and then changed her dilly mind and turned back?
3. I find it impossible to believe she could rack up 955 miles driving locally, door to door, looking for Gannon (while he couldn't recognise her in a rental car)...
4. Who disappears from the local search area (because it would seem that she didn't actually participate in any local searches) only to rack up a round trip of 955 miles away from the home where Gannon was last seen? (Assuming she cares enough to help find him!) Ya, again, I know :rolleyes:
5. And if she spent the better part of Tuesday being "interrogated" and having her "constitutional rights violated" then she had even less time to rack up those miles. Or she had someone else use the car and rack them up for her.
6. Possibly gas stations in a 450 mile radius could provide CCTV evidence if she was ever there.
7. TRUSTING AND HOPING that Budget has GPS systems for safety reasons, installed in all of their vehicles. Whether GPS is used by the client or not.

Either way - the constantly evolving BS and muddying of the waters is exhausting. And LE is thriving on having her talk. They're continuing to work silently in the background with all that they have. And she's fueling the fire. It is frustrating to us, for sure, but LE knows exactly what to do with her BS narrative. IMO.
I don't believe she put 955 miles on that rental. I don't think it was possible because Al had just flown in. How could she just disappear immediately and drive 900 miles , leaving him to deal with their missing boy?

I think there is some other explanation for that 955 number....mistake, etc...?
Interesting. A tiny, tiny piece of me still thinks this was planned for quite some time and she handed him off to someone(with the intention to eventually have him returned unharmed). I could see her doing it for a variety of reasons. One, it deeply would cut LH and she could see the suffering firsthand, it would cut AS as well and I think she harbored anger towards him as well but also possibly force him to turn to her in his grief, GS wouldn't be around(I think she viewed him as a burden), she would gets lots of media attention, everyone would feel sorry for her. So many reasons it would appeal to someone with a personality like that. She would be totally in control and the star of the show. Only piece of a theory like this is I cannot figure out how she would communicate with another individual she was planning to have take him and keep him either before or during this "disappearance". How would that be done and not immediately be traceable by LE once this broke open? Wouldn't they see the communication immediately? Surely all the shopping trips and driving up north weren't ALL red herrings. I have thought about it a lot as more time passes and GS still is not found. I have tried to think of how she would pull off a fake abduction and be able to get away with it this long and LE not have found some communication to this other person and brought Gannon home. It seems impossible, but she continues to shock me and give me pause when I think I have the likely scenario pinned down. I think she is very cunning and I think possibly being underestimated. Even if this theory holds no water and the simplest explanation of abuse being covered up by murder is true(which I 99% believe to be true); the more she talks the more I think she is capable of much worse than I previously imagined and I need to keep thinking outside the box with her.
@Kismet7, I believe you nailed the motive, and I agree that she is capable of much worse than anyone previously imagined. :(
I think the rental is a big fat red herring. I think poor Gannon was gone long before she rented the KIA. It is a distraction. JMO

You could be right!
Unless she picked him up on Tuesday night after her "constitutional rights were violated" and moved him. I wish we knew where she returned the rental at...
Drive 900 miles and then fly back to the Springs?
I keep seeing the red truck mentioned concerning Tuesday morning. That’s AS’s & he’s about to get home so it’s in his driveway waiting for him. The CrimeOnline journalist said that LS stated she drove her “own car & left it at the airport until she returned the rental car”.

I realize it’s possible LS actually did pick him up & drive him home in the rental... unless it was an absolute lie... but I feel like she’d not want a soul to know she rented it.

One last thing... if she put 955 mi on a rental car in 28½ hrs it’d be far easier to explain is was from a quick long trip then driving it around their town or even dispersing evidence around their county. Honestly she’d have to be non-stop driving the entire time to pull that off... IF it’s even possible. (I come from a road trip family. My 70 yo father-in-law sometimes jumps in his car to “take a ride” to visit his mom in FL for 3 days from MA and we drive to the Outer Banx frequently. I have racked 1,000mi in 28hrs before myself)
The Saturday search was somewhat strange.

They were scraping away new snow off the top of tbe frozen layer below and looking for something - but from this week? Something that is on top of the previous weeks snow turned ice layer but under the most recent snowfall?
And they were wearing giant backpacks to walk for a couple hours on a road.

Day 33: Search for 11-year-old Gannon Stauch continues

I am of the firm belief that LE has other searches happening that we know nothing about and that will never be made public.
I keep seeing the red truck mentioned concerning Tuesday morning. That’s AS’s & he’s about to get home so it’s in his driveway waiting for him. The CrimeOnline journalist said that LS stated she drove her “own car & left it at the airport until she returned the rental car”.

Speculation only - what if she drove the rental 900-odd miles and flew back into CS Airport to collect her own car?
You could be right!
Unless she picked him up on Tuesday night after her "constitutional rights were violated" and moved him. I wish we knew where she returned the rental at...
Drive 900 miles and then fly back to the Springs?
I think she returned it where she rented it because the original reports were that LE impounded a rental car from the airport. But who knows?
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