Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #23

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I think she was slick, and worded it so it sounded like he was with her when she rented it...but she didnt exactly say that...she said:

"That morning, Stauch said she picked up her husband at the Colorado Springs airport; both left the airport in the rental car, she claimed."

"Stauch said, “the plan was to look for Gannon in a car he would not recognize.” Stauch added that they didn’t know if Gannon would hide from his family’s cars, thinking he was in trouble."

And the car was rented about 8:30 am. I dont think he landed until around noon. JMO

Unable to keep up and work, sorry if this was discussed. If true BOTH parents agreed to rent a car at airport incase Gannon was scared of them and recognized the family car and hid, And BOTH parents were home weekend he went missing ( correct me if wrong Dad left Sunday), wouldn't that equate to BOTH parents had the poor child scared and BOTH parents could be orchestrating?
Unable to keep up and work, sorry if this was discussed. If true BOTH parents agreed to rent a car at airport incase Gannon was scared of them and recognized the family car and hid, And BOTH parents were home weekend he went missing ( correct me if wrong Dad left Sunday), wouldn't that equate to BOTH parents had the poor child scared and BOTH parents could be orchestrating?

Not necessarily. I think she rented the car before his plane landed.

And I think she convinced her husband that Gannon was really upset about the ruined carpet and was worried about being in trouble.

That wouldn't necessarily mean the Dad orchestrated anything. My kids were worried when they screwed up and they knew Dad was coming home from work---my husband was never strict or abusive but if the kids messed up, they hated to disappoint him and all that.

Do detectives still put all the clues up on the wall the way they do in the TV shows? Because boy, would I like a snapshot of that wall right about now.
Not necessarily. I think she rented the car before his plane landed.

And I think she convinced her husband that Gannon was really upset about the ruined carpet and was worried about being in trouble.

That wouldn't necessarily mean the Dad orchestrated anything. My kids were worried when they screwed up and they knew Dad was coming home from work---my husband was never strict or abusive but if the kids messed up, they hated to disappoint him and all that.

Thanks, I went off of this: “the plan was to look for Gannon in a car he would not recognize.” Stauch added that they didn’t know if Gannon would hide from his family’s cars, thinking he was in trouble." Specifically "the plan" and "THEY didn't know if Gannon would hide....." So the question begging to be asked is what is your source for saying she rented it alone before he landed?
I think that’s entirely possible especially seeing as the return location is blacked out (unless I missed any convo about it).

I see people saying she & her teen were in Marshall’s and “violated” Tuesday. Is that true? I was thinking it was Wednesday or Thursday. If it is true then there’s another problem because I’m sure they spent a significant amount of time with them but she’d supposedly be racking up 955 mi
Friday 31st January was day she gave the TV interview.
Car had been impounded before that, same day. That was her daughter's white VW.
Perhaps she rented the car and the 900 miles were put on it by the friend/accomplice that she left Gannon with that morning. That person could have driven him 450 miles away and returned and TS would not have been involved with the disposal of his body and could truthfully say that she does not know where he is. She wandered around those areas and went to those stores, to provide herself with an alibi that is ridiculous but sounds great to her.
I have always believed from the beginning that she left him with someone with the expectation that he would "be found" and she would be a heroine. But, Gannon died.
Thanks, I went off of this: “the plan was to look for Gannon in a car he would not recognize.” Stauch added that they didn’t know if Gannon would hide from his family’s cars, thinking he was in trouble." Specifically "the plan" and "THEY didn't know if Gannon would hide....." So the question begging to be asked is what is your source for saying she rented it alone before he landed?
Yah, but those are HER words. And I believe she is trying to pull him into a cloak of suspiciousness.

I don't believe it was THEIR plan. I think it was her plan and she sold it to him. She was the one setting up the scenario as Gannon being a runaway. JMO
I haven't rented a car in decades but wouldn't the receipt show an extra charge if she dropped the car off at a different place than where she rented it? (Think the receipt originally showed it was rented in CS.)

Also these days it's pretty hard to fly so "secretly" LE won't find out, isn't it?

This is true. However, perhaps after her "interrogation" she got scared and tried to do a runner? So whether she drove "there and back" or drove ALL the way and then flew back, I'm pretty sure she'd have some kind of "reasonable" explanation for this....

Explaining a flight that early on in the investigation...well, perhaps she didn't think there would be so much attention drawn to a "runaway".

Then again, perhaps the 955 miles is an inaccuracy. All just speculation and tossing out ideas. Some weird enough to fit the ludicrous pre-splanations that we keep getting tossed ourselves :confused:
Perhaps she rented the car and the 900 miles were put on it by the friend/accomplice that she left Gannon with that morning. That person could have driven him 450 miles away and returned and TS would not have been involved with the disposal of his body and could truthfully say that she does not know where he is. She wandered around those areas and went to those stores, to provide herself with an alibi that is ridiculous but sounds great to her.
I have always believed from the beginning that she left him with someone with the expectation that he would "be found" and she would be a heroine. But, Gannon died.
If so, she should be tried for murder as well. and convicted if she did do something like that.

That is a felony, and if a child dies during the commission of a felony, those that perpetrated the crime will be charged with murder.
a runaway child, out all night, presumably alone and penniless would have avoided his carers' cars? How likely is that?
The rental makes no sense... especially if they were merely going door to door.. would be faster walking.
Was Al's jeep put in a car-wash or something like that?
I'm not believing it.
By now that car has been checked out, but Gannon remains lost.
It's a red herring.
I'm not even going to include it in my speculations.
Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP), also known as factitious disorder, is when a caregiver, usually the child’s mother or a female close to the child, fabricates a child’s illness. In extreme cases, the person causes the child to actually become sick, often with dire and sometimes fatal consequences.

The individual enjoys the attention and sympathy that she receives for having a sick child as well as the praise for being such a devoted mother.
10 Shocking Cases Involving Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy - Listverse

Oh my gosh pages and pages behind. I have tried to catch up but I fear TS is making you all nuts and I can’t stand it. It’s reminding of a handful of mothers and their children I have come across in my career. The children come in multiple times, multiple ailments no explanation. Something goes wrong still no rhyme or reason. Mothers r jumping in “well it’s this or it’s that or u must have done this or u must have done that”. Somehow they know or think they know more than everyone health care professional involved in the child’s care. We as health care professionals r going crazy trying to get the answers just to find it’s all lies. All centered around the need by the mother for attention. I truly believe that’s what’s happening here. I think TS has a history of making Gannon sick and injured and I think this time it was fatal. But she still seeks attention so every interview, every lie it’s all for that purpose. Non of it is ever going to make sense as much as we try to solve it because it’s all fabricated. She is seeking attention and we are providing her with that attention. She’s thriving on the attention she is getting for having a missing child. She knows where Gannon is. She will eventually lead us to him. JMHO
I don't think Munchausen plays a role in this case. Gannon's mother reported that he had stomach issues and it was possibly a side effect of his medication.

I think if anything his stomach problems irritated and inconvenienced TS. The symptoms she described are very common in children that age who have anxiety. I wouldn't be surprised if Gannon suffered severe stress when the kids were left alone with her and his Dad wasn't around.

I still believe TS was mentally abusive towards Gannon and it may have escalated to physical abuse.

I realize that there is not any evidence of past abuse (which has been pointed out) but mental abuse can be subtle, and the children may not have even recognized it, or were afraid to tell their parents for fear of what TS might do.

I think her behavior stems from jealousy and resentment and she took it out on Gannon.

This is true. However, perhaps after her "interrogation" she got scared and tried to do a runner? So whether she drove "there and back" or drove ALL the way and then flew back, I'm pretty sure she'd have some kind of "reasonable" explanation for this....

Explaining a flight that early on in the investigation...well, perhaps she didn't think there would be so much attention drawn to a "runaway".

Then again, perhaps the 955 miles is an inaccuracy. All just speculation and tossing out ideas. Some weird enough to fit the ludicrous pre-splanations that we keep getting tossed ourselves :confused:
I’d agree with your statement of mileage being “inaccurate”.
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