It bothers me too. Such inappropriate reasons are given for the rental. I mean, he is 11. An 11-year-old is going to be sorely missing his home after a very short time. I seriously doubt that he would hide from the car. If that were true, it points to overtly severe punishment being given in the past and Gannon fearing that would happen to him if found. The only kids that I have seen really not ever wanting to be found, have been those that were held in cages, locked rooms, starved, tortured, etc. I don't think that was the case here, so that reason for renting the car is certainly just more diversion.
"Economical and an easy way to pull in and out..." as many have pointed out, makes no sense at all. Now we are worried about being 'economical'? She is making me crazy!!
All I can say is that I am not surprised LE is still working on this when I see all the traveling and diversion tactics at play here. I'm sure it has taken weeks for just them to collect data and sort it all out. JMO
IMO, "an easy way to pull in and out" was added because Tee was spying on people speculating about RD's video, as to why she was spending so much time with the red truck "backing in and out of her driveway".
She is, IMO, gratefully receiving and incorporating the unsolicited theory that she is bad at backing up in and out of a driveway; thus why she "needed" a smaller car.
I-70 east to Kansas is an easy way to rack up miles without traffic. Tons of places she get off and be unseen. In fact, I felt very nervous even before my WS days at a gas station on that route at night. An exit right off the highway, yet the gas station felt like the wild west with nothing around it and poorly lit. During the day she might be feel too exposed with the flat, treeless landscape, but at night Kansas is a great place to hide someone.
Going to Utah would be a much harder drive through the mountains....955 mountain miles is a lot of time.
South is possible, but with 955 miles I bet she went east at night.
I bet she forgot her watch and her phone this time.
Do all new cars have the ability to be tracked, even if she got one without navigation? We haven't heard of any searches in another state. Maybe she was able to go undetected? Where did she end up staying after being kicked out? Surely if a hotel rumor is true, they have parking lot cameras that would at least show when she left and returned. Hopefully.
All new rental cars can be tracked, and probably all old rental cars too.
As others have pointed out, this is not the type of tracking where you ask Siri where to go. It is instead, more like "bugging" the car with a lo-jack device, so that the rental agency doesn't have to worry about geolocating it.
I thought Crime Online was associated with Nancy Grace?
Yes, that's also true.
No matter who the reporter(s) are or the interviewers...the plan to space out parts of the interview seems like a ratings ploy...I don’t understand what is behind it otherwise.
I'm pretty sure the reason that Crime Online did not post a part 2 until/without after part 1, is because they were waiting for (a), the car rental receipt; (b), hoping to get a copy of Tee's alleged self-administered lie detector test.
I caught up and read 680 messages last night. I read every other page and go back if something jumps out at me. My question is this, after all of the stories we have heard, if T provided Crime Online with the rental receipt with details redacted, is it possible she could tamper with the mileage on the receipt, re-scan it, and keep us up all night? Who provided Crime Online with the receipt?
-Tee gave CrimeOnline the receipt. (So said author of the article, Leigh Egan, here on WS.)
-CrimeOnline blacked out the details and should, as per admittance of Leigh Egan commenting also here on this site, have blocked out more. The article was edited to black out the pickup locale.
If I were to speculate at all IMO etc, I might conclude that he took vyvanse for adhd,which on occasion caused constipation for which miralax would be prescribed, you know IF I was speculating....
He could simply have taken good old Adderall, though, correct?
In that media interview where she had her back to the camera, I believe TS herself spent some time saying how she wanted to search but couldn’t for several reasons she rattled off.
Because "death threats".
Does anyone have a link that references the rental car being impounded? I don’t remember if that was rumor or fact at this point.
It was a question posed by a journalist far as I remember. We certainly discussed it on one of the early threads here and a mod may have opined. not sure which thread.
100% rumor. Someone asked Sheriff's spokesperson at an early press conference, about a white rental car. Spokeperson was, I think, Deb(orah) Mynatt; but not positive. She said they could not confirm nor deny.
Moderator said similarly, IIRC, at the time, that we could not discuss it; and there were several posts edited/removed talking about it.
Did that flyer get confirmed as coming from her?? That would make so much sense!
Not confirmed; but we do, IMO, know it wasn't an official Missing poster, because nobody here can ever recall seeing an official agency's Missing poster that features anything but the Missing person(s). Other people not missing, are always cropped out of the posters.