Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #5

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... I also firmly believe that people on the Cluster B spectrum, particularly on the Narc spectrum, constantly project. So when she said she’d taken care of Gannon for two years because his mother didn’t want to, I think she was telling her own story, and is the one who didn’t want to. She sounded resentful to me and like someone who wanted attention for the care she’d provided. Her past tense references about him are chilling.

I feel the same way about her behavior and past tense usage. Have you ever checked out a yt channel called "JCS - Criminal Psychology"? They specialize in forensic psychology and criminal interrogations. I really liked his blow by blow dissection of all of the Chris Watts media interviews and police interrogations. I bet he'll have some good content with this case, if they choose to go over it. I can link you if you want.
Well is clear that she lacks any self awareness.

She actually conducted that interview in order to improve her public perception. Not only did that backfire, but it helped to solidify her being a suspect in many people’s minds.

The question as to where Gannon is, comes down to what she was trying to achieve.

Did she hope that his body would turn up, and be in a condition that indicated that he ran away and succumbed to the elements?

Or was she hoping that he’d never be found, and the runaway story would stand?


The latter.

I believe he was injured, and that those injuries are irreconcilable with a "succumbed to the elements" scenario.

Can't risk him being discovered.

Remote location.

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Well is clear that she lacks any self awareness.

She actually conducted that interview in order to improve her public perception. Not only did that backfire, but it helped to solidify her being a suspect in many people’s minds.

The question as to where Gannon is, comes down to what she was trying to achieve.

Did she hope that his body would turn up, and be in a condition that indicated that he ran away and succumbed to the elements?

Or was she hoping that he’d never be found, and the runaway story would stand?

I think her narcissistic self needs him to be found and appear to have succumbed to the elements. I could imagine her leaving him barely alive out in the elements somewhere in the mountains, using something like benedryl as a way to make him sleepy and unable to find shelter/save himself. I think she knows he can't be lost forever as it doesn't fly. It goes with the hiking the day before and on many prior occasions.

The latter option, I think.

I believe he was injured, and that those injuries are irreconcilable with a "succumbed to the elements" scenario.

Can't risk him being discovered.

Remote location.

Yeah, that’s exactly what I think too. She couldn’t take that chance.
Brandon Thompson


Just asked May if he will be filing charges. He says he just part of the task force and questions should be directed to
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Brandon Thompson
· 10h
The @4thJudicialDA Dan May is entering the house
My best “O Razor” theory is that the marriage was in trouble, and this was done either to punish the dad, or because LS/TS felt their marriage woes were caused by GS. Maybe they argued and it centered around the kids. If she took GS out of the equation, they could “go back to normal.”

I find it significant that she was out of the family home almost immediately. That would not happen in a strong/healthy marriage. Dad knew right away.

Editing to add I suppose good old jealousy could also be a factor, especially after listening to that interview.

All my opinion.
I’m with you all the way.

The latter.

I believe he was injured, and that those injuries are irreconcilable with a "succumbed to the elements" scenario.

Can't risk him being discovered.

Remote location.

This tears me up. I was just outside with my dogs. With thick sweats and big coat and hats. I keep just thinking of him out there in this bitter cold. I see his little face in my mind, just cold and alone. Praying even harder to find him. I cannot imagine what his mom and dad are going thru right now.
Well is clear that she lacks any self awareness.

She actually conducted that interview in order to improve her public perception. Not only did that backfire, but it helped to solidify her being a suspect in many people’s minds.

The question as to where Gannon is, comes down to what she was trying to achieve.

Did she hope that his body would turn up, and be in a condition that indicated that he ran away and succumbed to the elements?

Or was she hoping that he’d never be found, and the runaway story would stand?

You have reminded me of something I've had come to mind a few tines. Bear with me here... LS expecting GS to come back and apologize to her (as she stated in her backasswards interview); your hypothetical scenario of it looking as if he ran away and succumbed to the elements...

I wonder MOO if she thought he owed her an apology for something he'd done or said, they argued, he mentioned running away (to his mom? Dad? Friend?), and she thought she had the perfect punishment for him... Drive him out to the middle of nowhere and "runaway" him. ("You want to run away?! I'll help you! Get in the truck. We'll see how you like being on your own instead of with me, after all I've done for you!! ")

Maybe she really expected him to find his way home? Maybe she realized that probably wasn't happening. Realized she'd really messed up, but decided to tell lies laced with just enough truth to be plausible when he's found. MOO, and truly not something I believe 100%, or even 50%, but thought I'd throw it out there.

My mom is a narc. I had the awful childhood with constant stomachaches from her yelling and gaslighting me. She came up with creative punishments, let's say.

Sweet Gannon, you are in my prayers.
Speaking specifically to your last point (because it’s incredibly important), I absolutely agree.

I think she started that interview by making an effort to speak about Gannon in the present tense. She was able to pull that off, but only briefly.

She suddenly pivoted to the past tense, which was telling.

Everything about that interview was damning.

I would love to have seen and heard Dan May's initial reaction to it.

If there is a trial, that train wreck of an interview will definitely be entered in as evidence.

Well is clear that she lacks any self awareness.

She actually conducted that interview in order to improve her public perception. Not only did that backfire, but it helped to solidify her being a suspect in many people’s minds.

The question as to where Gannon is, comes down to what she was trying to achieve.

Did she hope that his body would turn up, and be in a condition that indicated that he ran away and succumbed to the elements?

Or was she hoping that he’d never be found, and the runaway story would stand?
I think the runaway story sounded like a good option to her once she made the decision that she needed Gannon to disappear because it's open-ended (anything could happen to an 11-year-old runaway) and it was the story that made her the least culpable since she was the adult in charge of him. It must have sounded better than, say, staging an accidental injury because she couldn't stand for people to see her as the sort of parent that would let something like that happen on her watch. Letting an 11-year-old walk to an unspecified friend's house on the day he stayed home from school sick is arguably crappy parenting, but I think that's why the text message to his father was mentioned, to further absolve her.

Her clearly fictional story aside, I think the truth of what happened to him and/or his remains :( depends on whether she needed him to disappear because of resentment/anger/vindictiveness, in which case I think it will look like he succumbed to the elements or was hurt by a stranger, or because of an accidental injury or illness she should have prevented, in which case he'll be much harder to find or identify.

ETA: I also think part of the reason she came up with the runaway story is rooted in her resentment of Gannon, which was very clear in the interview. In her mind at least, I bet she thought everyone would put some measure on the blame on HIM for his own fate, like "It sure is sad what happened to Gannon... that's why kids shouldn't run away!"
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I would have loved for the reporter to ask T/S if she had any idea why GS might want to runaway.

I didn’t buy the runaway story T/S gave from get-go. Like I mentioned earlier I’m local, GS’s home is just over a few miles away. It’s not exactly rural but there are no side walks to walk to the nearest shopping centers, no gas stations close by; everything is 4.5 miles or more away going along a 2 lane highway w/45+mph vehicles driving by mostly open fields. SOMEONE would have seen him. T/S would have been better off not eluding to GS running away but rather kidnapped.

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Well is clear that she lacks any self awareness.

She actually conducted that interview in order to improve her public perception. Not only did that backfire, but it helped to solidify her being a suspect in many people’s minds.

The question as to where Gannon is, comes down to what she was trying to achieve.

Did she hope that his body would turn up, and be in a condition that indicated that he ran away and succumbed to the elements?

Or was she hoping that he’d never be found, and the runaway story would stand?
IMO the latter.
This case is eerily similar to the Kyron Horman disappearance in 2010. Hoping and praying that the outcome is different here and that there will be answers soon. Where are you Gannon?
You’re one of many to reference that case, as you’re right, there are similarities.

Fortunately, I think the outcome is going to be very different here.

SM has been caught in lies, and it’s highly unlikely they won’t be fully exposed. There’s video, and likely witnesses who can bring this monster down.

The continued and prolonged presence of CSI teams at the home, is indicative that they believe it’s a crime scene.

I think they’ve found things, and will continue to find things.

Both cases are tragic, but justice won’t prove elusive here.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I think too. She couldn’t take that chance.
I agree with you guys. Which is a terrible thing, in that she has no reason to give him up. Being out there with him somewhere for four hours is a huge potential radius of area. I don't see the SM doing the decent thing here so the best hope is going to be that she cracks. Sadly I think she seems hard as nails.

But you have to have hope.
I agree with you guys. Which is a terrible thing, in that she has no reason to give him up. Being out there with him somewhere for four hours is a huge potential radius of area. I don't see the SM doing the decent thing here so the best hope is going to be that she cracks. Sadly I think she seems hard as nails.

But you have to have hope.
I think she’ll talk, if they can show her they have the goods.

If she feels like she’s backed into a corner, and there’s no hope, she may tell them where Gannon is.

It would still be a self serving narrative in regards to what happened, but atleast his body would be returned to his loved ones.

Time will tell.
I would like to hope GS is found alive. Unfortunately, I have no clue how this would be possible unless he is hidden in a heated, sheltered location. It was below zero degrees last night, it was biting cold several nights last week, in addition to having snow last Thursday night which was blowing so hard it made visibility & driving difficult. Also, it’s my understanding El Paso County Emergency Services recently purchased a thermal sensing drone they use in conjunction with K9 teams to help find missing persons, although it wasn’t mentioned the h/s drone was being put to use in GS’s search, I wouldn’t see why it wouldn’t be.
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I agree with you guys. Which is a terrible thing, in that she has no reason to give him up. Being out there with him somewhere for four hours is a huge potential radius of area. I don't see the SM doing the decent thing here so the best hope is going to be that she cracks. Sadly I think she seems hard as nails.

But you have to have hope.

I agree...I don't see her cracking either! She thinks she is slick and has it all figured out by playing the victim and claiming her rights were violated.

She reminds me a lot of Tammy Moorer who was convicted of kidnapping in the Heather Elvis case. We all know how that turned out!

I do however see law enforcement making sure they have a rock solid case against her. Its just a matter of time! She will get tripped up in her own lies, LE is already way ahead of her....I'm sure of this!
I'm late to this thread and have been slowly catching up. You're all doing great sleuthing here. Much appreciated.

Besides Kyron Horman's case, this one also reminds me a lot of Dylan Redwine's. Especially the self-aggrandizing "word salad" interviews from the stepmother (like Dylan's father) and alluding to the missing child being at fault (running away).

I hope they find Gannon sooner than Dylan was found (and I wish the same for Kyron). Such a horrible thing for the parents to go through.
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