Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #8

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I went back and watched every video the neighbor speaks in. ( I may have missed one or two, so y'all feel free to correct me) in one, he says he saw Gannon and his sister playing outside Sunday. Most kids get up relatively early, at least around here. They could have been playing early. Anyway- the neighbor "never ever" says that 1015 video is from Monday. Not ever. Now reporters say Monday, but no mention of Monday specifically from him
I thought he said in an interview that it was Monday morning at 10:15 that she and Gannon got into the truck. It was not a video, but a written article. Jmo
I can see a beating starting on Sunday and he recovered enough to walk to the truck Monday but we have no time stamp so we really don’t know what date that video represents

But we do know AS saw the real video, which would have time stamps as well as much more clarity than the copy we've seen....and we have been told what his reaction was.

Xfinity video has a timeline that runs below the picture to scroll to specific time and dates. MOO It just isnt showing in the public version.
I can see a beating starting on Sunday and he recovered enough to walk to the truck Monday but we have no time stamp so we really don’t know what date that video represents
This is my opinion only. I think that something could very well have happened Sunday. TS, who has displayed some self-absorbed behaviors, was angered by something Gannon said or did, and beat him severely. That's why he was so slow to walk out to the truck and had to be helped into it. He couldn't go to school, she would be found out. Maybe Gannon would tell his dad. So she got rid of him. Do children need a doctor's note when they are out of school for any length of time?
When I was a child in the 50s, my father beat my brother so badly that my mother kept him home from school for a week, so this isn't so farfetched an idea.
I think you could be right.

Sorry to hear that about your brother :(
Xfinity video has a timeline that runs below the picture to scroll to specific time and dates. MOO It just isnt showing in the public version.
I can see a beating starting on Sunday and he recovered enough to walk to the truck Monday but we have no time stamp so we really don’t know what date that video represents
I'm sure the investigators have a handle on the dynamics of the family and the relationship between TS and AS, as well between TS and Gannon. They've interviewed all of them, and they've seen the public on camera video of TS and her weird behavior. They've also no doubt received rebuttal from AS and mom (can't remember her initials!) about her claims in the video. And AS has likely filled in some blanks about what he saw on the neighbor's video as far as the demeanor of both TS and Gannon, and other nuances. I'm guessing there may also be more to that video, either in footage or clarity, that we're just not able to see.

A couple of things -
First, she has really piled onto herself and added a lot to reconcile in the gap in time between leaving that driveway, and even the hour between 2:15 when she got home, and 3:15 which she gave as the earliest portion of the timeline for going to the (imaginary nameless) friend's house.
It's going to be hard to say she got gas, grocery shopped, had her nails done, went to yoga, or whatever, between that morning and when she returned, because where are the receipts, does she appear on camera in those venues, do people who served her or checked her out remember any of this, where was Gannon while she was doing these things, and on and on it goes. She never thought that anyone would see her in that driveway with Gannon, and that's a beautiful thing, because she's created a huge dilemma of having to explain where she was, where he was, and lining up moving parts with proof of those parts, when she simply can't. If she didn't think about neighborhood cameras, she didn't think about creating an alibi past that driveway, most likely.

As re: family dynamics and who has responsibility: If there is Narcissism in this equation, and I mean the full blown personality, not just self-absorption and self-serving priorities, there is a level of psychological violence and manipulation in that home and family that is literally mind-bending to all parties, including the adults. Narcissists are masters of brainwashing even the most functional adult, because they groom people, they lure, they love bomb, then they devalue, then they gaslight to rebut the devaluing ("I didn't say that"; "You're imagining things"; "I think you're overreacting", "No, I didn't say that, I said x, and you were really distracted that day and just don't remember...can I fix us some dinner, you seem exhausted from work", etc., etc.). The purpose of all of this is to keep the victims off balance and feeling like this loving gushing person can't really be lying or cruel, 'and besides, she's right, that day I was really distracted...'

I've witnessed this, and children are so tragically vulnerable to the confusing happy good mommy/mean mommy switch up, and so reliant on the person for care, they can't sort that it's abuse, and they don't report, or, if they do, the person they tell is under a spell as well, and can't see into it fully. It's always the manipulated person's fault anyway because they upset the other party (look how hard she's tried and is keeping the family together while the other parent is away), and so on. There are volumes written about how these people puppet other people, using psychological tools of harm that normal people have never considered because we're normal and don't see other humans as objects. So, no, because you marry someone, live with them, and talk to them every day, you're not necessarily aware of what's happening at all these other levels, and certainly not when you're away from the house. As adult might know something's 'off', or suspect dishonesty, but then there's always something to override the perception. Gaslighting is a very vicious and powerful tool of abuse. And everyone is a victim in a home where any narcissist lives. Triangulation is one of their favorite tools so all family members are pitted against each other, the children have special secrets and information that their siblings don't have, the parent 'needs' their help, and it just goes on forever. These people destabilize families and homes to keep ongoing control of their human puppets. Up is down, now it's sideways, it's sunny when it's raining, and everybody else is just confused or even 'mentally ill' if they counter this false reality. Don't know if this is the big picture, just saying if it is, this is why it appears on the surface that someone should have 'known', when it takes a crisis and a tragedy for the mask to fully fall off.

I think of ownership and accountability as who gets to eat the pie. I believe that while there may be some slivers and bites anyone could feel is theirs to swallow, because guilt is powerful thing looking back, there's only one person who will be seated at the table of accountability with a pie and a big spoon. (barring third party assistance, and they have their own pie) JMO

You really hit everything on the head with this post. All of the above. That's one reason why I keep saying we are so uninformed about so many things. Until you have experienced this form of psychological violence, and understood it for what it is and who causes it, you cannot really have a grasp on what has happened to you or anyone you love who is caught in that web.
She sure is POed about Mom Being there, in spite of the fact she is Gannon's BM,and it's BM's son that is missing, but she doesn't say exactly why she's not allowed to be there. Pretty sure she was not supposed to be there when MOM got there for a reason. Makes me think there might be a restraining order.
I hadn't thought about that, but it could be a possibility. Some people just can't handle that their partners have been with other people, especially if they have a child and are reminded of that every time they look at said children. IMO it seems like there was a level of jealously from TS to AS that included nor being able to have his own SM accounts. If, IMO, she wouldn't even let her husband have SM accounts, I can totally see potential stalking behavior that could cause some type of retraining order.
Camera's are the modern day eye witness.
Yes! with less wrong details!
I was wondering if anyone across the street had any video. Thank you! Hmmmm....if that neighbor says they did not see anything, I wonder if perhaps the motion sensitivity on her system is set to low? MOO

I think this neighbor also was looking at the original time frame for the runaway story for after 3pm Monday. I am almost positive her camera will show much on Monday morning.
The EPC Sheriff’s office has been extremely deliberate about the wording of every single update they post regarding the search for GS. The change to the wording below from Friday to Saturday is highlighted below.

Sheriff's Office Update on Gannon Stauch Case (Friday at 6:19pm)

“We will continue to search specific areas based on tips and leads in this investigation. All leads and avenues are being explored. The investigation and the search processes will continue to run parallel with one another in hopes of finding Gannon and bringing him home safely. “


Sheriff's Office Update on the Gannon Stauch Case (yesterday at 7:31pm)

“We will continue to search specific areas based on tips and leads in this investigation. Through the course of this investigation, we follow leads and tips until those are exhausted. The investigation and the search processes will continue to run parallel with one another in hopes of finding Gannon and bringing him back home.”

I agree. The differences between those two updates is startling. I think it does point to where they are with his disappearance, especially when combined with the scaling back of public searches. While it seemed that the weather is a factor, I think the length of time and whatever evidence they collected has created this new ending of the update. In many cases, LEO leave parents with little information about their investigation direction but I think their signals might be too loud and clear for Gannon's mother and father. I can't imagine walking in their shoes.

I know there have been people on here who talked about the disappearance and loss of a child. It is stunning to me that people can even recover from an event like this. Thoughts and hopes for peace for all who encountered this type of loss.
I’m reviewing timeline I’m working on and I noticed mom and dad spent Tuesday evening with LE - no mention though if LS was also there so I’m wondering if suspicion had already set in? If true, then they may have returned to the family home and confronted her Wednesday or Thursday and that’s when she had to leave? It seems in her interview she’s mad IMO and so I think she may have just left so it’s still fresh ? Alternatively she may have been asked to leave after their interview and she was seething about it ? I’d like to know this because I think the timing is relevant

IMO - TS lied. She wasn't asked to leave. That woman wouldn't go if she was asked to - that's her house and nobody's going to make HER leave. My guess is that she stormed out taking her daughter with her - once she heard that LH was going to stay in her house and not a hotel. Pure impulse, no thinking. That's why they had nothing with them. Cut off her nose to spite her face. Had to find a hotel and pay for it. Leaving AS and LH in the house with the time to search through every room, every place where some clue to what happened could be. Big mistake, TS.
I agree. There was a female neighbor who was interviewed early on. She said she lives across the street and checked her video and didn't see anything on it. Then the other neighbor, RD, found the Monday morning video a few days after Gannon's disappearance. LE would have obtained the female neighbor's video right away to examine the hours of 10:00 and on. Not just her video, but everyone who said they had video cameras. Takes time to search through all of this.
Since at least one other neighbor (sounds like several do) definitely has cameras, I would think that by now LE has watched the ~10AM and ~2PM truck loading, leaving, and returning from more than one angle. Not sure it would give them anything they don't already have, but maybe?

This was posted by an anonymous on a blog.

I = interviewer, T = Tecia, H = Harley

Transcript Part 1

I: Uh, You are
T: I am Tecia Stauch, which is Gannon’s stepmother. Wearing sunglasses, facing away from camera.

I: Uh. You’ve been a part of the investigation since the very first time you were the last person to see him. Is that right?
T: Correct

I: Uh, what, what did you see when you last saw him?
T: Well, I’m not allowed to talk about anything with the case. I would moreso be, willing to talk about how the community needs to have faith and continue to work together and not make these false accusations, like the things that have been said - that I disappeared - from the community. I haven’t been there to help, but there’s lots of reasons behind that.

I: Uh, reasons like death threats. Right?
T: Right. Death threats are one of them. My family is getting lots of death threats. We counted over 20 some, death threats already. Um, two, my husband’s ex-wife is living in our home and of course I’m not coming home, to do these things. And to help with the family, when I was kind of like, told, I couldn’t. Um. And then, many other things that happened with the El Paso County Police Department, you know. And then, doing the investigation, I was told I wasn’t complying. And i- Can I elaborate on that?

I: Please do.
T: Yes. So, I asked for a attorney during the interview. Ah. And, I was denied that by them. I was held, because they were blocking the door, and I was told I couldn’t leave, and that if I would have touched them, they would have probably, you know, said I still wasn’t complying, or said I was, you know, trying to run away or something but; during the interview I asked several times could I stop the interview, could I get an attorney, could I stop the interview, could I get a- an attorney. I was denied. I was told I couldn’t get nothing to drink. I couldn’t go to the bathroom. I mean, it’s continuously, that my constitutional rights were violated.

I: And, that’s why you, say that they said then, you weren’t cooperating.
T: That’s why they said I wasn’t cooperating at that time. Correct.

I: And, why did you ask for an attorney at the time?
T: Well, I asked for an attorney at the time because there was one individual, er there was two, really good detectives, and so I’m not, you know, going to talk bad about detectives, but the tactics they started to get when I would answer questions they try to, you know. They’re detectives, they’re supposed to twist. Their one main goal is to find Gannon. But, during that time, some of those things made me feel uncomfortable, the way they were saying things. So I immediately stopped and it felt like, felt like an attorney would help me with some of the vocabulary and things like that, that I needed help with, in understanding some of the things that they were asking.

I: I’m going to shift gears, to, what has become a huge online presence of people
T: Right

I: Obviously trying to do the right thing
T: Mm hm

Transcript Part 2

I: Help find Gannon. But at the same time sometimes it just feels like (unintelligible). Have you seen any of those comments yourself?
T: We have. And, see, that’s one of the main things we haven’t, uh, been around in the public eye because we did- I didn’t want to expose my family to it if all these things were going on. You know, there was comments about Gannon getting pushed off (looks awar from interviewer), the hike, and there was comments about this. And that’s just not true. I took care of Gannon for the last 2 years in our home because his mother didn't want to do it. And I would never never ever hurt this child. And I know there are some questions out there about, okay, so tell me what happened. That's up to the investigations when they end up letting you guys know, but I've cooperated with them, even to the point that we were held with a gun; and my daughter, a 17 year old who serves our country in the United States Air Force , who has never committed a crime or done anything wrong in her life , was put in hand cuffs over the keys that was in her purse, so they could take her car.

I: And they weren’t in there
T: They weren't even in her car, I mean, in her purse.

I: And you
T: They were in my pocket.

I: You originally didn’t even know it was the, um, law enforcement, officer at this point?
T: I didn’t know it was a law enforcement officer, because when he came out; I guess he was putting his jacket on and it, it wasn't necessarily his fault, he was adjusting and happened to catch me; but I saw the gun and I panicked originally and kind of thought oh gosh, I got to- Who is this guy? And then once I realized it was the Sheriff’s office I was totally okay, but they still had a gun and told me they were gonna shoot me. But I was really concerned about my daughter asking why she was being detained in handcuffs, and things like that, when that shouldn't even happen for a child. That shouldn't happen for someone who was standing inside of a store shopping, because we couldn't have any clothes because all of our clothes were here. If we came here and got clothes, you know, we would be harassed; so she went to purchase some, underwear and things like that and was, put in the handcuffs in the store. You know, and then brought out with me and the guns, and there was- That's just not okay, you know. They could have approached me and said Hi, I'm with El Paso County. Can I please get this, instead of the way that it happened.

I: I’m just going to check our time. You’re doing great. (checks camera) I, I should try and clarify here. Not necessarily crime rates, but; the way that people are reacting online to rumors about you at the source.
T: Oh, oh yes. Wow. The rumors have gotten so bad. Um. I pretty much have been told, at least ten different ways, that these people have these conspiracy theories. I guess they watch a lot of law shows and maybe they have all these theories on, how, um, Gannon is dead. And that’s what they’re saying. So, I’m like why are you saying Gannon is dead. He is not dead. We are going to find Gannon. And that’s the main goal that we all have. My family has. Just because you haven’t seen us, we have that same goal. We’ve been out searching. My, Aunt has been out searching. My family has been out searching. We all have been doing that together, so that we could protect each other.

Transcript Part 3

I: How does it feel, when not only you have a lost child, you are in care of, but then people blaming you for that child not being here?
T: You know, I, I’m just ready for Gannon to come home. Most importantly, for him to see his family, but second, I am going to be so ecstatic when I’m able to say, to people that I hope they have a really sincere apology for all these theories that have came out online. For all the things they said that I have done, or people have done. I just want everyone to know that, (moves head side to side) we’re going to find Gannon. And I love him so much. I helped taking care of him for so long.

I: Can you talk to me a little bit about him? I don’t know him.
T: Gannon is so kind and - he loves to play video games. That’s one of his favorite things, he loves Sonic, and Mario and, you know. He’s always helpful - I and I- he was always so helpful, with the dogs, around the house, and we have two Loki(?) dogs. And he was always like a person I could say, Gannon, can you go do this, and he would do it right away. You know, sometimes with kids, we have to remind ‘em and things like that, and that’s ok, but, he was so sweet and able to help anyone; he could notice when you’re sick, and say, are you ok, and – such a kind heart.

I: Um. I know you just said that you can’t say anything about the investigation, so you can just say so again if you can’t answer this, but, is there anything we can hear about the hike? Was there a hike? You don’t, like just, it seems irreverent right now.
T: You know what? Um (looks away from interviewer). Could we bring uh, my daughter up here, ‘cause she can per- She can go and say that, you know, she came home, from work, after the hike, and she can verify that Gannon was at our home.

I: OK, yeah. That’s fine with me. Eh, if she doesn’t want to that’s ok but you’re allowed to...
T: That’s fine. I need Harley. I need Harley. ‘Cause they want you to verify was Gannon home after the hike. ‘Cause you didn’t go to the hike but you came home from work. Hm?
H: Do you want me to say that-?
T: No. Just answer the question yes. Y-, you came home from work. And you can verify Gannon was at home. Yeah. I told her she didn’t have to be too in depth ‘cause she is still, you know, a child. But I want to make sure that someone knows that there’s another, person to verify that Gannon.

I: Sure
T: Does she need to hold this?

I: No.
H: Yes, so I came home, later that evening. I was at work and I can verify that he was there that night. Sniff.

I: So, there, there was a hike that you guys went on. But, then, you guys came home.
H: Yes.

I: Where’d you guys go hiking?
T: Garden of the Gods

I: Garden of the Gods. OK. Um. I guess we-
T: And then we ate Burger King afterwards. So. You know. Ahuh.

I: There you go.
T: Yeah.

Transcript Part 4

I: Um. And then it just, was I’m gonna go to go play at a friend’s house.
(video jump – Harley has left – interviewer asks same question to stepmom alone)
And then it was just, ah, uh, I’m off to go to play at a friend’s house.
T: Unfortunately I’m not able to, like comment on that anymore. And, for that reason is ‘cause some things have been turned and twisted and- You know, that was one of those stories you were talking about where people say things, um. We had to hear things like, who would let their child go out at dark. And, and things like that, and that- And that’s just why I don’t want to answer that. Um. If I had to give- n- I’m not going to say that part.

I: That’s OK.
T: Never mind.

I: It’s alright.
T: You can take that out.

I: I understand that it, it gets tricky with (unintelligible)
T: Yeah.

I: Sigh. Do you feel like I asked you what I need to? Do you feel like this is going to help, kinda, turn the tide of, what feels like a witch hunt, in my opinion?
T: I hope. Is, am I on camera now?

I: You are still.
T: Ok. Ok. Um, I think that a lot of people can see that I'm not missing, and see that I am being cooperative, and, but, to me it's okay that they think those things because my, the way someone thinks about me, I don't have a problem with that. My main thing is; I would never want someone to think that I would hurt Gannon, or any of the children in our home ‘cause that's just not the case. I've spent my whole entire life working so hard in education, um, there's even things online that was talking about my education license and I shouldn't even be a teacher, and they just didn't know that. Like, we moved on a military move, and I didn't finish out my contract so, I gave up my license in that state. Um, it had nothing to do with any criminal activity, you know, or any of those things, and it just got blown out of proportion on my professional status you know and-

I: Do you feel like these are just internet detectives who think they know what they’re doing?
T: It definitely is, and you know, here’s the thing that kind of saddens me. It’s like, if you’re gonna talk about someone like that, have a witch hunt out for them, why would you even care, like, about doing those things because this is a child. You’re telling me that you’re just as mean. You’re just as hateful to talk about someone else like that. That’s how I feel. Like, we just should not. We should all come together. Wait until the end and, and see what happens, because Gannon’s going to come home.

I: Any message for Gannon?
T: The message for Gannon I have is, Gannon, when you get here, you’ll be able to truly tell what happened. And then I really hope, I get a sincere apology from everyone who has made all those things, especially for my husband.
(video jump – Interviewer is no longer visible)
T: We just wanted to add a message to Gannon from my family, is that we love you we miss you and we want you to come home soon. Sniff. And Gannon I can’t wait you can, come home and let everyone know that you’re ok. We love you.
I thought he said in an interview that it was Monday morning at 10:15 that she and Gannon got into the truck. It was not a video, but a written article. Jmo

I just watched Grey- who had a written version of Channel 11 story. Just states 10:15- no "day". I have not found him directly stating that was Monday morning- on video nor a direct quote. still looking
I think a lot of people only checked their video from the supposed time he "ran away". I'm betting once RD came out with what he found EVERYBODY from that neighborhood went back and checked. I wonder of they have found even more footage of her movements from that day.
In that interview- it only mentions she checked her video for the time LS said Gannon went off to play


And I got to thinking about how I would react if I lived in GS neighborhood.

If I lived in GS's neighborhood and LE asked neighbors to "check their cameras" for footage when he first went missing, most people (including myself) would only go back and start reviewing footage from about 2:30ish on Monday (and forward) and probably only be looking for evidence of GS walking away from from his house, alone, on foot.

ETA: @Faebray. I just saw your post. We must be thinking the same.
Even if you were responsible, how in the world could you not tell parents where their child is?!!? I will never, ever understand that level of cruelty.

That's the punctuation. Where is concern for Gannon. And the weather here has been so cold and there's been snow and there's more coming. We had wind last night and my mind couldn't stop worrying about the dark and the cold and the wind blowing so hard. Most normal people in a state with our weather think of stray animals and wildlife in bad weather conditions. Where do you have to go in your own head to reconcile keeping the location of a missing child your personal secret.
I agree with the above post. LS is self absorbed and more concerned with how she is perceived than her step-sons whereabouts. Her narrative was all about how this victimized her and her daughter. The way she involved and coaching her on what to say raised more questions as to if they were both hiding the truth.
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