Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #9

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I was going to ask the same. What was the actual agenda- the stepmom, or learning anything more about Gannon, whether she could picture him running away etc. Did she talk about him? I missed it, too.
I believe the agenda was to produce someone, anyone, willing to refute (even if it was terribly weak) the public opinion of TS, as anyone can see by looking at SM.
Not because they actually care, but because it's a scandalous topic right now, and they (the station) wanted a slice of that pie.
Well, now that the brain trust has spoken... :cool: :rolleyes:

On the bright side, surely she doesn't seem intelligent enough to have made a good coverup witness, does she? Either LE wasn't able to get anything out of her due to inanity; or she inadvertently told them a lot.
I think they just jumped on the controversy bandwagon. Whoever it was at the station that saw all the poop on social media decided it was a hot topic, and that's likely all they care about, honestly. Being THE local station taking on the hot topic of the step-mom's social media insanity. Skanky tabloid magazines make the publishers look bad too, and that hasn't hurt sales at all, so... it's a thing, sadly.
I think your spot on. I guess I have too much hope in humanity sometimes.
If anyone is, like, interested ... :D:
Thank you for the link! I was out for the early part of the day and when I got home it took a while before I even realized a new thread had opened, lol! o_O

So... after listening I tend to agree with everyone that meh, nothing to see here. Saying that LS is a "good person" in her opinion or hiding anything. IOW, she doesn't think so but doesn't know. Um, ok.

Still, the interview does cause one good thing - it keeps Gannon in the news. At this point I don't believe Gannon is alive but keeping him in the news reminds people to keep searching, be it their property, their cameras, whatever.
I personally want to be careful with the babysitter that did the interview. To me, she sounded super young. I’m picturing a young person, possibly naive, who babysits for extra cash. They could easily think they’re “friends” with the parents. She also answered the questions that were asked, which none of them were about Gannon specifically, really. IIRC

IMO, the interview was a nothing-burger.
A few things: first, even though it's snowing I drove through Garden of the Gods this evening. Parked a few times to glance around (not deeply search tho), and pray. It's a mostly one way road so not a short/simple drive.

Second, I just noticed that the Fremont County Search and Rescue is listed under the helpers for LE. I understand Douglas county being listed. I would even understand Teller or Pueblo counties. I don't understand Fremont, just because of its vicinity further away from CS. Has there been any mention of them other than just listed as support?
Babysitters on air?
I had the same sitter for years. She knew almost nothing about me... because I don't share too much, and frankly, my private life was not her business.
This is getting ridiculous.
They need to get serious.
I thought a little kid's life was at stake???
Yep. It’s a shame they stoop so low for ratings. Everyone needs to keep the focus on Gannon. If he was left outside somewhere, there is no way he could survive the cold. I am sure his parents are devastated. I keep going back to the interview the stepmom gave, with her back to the camera and speaking of Gannon in past tense. It angered me so much that I had nightmares of hunting for him in the dark in freezing weather and calling out his name. (And the most she is worried about is getting an apology from her husband. That ship has sailed. She has likely already received notice of divorce filing.)
Is it worth putting it in the media thread ? We don’t have a link yet just our sleuthers reporting so far
It’s definitely worth noting as they are MSM. I’m sorry I’m just angry at their tactics. KVDR Fox 31 was one of the first if not THE first to release interview with the neighbor and since then they have bragged about it saying “we were the first to bring you this” even while saying LE asked them not to. This was on February 3rd :

On the same date, another Denver station, Denver 7 had a reporter Tom Mustin claim in a tweet that LE had told him that the Dad, AS was not a suspect. Straight up lie. He has since deleted the tweet, but the thread is still up with him trying to defend it.
Tom Mustin on Twitter

JMO We need to be wary of some reporting from those 2 outlets.
MOO I feel like they are rushing to be first without regard to ethical reporting.
I personally want to be careful with the babysitter that did the interview. To me, she sounded super young. I’m picturing a young person, possibly naive, who babysits for extra cash. They could easily think they’re “friends” with the parents. She also answered the questions that were asked, which none of them were about Gannon specifically, really. IIRC

IMO, the interview was a nothing-burger.

Would she be allowed to be interviewed without parental permission if she was "very young", though? I'm thinking she'd at least have to be 18. I also always knew a sketchy sketcher when I was 18, to say the least.
It really is sad that someone who interacted with Gannon often, had no words to share about him.
Yes, exactly! Why is it that *everything* that has to do with LS is about her and *nothing* about Gannon? Babysitter? I would expect to hear a) heartfelt sadness about him being missing. Is he warm? Hungry? Frightened? and b) what a great kid he is, with examples.

I believe the agenda was to produce someone, anyone, willing to refute (even if it was terribly weak) the public opinion of TS, as anyone can see by looking at SM.
Not because they actually care, but because it's a scandalous topic right now, and they (the station) wanted a slice of that pie.
Thanks, Ontario Mom. Depressing and disappointing.
The babysitter will probably tell us that TS once carved a pumpkin, frosted a cake or put double socks on a kid. Even the worst people get it right sometimes. That hardly makes for any Mother of the Year trophies if you disappear a kid.

BBM--Double Socks --hehe, snicker, snort, hahahahhahaha
thanks for the laugh tonight :)
Yes, exactly! Why is it that *everything* that has to do with LS is about her and *nothing* about Gannon? Babysitter? I would expect to hear a) heartfelt sadness about him being missing. Is he warm? Hungry? Frightened? and b) what a great kid he is, with examples.

Yes, posters have said they blame the news station. They should have asked more meaningful questions. I agree. If they were pressed for time, they could have cut out 12 likes and added just one question about Gannon.
LE interviewed that babysitter. She told the KDVR reporter she could not discuss what she told LE.

What details, other than the sparsity of information she offered in her MSM interview could that babysitter have offered to LE? I imagine it wasn't much more significant than what we heard, which wasn't much of anything.

How did KDVR get that interview? Contact via LE or was it via other means?

Shifting thoughts here...

What distance must a mind travel to move from being a SM-caregiver to a hurt-kid-disappear-kid-cover-up-criminal? I'm beginning to doubt GS was hurt and/or disappeared intentionally. I'm beginning to get a vibe that GS may have suffered a health-related episode, maybe an accidental overdose of medication or unintentional harm which morphed in to a critical condition. That assumption raises the question: was GS still conscious when he was left at whichever destination? Was he left alone or left in the hands of someone who wanted to 'help'? Two weeks now? This is all SPECULATION, just playing out a random scenario, which the farther I develop the idea the more ridiculous it seems but, who knows....

What would the end game be here? Helpful friend takes care of Gannon...forever? And if Gannon shows up, well TS goes to jail.

I get that people don't want to see this little boy dead. But I don't think random off the wall theories like this are helpful. They tend to start getting detailed. And then the details grow legs and start getting posted as fact.
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