CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, found deceased, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #58

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YES and YES! I've known kids who sound like Gannon. Little "feelers", you know? Curious and innocent, energetic and clever. I couldn't agree more when you say he would have made the world a better place. So many kids (and adults) with ADHD are led to think it's a flaw, a defect, and yeah, it IS hard to realize certain things are more difficult for you, but in reality, there is something amazing in there, a heart and brain that senses/notices so much it should be considered a superpower, but it just doesn't always "fit in/blend in" with what is typical/expected/required in this very imperfect world. I apologize to the mods for the tangent, I just, Gannon deserved so much better. He deserved to know how amazing he was. So many kids deserve better.
As a female ADHD'er diagnosed at 45, with 3, possibly 4 or all 5 of my children with ADHD.
We are all feelers, trying to fit in as best we can. I am still learning how to use it as a "superpower".
So the “new” piece of carpet match one corner of the carpet roll. Did the bloody carpet or the burnt carpet match the other corner?
At 2:52:00 or thereabouts

Expert witness Senior Crime Scene Investigator Brooke Bell discusses the carpet

At 2:52:00 or thereabouts

Expert witness Senior Crime Scene Investigator Brooke Bell discusses the carpet

I know she said two corners were cut out. She says the clean piece that was in front of the couch matched one corner. But I don’t recall her stating whether either of the other two pieces, bloody or burnt, matched the other corner.
“So, I don't remember the order of how we all ran out the house, but I know at that point I did... she ran out and I can't remember if I ran up to make sure they got in the truck or if she ran out by herself, I don't remember that part, but I do know that they were... they had gotten in the truck. I came back inside, run back downstairs and that's when I was trying to get Gannon, because I couldn't get... I didn't know how to get everybody at once, so, (inaudible) to get the front people out, you know, and then go.. then I ran back downstairs to get Gannon and then the fire was on the floor…….”

Word salad ad nauseum.

Letecia’s description of escaping the house on night of the fire is so convoluted. I hope we hear both Laina and Harley’s version. She manages to make it sound like they were dozens of people in the house. Was Harley even home? I thought her room was on the lower level with Gannon’s.

Then we have…

“So there was covers everywhere because the kids always get em out and leave a lot of covers laying around, all the time. I mean there's like 10 quilts and LOL's and blankets and all this. So, they were all right here, so, I take a whole bunch of them and I go and like, like, like, basically smash down on the sofa and the fire to put it out.”

Murphy here, man I’m old :) . Had to google “LOL’s”, they are children’s blankets and throws, usually weighted and with a theme. So, she is saying she had piles of blankets basically and used them all to snuff out a fire.

Shortly after in the same conversation…

LS - Like, he had a cover on, because he was sleeping on the sofa.

LE - What was he covered with?

LS - What do you mean?

LE - What kind of blanket... you'd mentioned there was LOL's, there was quilts.. what blanket was he using?

LS - Errrr I'm not sure, there was a couple that were there. There was a black... there.. I put them all back in that bin that was sitting... did you see...?

LE - I've never been in the house.

LE - Okay, there was black it was like a little furry.. there was (inaudible) ones, I don't remember specifically which one he had, but I know there was blankets in the area because we always (inaudible) mermaid one around, but the whole operation of when I grabbed em and put it out, I grabbed em all and done it.

LE - Okay. All right. Were any of them, like, damaged whenever that happened?

LS - Oh yeah. I left them all there and when I showed them that night that, you know, like, they were damaged or whatever.

So she left them all there, and no smell? Seriously? How did we go from 10+ to a couple?

Followed by...

So I got a burn and I was like, you know, Gannon started running at that point, because it wakes him up. He's realizing that the covers and everything's on fire, the carpets on fire and we all go outside. So, we get in Albert's truck and we drive and I drove off in panic, because I saw that I put the fire out, so, I knew that there was no, you know, like nothing wrong, like it wasn't gonna keep going. I drove off in panic because I was like 'oh my gosh, what do I do now?”

like 'oh my gosh, what do I do now? Like any adult in America would do, call 911. I know of no one, who would believe the fire, as described was subdued and over.

Smoldering and smoke just instantly disappeared?

So, Letecia (AKA hero) is in Al’s truck with 2 dogs, Gannon, Laina and Harley and anyone else

And this is what matters, in the end, in this trial.

LS has admitted she killed Gannon through her plea. She did it but is not guilty by reason of insanity. So all the details of carpet, carpet cutters, guns, etc, is not what is at stake (and I don't think that's what the Judge will instruct the jury to consider).

The entire matter is that she is **crazy**/insane. To be determined by a jury. The facts presented the the prosecution definitely point the jury in strong direction of Guilty.

But they have to also find her Sane. When looked at the way you explained it, she certainly looks out of touch with reality (insane). We need to be prepared for one juror to think the same way. Or to consider the presented facts as evidence of an Insane Woman.

I think we're all trying to come to terms with this. She sure does sound crazy.

I am hoping that once the trial turns to her elaborate (and rational) attempts to cover up what she did (evidence of guilty mind) we will all be able to relax. I cannot bring myself around to believing that she was "insane" in the legal sense.

As a female ADHD'er diagnosed at 45, with 3, possibly 4 or all 5 of my children with ADHD.
We are all feelers, trying to fit in as best we can. I am still learning how to use it as a "superpower".
Me too, sister:)
(Insider tip: don't spend too much of your precious energy fitting in, go ahead and let yourself stand out so the rest of "us" can find you:)
Defendant is 100% narcissist (a few examples). moo
  • Unreasonable sense of self-importance
  • Excessive admiration for self over others
  • Thinks she is smarter than others… more superior than others.
  • No empathy

Which, as noted by others above, has been enough for juries to find people "insane."

Just a heads up. I don't agree that PD's are "insanity" in the legal sense. But I'm not on the jury. If I were, I think I could be persuasive that she's not insane (as so many of you could). But conceding a DSM5 diagnosis might make some jurors believe she's mentally ill (fits a diagnosed DSM diagnosis).

She clearly has DSM diagnoses (perhaps more than any other defendant I've seen - therefore, perhaps more crazy than most jurors have seen). Is that enough to get her NGBRI? If so, I feel we are on a slippery slope. I could change my mind, but my goal is to understand these matters broadly and as a society. That's why I hang out here. We stand for common sense.

But will the Court keep up with us? Will the Jurors? I am still optimistic. I think the jurors will see through it. I am hoping and praying so.

I know she said two corners were cut out. She says the clean piece that was in front of the couch matched one corner. But I don’t recall her stating whether either of the other two pieces, bloody or burnt, matched the other corner.
I’m not sure. It’s so frustrating trying to go back and try to find

At 13:00

A different expert witness shows the carpet pieces

Last edited:

DA Allen says we will hear from people who can "vouch for her sanity" at the time of Gannon's murder. "People like Al Stauch, the man that was married to her. People like her brother…and most importantly her very own daughter Harley Hunt."

ALLEN: "All of her actions we’re designed by her to distance herself from what she did/ throw off investigators..escape accountability." "All of her deliberate actions...she knew what she had done to Gannon was wrong...why hide it." "The evidence itself will prove her sanity."

For me the most substantial evidence of an absence of any causative mental condition is the fact that she, rationally, made sure that Laina was kept busy outside the house through the crucial time.
I think this is exactly what she planned. I think she probably drugged him prior to this so that he would sleep through the fire until succumbing to smoke inhalation before ultimately being burned alive.

I think she actually gave herself away (as she has often done) during one of her phone calls with Al, I remember her crying and saying something like (i'm paraphrasing) "Do you think I wanted this to happen?!? I thought we would come together as a family over Gannon and get stronger" something to that effect. I remember thinking "That's such a crazy thing to say, to mention having some kind of forethought over the "what will happen after Gannon is gone". I might try to find that phone call but I have to be honest, I dread listening to that voice of hers' screaming and ranting.

I believe she was going to use Gannom's death in a fire to not only hurt Al so that she could comfort him, but to also make herself out to be the traumatized hero who saved the other kids. What I don't understand is if this fire "solution" was in reaponse to having done something to Gannon that she worried he would tell, or if she planned this, wanting to eliminate him when Al went out of town. Another poster had previously wondered about the hike, and if the hike was a ruse to push him off a cliff, but LS didn't have the opportunity. The hike just seems so random, especially if he wasn't feeling good. Maybe her older daughter really was supposed to go on the hike, and LS had planned on her youngest daughter splitting off with HH at some point, leaving LS with Gannon, giving her a chance to hurt him/push him off a cliff. Typing it sounds crazy, but this is the same woman who, in a van speeding down the highway, slipped her cuffs, hit a LE officer in the head with an energy drink and tried to open the van door with her foot.

Editing to add that LS stated that Harley was supposed to go on the hike but had been called into work at Massage Envy at the last minute. She said Harley had originally arranged to have someone cover her shift but that person cancelled. She said she told Harley "you don't want to burn bridges, you need to go in." I highly doubt she told Harley this. I believe she was just embellishing. It will be interesting to find out when/if Harley testifies if any of that story was true.
I am remembering a video, taken from behind them, of LS sitting next to Gannon at Garden of the Gods where she appears to be purposely elbowing him which causes him to lose his balance. The video may have been gleaned from Harley's TikTok as many were during the time and it could have been of a different trip. MOO
Does anyone else remember??
I also am beginning to consider that Sunday night was planned and if there was an additional motive as well as hatred. MOO
I can't get past the cut out carpet sections.

Until yesterday we only knew of ONE 2'x2' cut out carpet section, with burn marks and candle wax, which was located in the trash can outside the house.

Then yesterday we learn, there was a second carpet section with large blood stains, hidden and rolled up inside another, larger carpet section, tucked away inside the storage area. That blood stained carpet section didn't have any burn marks on it at all.

So, was the blood stained carpet section we learned about yesterday, the original carpet next to the couch? Keeping in mind the testimony given stated there was a presumptive hit for (possible) blood on the burned area of the carpet next to the couch. So then, was the bloodied carpet removed, and replaced with another piece of carpet that she then burned intentionally, to claim that's why she had to cut that section out?
It takes a far bit of cunning to think this logically through.

-She cut out the bloodstain knowing it would glow like new york city under luminol.
- Replaced that square with intention of creating new removable square damaged but had not cleaned it as well as needed so that piece also had blood contamination.I think she tried scorching the carpet with a lighter unsuccessfully then ran wax over it to hide and destroy what was left.
- Left it in the trash to show LE see this is the piece I had to remove. All to see here
- stupidity left the original blood stained one hidden in the house.

Brilliant idea....only to leave all the evidence for LE to find??

she does my head in....can't imagine the stress for all the people around her dealing with her on the daily.
Didn't she ring a medical helpline asking about how much was 'too much' of a certain medication? I'm searching for a reference to that now. I remember someone saying that hydrocodone can cause vomiting blood and found similar at the link below. Hydrocodone; Ibuprofen Tablets | Cleveland Clinic.

Miralax I believe. Could be totally remembering it wrong, I probably have a screenshot somewhere!
I’m not sure. It’s so frustrating trying to go back and try to find

At 13:00

A different expert witness shows the carpet pieces

At that point all I've got is CSI Liewer looking at photos of the storage room.
Miralax I believe. Could be totally remembering it wrong, I probably have a screenshot somewhere!
Thank you ! Finding anything in this case proves difficult because of all of LS's attempts to obfuscate and confound with her multiple stories and heavy Facebook engagement at the time ! I find myself doubting what I remember!
“So, I don't remember the order of how we all ran out the house, but I know at that point I did... she ran out and I can't remember if I ran up to make sure they got in the truck or if she ran out by herself, I don't remember that part, but I do know that they were... they had gotten in the truck. I came back inside, run back downstairs and that's when I was trying to get Gannon, because I couldn't get... I didn't know how to get everybody at once, so, (inaudible) to get the front people out, you know, and then go.. then I ran back downstairs to get Gannon and then the fire was on the floor…….”

Word salad ad nauseum.

Letecia’s description of escaping the house on night of the fire is so convoluted. I hope we hear both Laina and Harley’s version. She manages to make it sound like they were dozens of people in the house. Was Harley even home? I thought her room was on the lower level with Gannon’s.

Then we have…

“So there was covers everywhere because the kids always get em out and leave a lot of covers laying around, all the time. I mean there's like 10 quilts and LOL's and blankets and all this. So, they were all right here, so, I take a whole bunch of them and I go and like, like, like, basically smash down on the sofa and the fire to put it out.”

Murphy here, man I’m old :) . Had to google “LOL’s”, they are children’s blankets and throws, usually weighted and with a theme. So, she is saying she had piles of blankets basically and used them all to snuff out a fire.

Shortly after in the same conversation…

LS - Like, he had a cover on, because he was sleeping on the sofa.

LE - What was he covered with?

LS - What do you mean?

LE - What kind of blanket... you'd mentioned there was LOL's, there was quilts.. what blanket was he using?

LS - Errrr I'm not sure, there was a couple that were there. There was a black... there.. I put them all back in that bin that was sitting... did you see...?

LE - I've never been in the house.

LE - Okay, there was black it was like a little furry.. there was (inaudible) ones, I don't remember specifically which one he had, but I know there was blankets in the area because we always (inaudible) mermaid one around, but the whole operation of when I grabbed em and put it out, I grabbed em all and done it.

LE - Okay. All right. Were any of them, like, damaged whenever that happened?

LS - Oh yeah. I left them all there and when I showed them that night that, you know, like, they were damaged or whatever.

So she left them all there, and no smell? Seriously? How did we go from 10+ to a couple?

Followed by...

So I got a burn and I was like, you know, Gannon started running at that point, because it wakes him up. He's realizing that the covers and everything's on fire, the carpets on fire and we all go outside. So, we get in Albert's truck and we drive and I drove off in panic, because I saw that I put the fire out, so, I knew that there was no, you know, like nothing wrong, like it wasn't gonna keep going. I drove off in panic because I was like 'oh my gosh, what do I do now?”

like 'oh my gosh, what do I do now?

How about....what
any other adult in America would do, call 911. I know of no one, who would believe the fire, as described was subdued and over. Smoldering and smoke just instantly disappeared?

So, Letecia (AKA hero) is in Al’s truck with 2 dogs, Gannon, Laina and Harley and anyone else? Going nowhere? Just because...???

The part where she says she got a burn, but there's no evidence of a burn in her SANE exam photos.

Which, as noted by others above, has been enough for juries to find people "insane."

Just a heads up. I don't agree that PD's are "insanity" in the legal sense. But I'm not on the jury. If I were, I think I could be persuasive that she's not insane (as so many of you could). But conceding a DSM5 diagnosis might make some jurors believe she's mentally ill (fits a diagnosed DSM diagnosis).

She clearly has DSM diagnoses (perhaps more than any other defendant I've seen - therefore, perhaps more crazy than most jurors have seen). Is that enough to get her NGBRI? If so, I feel we are on a slippery slope. I could change my mind, but my goal is to understand these matters broadly and as a society. That's why I hang out here. We stand for common sense.

But will the Court keep up with us? Will the Jurors? I am still optimistic. I think the jurors will see through it. I am hoping and praying so.


I get why you're worried. I'm personally not. I don't think any of what we have seen or heard makes her seem crazy, at least not in an insane, alternate personality, not in complete control of her actions every step of the way sense, and obviously I am not a psychiatrist or psychologist but neither are the jury.

I think that the jury will be very mindful everything she did before and after, and all the lies they have heard from her own mouth and justice for Gannon will be the overriding force behind their decision, even if one juror has any doubt I think the rest will be able to persuade them. The truck driver may be the sticking point but I am hopeful that he seemed a very no grey area type of guy.

Lastly, Mr Allen will use his closing to drive it home, he may even say that yes she has a mental illness or a personality disorder but that's not the same as being insane, I think in rebuttal he will pick enough holes in Dr Lewis' testimony and his own professional witnesses will say there is no sign of DID, they may be asked if she shows symptoms of any personality disorders and if those disorders consistent with an insanity diagnosis.
We also still have to hear from Harley.

All jmo and ramblings.
“So, I don't remember the order of how we all ran out the house, but I know at that point I did... she ran out and I can't remember if I ran up to make sure they got in the truck or if she ran out by herself, I don't remember that part, but I do know that they were... they had gotten in the truck. I came back inside, run back downstairs and that's when I was trying to get Gannon, because I couldn't get... I didn't know how to get everybody at once, so, (inaudible) to get the front people out, you know, and then go.. then I ran back downstairs to get Gannon and then the fire was on the floor…….”

Word salad ad nauseum.

Letecia’s description of escaping the house on night of the fire is so convoluted. I hope we hear both Laina and Harley’s version. She manages to make it sound like they were dozens of people in the house. Was Harley even home? I thought her room was on the lower level with Gannon’s.

Then we have…

“So there was covers everywhere because the kids always get em out and leave a lot of covers laying around, all the time. I mean there's like 10 quilts and LOL's and blankets and all this. So, they were all right here, so, I take a whole bunch of them and I go and like, like, like, basically smash down on the sofa and the fire to put it out.”

Murphy here, man I’m old :) . Had to google “LOL’s”, they are children’s blankets and throws, usually weighted and with a theme. So, she is saying she had piles of blankets basically and used them all to snuff out a fire.

Shortly after in the same conversation…

LS - Like, he had a cover on, because he was sleeping on the sofa.

LE - What was he covered with?

LS - What do you mean?

LE - What kind of blanket... you'd mentioned there was LOL's, there was quilts.. what blanket was he using?

LS - Errrr I'm not sure, there was a couple that were there. There was a black... there.. I put them all back in that bin that was sitting... did you see...?

LE - I've never been in the house.

LE - Okay, there was black it was like a little furry.. there was (inaudible) ones, I don't remember specifically which one he had, but I know there was blankets in the area because we always (inaudible) mermaid one around, but the whole operation of when I grabbed em and put it out, I grabbed em all and done it.

LE - Okay. All right. Were any of them, like, damaged whenever that happened?

LS - Oh yeah. I left them all there and when I showed them that night that, you know, like, they were damaged or whatever.

So she left them all there, and no smell? Seriously? How did we go from 10+ to a couple?

Followed by...

So I got a burn and I was like, you know, Gannon started running at that point, because it wakes him up. He's realizing that the covers and everything's on fire, the carpets on fire and we all go outside. So, we get in Albert's truck and we drive and I drove off in panic, because I saw that I put the fire out, so, I knew that there was no, you know, like nothing wrong, like it wasn't gonna keep going. I drove off in panic because I was like 'oh my gosh, what do I do now?”

like 'oh my gosh, what do I do now?

How about....what
any other adult in America would do, call 911. I know of no one, who would believe the fire, as described was subdued and over. Smoldering and smoke just instantly disappeared?

So, Letecia (AKA hero) is in Al’s truck with 2 dogs, Gannon, Laina and Harley and anyone else? Going nowhere? Just because...???
'the front people', lol... what a self aggrandizer... makes it sound like she's clearing the Triangle Shirtwaist fire.
I thought you were gonna bring your family back together, and I thought we were gonna talk about everything, every single day of nothing but Gannon!"
... am I the only person who finds that statement, both chilling and disgusting?

Like slaughtering the poor babe to Rasputin levels/using him is supposed to function like marital therapy.
... am I the only person who finds that statement, both chilling and disgusting?

Like slaughtering the poor babe to Rasputin levels/using him is supposed to function like marital therapy.
Yeah. It's my primary theory at this point that she killed Gannon, thinking that without him, her family would be perfect. That the process of losing him would cause AS to cling to her for comfort. Instead, every phone call they have, AS is totally focussed on finding Gannon, on what happened to him, on her role in it. It's deeply baffling and frustrating to her.

She was so jealous of AS's relationship with Gannon that she not only tried to sabotage that by making up stories to try to make Gannon seem dangerous and dysfunctional in his father's eyes, she murdered him to remove him as a rival for AS's affections altogether.

Very much my opinion and speculation only.
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