CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, found deceased, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #58

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True, you have to be ready for anything. Sometimes the sentence is outrageously short for the brutality inflicted on an innocent child.

I started thinking about the Zara Baker case I followed back in 2010. (The girl had lost a leg to bone cancer.) The Stepmother only got a max sentence of 18 yrs., :mad: but then while in prison she got involved in dealing drugs, and got 10 yrs. added to her prison stay.

One of the many cases, reminding me of me of this case. Sometimes there's one Juror, or the sentence doesn't seem long enough for the horror inflicted on a child. The stepmother had a troubled past in Zara's case, too, and illnesses. Then, she married Zara's father.

How will we all feel if Letecia gets a shorter sentence than life behind bars?

I will feel that we, as a society/civilization, are now very far down a slippery slope. It will be very disheartening. Justice and Truth are indeed at the very core of what holds a society together.
We just moved to the Florida panhandle, imagine my surprise when I was driving and saw a memorial on the side of the road that was where Gannon was discovered. I hope Justice is served for him.

Wasn't that started by the detective from Florida who caught the case? The one who testified the other day about identifying him?. Or maybe he maintains it? I could be totally wrong but I will see if I can find anything about it.

ETA- link to story here. He restored the cross himself.
Does anyone know who the witnesses are for court tomorrow? I CANNOT wait for Harley to testify.

I hope she doesnt get kicked out of the courtroom, because thats what she wants. She should be forced to attend.
IMO, LS senses the speeding train coming right for her....and this is why she upped her antics in court on Friday. Her pathetic attempt of holding up an OBJECTION sign ie Darrell Brooks ( the duo middle finger displays ) has failed. Judge called her out. I almost wish the state would put Harley on the stand soon ( Next)...before she tries to attempt a derail again.

Judge will also make a final decision on Juror 12 tomorrow. Me thinks she will be asked to leave
Does anyone know who the witnesses are for court tomorrow? I CANNOT wait for Harley to testify.

I hope she doesnt get kicked out of the courtroom, because thats what she wants. She should be forced to attend.

I cant imagine being her. There is a lot to process ,I pray she finds a happy life,she didn't deserve any of this mess . At 17 her world entirely went to crap,in a very horrible way.
I don't think anyone has posted the witnesses for tomorrow, but if I had to guess, I'd say they're going to finish up on physical evidence before moving on to HH.

For example, they should have forensic results on how the carpet pieces went together, whether T's DNA was found on anything, whether an accelerant was used, etc. There's an awful lot more physical evidence to come, I'm afraid (DNA on the suitcase, etc). I do not know whether establishing all the scheming and maneuvering that T did in hiding Gannon will help prove her sane, but to me it seems it would. So there could be more on those locales that we don't know about yet.

It may be more investigators. OTOH, maybe we'll get more witnesses that conversed with T during this time period and can attest to her state of mind. I suspect there will be a psychiatrist or two called by the prosecution. HH is on the list for both prosecution and defense...IIRC.

Something that the jury has probably noticed is Letecia's lack of remorse. Think about it... let's say for a minute that she does have DID and is claiming that an alternate personality murdered Gannon. Why isn't her Letecia person overcome with grief from what that alternate did?

Kind of like having someone close to you murder a child. Your father or your sister for example. The feelings of profound grief would be staggering even if it wasn't you who committed the murder. Heck I've seen cases where someone's dog bites a person and the owner is horrified. Why hasn't Letecia reacted to what her alternate did?

I'm pretty sure we all know the reason and I bet that the jurors will also see through that transparent Vaudeville act that Letecia's starring in. Stuffing her ears with toilet paper and hiding under that greasy mop of hair; she's not fooling anyone, let alone the jurors. MOO
Sorry, this was in reply to @10ofRods , but I'm on my phone in bed and screwed up the quote.

I don't think we'd finished with CSI Brooke Bell, had we? Or had we? If we haven't, I imagine she'll be back on the stand first thing. No idea who else will be appearing. But I imagine the first order of business will be the status of Juror 12.

I have noticed they've been putting some of the harder and more emotional testimony earlier in the day. The CSI and ME from Florida. D, LS's brother. I suspect if they put HH on the stand, it might be early, too.

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Sorry, this was in reply to @10ofRods , but I'm on my phone in bed and screwed up the quote.

I don't think we'd finished with CSI Brooke Bell, had we? Or had we? If we haven't, I imagine she'll be back on the stand first thing. No idea who else will be appearing. But I imagine the first order of business will be the status of Juror 12.

I have noticed they've been putting some of the harder and more emotional testimony earlier in the day. The CSI and ME from Florida. D, LS's brother. I suspect if they put HH on the stand, it might be early, too.

I believe prosecution is done questioning CSI Bell. It’s cross tomorrow morning.
You hear that, y'all? Ah, the blessed sound of silence.

So grateful for the day off from trial, a needed pause. A mere day of her is more than anyone should have to bear.

She is chaotic.

Kind of her though to walk us through her thought process minute by minute.

Rough that she didn't want to divulge the details of her imaginary rape. I almost expected her to say that she was unable to give greater detail because she hadn't written that part down.

The exchange about Eguardo was rich. Uh, T, the 'g' or 'j' doesn't matter unless you need to spell it. T was no doubt thinking of her notes wherein she had to guess at spelling. Ha! Ya gotta feel for her. When Eguardo, who doesn't exist, told her his name, she must've forgotten to ask for the spelling, in case she'd need that later, when she made the whole thing up and wrote it down. Missed an opportunity to have his driver's license fall out of his drywalling dungarees, prolly right before he handed her back the gun and left with his $50 and the big suitcase (well over the carryon limit of 21"), a random box and Gannon. Prolly carried Gannon out of the house on his imaginary shoulders.

Funny L didn't see that, relegated as she was to the front of the house.

We can be sure T made sure L saw nothing. Didn't see Gannon. Or his bedroom. Or the blood. Or the gun. Per her own story, she likely hid Gannon's body in the storage room temporarily. Made many trips upstairs, many around the side of the house to the trash cans to dispose of carpet remnants and such. Stayed out of L's sight by remaining behind the locked gate.

Sent L and H to get cleaning supplies at some point and likely moved Gannon into the suitcase into her car while they were gone.

I really hope that the jurors extract Eguardo from T's narrative, ascribing all the actions she laid on Eguardo to her alone. A tremendous amount of detail preserved in her rendition.

What did T tell the detective about the rape that didn't happen during the exact same period of time during which Gannon was murdered? She said I don't want to remember it.

The character you made up in your brain, T, is not how DID works.

Sick in the head, sIck in the soul but sane all day long.


"Sick in the head, sIck in the soul but sane all day long."

This^^^ is the absolutely perfect spot on description of this creature. Spot on.
I do wonder just what she is feeling.

I wonder what she'd say if she had a microphone. I don't think it would be words of confession, remorse. I think she would launch into fresh character assassinations. We'd hear about her constitution being violated. We'd hear about how she was the victim, her body violated. We'd hear how she was the only parent who loved and cared for Gannon. A whole new flood of self-aggrandizing lies.

Her reptilian brain is alive and well. Looking out for herself and only herself.

We'd hear about the prison refusing to give her adequate protein in her vegan meals. Even though there was no record of her ever keeping a vegan kitchen before the arrest. Now she suddenly has this mandated diet? :rolleyes:
Sorry this is a bit long - but wanted to get all the tweets about the trial in here! :)

Monday, April 17th:
*Trial continues (Day 9) (@ 9am MT) – CO – Gannon Jacob Stauch (11) (reported missing Jan. 27, 2020, Colorado Springs; found in a suitcase along the Escambia River Bridge (on US90) on Mar. 17, 2020 in Pace, FL., Santa Rosa County; ID’d on June 6, 2020) – *Letecia Lynn (or Leann) Stauch (36/now 39) akas Letecia “Tecia” Lynn Hardin (maiden name) & Letecia Lynn Hunt (1st married name), Tiffany Taylor Stauch & Taylor Swift arrested (in Myrtle Beach, S.C. on 3/2/20) & advised of charges (3/5/20) & charged (3/11/20 & re-filed 3/20/20) & arraigned (11/4/21) with 2 counts of 1st degree felony murder (after intent & deliberation), 2nd degree felony child abuse resulting in death (this count dismissed on 4/3/23), 3rd degree felony tampering with deceased human body, 6th degree felony tampering with physical evidence & 8 counts of crime of violence (special enhancer: firearm, blunt instrument, knife or sharp instrument & causing the death of Gannon). Held without bond. Plead not guilty. On 2/11/22 changed plea to not guilty by reason of insanity. (for original charges (3/5/20) see post 362 page 19 of thread #54).
*Charged (filed 5/20/20) & charged (6/5/20) with solicitation to commit escape. $2K bond. Plead not guilty.
Stauch faces a second case in which she is accused of attempting to escape from the El Paso County jail in May 2020. The second case against Stauch is on hold until the completion of the 1st degree murder trial.
Trial began on 3/20/23 with jury selection & ended on 4/3/23 for final jury selection with 11 men & 7 women. 12 jurors & 6 alternates.
Trial began on 4/3/23 with opening statements.
Trial will be from 9am to 5pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday each week. No Trial on Thursdays as Judge has other commitments. No trial on 5/12/23.

Case (Gannon’s injuries) & court info from 3/2/20 to 3/20/23 & Jury Selection Day 1-7 (3/20-4/3/23) & Trial Day 1-7 (4/3 & 4/12/23) reference post #80 here:

4/14/23 Friday, Trial Day 8: State witness: former EPCSO Detective Jessica Bethel, was the lead detective on this case at the time. Will finishing watching the interview between Letecia & detectives. On Friday morning, jurors will watch another 30 minutes of this interview, then another interview that’s about 20 minutes. Cross examination is expected to be about 20 minutes.
For more info see posts #123, 134, 139 & 140 here:
for more info see posts #153, 155 & 160 here:
For more info see posts #161 & 164 here:
For more info see posts #184, 189, 190 & 192 here:
For more info see post #204 here:
For more info see posts #249 & 250 here:
State witness: Colorado Springs PD CSI Christian Liewer. Crime scene investigator, employed by CS metro crime lab for 4 years.
For more info see post #282 here:
For more info see posts #329, 334 & 340 here:
For more info see post #346 here:
State witness: Colorado Springs PD Analyst Stephanie Happ, Criminalist, with a specialty as a firearms examiner @ Metro Crime Lab.
For more info see post #360 here:
For more info see posts #363, 368 & 377 here:
For more info see posts #386 to 388 here:
State witness: Brooke Bell. Senior CSI with Colorado Springs Metro crime lab. Six years experience.
For more info see post #360 here:
For more info see posts #363, 368 & 377 here:
For more info see post #388 here:
For more info see posts #416 & 420 here:
For more info see posts #436 & 437 here:
For more info see post #455 here:
A juror has indicated to the judge she realized she knows Witness Happ, but didn't recognize her name from the witness list, just recognized her when she came to give testimony. Will be dealt with at the end of the day. Dealing with the juror issue now. Judge assuring the juror they did the right thing. Was involved in clergy of the witness's mother-in-law's church. Talked to mother-in-law about end of life arrangements, sang at the funeral of another family member. Only two contacts with the witness. Witness did not talk to her about the case. Thinks she can still remain impartial. Dismissed back to the jury room while the decision is made. No objection from prosecution. Prosecution gives her props for honesty. Defense thinks that the connection is too intimate. Gets the relationship wrong, thinks that it was the witness's mother, not mother-in-law. Thinks the witness being an expert gives weight to testimony. Defense says she was always on their cut list. Judge is going to think about it over the weekend, review her questionnaire & the strike list, seating list, etc, & will rule on Monday.
For more info see post #455 here:
Prosecutor asking judge to admonish Letecia from flipping the bird to Gannon’s family. Judge says if it continues he’ll have her put in a holding cell until she’s ready to be respectful.
For more info see posts #444 & 455 here:
Court will resume at 9am on Monday morning, 4/17/23 with Brooke Bell back on stand.
I don't think anyone has posted the witnesses for tomorrow, but if I had to guess, I'd say they're going to finish up on physical evidence before moving on to HH.

For example, they should have forensic results on how the carpet pieces went together, whether T's DNA was found on anything, whether an accelerant was used, etc. There's an awful lot more physical evidence to come, I'm afraid (DNA on the suitcase, etc). I do not know whether establishing all the scheming and maneuvering that T did in hiding Gannon will help prove her sane, but to me it seems it would. So there could be more on those locales that we don't know about yet.

It may be more investigators. OTOH, maybe we'll get more witnesses that conversed with T during this time period and can attest to her state of mind. I suspect there will be a psychiatrist or two called by the prosecution. HH is on the list for both prosecution and defense...IIRC.


I agree. I'm positive that Mr Tolini said that Letecia's dna was found on the gun for a start. It was one of the many reasons he wanted to dismiss juror 12. JMO
I am remembering a video, taken from behind them, of LS sitting next to Gannon at Garden of the Gods where she appears to be purposely elbowing him which causes him to lose his balance. The video may have been gleaned from Harley's TikTok as many were during the time and it could have been of a different trip. MOO
Does anyone else remember??
I also am beginning to consider that Sunday night was planned and if there was an additional motive as well as hatred. MOO
I remember.
We'd hear about the prison refusing to give her adequate protein in her vegan meals. Even though there was no record of her ever keeping a vegan kitchen before the arrest. Now she suddenly has this mandated diet? :rolleyes:
As far as I know, LS is eating kosher, presumably because it's marginally better quality food, according to some folks on the threads. It's BK of the Moscow crime who's a vegan.

I am remembering a video, taken from behind them, of LS sitting next to Gannon at Garden of the Gods where she appears to be purposely elbowing him which causes him to lose his balance. The video may have been gleaned from Harley's TikTok as many were during the time and it could have been of a different trip. MOO
Does anyone else remember??
I also am beginning to consider that Sunday night was planned and if there was an additional motive as well as hatred. MOO
I think she planned a lot, but it wasn't going the way she wanted. To me, her google searches show someone that is unhappy with and perhaps suspicious of their husband. I think that is the main trigger to her actions. I wonder if she didn't really hate Gannon, but hated how much she perceived he was loved by his Dad. The 18 stab wounds to the chest remind me of a crime of passion. Was she thinking of her husband while stabbing young Gannon?
Before I started watching the trial, I thought she was probably abusing him. This particular time the abuse went too far, and she felt the need to cover it up. As I hear the injuries that poor Gannon suffered, I can't help but think there is more than abuse going on. I am thinking she wanted to get rid of him either as revenge or jealousy. The location of the stab wounds are right where the heart is. When he didn't die right away, she retrieved a handgun. With this kind of mindset, I start thinking maybe she is crazy because only someone out of their mind could plot and act out such brutality on an innocent child. I hope there isn't a juror thinking like that, and she gets away with this.
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I've been shaking the echoes of the trial out of my bones by gardening the last week ..

I've cut down a small cars worth of wildly overgrown laurel and holly bush, gained a whole load of extra sunlight, and I'm planting a lot of blue flowers (both bulbs and established plants) that should come back again next spring/summer, and the one after, and the one after...

Makes no difference to the grand scheme of anything, but it's a small thing that'll keep him remembered here.
I've been shaking the echoes of the trial out of my bones by gardening the last week ..

I've cut down a small cars worth of wildly overgrown laurel and holly bush, gained a whole load of extra sunlight, and I'm planting a lot of blue flowers (both bulbs and established plants) that should come back again next spring/summer, and the one after, and the one after...

Makes no difference to the grand scheme of anything, but it's a small thing that'll keep him remembered here.
That's such a beautiful thing to do.

My bad shoulder's been keeping me from gardening, but I know my mum's been out there this week planting both veg and flowers, even though it's autumn.

I have been sporting blue nail polish for a couple of weeks now, though. :)

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