CO - James Holmes Trial - *Closing Arguments* *Verdict Watch*

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9 women, 3 men on the jury
Juror profiles:

Seat 1: Juror 640 –White woman in 40s

This juror is a union plumber who will be paid for the duration of this trial. She said she doesn’t watch much news, and she has sat on a jury in a basic assault case. She has ADHD and has a family member who is bipolar. She has two kids, both of whom are in the military.

Seat 2: Juror 17 – White woman in 50s or 60s

This juror is the sole caretaker for elderly parents, but she didn’t claim that as a hardship. She is also a lawyer and a major decision maker for her business, and her business partner is about to go on leave. But she didn’t claim that as a hardship, either. She thinks the death penalty should be used sparingly. She initially had trouble granting admitted theater shooter James Holmes the presumption of innocence, saying it’s a well-known fact he is the shooter, but she said she could set that opinion aside to be an impartial juror.

Seat 3: Juror 329 –Hispanic woman in 20s or 30s

This juror told the court that mental illness affects all people in different ways. She was a victim of some kind of crime in her youth, but she did not go into detail about it. She had been a volunteer victim’s advocate, and she has also worked at a state detox center. Like Juror 17, she also initially had difficulty with the idea of granting Holmes the presumption of innocence, but she ultimately said she could set that opinion aside.

Seat 5: Juror 535 – White woman in 50s

This juror has a niece who was in the cafeteria during the 1999 Columbine High School shooting. Her sister – that niece’s mother – has called Holmes a coward. A store this juror used to manage is near the Century 16 theater, where Holmes opened fire in July 2012. This woman was once married to a police officer. After her divorce from that man, she said she ended up in a psychiatric ward, where she interacted with many individuals who suffered from mental illness. This woman has had a spinal infusion and uses a spinal stimulator, and the court said it will make accommodations for her. She said she would have to cancel a pre-planned trip to Disney World with her grandchildren, but other than that she claimed no hardship.

Seat 6: Juror 87 – White woman in 40s or 50s

This juror has a son with a drug addiction, and she said she has also dealt with depression in her life. She said she used to believe in the idea of “an eye for an eye” as a stance on the death penalty, but she said her stance on that penalty has evolved and become less severe.

Seat 11: Juror 118 – White woman in 60s or 70s

This juror has a psychology degree and said she did some work in a mental health ward. However, she currently uses another degree she has in math for her current employer, who will pay her salary for the entirety of this trial. Her son is a correctional officer, and her ex son-in-law is a deputy. Because of what her son has told her, she said she knows “prison isn’t a pleasant place where you go to watch TV and play video games.” She said she gives her kids the benefit of the doubt, and she’d do the same for Holmes as a juror. She said background has a sincere impact on people, so she would want to hear about how Holmes was raised.

Seat 13: Juror 378 – White woman in 50s or 60s

This juror retired recently after spending 20 years as a paramedic – a profession where she often had contact with the mentally ill. She followed the emergency scanner traffic as law enforcement was searching Holmes’ booby-trapped apartment following the July 2012 shooting. She also once thwarted a break-in at her roommate’s apartment.

Seat 14: Juror 155 – White man in 40s or 50s

This juror only recently moved to Colorado and was living in California at the time of the July 2012 shooting. This man was one of three jurors, according to the defense, who has not been exposed to any media coverage about this case. In fact, when questioned, this juror didn’t even know how many victims had been killed. In regard to the death penalty, the man said he didn’t lean one way or the other.

Seat 15: Juror 527 – White man in 30s

We know relatively little about this juror aside from the fact that he is a manager at a Bed, Bath and Beyond. He said he would have no problem giving Holmes the presumption of innocence and has no strong feelings about the death penalty one way or the other.

Seat 17: Juror 737 – White man in 30s

This juror is a survivor of the Columbine shooting. Not only did he go to a school dance with one of the victims who was killed in shooting, he said he was friends at one point in time with both shooters. He said he has gone through extensive therapy to get past the trauma he suffered and said a wave of doubt hit him when he got his jury summons for this case. But he said his experiences with that tragedy would make him an expert juror in this case, as he said he knows about the horror the shooting caused as well as the mental health struggles both shooters faced.

Seat 21: Juror 557 – Hispanic woman in 30s or 40s

This juror has a bipolar son, and she said simply having a mental illness such as that would never be an excuse to commit a crime. In particular, the woman said she felt there is a big difference between struggling in certain situations and being insane. The woman said she has an opinionated husband she would have to avoid during her jury service, but other than that and a May vacation that could be rescheduled, she would have no hardship.

Seat 23: Juror 311 – White woman in 40s or 50s

This juror said the death penalty would be most appropriate for serial killers, but she said she generally sits in the middle in regard to her views on that penalty. She also said she views life in prison as a very harsh sentence. She was one of few jurors who specifically said she would like to hear from Holmes’ parents if the trial proceeded to a sentencing hearing. She also said she thought it would be hard to consider Holmes insane given the level of premeditation in this case, but she ultimately said that is an opinion she can set aside.
Kai we did the exact same thing at the same time lol!! Great minds think alike!!!

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Kai we did the exact same thing at the same time lol!! Great minds think alike!!!

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:) Yours has more information! Thanks!!!

Ok folks, verdict watch starts tomorrow morning! I hope we all end up being here together when it is read.
Maisiebelle: Thank you so much for the juror profiles. It would have taken me ages to find them. Very appreciated.
:) Yours has more information! Thanks!!!

Ok folks, verdict watch starts tomorrow morning! I hope we all end up being here together when it is read.

Me too!! I really hope I don't miss it. I will be glued to Twitter!

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So we do NOT start Deliberation until tomorrow @ 9AM??? Please verify
TYIA ..Hugs
Maisiebelle: Thank you so much for the juror profiles. It would have taken me ages to find them. Very appreciated.

Kai beat me to it lol!

I've had the profiles saved on my phone since the beginning of the trial.

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Not sure yet. For Black Friday it was $119. The Prime Day states 'better than black Friday prices', so I'm hoping it will be at least down that!

I read somewhere today it was going to possibly be $30 off. I don't know if this is accurate.
LOL! the old man defense atty. on channel 7 - the host is going over the jurors & he's only saying if their good or bad for the defense! So biased! Why wouldn't they get commentary from both sides?
So we do NOT start Deliberation until tomorrow @ 9AM??? Please verify
TYIA ..Hugs

I think that's what the judge said. I feel all emotional. I really hope the jury find him guilty of murder. NO insanity!

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Me too!! I really hope I don't miss it. I will be glued to Twitter!

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Hmm, tried replying and my post vanished. Trying again.. apologies if it posts twice.

Question: does anyone know of a site that will send a text message when a verdict comes in?

With all the counts (166) plus all the lesser-included options, and that insanely complicated verdict form, it would probably take the poor foreperson hours and hours just to fill them all out. That plus the fact there's no deliberations on Friday, I'm predicting no verdict until next week.
So we do NOT start Deliberation until tomorrow @ 9AM??? Please verify
TYIA ..Hugs

Verified. And no deliberations on Friday - two jurors had, long ago, told the court they wouldn't be available that day.
Hmm, tried replying and my post vanished. Trying again.. apologies if it posts twice.

Question: does anyone know of a site that will send a text message when a verdict comes in?

With all the counts (166) plus all the lesser-included options, and that insanely complicated verdict form, it would probably take the poor foreperson hours and hours just to fill them all out. That plus the fact there's no deliberations on Friday, I'm predicting no verdict until next week.

Someone mentioned the text alert thingy the other day. We didn't find one.

I bet the foreperson will have writers cramp by the end of the jury forms!

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Not sure yet. For Black Friday it was $119. The Prime Day states 'better than black Friday prices', so I'm hoping it will be at least down that!

When is this going on? Today? LOL
I was able to listen to most of today's closing arguments because I had to leave work at noon today for an orthodontist appointment (how lucky did I get?) and I got home around the same time Mr B started his arguments. I thought he did a GREAT job and his rebuttal brought all the nonsense Mr. King said back down to earth! A+
I missed most of the final 30 mins of GB. I will have to watch it tomorrow.

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