CO - James Holmes Trial - *Penalty Phase* #2

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Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 1m1 minute ago
JH was methodical in his planning on people not getting out of the theater while he was shooting...#theatershooting

Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 38s39 seconds ago
Specifically, defense objected 2 @GeorgeBrauchler's statement that pre-#theatershooting gchats suggested Holmes knew his actions were "evil
He also wanted to minimize his exposure to pain, thus protective gear & gas mask to protect him from the canister he thru into crowd!! Also taking pain killers incase he got hurt...SMH!!
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 1m1 minute ago
By putting in headphones and techno music JH was trying to minimize his exposure to his actions #theatershooting
The Gold Patrol® ‏@thegoldpatrol · 48s48 seconds ago

Metzner says that listening to techno music during shooting was a way to separate himself from what he was doing.

The Gold Patrol® ‏@thegoldpatrol · 53s53 seconds ago

Brauchler points out that JH used apartment to divert 1st responders from the crime scene

The Gold Patrol® ‏@thegoldpatrol · 37s38 seconds ago

Metzner says the apartment wasn’t a diversion to escape but to allow JH more time to kill
The Gold Patrol® ‏@thegoldpatrol · 1m1 minute ago

Brauchler is talking about the “point system”. Metzner didn’t get the point of that as Dr Reid did.
"THIS GUY". The defense made it clear it would object every time Mr. B refers to JH as "this guy"

Maybe use a different term...convict, murderer, defense client, he, him....
Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 54s54 seconds ago
#TheaterShooting DA: You’d agree hatred=a significant motivator, despite what’s in the notebook? Metzner: Yes. Live:
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 28s29 seconds ago
Dr. Metzner thinks JH's judgement was impaired while making these decisions to commit crime #theatershooting

The Gold Patrol® ‏@thegoldpatrol · 57s58 seconds ago

Brauchler - JH said he didn’t want Hillary to get into media frenzy of dating murderer. This shows he knew it wasn’t good

The Gold Patrol® ‏@thegoldpatrol · 56s56 seconds ago

He wanted to protect her from the bad side of it. B also brings up the NY Times post
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 2m2 minutes ago
Brauchler bringing up JH wanted to be remembered #selfies #statements #not wantingGFdrugintomediafrenze #theatershooting

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 1m1 minute ago
JH knew media would jump on this case #theatershooting

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 1m1 minute ago
JH was looking up how to post things on the New York Times #theatershooting

The Gold Patrol® ‏@thegoldpatrol · 1m1 minute ago

Brauchler is finished with cross and defense is up for redirect

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 1m1 minute ago
JH was trying to direct a reader of his notebook to a webpage #theatershooting

Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 55s56 seconds ago
#TheaterShooting DA brings up Holmes' desire 2 b remembered via selfies & 2 protect ex-GF as Metzner cross concludes. Defense Re-direct now

The Gold Patrol® ‏@thegoldpatrol · 1m1 minute ago

Metzner - If JH had not been delusional he wouldn’t have sent email to Gargi, bought tear gas, handcuffs etc
Anyone having a hard time with WS loading? Very very slow and I am about 2-3 pages behind the testimony.
You see that arm Maisie? Glad it's not just me. lol
It's really creepy, yes. When watching the vid, when JH moves his right arm towards table, that 'thing' moved with him. Super creep.
Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 3m3 minutes ago
Def. re-direct: Had Holmes not been delusional would he have taken all pre-#theatershooting steps? Metzner: No. Live:

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 2m2 minutes ago
Brauchler points out this was a selfish decision on JH's part to kill people. Metzner says its part of delusional thinking #theatershooting
The Gold Patrol® ‏@thegoldpatrol · 2m2 minutes ago

Metzner says the reason JH didn’t act on the homicidal thoughts is because he wasn’t delusional back then

Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 1m1 minute ago
Metzner: Holmes' evil pre-#theatershooting thoughts weren't new. Key question is why he acted on them. I believe he acted due to psychosis

croakerqueen123 ‏@croakerqueen · 1m1 minute ago
#theatershooting #theatertrial - Day 55 - Part 1:
You see that arm Maisie? Glad it's not just me. lol
It's really creepy, yes. When watching the vid, when JH moves his right arm towards table, that 'thing' moved with him. Super creep.

I'm scared to re-watch the video!!!!

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So this guy is suggesting that anyone who has delusions coupled with Psychosis have the capacity to lie to therapists,,plan horrific things , know right from wrong..have the capacity to do what J. did...So does that mean it best to lock these folks up in hospital to control their environment and freedoms, liberties that is afforded to any citizen living within society????.... Projecting people should be VERY afraid of MI patients.

I say put him away..out of his misery..It really doesn't matter to me..BUT this trial and those exposed to testimony of this expert calls into question HOW those with delusions and psychotic thinkings should be REMOVED...

Anyone on here who has loved one's suffering from such symptoms should fear how society could demand how such patients be viewed and treated!! Gerrrrrrr!!
The Gold Patrol® ‏@thegoldpatrol · 43s44 seconds ago

Brauchler points out with 700 rounds in his car he still calls U of CO - That shows what he is about to do is wrong.
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 1m1 minute ago
Brauchler says JH had the ability to make choices and he made the choice to kill. #theatershooting
Hi all you fab posters...
Haven't commented since 'the evil one's' trial, aka princess JA, but have been following this one closely. Thank goodness we got a guilty verdict.

I hope I'm attaching these pics correctly. I am seeing the creepiest thing in some still frames. Reid & Holmes interviews, iPad screen grabs. Am I crazy, or does it look like there's an arm encircling JH's upper torso & neck. Looks like a spiritual 'hold' of some sort. Am soo creeped out.

What do you guys think? TIA

We are talking about this post Ms Josie

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Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 1m1 minute ago
JQ-Is it common for people with schizoaffective disorder to have delusions of killing? No it's not common #theatershooting
Will C. Holden ‏@will_c_holden · 50s51 seconds ago
#TheaterShooting Defense: Does it speak to strength of delusion if 1 acts on it? If so, were Holmes’ delusions strong? Metzner: Yes & yes.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ · 39s40 seconds ago
Do people with delusions have control on whether to act on it? It depends on person and environment #theatershooting
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