CO - James Holmes Trial - *Penalty Phase* #3

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Woohoo! And I'm not celebrating the fact that the shooter may get DP, but that for his surviving victors(for some reason, victims sounds to weak to describe the people who survived) to have the chance to speak their minds. I'm sure the coward shooter will not have anything to say, but I hope he hears what they all say loud and clear.

When will the next phase start?

Wow. The "thanks" button was not enough ! Just love the words , "surviving VICTORS". They are exactly that ! I hope for them continued healing in body and spirit ; and every happiness.

Had tears when the names of the deceased were read. They didn't deserve to be murdered. None of them.

Hope Holmes rots in hell.
Did anyone catch when their coming back to discuss ( ARGUE) with the Judge the jury instructions..??? He wants to have this done this afternoon....Judge needed a break..How long??

no, one atty asked 'how long' but I didn't hear an answer. No one is saying, twitter just saying will return tomorrow?
I saw Train Wreck sat. A guy came in sat down in the front row with a big backpack. During the movie. I was fearful throughout the whole movie so I didn't have a good time. Thanks to this killer I am now fearful when I see a movie.
And my sister's excuse is lice. Hmmm
WAIT--what happened? I thought I heard on CNN that at 11:30 pst, there would be a decision read---that they had a verdict for the sentencing? I must be confused.

The jury came back with a verdict for phase 2. They did not accept the mitigating factors outweighed the aggravating factors. The court will resume tomorrow for phase 3 tomorrow morning at 10 am Colorado time.

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I saw Train Wreck sat. A guy came in sat down in the front row with a big backpack. I was fearful throughout the whole movie so I didn't have a good time. Thanks to this killer I am now fearful when I see a movie.

I won't go to the cinema now. We don't really have this type of crime in the UK but I'm still scared to go.

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On break....judge and attorneys will be arguing about what the next instructions will say....don't know how long the break is
Does anyone else think the jury has pretty much decided to recommend the death penalty? They have come back pretty quickly with their sentencing phase verdicts.

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I have a feeling the error's on the first two verdict forms was because like you and other's were confused..Obviously someone caught on..thus the request to replace them with unmarked ones..

I have to agree tho..It surely could have been worded much more clearly!! Like break it down to Mitigating facts out weigh the aggravators...Yes or No..It did sound double speak the first verdict form I heard him announce....Ohh well..Suffice to say that Jimmy's life history and teacher's, parent's glowing reviews were NOT enough for them!!
I won't go to the cinema now. We don't really have this type of crime in the UK but I'm still scared to go.

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My Huz and I went to the theatre locally and didn't even THINK about the shooting. You can't let fear rule your life!!

So are we back again this afternoon for whatever the lawyers and Judge are going to discuss?? TIA! :wave:
I have a feeling the error.s on the first two verdict forms was because like you and other's were confused..Obviusly someone caught on..thus the request to replace them with unmarked ones.. I have to agree tho..It surely could have been worded much more clearly!! Like break it down to Mitigating facts out weigh the aggravators...Yes or No..It did sound double speak the first verdict form I heard him announce....Ohh well..Suffice to say that Jimmy's life history and teacher's, parent's glowing reviews were NOT enough for them!!

I thought that the jury were muddled up too. I'm glad they caught on. Can you imagine if they hadn't!

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My Huz and I went to the theatre locally and didn't even THINK about the shooting. You can't let fear rule your life!!

So are we back again this afternoon for whatever the lawyers and Judge are going to discuss?? TIA! :wave:

You are correct if course! I shouldn't be afraid. Maybe I will go ...... One day!

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I won't go to the cinema now. We don't really have this type of crime in the UK but I'm still scared to go.

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We are big movie buffs, and anytime my little girl stays the night with her grandmother we are at the theater. I get nervous at big premiers but I be damned if any of these cowards will bully me out of doing the things I love! But I totally get the fear, it does have some power over me, and makes me pick seats where I could make a quick exit hopefully. I don't want to derail the thread in anyway, but I also pick theaters were concealed carries aren't prohibited, but, with that said, I would only be able to safely use it if the person was right on me and I'm not sure I would have the courage to try and get closer, and I would rather die than accidentally shoot someone while trying to save myself. I just don't get why people are so effed up that we have to even think about these things. When you go to a movie you should be able to sit back and enjoy the freaking movie. Not worry if some maniac is going to burst in.
I have a feeling the error's on the first two verdict forms was because like you and other's were confused..Obviously someone caught on..thus the request to replace them with unmarked ones..

I have to agree tho..It surely could have been worded much more clearly!! Like break it down to Mitigating facts out weigh the aggravators...Yes or No..It did sound double speak the first verdict form I heard him announce....Ohh well..Suffice to say that Jimmy's life history and teacher's, parent's glowing reviews were NOT enough for them!!

That double speak on the verdict forms, I think was Nelson. In each hearing, it was clear to me that she was wording things so that the jury would be confused! IMO
Anybody think that this jury dismissed the def. Experts due to credibility issues and maybe feel they were overstating their case? Sure J. has issues..but @ no time did he ever lose the ability to problem solve and control himself in any societal situation..Unlike Deborah Cave on Friday. With a 6+ month delusional and in and out of psychosis as Def. suggested..Never did he allow his parents, or gunshot owner's last girlfriend on their hike to see any symptom's of his aberrant thoughts and planning..

I do think he leaked just enough to Data and Feinstein to create certain concerns..BUT not enough to cause any HOLD!! Being in the know..and researching he knew just how far he could go in order to avoid "Involuntary Hold"!! I'm still very suspicious of J.'s planning and setting the stage up..Sorry..for those that believe his that sick..I'm just not buying the whole "Ball of Wax" J. and his Def. are selling.

Having said all that..I am NOT a DP proponent. Chances he ever get's executed is pretty slim anyway..given what's going on now. But, just like Boston Bomber..for those juror's it is sending a message!! (whether or not it gets done):fence:
That double speak on the verdict forms, I think was Nelson. In each hearing, it was clear to me that she was wording things so that the jury would be confused! IMO

I noticed that too..Judge normally weeds out such double speak..BUT since Pros. didn't fight against it..He let it in on this verdict form...These juror's are no dummy's..They grasp everything it seems..Even catching the error's on first two form's says that...I think they took a dim view of that wording once realized!!
This trial has been just too painful for me to watch, though I have been reading here. There are so many victims, including the family of JH. I just cannot imagine having to live with the knowledge that their son committed such a heinous act.

I hope they lock him up, get him the help he desperately needs and never let him see the light of day. I hope that the families and friends of the victims are getting the help they need as they are being forced to relive this tragedy. God Bless all of them.
Nelson is in her element when she is arguing these jury instructions. She gets on my nerves but I suppose she is just doing her job.

She talks in circles, like a lawyer. She could say a lot of what she does in a shorten version. I get confused, but good thing the Judge does not and sees through all the 'circles'.

I bet the Judge keeps her on a short leash because other wise she would waste a lot of time and the Judge wants to get this trial finished, but the right way, just not waste time. She objects to the objections and objects the same thing over and over just to be on the record. The Judge does get upset.
is court coming back alive this afternoon for 'arguments' for final phase?
I hope it goes to the final phase. I think JH needs to hear the impact statements. Even if he does not care, he needs to sit there and hear them along with his defense team.

I also think the families need to beable to state their feelings.


Excellent, excellent point, MsJosie -- Yes! He needs to sit there quietly and hear every word of it. I feel sorry for his parents, and I'm sure they will second guess themselves for the rest of their lives, but if it had been their son who was shot down in the theater, they would also be entitled to speak for their dead or maimed son. Oh, it's so awful all the way around, but IMO that man was in total command of his mind, his muscles, his car, his weapons and his intentions when he was listening to that techno-pop (?) music screaming in his ears while he was standing there, in cold blood, and shooting down all those innocent people that night in the theater. JMHO.
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