GUILTY CO - Jason Midyette, 2 mos, beaten to death, Boulder, 24 Feb 2006

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that's so very sad. I have not read or heard about this poor child. Sure sounds like these people deserved a 1st degree murder charge. this child suffered tremendously. I can only hope someone in jail gets ahold of them both and makes them suffer tremendously as well.
Poor baby.
Patty, it is so maddening! It took forever to get this far, and now I just read that freak could be out in a year. I'm sure if it had been up to the DA, there wouldn't have even been charges brought against the parents. :furious: I too hope that someone gets a hold of that baboon in prison.
Patty, it is so maddening! It took forever to get this far, and now I just read that freak could be out in a year. I'm sure if it had been up to the DA, there wouldn't have even been charges brought against the parents. :furious: I too hope that someone gets a hold of that baboon in prison.

OMG, I did not realize that at first. He did get a lot less time than his wife. Yet no one really knows which parent is truly responsible (they both are) but who dealt the murderous blow. A little baby tortured to death and this guy could get out in that little time? That was not justice. Must have been his daddy's $$$$$
DENVER — A majority of the jury that found Alex Midyette guilty of criminally negligent child abuse resulting in the death of his 11-week-old son wanted to convict him on the more serious charge of knowing and reckless child abuse, several jurors told the Camera on Tuesday.
Following the five-week trial in Denver District Court, five jurors spoke with the media about their experience and what led to their guilty verdict. Justin Kaufmann, one of the 12 jurors, said nine people wanted to convict Midyette on the greater charge and three didn’t.

“It was a tough case,” Kaufmann said. “We couldn’t get a consensus on the greater charge, so we agreed on the lesser charge.”
UGH I am so ANGRY at this

WHO exactly are those three Jurors I wonder ! backgrounds, ties to whom ?
“It was a tough case,” Kaufmann said. “We couldn’t get a consensus on the greater charge, so we agreed on the lesser charge.”

WTF??? I am OUTRAGED!!!! wow, You wanna kill someone and get away with it, CO is the place to go. I cant imagine what was holding the 'undecided', but maybe Big Daddy Warbucks got to them or had ties somehow- He is VERY influential in the land developement/ property/real estate in the area- VERY WELL KNOWN!! Too bad that Molly and this creep couldnt change places- I truly believe he did it all!!! IMO :furious: :behindbar

Please dont tell me that house arrest gets credited for timed served? If so, I will be sick! :puke:
Oh, He has already bonded out while awaiting Sentencing. Last night, his Father was there for him again with the checkbook.

Sorry about the Denver/Boulder jury screw-up I made earlier - I was just livid at the time! I still am.....
Alex Midyette accused of dating day-care provider; arrested on bond violation.
Prosecutors say pair had been dating since November; new bond set at $20 million
BOULDER, Colo. — Convicted child abuser Alex Midyette has been dating a day-care operator since November, watching television, playing video games and riding motorcycles with several children at her Morrison property, according to court documents.

$20 mill! I Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New felony charges!!!! Ha ha, Alex, ha ha!!!!
Alex Midyette accused of dating day-care provider; arrested on bond violation.
Prosecutors say pair had been dating since November; new bond set at $20 million
BOULDER, Colo. — Convicted child abuser Alex Midyette has been dating a day-care operator since November, watching television, playing video games and riding motorcycles with several children at her Morrison property, according to court documents.

$20 mill! I Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New felony charges!!!! Ha ha, Alex, ha ha!!!!

Just learned about this case and all I can say is KARMAs a b*itch!
Yes it is! I bet daddy doesn't bail him out this time. I've been wrong before, though lol. That is a huge chunk of change, even for Daddy Warbucks.
Alex Midyette remains in jail, set for Tuesday charging

BOULDER, Colo. — Convicted child abuser Alex Midyette remained in the Boulder County Jail on Monday, and is due to be charged with a felony bond violation Tuesday.

Midyette is being held in lieu of a $20 million bond after prosecutors said he violated conditions of his previous bond by dating a day-care operator and hanging out with her children.
GOOD! Hope his daddy's money can't get him out of this. I truly believe Midyette thinks (of thought) he can get away with anything. Why else would this be hanging around a daycare? I'm glad he now knows that his isn't untouchable and that the rule do apply to him.
It's hard enough to believe that this CaveMan has a Wife....much less a new girlfriend. :waitasec: Betcha Molly is wishing she had made many different decisions by now.

Hopefully, this is a sign of times changing in Boulder! Justice for Jason and JonBenet, Please & Thank You.....:praying:
It's hard enough to believe that this CaveMan has a Wife....much less a new girlfriend. :waitasec: Betcha Molly is wishing she had made many different decisions by now.

Hopefully, this is a sign of times changing in Boulder! Justice for Jason and JonBenet, Please & Thank You.....:praying:

CaveMan!!! LOL! Fits him perfectly! I wonder what the new girlfriend is thinking about all of this? I mean, she had to know, unless she doesn't read the newspaper, watch TV, or look on the Internet, and lives under a rock. And DHS has to be looking at the situation because of her daycare license. Thank goodness the ex-husband doesn't live under a rock and called the proper authorities!

As for Molly, well, I think she knows she made the wrong decisions. I doubt her appeal will go anywhere, so she has a very long time to reflect on her decisions. But, she's probably thankful he's someone else's problem and not her's!!!! I know I'd be extremely grateful!
Alex Midyette remains in jail, set for Tuesday charging

MUUWAAAHAAAAHAAA!!!! :woohoo::woohoo: FINALLY!! About time for some justice for Jason!!

From the sounds of ALL (not most, but ALL) articles I have read about him, Jason is a BIG drug user, and Im sure he used something to calm him down during the beginning of this new drama. I hope he is on the BIGGEST COME DOWN of his life! I hope the detox is killing him slowly as we sit here.

Do you think that maybe Daddy will realize what a loser his son really is? Doubt it, but do any of you locals think that he will bail him out with such a high amount? I dont see him as a flight risk, but I do see him as a scared big mouth who likes to intimidate people. Maybe Bubba will have some fun with him......after all, he is a BABY KILLER~

"BOULDER, Colo. — A defense attorney for convicted child abuser Alex Midyette didn’t ask a judge to reduce his client’s $20 million bond Tuesday, when Midyette appeared briefly for a hearing in the Boulder County Jail courtroom to be charged with a felony bond violation. Defense attorney Paul McCormick declined to say whether he plans to ask for a lower bond, but to do so he would need to file a motion and allow prosecutors time to respond.

Midyette on Tuesday was set to spend his fifth night behind bars since being arrested Friday on suspicion of spending time with young children at the Morrison home of a day-care operator he’d been dating — a violation of his bond conditions.

He will be sentenced on April 20 for his conviction last month of criminally negligent child abuse resulting in the death of his 11-week-old son, Jason.
Midyette, the 29-year-old son of a wealthy Boulder architect and commercial landlord, is scheduled for a May 8 preliminary hearing in the bond-violation case. McCormick told a judge Tuesday that hearing will take awhile because attorneys will discuss evidence spanning a four-month period.
IMO Molly was no better. She had to have noticed the effects of 37 broken bones, but chose to ignore them. Also, she had emailed an ex bf, telling him that her "bikini body" was ruined, not by childbirth, but by a car accident. She never mentioned Jason. Such motherly love-NOT. But, it was never even implied that she dealt the fatal blow to Jason, I think she was at work at the time, but don't quote me on that! I think what attracted these women to Alex was not his balding pate, no-neck Neanderthal looks, and even worse behavior, but $$$$$. Mommy Kay Midyette is another CA, photoshopping the bruise off poor Jason's eye in pictures. J Nold has been fairly quiet, but I'm sure the Alex supporters in the Daily Scamera comment section are family members. I have always thought AM was a huge flight risk-with all that money he could easily go to a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US. I am so grateful he's locked up now. Daddy didn't make a bee-line to the ATM machine, either ;) I hope Montgomery uses this new infraction to give him the max in the other case, and runs the new sentence consecutively to keep this creep off the streets for as long as possible. Also, you could only get away with child murders in Colo if you were rich Boulderites. I am hopeful that the new DA will deal with these people harshly, instead of being intimidated by $ like the last 2 DAs in Boulder's recent history. Alex has a long history of being a bully-there was a story about a man named Vlado I think that had an interesting tale about AM. I too hope Alex is suffering from withdrawals, especially from the one called FREEDOM. I think the Boulder LE should be commended-apparently, they have had AM under surveillance for quite some time. I bet they have an airtight case. I do think LM will give him the max. $20,000,000 bond says she doesn't have a lot of faith in the boy :)
Great Points/Post Spamelope!! I sat here sceaming YES, YES!! at every comment you made :)

I noticed in the courtroom pics of AM that he has lost quite a bit of weight (and hair) since Molly's trial. He looked kinda frail in that wheelchair. Im wondering if he was working on this 'injury' since his last trial and that way, when he was sentenced, he could stay protected in the medical ward. I dont doubt for on second that he lost the weight from drug use. Any regular person would lose it from stress, but AM is not a regular Joe in ANY form. Once he hits gen pop in ANY prison yard, he will be a HUGE target. Thanks for losing weight Alex- you will be an easier taget for the smaller guys to get ya too!! ;)

One more thing to add- I think its VERY telling that AM's atty has not filed any motions, etc. He is smart, and probably KNOWS that the judge will stick it to him. He KNOWS he was in FULL VIOLATION of his terms, and has no business asking for a deal. :loser:

Thanks to you and RR, - you two seem to be CO experts and I admire both of your sleuthing skills from here and JBR !! Keep it up! :angel:
Wow, thank you, chico!:blushing: I'm no great sleuth, this case just offended my senses. River rat is probably the best expert on the JBR case that I've ever seen-she totally knows her stuff. I think her siggie pic sums up the entire case-PR wrote the ransom note, which if she did that, she was at the very least an accomplice. I think it was she that killed JB and since she's dead, I think it's like beating a dead horse-almost literally lol. I do hope the new DA gives closure in the case; he seems like a good guy who won't be intimidated by $. As for the M's, that case was appalling in that it seemed that MKL, left to her own devices, would have never even charged the Midyettes. And even then the charges were minor considering it was first degree murder.
My bf works at the state pen, and the days of throwing someone notorious in with the general population are over. It would be extreme negligence-not only can the prisoners sue the state, but the guards individually if something happens on their watch. The recent rulings about inmates' safety have guaranteed that Casey and Alex will never be in general population. Here's a snipped blurb from the Casper the friendly ghost Tribune lol:

Associated Press writer

Sunday, February 24, 2008 2:06 AM MST

CHEYENNE -- The state of Wyoming paid $350,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by a former prison inmate who claimed he was beaten and sexually assaulted by another inmate at the state penitentiary in Rawlins. Orchard said he believes those who break the law belong in prison, but the state has a responsibility to treat them humanely.

"Humane treatment of them, and just like the humane treatment of prisoners we're seeing nationally with waterboarding, is an important litmus test about our civilization," Orchard said.

Thanks again, chico. Peace and chicken grease. :)
Me? Nah.....I just hang around with the most brilliant brains on these two cases and they tend to rub off on me, but wow - how nice it is to receive a compliment - and on a Friday!

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