CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #10

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Not to be a smart@$$, but... if I lived with someone who I had legitimate reason to think was the perpetrator of this heinous crime, I would find someplace else to live, even before I did anything else. I might get someone else to relay the tip to authorities, but why would I continue to reside with someone I was fairly certain had done this sort of thing?

Look ar carla homomko (sp)
Re: Bolded part.

I mean no disrepect, but people should NEVER do anything like this. This sort of thing could have gone horribly wrong if an innocent bystander thought it was a real abduction and took out a concealed weapon and used it to "rescue the victim".

If all they did was roll up, pull over and have her get in the car I don't feel that's an unsafe experiment. It would look like what it was, a friend picking up a friend.

Point is, it happens fast. And no one notices.
I know that there has been someone hear who voiced a strong opinion about DNA testing babies at birth....can't rememeber who that was. To that person, and anyone else who wants to comment....

Why are you opposed to this? I respect right to privacy, but can there be grave errors in this matching? Personally, if I'm not guilty of a crime, I can't imagine why I would ever care that I had given my DNA at birth. I also think that this could cause people to think twice before commiting crimes.

My son is pursuing a career with the FBI. He did a research paper on a city which I beleive was in Canada. They took a video of every license plate entering and leaving town. His paper was about our right to privacy. I guess I don't understand how that infringes on my privacy, if I didn't do anything wrong? It's not an inconvenience to me. Now, I can understand if people want to just randomly come in and check my computer and read every private e-mail, or follow me all over town with a video camera where I may do something legal, but yet embarrasing (like being a man, which I'm not, going to an adult bookstore or something)....but general videos and/or testing babies' DNA? I don't understand why that's a problem. Please enlighten me and I truly ask that respectfully b/c I'm curious. TIA

Because we live in a Free Country.
If the govt wants this, then what is next?

just my opinion of course, and nothing against you personally, you are entitled to your opinion too.
I could have sworn that the FBI indicated "he" or "him" when telling people what to look out for, but maybe not. In fact, I suppose it is at least possible that they were able to rule out Wyoming due to wrong sex...
The Westminster PD has said over and over that they are the only source to trust. At this point on their FB page, they are asking for anyone to call in with tips regarding changes in behavior or routine.

Please continue to think about the FBI clues such as changes in behavior or routine. Call those tips into our tip line at 303 658 4336 or email them to

I might be graphic here, so bear with me. For locals this means, anyone buying coolers (Grant Haze), trash bags and cleaning supplies (Patrick Mikes' son), driving aimlessly (Amber alert unnamed suspect), anyone shopping at Home Depot or similar store for duct tape/hacksaw/shovel (Christian Aguilar), detailing a car and parking it in a strange location (Summer Inman), etc.
This is all VERY reasonable and enlightening. I never thought of these examples, so thank you so much. This is really what I was looking for b/c I truly didn't understand why anyone would care. I'm not a very good "sleuth" really, but I like to come here to learn more about crimes that have happened and how I can use that information to protect my own family. Having a special needs daughter, that's all the more important to me. I really appreciate your reply!

i'm very behind but I wanted to add another reason. DNA holds your medical status for most illnesses. Not all of it has been "decoded" yet, but at some point it will be. It can predict the likelihood of your getting heart disease, or diabetes, or dementia. This type of info would be such a boon to an insurance company, or to an employer who pays for your medical coverage... so it would not be crazy to think that if we started keeping banks of DNA data for people, this info would be sought out to be stolen and sold to the highest bidder. Much like the data linking your phone number and address with your browsing history is now.
The government is not the place to trust with this info, imho, and I am a liberal who actually believes in the benefits of a bigger government!!
When I heard "not intact" I immediately thought of a coyote. I live east of the JR area and we have a big coyote problem and sometimes a fox problem in our populated suburban neighborhood.

Over the years the coyotes have killed many small pets, dogs and cats and supposedly bit a neighbor. A few summers ago people were finding "mutilated" cats and neighbors were out to find this cat killer. But it turned out to be coyotes. Another neighborhood in the Denver metro area was reporting mutilated cats recently and that too turned out to be coyotes.

It's just another possibility. Coyotes and foxes can make some serious mayhem. They get into the trash and fight over the occasional squashed squirrel/rabbit in the street at night.
Everything that happened could have been done inside a van, couldn't it? I see this perp getting JR in the van and going to some spot where it felt sure not to be seen. Doing whatever was done to her, killing her, and the rest, all inside the van. Then dumping maybe just a small part of her body which could easily be tossed over the fence into the gully. Then driving to the location where the bp was placed. From there, out of town or back home, possibly near JR's home.

Without knowing where every single item was found and in what condition, I don't know. One guess is as good as the next guess. There are a lot of variables and assumptions being made but no confirmation. There won't be any official confirmation on theories or guesses, it will be crickets chirping in the meantime.
Small shack near where body was found.

Larger shack about 600 ft from where body was found.
Small shack near where body was found.

Larger shack about 600 ft from where body was found.

Thank you ... would you mind if I added them to an aerial map later ... in a few hours ... to help visualize the area?
Maybe the perp chose that location for the remains that were found b/c he had already considered just how long it was going to take LE to search that area for other evidence? Maybe he didn't do a damn other thing there than put her poor remains, but he wanted to gloat over having tied up their resources, had them jumping hoops etc all in a search for more remains, for more evidence... for him...

I'm guessing all he did in that location was place remains. He is taunting police. He is toying with them and that was just part of his game. A space that large, with that many outbuildings, and pathways, and such would keep them busy a long damn time. And he knew it. And in my view, he is amused by his taking up so much of everyone's time.
I think it will be discovered that the perp lives or works in the area where Jessica was taken.

If perp lives there, his home is the likely the primary crime scene. If he works in the area, his home, wherever it is located (another suburb, Denver proper, etc.), is still the most likely primary crime scene.

I do not believe this was a random creep passing through who simply stumbled across a great opportunity in Jessica that morning.

This person is IN this community, somehow part of it.

ETA I do think these partial or not intact remains were dumped. This is not the initial crime scene IMO
Not to be a smart@$$, but... if I lived with someone who I had legitimate reason to think was the perpetrator of this heinous crime, I would find someplace else to live, even before I did anything else. I might get someone else to relay the tip to authorities, but why would I continue to reside with someone I was fairly certain had done this sort of thing?

Look ar carla homomko (sp)

Or the Jessica Lundsford case. There were (2) other people living in the trailer while he hid her in his closet, while she was still alive.
IF she was dismembered as I suggested, the uterus would be right there; very visible, and very easy to remove. If there's one thing I know, it's the female anatomy, given my past profession. Even a hunter could have seen it. That said, I suggested that this would be someone with medical experience, given the use of the word "dissection", IF LE even used that term. On a young girl, there wouldn't be much to move around to find those parts and they'd be easy to remove.

Depends on where dissected at pelvis. The uterus and ovaries sit very low and is much smaller than most people think, especially in children, so all of that could have been removed with the legs if that we're the case. I don't know what to think about that because cutting through the pelvis would take major tools, not just a normal knife. We had to do this in anatomy lab horizontally and vertically and it took a saw. We really don't know what condition the body was in. I do believe what people are saying about head and hands missing but not sure about the rest. The rest is pure speculation. Also LE may have no idea what a uterus or ovaries look like (dont really need to know internal anatomy to unhold the law) and the body's conditions may have made it hard to see the anatomical structures even if they did know what they were looking at.
Without knowing where every single item was found and in what condition, I don't know. One guess is as good as the next guess. There are a lot of variables and assumptions being made but no confirmation. There won't be any official confirmation on theories or guesses, it will be crickets chirping in the meantime.

Right. I was just stating something I've been thinking about. Not at all saying that is what actually happened.
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