CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #10

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The thing is that with murderers (not just of children, but general murders for no "gain"), they don't usually think of displaying a body or taunting the police or re-visiting crime scenes. That DOES happen, but it is increasingly rare. This person has probably "moved on" and is satiated for now. He may be satiated for life and never hurt anyone else, but it is unlikely.

However, both LE and FBI have said the positioning of Jessica's backpack and the fact that it was left facing the opposite direction of where her body was discovered indicates that the killer was taunting them, that he believes he is smarter than LE.

<<<Commenting about Jessica's backpack, which was found in Superior in a standing up position, Depew said it suggests the object wasn't tossed out there, but rather the backpack was placed in a certain position so it would be found.
"That has a tinge of taunting, that he is announcing that he is the one, he had her, he put the bag there," Depew said. "They think they are smarter than the police. Sometimes they leave a note in the bag.">>>

Edited to include link and direct quote pertaining to taunting police.
Jessica's family has a P.O. Box for people who would like to send them a card, donation, pictures, etc.. Is it okay to post the address here?
Sapphire, you're an Aussie too, right?

I've had interesting discussions about this with my partner. He has this idea that America is just crawling with violent psychopaths. He was actually afraid to have our bedroom window open at night because he was afraid someone would find a way to crawl in (it's too tall for him to get in and he's 6'4").

Anyhow, so just a few weeks ago I went hunting around for crime statistics. I found last year's statistics for the city where we live in the US, and Brisbane, where he is from and where we live part of the time. Interestingly, the number of murders is almost identical. Sexual assaults in Brisbane, however, were TRIPLE the number we had last year than our city in the States. Property crime was higher in Brisbane, as was assault. Drug offenses were higher in the States.

He also likes to recount that we such a large number of people in prison, compared with other countries. I recalled just a couple of pertinent details for him. First, where we live in the States, out of the entire prison population in our state, 77% of the prisoners have committed violent felonies. Secondly, we looked at the actual sentences of people in Australia and learned that, on a whole, they are a LOT shorter than they are here... like 18 mos. for child molestation or rape; 15 years for murder. Our state in the US is a mandatory-minimum state, so when people have committed a certain number of offenses, or have committed an offense past a certain threshold, they are sent to prison for a certain number of years and that's it... they don't get out until that time has passed. That, of course, contributes to more people being in prison overall.

I think the media there has a lot to do with our perceptions of crime. While we are there, I am continually surprised by the amount of coverage events in the US has, particularly violent crime... even most of the shows on TV are American. But then I look in the newspapers and every day I am reading local headlines about a rape or a stabbing or some horrible car accident. I used to joke w/him that all of the Aussie papers read like tabloids, but then I remembered where Rupert Murdoch is from!! :D

At any rate, I'd say that our killings just seem more frightening because so many people here have guns. It's also why we can have mass killings and it doesn't really happen in Oz (except for that one in Tasmania, after which my beau says that people in Oz voluntarily turned in their guns in droves). I tell him that nearly equal numbers of murders aside, if I had to be murdered I'd rather be shot than stabbed to death... but better than that, I'd rather not be murdered at all.

Well thought out post.

Yes I am Australian.

Regarding the crime stats - I'm not sure where you are quoting them from.

Regarding general safety in our comparative societies - I don't have to worry about my kids getting shot at school, while they're asleep in their own beds, or when they're walking down a street.

Shootings like that may be just as rare in white middle class communities but we both know they are common place in other areas. It's not "did someone get shot today" in Detroit or Chicago, for example, it's "how many got shot". I am sure the doctors in those ER's have opinions on the gun laws.


Sadly I think that eventually you will have better gun control in the states. It will get to the stage where there is a school massacre every second week in even the most well-bred communities and people will finally be forced to realise their kids are killing each other.

It's just a shame its going to cost so many innocent lives in the meantime.


ETA it is not my intention to have a gun debate on this thread.

I understand it's a bit of a leap.
If you look at the pictures of where she is found, it is essentially a barren landscape as far as the eye can see.
There is one tree, close to the road.
The remains are found there, uncovered, in the open.
In that entire 360 degree of landscape, there is one tree. Just one.
He has walked far enough off the road to place her at the tree.
Clearly, she is not hidden or buried in any way. Just casually placed, out in the open, in the middle of nowhere, under a tree, in view of the road.
If he wished to hide her, he would have placed her somewhere hidden.
He didn't.
If he didn't care where she was found, she would have been pushed out of a moving car or thrown in a dumpster.
She wasn't.
No, someone made the effort to find the most empty landscape they could to leave her remains, right beside a road.
That to me says "displayed".
My opinion only. You do not have to agree.

I think that there are a lot of assumptions in the post. We do not know exactly where Jessica's remains were found. We do not know if she was easily visible, or whether the trash collectors discovered her in the black trash bag that is also part of the collected evidence. We simply don't have enough information to assume that she was posed at a tree for all the world to see. We don't even know for sure whether she was found near the culvert or the tree.

"However, the video also shows that the body is small, and does not appear to be that of an adult victim. It was found next to a culvert, and also appeared to be near a black garbage bag."
First time poster, been lurking for some time, and have a point of clarification and a bit of information I have not seen yet in this thread.

1. It was suggested by Otto that some one might have driven around the loop of roads off of 82nd to hide their car, etc. This is not possible as there are gates at both entrances to these dirt roads.

2. No one has pointed out the fact that the backpack was found just a few 'feet' from the former home of a mother who suffocated her newborn... Stephanie Rochester.
This reporter seems to be the only one who has picked up on this detail (at the end of the article):

This story was heartbreaking in the Boulder area and received some metro attention, but not much out side of the area. I cannot help but wonder if the backpack location is more than just coincidental....

Weird 'coincidence'....makes one wonder who had a vested interest in this poor little infant....
I was wondering if anyone knew of any continuing searches for the rest of Jessica's remains?

I think that there are a lot of assumption in the post. We do not know exactly where Jessica's remains were found. We do not know if she was easily visible, or whether the trash collectors discovered her in the black trash bag that is also part of the collected evidence. We simply don't have enough information to assume that she was posed at a tree for all the world to see. We don't even know for sure whether she was found near the culvert or the tree.

"However, the video also shows that the body is small, and does not appear to be that of an adult victim. It was found next to a culvert, and also appeared to be near a black garbage bag."
Thanks for finding the article Otto!
The thing is that with murderers (not just of children, but general murders for no "gain"), they don't usually think of displaying a body or taunting the police or re-visiting crime scenes. That DOES happen, but it is increasingly rare. This person has probably "moved on" and is satiated for now. He may be satiated for life and never hurt anyone else, but it is unlikely.

Do you have a link for that?

Good idea! I'm sorry in advance if I'm a little behind on the threads.

Question - no snark, promise! - did you mean "colleges" or "colleagues" (as in co-workers)? I don't remember that interview and was just wondering. May or may not be important but it seems like it could be an important detail IMO.

No problem; in the family interview; Mom said she had left her phone downstairs because she was getting calls from a college (she was thinking about going back to college) and I wondered if she had mentioned this at work.....or if someone overheard her conversation....
Ok I know we have all agreed that there have been recent issues with our being able to log on and view the pages here at WS.. I just wanted to see if anyone else was experiencing the strange loading of pages that I am(as seen below in a screencap)... Sometimes the remedy is as easy as RE-refreshing the page..while other times even when refreshed it once again loads the jibberish mess as seen below..

I must say in all my years of visiting WS this jibberish loading of the pages is something I HAVE NEVER SEEN HERE OR ANYWHERE ELSE FOR THAT

Anyone else getting anything similar or know what or why its suddenly happening?

**my apologies for the momentary veering O/T**

That looks to me like normal WS chat...:waitasec:
I haven't posted much. So sad for Jessica and her family. Rest in peace, little girl. And may your family find peace as well.
I thought there was a trash bag involved with the discovery of the body. I don't think we know if the remains were still in the bag or even if the original placement was in the culvert pipe. I suppose we'll eventually find out.

I was wondering what happened to this idea. IMO, it is most likely that the perp tried hiding the remains in the drainage pipe and the bag was dragged out by wildlife. Since there was a bag at the site of the remains, it seems the perp wanted to conceal the body and didn't intend for the remains to be discovered so soon.

After learning about the mine shaft, I think it's curious that the perp didn't hide the body there. Sleuthers familiar to the area have mentioned other places in the open space that would be better hiding places. This leads me to think the perp may have traveled the road before and chose the area as a dumping site because of its remoteness, but was not well-acquainted with the area.

If the perp did dispose of the remains at night, I think it would be more risky then, since locals have noted that the site is a popular hangout with teenagers. If he murdered Jessica that first day or the following day, it would be a Friday or Saturday night - the weekend, when the teenagers were hanging out.

Whether or not that was his intended disposal site, he may have just wanted to dispose of the remains as quickly as possible, where they would unlikely be discovered (in his thinking), while well-aware that LE would be searching within a 5-mile radius of the abduction site.
Today at my kids school, one of the kids started talking about what happened inGolden the other night, and how the boy ran away screaming and got to his mom. The teacher heard it, and told them about Jessica, how she was kidnapped and killed. I had already told my children this, but what if I hadn't told them about the murder? Mixed feelings on how teachers should handle this. My other child's class, however, has not spoken of it. The school as a whole has not spoken of it. I wish there was some uniformity.
LE wasn't yet searching in the area where Jessica was found; she was found by Waste Mgmt. personnel.
I don&#8217;t want to assume things about the killer but I try to pay attention to what my intuition is telling me along with what I discern from the facts that have been revealed. I can&#8217;t say he staged the remains, but I can say he didn&#8217;t conceal them for $hit. I can peg him as an organized killer because he didn&#8217;t lose control and just attack and rape his victim where he first found her. Not this guy, he managed to snatch her with no witnesses, take her away, do his evil deeds to include dismemberment and then leave her mutilated body in an open space which I perceive as a direct taunt to LE and an effort to terrorize the whole area. I almost forgot that inbetween time he also deposited Jessica&#8217;s bookbag miles from her home upright on a sidewalk for all to see. I might add that my intuition and discernment tells me that her glasses and clothes were in that bookbag and the message from LE after finding the bag was for people to not pay attention to what she had been wearing or the fact that she wore glasses. Huge hint there about what this madman was trying to convey. I see a monster that is enjoying this whole nightmare and believe he has given us many clues as to what he really is. He is not like the man just arrested for the WY abduction. That guy is bad but this killer is the worst, what he did to Jessica is worse than anything else I can imagine. He not only assaulted, tortured and murdered her; he did his best to completely dehumanize her and reduce her into something unrecognizable. There&#8217;s a reason that there&#8217;s over 35 different agencies working on this murder.
Off topic: Cadavers for dissection don't have any blood left in their cardiovascular system. A hose is inserted into their subclavian vein which drains them and then pumps the body full of embalming fluid before they arrive to be dissected. (I took Human Anatomy with cadaver lab at the Univ. of Oklahoma.)

Correct. However there are still lots of clots in the body especially in large arteries and in the heart and not all blood is removed this way so blood still escapes from the bodies. Some more so than others depending on how well they were preserved (we get cadavers from multiple states so from several different preparations). My point was just that cadavers are specifically prepared to cause less of a mess body fluid wise but they still do cause a mess therefore a human body not prepared would most definitely leave lots of evidence wherever this crime was done. And NCAnalyzer is correct stating that a dead body would bleed less than a live person. However it just depends on length of death as clotting has to occur. But even then evidence will be abundant IMO.
Hi, I'm new here although I lurked and read during the CA trial and a few others, I never registered and posted. I am in CO and this case is really upsetting to me, as I have school aged kids and we aren't too far from Superior/Westminster/Arvada. I have tried to read the threads but I haven't been able to keep up with all of them. I tried to search and see if this had been posted, but I guess I don't have search priveleges. -- so sorry if this has been posted already, but there was a case in September in Longmont where a man in a red pickup followed and then chased two 9th grade girls. They ran to a nearby house to escape, and the man got away. As far as I know they haven't caught the guy.

Longmont is about a 30 minute drive from Westminser/Superior.

Resemblance is incredible to an RSO someone posted several screens ago...

Going to have to scroll back...take me an the rate posts coming in...
Sweet little Jessica's murder broke my heart. Is it just the naive hope of a newbie that this man will be caught soon and punished? Did so many of you have the same feeling about previous child abduction and murders with a similar amount of evidence and publicity?
This is my first ever post. I've admired the various quick/logical/imaginative minds on Websleuths for several years and finally registered. Not sure I can contribute much-but i might chime in from time to time. :cheers: :eek:nline:

This I do agree well as the idea that this person has a comfortable connection with nature and the terrain of the area.

Honestly, I do not believe anyone will be arrested in connection to Jessica's murder unless if someone goes to the police and confesses. JMO
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