CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #11

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That's a pretty standard way to televise any crowd event. Some distant shots, some medium shots, closeups of interesting participants, etc.

I'm not saying it isn't rude, and in this case unwise, but it is common.
Sorry if I end up repeating things here. I've tried to read every post, but I have to admit I skipped over some during arguments/debates, and a few other things. Seems like every time I almost catch up, my computer freezes up until I'm a few pages behind again. I read several things I wanted to comment on, but wanted to make sure I wasn't repeating anything first. I hope I can remember them.

I believe it was tlcox who commented on him possibly getting spooked and leaving before he had the body where he wanted it. I was thinking about that earlier too. I thought he may have stopped to put it into the shack, but saw headlights and just dropped her and took off. It is possible that he had planned to throw out the backpack there too, but didn't have time once he got back to his vehicle.

A few people mentioned the possibility of him leaving a body part in the backpack, but I believe the man who found it did look through it. He had mentioned that there was a key chain inside with her name on it in addition to the water bottle.

As far as profiling being behind the times, I only agree to some extent. There have been some changes over the past 20 years, but I don't think it's as much as people think. A person with a low self-esteem is probably likely to respond to things in much the same way today as one did 20+ years ago. A person living alone today would still have many of the same advantages/disadvantages that one had back then. I think the basics of profiles are still valid using most of the criteria that has been used. I do think there is more violent crime committed by young people, but most of it seems to be more reckless, impulsive, disorganized, and/or gang related from what I've been seeing.

I agree that he may have wanted her "remains" found, but I'm not sure he wanted her body found. I'm still not convinced that that wasn't just a miscalculation on his part. I don't believe the damage to her body was to prevent identification, but I go back and forth a lot on what the reason might be. One I don't remember writing about already is to hide evidence that might point to him - such as shooting her with a gun that uses rare ammunition, ligature marks on her wrists from something easily identified (such as handcuffs or dog chains, but could be any number of things), an unusual blade, or he may have left teeth marks in some areas, etc.

I don't know what the name of it was, but I think the Criminal Minds episode mentioned was the one where the guy strangled a girl, and had just gotten out of prison for it. His mother was murdered, and he was set up to be blamed. In that one, he would take his girlfriend to all of the dump sites to have sex, and he had pictures of the various spots. MOO

I thought the times nursebeeme mentioned were interesting, and it made a lot of sense to put the backpack there to draw attention away from the dump site. I was wondering if she may have actually been left alive there for a while, and he wanted to get her out if there (or get rid of her) before the area was searched.

I also thought A_rod_777's idea was interesting, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. Was she actually close to the airport when she was taken? I thought it was more in the area SE of there (where it says Westminster). It is possible that he tried to make it look like some kind of satanic ritual, but I really don't see it. I also had thought he may have put the backpack where it was to put suspicion on someone in that area, but it's hard to say.

Sorry for writing another novel, but I wanted to try getting something posted before midnight for a change.
Drew Allen (my spelling could be incorrect) he's talking about knowing Jessica since she was in diapers and has known her family even longer.

and he's going to sing a part of one of Jessica's fav songs too. Playing guitar.

Sweet Child of Mine
Oh, no... they are playing/singing Sweet Child of Mine by Guns and Roses... I used that song to get through labor with my first born daughter. I am losing it not for sure. Just horrible!!!! I want this caught!!!
Some of the people being focused in on are local politicians. A minute ago it was Ed Perlmutter.
He's including one stanzas of one her fav songs "so call me maybe".
Atm I cannot stop weeping, but tomorrow I pledge to do a great kindness in Jessica's name. And have a silly laugh too.
Is that the Home Stake Disaster? Or another mining accident? I'm sorry I'm not more familiar with the local history.

I'm assuming the Leyden mine disaster on December 14, 1910. The men in mine #3 suffocated. (Zola's #5 on his/her map and across the street from the remains location.) FYI, if you google Leyden mine disaster and click on images, you will still be able to view Zola's map.)
Where do we go now (lyrics from G&R song)? I heard the news...(finished with a line from beatles song)
I don't know why but where is Billie Dunn and her wierd boyfriend? Shawn Adkins?
After hearing about the occult and stuff, it reminded me of the masks and what I think happened to Hailey Dunn.
Is Texas far from CO?


It's about a 1000 miles.
Kudos to him...I would have never guessed Sweet Child of Mine could have sounded good at a memorial but doggone it did.
Speaking is Jessica's best friend's Mom. Sharing a story about how she met Jessica. Encouraged her daughter to go introduce herself, but she was shy and both girls were quietly watching each other from afar. They met, same age, same grade, same purple rectangle glasses, both mom's named Sarah.

My words:
(prayers for Jessica's best friend, this is a wound that will never heal for her).
Atm I cannot stop weeping, but tomorrow I pledge to do a great kindness in Jessica's name. And have a silly laugh too.

The Pastor, said earlier, that she was the LEAST grumpy woman in her household. I will follow her lead and try to the least grumpy woman I know. Promise to Jess.
nice lady - her words are nice. good speaker. daughters were best friends with Jessica. very nice.
There is something right under the video that says a former FBI profiler says the perp might have attended the vigil.
I haven't cried this much since Caylee. Sorry had to share.

A family member speaking and reading "Do not stand by my grave and weep".
I think the perp would have been scared to attend seeing all the LE there-JMO
But I know its not unheard of to!!
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