CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #11

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Pence said leaving the backpack for authorities to find was intentional.
"It's a situation that doesn't always occur in a kidnapping, leaving a clue like that. It was put there for a purpose," he said.
Pence said the killer likely left the backpack either to taunt police or as a diversion.

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I think this creeps me out so much. It leads to thinking will he strike again? Soon? Leave more messages?

If someone can do this, and leave messages...when will he feel he needs to do it again? Will once be enough for him?

I really hope they have some good leads on him.
Just had a thought (please forgive me if its not an original one; I've been skimming lately) with regard to the backpack and why it was placed where it was.

The location where it was left seems odd, unless it was left there after the crime took place.

What if it all happened like this:

1) Jessica taken, killed, and left (because I refuse to word it any grislier than that)
2) perp is on his way home, wrapped up in the emotions from what he just did when he spots Jessicas backpack still in his vehicle

He has to pull over and leave the bag, because he can't have it in his vehicle when he gets home - he just didn't really notice it before because his focus was on Jessica.
during the mom's tv interview. <modsnip>.


Oh really. I had not read that. I read that she watched her until she was out of sight. When was this info stated? Not questioning you just surprised. jmo
Just had a thought (please forgive me if its not an original one; I've been skimming lately) with regard to the backpack and why it was placed where it was.

The location where it was left seems odd, unless it was left there after the crime took place.

What if it all happened like this:

1) Jessica taken, killed, and left (because I refuse to word it any grislier than that)
2) perp is on his way home, wrapped up in the emotions from what he just did when he spots Jessicas backpack still in his vehicle

He has to pull over and leave the bag, because he can't have it in his vehicle when he gets home - he just didn't really notice it before because his focus was on Jessica.

BBM - This was my original thought, which is why I would love to know what leaves LE to believe it was done intentionally.
This was reported in a prior presser, so it's true.

Thanks! I didn't remember hearing it in a presser, but heard it last night on JVM (although she was also completely misreporting the candy abductions in Arvada last night until she was straightened out by the Public Information Officer in Aravada), so I don't completely trust her reporting!
In reference to overprotective parents: there's no such thing right now in this community. My oldest son (9) always biked to his friend's house alone. Not anymore. I am literally driving behind him on his way there and back. When he is with his friend, biking around the park together, I am less worried. But I'm not letting him be alone. Same thing at stores-I was starting to give him a very short leash to look at things on his own. Like if he wanted to look at toys, I might go three rows over and look at electronics or something, for about five minutes. Or needing to go to the bathroom while i wait in line? Sure, I can see the doors to it, its probably fine. Not anymmore. I stay with him every second, or my husband does.
Jessica's mom only lost sight of her for a few yards and she was killed. Until this monster is caught, I'm going to have to be more vigilant because I would never forgive myself if I wasn't and something happened.
I just want this guy caught. I hope he is and I do suspect someone who has a personal tie to where the backback was found. I think the backpack was placed there for a specfic reason at that spot.

Any neighbors mention seeing it of finding it ?

These two articles discuss the finding of the back pack.

Jessica Ridgeway case: Neighbor noticed backpack on Superior street night before

Officials cover new ground in the search for Jessica Ridgeway
One of the things that has bothered me most since last week is that at no point has LE said, "People, calm down, you're over-reacting." Many of their quotes seem to imply the opposite. This is just not typical. When we had the serial killer investigation here, the message was that unless you were working the streets as a prostitute, you weren't in any danger, and if you are working the streets, make sure to let a friend know before you get in a guy's car. They usually want to calm down this level of fear and tension.

Incidentally, our local SK turned out to be not much more than a kid. They had dismissed him at first because he would have been only about 14 when the first woman was killed. He hasn't been tried or convicted yet but we haven't had a killing since they arrested him on rape and assault charges.
2) perp is on his way home, wrapped up in the emotions from what he just did when he spots Jessicas backpack still in his vehicle

He has to pull over and leave the bag, because he can't have it in his vehicle when he gets home - he just didn't really notice it before because his focus was on Jessica.

Snipped by me. :)

Personally, I think his emotions at the time were elation, pride, excitement. I think he left it to brag. He's as scary as it gets.

Not sure if already posted, sorry if it has been.

Likely to strike again, keep eye on children, backpack left purposefully.

Thank you for posting this.

This newsreport is IMO VERY bad news.

This are quotes from the newsreport, with my thoughts/comments included:

The former head of the FBI in Colorado says several aspects of the Jessica Ridgeway case suggest the killer is still in the area and could possibly act again.

This IMO possibly means that the killer, additionally to the backpack, has either placed some kind of messages in the area, and/OR made phonecalls, to the police, or others, that have been traced to the Denver area.

"If the parents can possibly add a little different level of protection right now until this situation is resolved, I think that would be warranted," Bob Pence, the former FBI special agent in charge for Colorado, told 7NEWS Monday.

This is IMO a VERY strong warning from the LE, and I also belive it means that the killer in some kind of communication with LE, or others, have made specific threaths of new crimes/killings.

"Anyone that's capable of an act like this, it may be just the beginning," Pence said. "This person is initiating a sick mind and it's going to involve additional crimes, additional acts that the public needs to be concerned about."

IMO it sound like that the killer, in those of mine suspected communications, have shared some kind of horrific killer master plan.

All together this newsreport's LE information information, directly and between the lines, indeed support my worst fears about this killer.

I belive that A LOT more is going on behind the scenes in this case, than the police are saying , however LE is still trying to warn the public as much as the can, God bless them.
Out of all of these statistics, this [bolded] is what disturbs me most. Why are we NOT watching our children? I see it daily - kids as young as FOUR walking by themselves to school each morning. That is such easy access for someone with ill intent.

I think it is usually because the parent believes the child is in a safe situation. Such as a 10 year old walking to meet a friend who would be waiting 500 feet away. Or Etan Patz, whose mother was watching him walk the two blocks to his bus stop but lost sight of him in the crowds and assumed he'd made it onto the bus. Or Adam Walsh, whose mother left him watching video games on display at Sears while she went a couple aisles over to look for a lamp; she came back 7 minutes later and he was gone.

I can remember at least one case where mom thought dad had the kids and dad thought mom had them.

People need to sleep such as in the Elizabeth Smart, Danielle van Dam and Polly Klaas cases.

And there's a line parents have to walk. Watching the child 24/7 makes the parent feel safer but what happens when the kid turns 18 and ventures out into the big world on their own? If the child is not allowed to develop independence and responsibility on their own, they can be crippled for life.

Or, as my friend did after being brought up by an extremely controlling mother, the child becomes a daredevil, joins the Army and signs up for the most dangerous assignments possible to send Mom the message "you're not the boss of me now."

I think families have to assess the risks and then make the decisions that fit their family and their child best. It isn't the fault of the family if a predator strikes, it really isn't.
Pence said leaving the backpack for authorities to find was intentional.
"It's a situation that doesn't always occur in a kidnapping, leaving a clue like that. It was put there for a purpose," he said.
Pence said the killer likely left the backpack either to taunt police or as a diversion.

Read more:

IMO...they think that because why else would you do that. I have never kidnapped anyone, but if I was going to, I would throw their stuff in a dumpster, not leave it out in the open. (That was creepy to type!) I guess most people would want to get rid of evidence by hiding stuff or throwing it out, not leaving it out in the open. Therefore, someone who left it out in the open is sending a message. If it was something small, like a sock or a bracelet, I might think it was accidentally dropped there, or that Jessica managed to throw it out the window. But a large item such as a backpack?

and also just to clarify: I don't plan to ever kidnap anyone.
I'm glad you brought that up because I've only just recently started reading about this case and have been reading older threads and articles trying to figure out the sequence of events. These two quotes have me confused.


There is only a very short space where Jessica would be "out of sight" to someone standing in front of Jessica's home before she reached the park as the street curves to the left slightly.

Mom saw her out the door. Mom did not watch her walk down the street. That quote by MSM is incorrect. Mom clearly said in the interview that she saw her out the door.

I wish the reporter who misquoted mom would correct his mistake, because it continues to confuse people. And, I wish I'd never quoted him.
In regards to Peters profile, we discussed the hail damage in Denver, and how a lot of roofing companies from out of state had been in Denver. It was cold and wet the day before and the day of, so its possible work was canceled.

I also was curious about the body, and it appears there is a division of people who think he wanted it found, and those that think he didn't. Also I wanted clairification on a possible distance from the crime, because of a language barrier, I want Peter to clairify. Here is his responds:

I can't see leaving a body by a road, whether it be well traveled or not, whether in the culvert or on the hill, an attempt to hide it. It's by a road that people drive on. Not ever a good place to put something that you don't want found if you're trying to hide it. That's why I don't think it matters if it was in the culvert or on the hill. Peter's take on him not caring whether it was found or not is a new spin on things though. If he just didn't want it found too quickly and didn't want to spend too much time finding a good spot to hide it then this area makes sense for that.
during the mom's tv interview. there's a lot of info in past threads it'd be good for ppl to read if they do not feel caught up with what is known.

otherwise a lot of things get rehashed.
sorry. I'm in a grumpy mood today.

This kind of rehashing used to bug me no end ("If you can't be bothered to get the basic facts right, go bother somebody else!"). Then I was talking with a guy I know slightly who is a retired cop, and he told me that's what LE does when they're working a case. They go back over what they know, over and over and over again, until somebody notices something they never noticed before, or they make a connection with another piece that had never been considered before.

It still kind of annoys me, though :D
Would someone please answer this question I have?
Did the mother work 2nd or 3rd shift??

If the answer is' yes', WHO kept that beautiful 10 yr. old while the mother worked the night shift?

Grandmother and aunt.
I can only say: thank you thank you, thank you. I wish LE would issue a stronger warning - like, clear & present danger. ppl do not read the seriousness into these veiled warnings. I think they do it to give as little media cred to the killer as possible, but I think that's less important right now.

i think all these points are spot on.

Thank you for posting this.

This newsreport is IMO VERY bad news.

This are quotes from the newsreport, with my thoughts/comments included:

This IMO possibly means that the killer, additionally to the backpack, has either placed some kind of messages in the area, and/OR made phonecalls, to the police, or others, that have been traced to the Denver area.

This is IMO a VERY strong warning from the LE, and I also belive it means that the killer in some kind of communication with LE, or others, have made specific threaths of new crimes/killings.

IMO it sound like that the killer, in those of mine suspected communications, have shared some kind of horrific killer master plan.

All together this newsreport's LE information information, directly and between the lines, indeed support my worst fears about this killer.

I belive that A LOT more is going on behind the scenes in this case, than the police are saying , however LE is still trying to warn the public as much as the can, God bless them.
IMO...they think that because why else would you do that. I have never kidnapped anyone, but if I was going to, I would throw their stuff in a dumpster, not leave it out in the open. (That was creepy to type!) I guess most people would want to get rid of evidence by hiding stuff or throwing it out, not leaving it out in the open. Therefore, someone who left it out in the open is sending a message. If it was something small, like a sock or a bracelet, I might think it was accidentally dropped there, or that Jessica managed to throw it out the window. But a large item such as a backpack?

and also just to clarify: I don't plan to ever kidnap anyone.

Someone would also do that to distract. It is very possible the backpack was tossed where it was found to divert the investigation away from where she was later found. Easy for a perp to see where the search was being carried out on TV or by listening to scanner and determine where the majority of LE presence was located in order to plan where to dump the body. The backpack could easily have been dropped several days prior to when the body was disposed of for that reason alone.
Thanks for posting both those accounts. I thought I was going crazy. But, now I am really confused. Which was it??? I think it is important to know what really happened. Not casting doubt on mom, but need to know which way it was because they are drastically different. jmo

I am going to go with mom watched Jessica walk out the door shut the door and that was the last time she saw Jessica. Reading the way MSM has covered the condition the body was found and heck even other events MSM likes to add things to their reporting sometimes. So until I hear LE or mom saying she watched her walk till she could not be seen I will take it as a reporter trying to add words to a sentence.

Quoting myself here cause I'm curious - who all lived in the home and did they work?? Not sleuthing, just trying to see when the perv may have had opportunity.

Mom, grandma and aunt I believe all live there. I know I read grandma works days mom works nights. I would assume aunt also works even though I have not read that she does. I would think that if the school called mom's number and aunt was home that the aunt would help her sister out by monitoring phone calls while she got some sleep.
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