CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #12

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wasn't the back pack in a paper bag as if this person was organized and taunting the police? I saw the video on youtube and the bag seemed to be large and neatly folded at the top.

This along with the dismemberment shows a seasoned criminal to me.

I hope that this doesn't become like Hailey Cummings, Hailey Dunn, baby Lisa and Joshua Davis Jr. Unsolved.

Of course the difference here is that LE have a body.

The police placed the backpack inside the paper bag to preserve any evidence that was on it.
The sooner they find out the better as we all know. Halloween is coming up, haunted houses, parties and trick or treat. Prime time for this nutcase to strike again.
Kids are still walkig around out there alone and it would not surprise me at all if some actually go door to door alone.
Please let them find him very fast.

In our area the only kids that go door to door alone are much older teens (in a group, and they generally come later.). Parents always accompany the younger ones. But am definitely thinking will buy a lot less candy this year. I have a feeling trick or treating will be way down.
No, I think you're probably right. It's been years and years since I read The Stranger Beside Me, and it's possible I'm confusing his own opinion of his own intelligence with the actual reality.

Bundy was having trouble keeping up with his first year law classes. So, probably not a genius except to himself.
are you still at guitar lessons?! LOL :lol: Geez, I don't even know what mine is... Heck the guy fooled Ann Rule! (weren't they friends or something?)

There was some sort of acquaintance and he did contact her just prior to his arrest. I cant remember if it was by phone or letter. Anyone?
And Jessica at age 10 and I believe around 70/80 pounds was close in size to a small adult. My thought is that he would maybe choose a victim smaller than himself, regardless of if that victim is a child or an adult.

This is ismilar to my opinion as well regarding my finding it likely that we are not dealing with a quote "pedophile" unquote..but rather Jessica's being the chosen victim had nothing at all to do with victimology being the need of a was opportunity combined with, just as mentioned above his making likely a conscious decision for the victim to preferably be smaller than him for reasons of making it less physically difficult on his part...

Of course its very hard to say anything with any amount of certainty due to the fact so very little is known..nonetheless at this point I find it plausible that the perpatrator is not necessarily "pedophillic" ..jmo, tho..
How often do the culverts get cleaned? Monthly? Every six months? Is it a little too coincidental that Jessica was placed in the pipe (or very close to it) within a few days of the maintenance crew being there. I suspect there is a good chance he knew that that particular culvert was scheduled for maintenance and that therefore she would be found that week, which ties in with the theory he wanted her found, in that condition, so his "handiwork" would be seen when it was fresh enough to see what he had done. Who has access to the culvert and road maintenance schedule?

from what some locals told us onthread yesterday, those culverts do get cleaned more frequently this time of year as it is needed more often due to rains and leaffall, litter, etc blocking them. Darn, wish I could remember exactly whereabouts that discussion took place I would pull it forward.
Been reading all of your posts and internet articles. For what it's worth, I feel that this monster is from the community, was recently released from prison, and is on the young side. He definitely knew the community and could have been living on the route that Jessica took to school. Who knows, perhaps she wsn't picked up by a car, but was lured into a house on her way to school by someone she knew.

With the monster's close ties to the community, I believe it is only a matter of time before he is apprehended. Remember, there were most likely fibers all over her backpack from being transported in his car, which will lead to the make and model of his car.

Just my two cents.
This is ismilar to my opinion as well regarding my finding it likely that we are not dealing with a quote "pedophile" unquote..but rather Jessica's being the chosen victim had nothing at all to do with victimology being the need of a was opportunity combined with, just as mentioned above his making likely a conscious decision for the victim to preferably be smaller than him for reasons of making it less physically difficult on his part...

Of course its very hard to say anything with any amount of certainty due to the fact so very little is known..nonetheless at this point I find it plausible that the perpetrator is not necessarily "pedophillic" ..jmo, tho..

I agree. I am not convinced this crime was sexual in nature. It may be - but I just don't see it as a foregone conclusion. If I am right, and this is perp's first abduction/murder, I think it just as likely that the motive was not sexual in nature but in venting rage and aggression on a smaller, weaker, available victim.
In our area the only kids that go door to door alone are much older teens (in a group, and they generally come later.). Parents always accompany the younger ones.

I have another question. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, and want to stay on topic, so if there is a more appropriate place for questions like these, please let me know. As a local who is experiencing all this very close, I would like to ask you guys, what IS the appropriate age for kids to be walking alone in your opinion? My neighbor's 13 year old son, who looks younger, has still been walking alone to and from the bus stop, despite the fact Jessica wast last seen 6 miles from here and there have been the attempted candy man abductions on boys as well... While we neighbors were engaged in conversation about the case, I diplomatically mentioned to my neighbor my concern about her son walking alone. She said she leaves in the morning before she can see him off and can't do anything about it, so I volunteered to walk with him, but she says he will be ok, that it is only a short walk, that he has been talked to about stranger danger, etc. Me personally, if I had a child his age, I would not allow him to walk anywhere around here alone with an active child killer very possibly in the neighborhood. I went to bed with a very unsettling feeling about this, and a feeling of disbelief / anger towards the parent. Am I wrong for this? Is this parent being irresponsible? How does one in a situation like this differentiate between being cautious and going overboard? I am not leaving any of my students out of sight, not for even one second. Thanks in advance.

Also, I am trying to implement child safety awareness, etc. within my other classes. I know there are lots of resources out there, but if anyone has any specific educational links, etc that they especially recommend for elementary students, please let me know. Thank you.
OT...You know speaking of shows like Dexter, I don't think they should be allowed at all. They give the criminally insane ideas and may be another reason why these horrible crimes are up. The producers hold no responsibility and should be held accountable if anyone uses their shows and movies as outlines of not only how to kill, but how to get away with it. I know people follow that show and has a big fan base, maybe why people are so insensitive to the value of a human life.

Umm...have seen several references....and going to show my 'pop culture' cards (or lack thereof)...what in the world is Dexter? some TV show? or what?
The series centers on Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall), a blood spatter pattern analyst for the fictional Miami Metro Police Department (based on the real life Miami-Dade Police Department) who moonlights as a serial killer. Set in Miami, the show's first season was largely based on the novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay, the first of his Dexter series novels.
Also, I am trying to implement child safety awareness, etc. within my other classes. I know there are lots of resources out there, but if anyone has any specific educational links, etc that they especially recommend for elementary students, please let me know. Thank you.

I happen to really like this safety program.

It teaches kids that strangers don't look like bad guys. And to trust your "internal alarm." Too many people teach kids that they can't say "no" to an adult! Another important point- this program teaches kids that just because you know someone- a teacher, a coach, a neighbor- they can't make you do something without asking your parent if it is okay. And to pay attention to "tricky" behavior, if you know a person or not. A great program, IMO.
I have another question. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, and want to stay on topic, so if there is a more appropriate place for questions like these, please let me know. As a local who is experiencing all this very close, I would like to ask you guys, what IS the appropriate age for kids to be walking alone in your opinion? My neighbor's 13 year old son, who looks younger, has still been walking alone to and from the bustop, despite the fact Jessica wast last seen 6 miles from here and there have been the attempted candy man abductions on boys as well... While we neighbors were engaged in conversation about the case, I diplomatically mentioned to my neighbor my concern about her son walking alone. She said she leaves in the morning before she can see him off and can't do anything about it, I volunteered to walk with him, but she says he will be ok, that it is only a short walk, that he has been talked to about stranger danger, etc. Me personally, if I had a child his age, I would not allow him to walk anywhere around here alone with an active child killer very possibly in the neighborhood. I went to bed with a very unsettling feeling about this, and a feeling of disbelief / anger towards the parent. Am I wrong for this? Is this parent being irresponsible? How does one in a situation like this differentiate between being cautious and going overboard? I am not leaving any of my students out of sight, not for even one second. Thanks in advance.

Also, I am trying to implement child safety awareness, etc. within my other classes. I know there are lots of resources out there, but if anyone has any specific educational links, etc that they especially recommend for elementary students, please let me know. Thank you.

I would be unsettled about the neighbor boy too. Particularly due to the recent rash of blue sedan driving men attempting to lure teen boys in that age range. I hope you are not offended by the parent's response to your voicing your concerns though. I am sure JR's case has been very much on this working mom's mind. But right now, any new attention being focused on her son, even from you, could make her feel uneasy.

LE has just told this community that a predator is out there, probably living and working among you. So your attention and notice of your neighbor's son may have creeped her out a bit, well intentioned though it was.

Maybe you could just keep an eye on him from a distance as he waits at his stop? Not like sitting in your car close to the stop watching him all stalkerish or the cops are likely to be called in this hyper vigilante, phone in anything strange mode the area is in right now.

IDK, just throwing some thoughts out there.
I have another question. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, and want to stay on topic, so if there is a more appropriate place for questions like these, please let me know. As a local who is experiencing all this very close, I would like to ask you guys, what IS the appropriate age for kids to be walking alone in your opinion? My neighbor's 13 year old son, who looks younger, has still been walking alone to and from the bus stop, despite the fact Jessica wast last seen 6 miles from here and there have been the attempted candy man abductions on boys as well... While we neighbors were engaged in conversation about the case, I diplomatically mentioned to my neighbor my concern about her son walking alone. She said she leaves in the morning before she can see him off and can't do anything about it, so I volunteered to walk with him, but she says he will be ok, that it is only a short walk, that he has been talked to about stranger danger, etc. Me personally, if I had a child his age, I would not allow him to walk anywhere around here alone with an active child killer very possibly in the neighborhood. I went to bed with a very unsettling feeling about this, and a feeling of disbelief / anger towards the parent. Am I wrong for this? Is this parent being irresponsible? How does one in a situation like this differentiate between being cautious and going overboard? I am not leaving any of my students out of sight, not for even one second. Thanks in advance.

Also, I am trying to implement child safety awareness, etc. within my other classes. I know there are lots of resources out there, but if anyone has any specific educational links, etc that they especially recommend for elementary students, please let me know. Thank you.

I am with you. If this were happening near me I would find a way to go into work later or some other means. Every parent in that area right now get's the greenlight for going overboard in my opinion.
I don't get an organized thought process from our perp. I think this guy has been fantasizing for a while. Probably molested at least one younger female relative or child he or a parent was babysitting. I think Jessica was a victim of opportunity that presented herself at exactly the wrong time. I think we will find that something in this perp's personal sphere went horribly awry within the two week period just prior to the abduction.

I do not think the intention at the time of the abduction was to end with abusing/dismembering/whatever was done to the corpse. I think that came from the panicked afterthoughts of someone who had just fulfilled an urge/need that had been building.

I think the not intact remains were that way as the result of an "oh crap, now how do I get rid of it without it leading back to me" moment, much like Ryan Brunn in the Jorelys Rivera case.

I think we will find this perp has a juvenile record involving violence.

I totally agree. I think he probably was just a CSI type fan and he really felt he could fool investigators into not even being able to identify the remains.
What really shows to me how "young" or "young minded" he is....was his total mistake that all LE was already looking for Jessica and it would be pretty obvious to assume who was found even from partial remains. On top of that, he forgot that DNA, blood type, etc. could also be used to identify the remains.

It does make me think he probably disposed of the other remains in a different type spot. I used to think it would be in another culvert, but now am leaning towards he probably had another crazy idea as to where to place the "important remains". I am not sure where that would be, but would bet it was covered on a CSI type show.
RE: I think this is a typical sexually motivated stranger abduction and the guy is most likely a total moron, they usually are

laudette, thanx for your comment, but to the contrary they seldom are morons...

Investigators have revealed that indicators are that Jessica Ridgeway's abductor/murderer is an experienced sexual predator and indicate that he will repeat. To underestimate the intelligence and determination of a a sadistic malignant psychopathic sexual predator is a grave mistake, imo.

The linked article above was released circa 1993. Noticed the mention of the Green River Serial Killer Task Force investigation. An investigation of a stranger sexual predator/serial killer.

At the time the article above was released, there were 18,000 POIs being investigated by the Green River Serial Killer Task Force. Before the case was solved that number exceeded 40,000 POIs/Suspects; folks from all walks of life; from trappers to attorneys.

Gary Ridgeway whose IQ was only in the 70s, remained stealth until 11/2001, playing cat & mouse games, and was eventually identified due to upgrades in DNA/forensic technology. GR had been suspected by the task force in the early 80s, soon after the first few bodies floated up in the green river. He was subjected to multiple interviews & 2 polygraphs. Yet, managed to outsmart the best of the best elite investigators of Kings Co., WA/FBI. GR went on to claim another 40+ innocent victims before his arrest.

As we are all aware, technology has advanced tremendously over the last two decades. We are in the midst of the info/communication era. Info is only as far away as our PCs or smart phones, etc. With gps we can navigate virtually anywhere in the world, or do a virtual tour on our PCs or phones.

Experienced sexual predators/serial killers are very calculating, deflective, creative, manipulative, and whether intelligent, honed their skills, or idiot savant, etc. Stranger predators, unlike in the past, know no geographical boundaries...

MOO - being experienced doesn't necessarily mean intelligent. In 50 years we'll look back to forensics today and laugh and see all of the holes in which perps could escape, ie DNA testing didn't exist 50 years ago - from everything I've learned over the years, perps are rarely smart. Average, maybe. So far this guy has only been lucky, he has not been intelligently alluding police. In the grand scheme of case ages, this is in its infant stages.
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