CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #12

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I totally agree. I think he probably was just a CSI type fan and he really felt he could fool investigators into not even being able to identify the remains.
What really shows to me how "young" or "young minded" he is....was his total mistake that all LE was already looking for Jessica and it would be pretty obvious to assume who was found even from partial remains. On top of that, he forgot that DNA, blood type, etc. could also be used to identify the remains.

It does make me think he probably disposed of the other remains in a different type spot. I used to think it would be in another culvert, but now am leaning towards he probably had another crazy idea as to where to place the "important remains". I am not sure where that would be, but would bet it was covered on a CSI type show.

with the attention being paid to that lake (what was it named, can't recall now) that got me wondering if the lake is a logical place to get rid of at least a portion of remains (if indeed some portions are still unaccounted for as I suspect).

your thinking aligns with mine in regards to the lack of thinking it through with the disposal in the open space.
Umm...have seen several references....and going to show my 'pop culture' cards (or lack thereof)...what in the world is Dexter? some TV show? or what?

It is a TV show and if your a crime buff (LOL) you might like it. Dexter is a serial killer but kills the bad guys.
The series centers on Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall), a blood spatter pattern analyst for the fictional Miami Metro Police Department (based on the real life Miami-Dade Police Department) who moonlights as a serial killer. Set in Miami, the show's first season was largely based on the novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay, the first of his Dexter series novels.

Thanks much...not sure I'll be watching...:)
How far is that from where her torso was found?

Isn't superior around where her book bag was found.I do feel her killer lives in the neighborhood or knows someone who does of where her book bag was found.
I have another question. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, and want to stay on topic, so if there is a more appropriate place for questions like these, please let me know. As a local who is experiencing all this very close, I would like to ask you guys, what IS the appropriate age for kids to be walking alone in your opinion? My neighbor's 13 year old son, who looks younger, has still been walking alone to and from the bus stop, despite the fact Jessica wast last seen 6 miles from here and there have been the attempted candy man abductions on boys as well... While we neighbors were engaged in conversation about the case, I diplomatically mentioned to my neighbor my concern about her son walking alone. She said she leaves in the morning before she can see him off and can't do anything about it, so I volunteered to walk with him, but she says he will be ok, that it is only a short walk, that he has been talked to about stranger danger, etc. Me personally, if I had a child his age, I would not allow him to walk anywhere around here alone with an active child killer very possibly in the neighborhood. I went to bed with a very unsettling feeling about this, and a feeling of disbelief / anger towards the parent. Am I wrong for this? Is this parent being irresponsible? How does one in a situation like this differentiate between being cautious and going overboard? I am not leaving any of my students out of sight, not for even one second. Thanks in advance.

Also, I am trying to implement child safety awareness, etc. within my other classes. I know there are lots of resources out there, but if anyone has any specific educational links, etc that they especially recommend for elementary students, please let me know. Thank you.

I don't know, but those are good concerns. I would say in my neighborhood (we kind of live on a dead end street with probably 20 houses) with a bus stop out near the main road. I have never passed by that bus stop without a parent waiting with all the kids who ride the bus. I don't have children, but I know parents volunteer/take turns to walk up the street with all the kids. (Standard even before this Jessica tragedy).

The kids who are 15-18 are allowed to car pool together sometimes. This would be the same pool of kids who would trick or treat together.

For younger kids on our street parents walk them over, and some younger children will come from outside the immediate street, but the parents will drive a group of them and walk them door to door (our neighborhood is probably considered a little more spread out than actual immediate metro Denver suburb area).

eta: I also have seen parents doing excellent parenting during Halloween time ... like once in a while a child will just start wandering into my house instead of staying at the door, and the parent will correct and say "remember, we never actually go into anyone's home! We wait outside the door for the candy." Or the usual, say please, thank you and only take one piece unless offered more.
I think the perp chose the location to leave the book bag to not only taunt police, but to terrorize another neighborhood. I think he planned to dismember the body, and to place it where it would be found quickly, thus another taunt. I do not think Jessica is his first victim.....I also think it is someone that no one will suspect... someone who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. This is just my two cents worth.
I don't feel like he left the bag or her body in an effort to terrorize...I think his instincts are about taking his pleasure/satisfying his needs, and then everything else is just getting rid of evidence, in his mind.
Above BBM for emphasis..

No need to jump back into that tiny, lil', ol' As I personally think you were on a roll with your above thoughts ..and imo is a very good idea and imo a suggested approach that imo is not only a doable one..but also a "doable task" that could very well shed light on a possible suspect by taking this particular route of investigating...

A suggested task that if not already being done by the many agencies and investigators working this case(which imo is likely)...but if for whatever reason it is not thought of as a route of investigating then I certainly hope that the investigators whose task is to read here on the www all the very many discussions regarding Jessica's case(including ours here at WS)... I hope they make note of this particular avenue as a very real possibility to solicit new, unknown information from those in the neighborhood that are an untapped treasure trove of quite possibly helpful knowledge..

I think that your "outside of the box" thinking is actually great if you ask and yes, I realize no one did ask me but I still gave my opinion..;)

Why thank you! That may just be the sort of encouragement I need to keep going with my out of box brainstorming! I also hope LE is doing or at least considering this!
I don't feel like he left the bag or her body in an effort to terrorize...I think his instincts are about taking his pleasure/satisfying his needs, and then everything else is just getting rid of evidence in his mind.

Colorado is a huge, wild place with countless spots to place a body where it will never be found.

Why did the perp use almost the only open landscape in the entire state?

If he didn't care where she was found, why the effort to place her in an empty field?

He would have just dumped her on the side of the road...along with whatever body parts, and her backpack too.

This is not accidental, to me.

I have another question. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, and want to stay on topic, so if there is a more appropriate place for questions like these, please let me know. As a local who is experiencing all this very close, I would like to ask you guys, what IS the appropriate age for kids to be walking alone in your opinion? My neighbor's 13 year old son, who looks younger, has still been walking alone to and from the bus stop, despite the fact Jessica wast last seen 6 miles from here and there have been the attempted candy man abductions on boys as well... While we neighbors were engaged in conversation about the case, I diplomatically mentioned to my neighbor my concern about her son walking alone. She said she leaves in the morning before she can see him off and can't do anything about it, so I volunteered to walk with him, but she says he will be ok, that it is only a short walk, that he has been talked to about stranger danger, etc. Me personally, if I had a child his age, I would not allow him to walk anywhere around here alone with an active child killer very possibly in the neighborhood. I went to bed with a very unsettling feeling about this, and a feeling of disbelief / anger towards the parent. Am I wrong for this? Is this parent being irresponsible? How does one in a situation like this differentiate between being cautious and going overboard? I am not leaving any of my students out of sight, not for even one second. Thanks in advance.

Also, I am trying to implement child safety awareness, etc. within my other classes. I know there are lots of resources out there, but if anyone has any specific educational links, etc that they especially recommend for elementary students, please let me know. Thank you.

I first want to commend you for being a wonderful caring person.

Your real situation and question is a very good one because it is reality.

In my opinion, I feel the other mother should allow your offer of free assistance at least until either the perp is caught or at least for a certain period of time. I realize this is a tough situation because the child himself may feel too old to even want this assistance, and since the mother already seems to not want this assistance, there does not seem like a lot more you could do other than to maybe talk with her again and politely see if she would agree to let you help out for awhile by being an escort at least for a little while. Maybe suggesting a period of time may help her change her mind.

Its a tough situation and I again just want to thank you so much for trying to do the right thing. It is just another example of how different people are (in the way they think about things). It is so sad to me how someone would turn down a nice offer like this during what is a very scary time.
The fact remains that your kids are still more likely to be struck by lightening than abducted.
Anyone know of any resources online in which I can do more reading on the criminal mind? I used to study it on my own but that was 15 years ago and I'm assuming we've come a long way since then. "Back then" most believed that killers/kidnappers had a certain "type" that they wouldn't go away from but it's looking like in the last few years they are moving away from this theory - or at least there are exceptions.

Claudette, not sure if you followed the Mickey Shunick (05/19/2012 - LA) abduction on websleuths.
The investigative files on the investigation (which was under seal by the judge) as well as the personal journal of sexual predator/serial killer BS Lavergne; her abductor/murderer has been unsealed. A great read for understanding the deviant psychopathic behavior and the criminal mind.
Colorado is a huge, wild place with countless spots to place a body where it will never be found.

Why did the perp use almost the only open landscape in the entire state?

Snipped by me. :)

Actually not true. Most of Colorado is flat and open high plains. Eastern Colorado. And up to the the foothills it's just open rolling prairies for gazillions of acres.
Been reading all of your posts and internet articles. For what it's worth, I feel that this monster is from the community, was recently released from prison, and is on the young side. He definitely knew the community and could have been living on the route that Jessica took to school. Who knows, perhaps she wsn't picked up by a car, but was lured into a house on her way to school by someone she knew.

With the monster's close ties to the community, I believe it is only a matter of time before he is apprehended. Remember, there were most likely fibers all over her backpack from being transported in his car, which will lead to the make and model of his car.

Just my two cents.

Maybe it would be a good thing if LE asked the community to report any one they know that may have harmed a pet/animal in the past? If the perp is a younger male his friends would likely know. jmo
That is true.. my common sense mind tells me that. But its my pesky irrational mind that keeps worrying.

I am a mum too and I let my kids walk to high school.

My ex husband let my 10 year old son take the train which I was very unhappy about, but then I realised there were 100 other kids on the train too.

I had a childless friend lecture me about letting my daughter walk to school when she was about 15, and another girl at the school claimed she was raped by some boys locally.

It turned out the little madam lied about the rape, she was at her boyfriends house where she wasn't supposed to be and was trying to cover it up.

Of course LE saw through it in a heartbeat but it caused the entire community quite a bit of upset and concern at the time, in fact a letter was sent home to the parents.

I am eternally grateful my kids have got through their entire school careers without one school friend going missing or being a victim of crime.

Sensible precautions - the school would call if the child didn't turn up, which happened a couple of times, throwing me into a total panic. Both times it was merely because the teacher hadn't called the role properly.
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