CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #12

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Well,I don't know what happened to her.But I do pray they have DNA and that DNA will find out who he is.
Sociopathic murderers and defense attorneys are also famous for blaming anyone, anything and any other situation, besides themselves, or their client, for their behavior. That is how defense attorneys make a living and a sociopath never accepts blame for anything. It is part of their mindset.
Respectfully, I have to disagree with this line of thinking. A person who murders and dismembers another human being already has some "issues" and no amount of television viewing is going to cause anyone to commit such heinous acts. It kind of follows the line of thinking that we need more gun control to stop criminals from using guns. One thing doesn't connect to the other. I'm pretty sure millions of viewers watch Dexter and other such violent TV/movie depictions and the percentage of those who run out and repeat such acts are miniscule. Sociopaths kill for varied reasons...but its because they are sociopaths, not because they watch a tv show.

I don't think a causal relationship exists between watching a television show or movie, and a person deciding to commit a murder.

What does undoubtedly happen, though, is with the proliferation of gratuitous, extremely graphic murder-for-giggles sorts of entertainment -- and there is a lot of it -- is a normalization of concepts that were not as normalized before the advent of these shows.

For instance, I'm a kid of the 80s and my parents were not watching shows with themes about serial killers who dismember, or child rape. Not that those things weren't happening, because they were, but 'dismemberment' as a word was not common parlance in popular culture. Even Law & Order did not start until the 90s.

So it's the normalization and spread of concepts throughout popular culture that I'm interested in, and how that influences how we think about such things and if that has an influence on what people who choose to murder, choose to do with their victims or their bodies afterwards.
Respectfully, I have to disagree with this line of thinking. A person who murders and dismembers another human being already has some "issues" and no amount of television viewing is going to cause anyone to commit such heinous acts. It kind of follows the line of thinking that we need more gun control to stop criminals from using guns. One thing doesn't connect to the other. I'm pretty sure millions of viewers watch Dexter and other such violent TV/movie depictions and the percentage of those who run out and repeat such acts are miniscule. Sociopaths kill for varied reasons...but its because they are sociopaths, not because they watch a tv show.

Bundy is right...when it comes to himself. I agree with you. Granted there isn't even a way to test this theory but I think that if a person is born with the genes/mental problem/whatever it is that seperates serial killers and serial kidnappers from the rest of us, that there is no hope for them. I really think that at some point in time they act on their needs, or whatever the heck it is.

CSI and like are educating people a lot more, but most of it is unrealistic anyway.
very worth reading.

someone could have easily targeted any 3rd grader while they were cleaning up trash in the park. This is reassuring that of course they have so much more info about so many things that we have no idea about.

"For example, there have been at least two attempted assaults in recent years at Ketner Lake Open Space, which is located literally across the street from Jessica’s neighborhood school, Witt Elementary. In fact, third-grade students from Witt have adopted the property and help clean up trash around Ketner Lake."

Totally fascinating.
Bundy was also absurdly intelligent and manipulative.
Indeed. I had some friends who were victims of a horrible and violent crime. The perp (now in jail), the same day and right before he committed the crime, said he was all pumped up after watching Dexter.

Ok that's creepy.
very interesting article from today about 'awareness space'
**much more at link**

I think it makes a lot of sense. I tend to think that the person has ties to all 3 sites. One may be home, one work and one a past residence or the home of an ex/parent/child of the person. I've been wondering if s/he may have been abused as a child around Jessica's age near one of the sites, and that accounted for a lot of the rage. If nothing was ever done about it and/or the perp in that case was never caught/punished.

I still feel there's a strong possibility that he lived in one area and has abused children there, but was divorced recently and or lost custody/visitation rights to his children as the trigger for escalating. I keep thinking the answer might be in looking back at unsolved molestation/abductions from many years ago in one of the areas, and seeing if any of the victims now has ties of some kind to the other two spots. MOO
I have a question...

Do child abduction murderers pray on adults as well, and if so, is this common or rare? I'm asking due to the attempted abduction on the adult female jogger in the area prior to Jessica's abduction.


I can answer this from personal experience. My friend Tina Harmon was abducted, raped, and murdered in the 80s from my tiny little town. The guy who did it was serial killer Robert Buell. He also kidnapped and murdered another child, Krista Lee Harrison (11). He wasn't caught , however, until he kidnapped a woman and had her handcuffed to his bed (she ran out into the street naked and screaming). He was also tied to at least two other rapes and kidnaps of women. Scariest part: the guy was a city of Akron planner. And yes, he also drove around in a van, which was his ultimate undoing as carpet fibers were tied to both cases.

Robert was never officially charged with Tina's murder because he was sentenced to death for Krista Lee Harrison's murder. They have since, however, matched the dna (it was not available back then).

Robert's last meal was an olive pit so he could grow into a tree. nice. The murder of my friend changed my life (and lives of all the kids I grew up with) forever.

Sorry to go off on a tangent but yes, it does happen re: preying on adults and children. As to if it is rare or not... idk.
I don't have time to explain it all now, but will come back later. (At kids piano/guitar lessons.) I believe there is significance to the date that Jessica's remains were located. It is possible that her abduction was preparation for her murder on that date: 10/11/12. An alignment of sorts. This is why the warnings that he may strike again.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
And Jessica at age 10 and I believe around 70/80 pounds was close in size to a small adult. My thought is that he would maybe choose a victim smaller than himself, regardless of if that victim is a child or an adult.
The memorial in Pattridge Park has been getting a steady stream of visitors. Thought you might be interested in what it looks like today.

I also took a closer look at the clearance under the fence near the culvert. I estimate it to be around 28 inches.
Lots of low flying helicopters in the area...anyone know why? In Supior/Boulderish.
I don't get an organized thought process from our perp. I think this guy has been fantasizing for a while. Probably molested at least one younger female relative or child he or a parent was babysitting. I think Jessica was a victim of opportunity that presented herself at exactly the wrong time. I think we will find that something in this perp's personal sphere went horribly awry within the two week period just prior to the abduction.

I do not think the intention at the time of the abduction was to end with abusing/dismembering/whatever was done to the corpse. I think that came from the panicked afterthoughts of someone who had just fulfilled an urge/need that had been building.

I think the not intact remains were that way as the result of an "oh crap, now how do I get rid of it without it leading back to me" moment, much like Ryan Brunn in the Jorelys Rivera case.

I think we will find this perp has a juvenile record involving violence.
Anyone know of any resources online in which I can do more reading on the criminal mind? I used to study it on my own but that was 15 years ago and I'm assuming we've come a long way since then. "Back then" most believed that killers/kidnappers had a certain "type" that they wouldn't go away from but it's looking like in the last few years they are moving away from this theory - or at least there are exceptions.
Bundy was also absurdly intelligent and manipulative.

thess, I'm not picking at what you said. I agree 100% that he was very manipulative and very clever. A very clever and sly man.

But he wasn't absurdly intelligent. Reports on his IQ vary--- but are usually within the low to mid 120 category. Bright but not impressively intelligent (if you put weight in IQ scores at all).

Personally, and this is just my humble opinion, I think that when many people read that Serial killers are supposed to be "above average in intelligence" (and some are) that it is assumed they are near or at genius level IQ. When actually above average means---above the average score of 100. So 110 IQ could be above average. (I don't put much weight in IQ testing---except when it is used to gauge and define any special needs a child may have so that services can be employed to assist them). Other than that---meh. I don't think that intelligence is quantitative.

As for the man who murdered Jess. I really don't have enough info to even hazard a guess as to what he's going to be like when the arrest him. I wouldn't be surprised if he's a college graduate that works within the school system that volunteers with kids as much as possible and that the community will be rocked when they found out it was him, and I wouldnt' be surprised if it's the quiet, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth--the neighbors are shocked he's such a nice guy---who lives in his Mom's garage apartment...has a menial job...etc. You know?

Just chatting. Not picking and definately not arguing any point :) All JMHO and very subject to change.
No, I think you're probably right. It's been years and years since I read The Stranger Beside Me, and it's possible I'm confusing his own opinion of his own intelligence with the actual reality.
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