CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #15

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I know there was one on the LE Facebook page where the cross was sitting next to a tape measure. It didn't show thickness, but it was a bit thicker than I expected. I'm admittedly not great at guessing this kind of thing but it looks to me like it's around 1/2" thick.

There is a pic on facebook/original report. It actually is fairly thick, not really thin if you look at the hole drilled in it. I guess fairly thick is relative .... but did you see the side pic with the hole?

I had seen all the pictures and the one with the tape, but couldn't get a handle on it. After both of you posted in answer to me, I went to google images (cross with ridgeway) and every image they posted is there. Sorry I don't know how to bring one over. The ends of the arms are a little bigger than the main part of the cross. It looks like it is 1/4" or a little less in thickness. Very, very small. The pictures are very misleading sizewise. Thanks.

ETA - The thickness of three popcicle sticks stacked together.
How I see the victimology is this..

Not at all necessarily that Jessica, herself was targeted at some point earlier, specifically stalked for some period of time, and sought out and abducted intentionally on Friday, October 5th very soon after leaving the safety of her home..<-- I am NOT saying that couldn't have happened, but I'm saying that not at all did have to have happened that way in order for the perp to have been organized, premeditated, and to have thoroughly plotted out this abduction, murder, disposal....

In my opinion I firmly believe the last sentence above in that he absolutely not only had long term fantacized how he would go about executing this crime, but also throughout the course of failed attempts only better honed, or finely tuned certain variables of the crime.. I know that some are stuck on his being a pedophile...moo is that its much more likely this perp IS NOT A PEDOPHILE necessarily.. That throughout his attempts of subduing and abducting someone who actually fit the true victimology of this perp..iow his preference quite likely could have been an adult female, but due to those failed attempts that as i said sadly instead of deterring him from trying again..instead it only caused him to change or "tweak" one or more of the variables(ie. Instead of going for his prime preference adult female he changes the victim to an easier attainable target such as just a smaller version of his prime preference of adult female...aka female child)..thereby his finely tuning or "tweaking" the variables of the crime that appeared to cause him the most trouble and was causing the failed attempts..

So, its for those reasons why I in no way find it at all necessary that the perp is actually a pedophile who seeks pre-pubescent victims to satisy his sexual desires.. I find it much more likely that the victimology changed due to his ineptitude in being able to successfully subdue and abduct an adult female therefor at some point caused him to seek an easier target, a child..

I believe that in that sense that he had definitely begun to hunt for a child to "fit his bill" and Imo I find it reasonable to believe that possibly it was not JUST JESSICA that he zeroed in on, but rather in his hunting phase while scoping this area that he likely noted several, different prospects that so, too did they walk unsupervised by an adult, tho possibly buddied up with one or more other children in their walking to and from Witt Elementary.. So, for me i believe a more accurate description was that this perp was stalking this particular neighborhood, with these particular unsupervised Witt Elementary students, which happened to also include Jessica Ridgeway.. Just as Sarah Ridgeway(and other parents as well) have described is that within their neighborhood it was a very common, everyday occurence that different groups of children would walk to and from school everyday(not just the group of kids that Jess walked with but also other groups of kids that walked to the elementary school as well as the local middle school)..

It is these groups of children that imo this perp initially took notice of during his hunting phase for a new, revised version of his previously failed attempts at abducting.. In his seeking an alternate victim of a child he zeroed in on these couple of groups of kids that everyday he saw them walking to and from school.. This imo is the type planning, plotting, and stalking that took place leading up to the abduction.. Imo in time of his studying his new victim type he began to possibly note different details about the group of kids and then zeroing in on details about each of the kids individually.. Imo taking note of such things as his seeing the morning walk would likely work better as far as time allotted him prior to the child being noticed as missing..imo obviously morning would give him a better or longer window of time..also noting which child appeared to have the greatest distance for which they walked ALONE to the predetermined meeting spot where all the group would gather together at.. I believe that its likely this that truly honed him in on possibly just one or two children as prime targeted prospects..

Meaning that he possibly noted that with jess he possibly had a much better or longer window of opportunity from when she left out of the view of her when she entered into close proximity and view of the meeting spot..its that small window of op that imo this perp not only studied but imo it was this that likely narrowed down his victim to quite possibly Jessica.. After narrowing it down, having taken some time during this hunting phase to become more familiar with the neighborhood and the basic morning timeline of those neighbors that lived in the direct line of where that window of opportunity would be.. Imo its all of these variables and details that make up the process of what is done and accomplished within the hunting phase for an organized abductor..much of the organized abduction is plotted by the perp, but imo as with all crimes of this nature so much of it still comes down to pure "luck", the way the cards fall, or in this case the coming together of what is plotted and planned meets with what cannot possibly be planned but rather is just left to happenstance..its when that premediation meets with happenstance of fate that creates the "perfect storm" that allowed for Jessica's abduction to be "successful" in many ways for this perpatrator..

This "perfect storm" as it was that morning was very much of an organized perpatrator..much of the perfect storm was due to his thorough plotting, planning, and changing of variables that had proved unsuccessful in earlier attempts... Thereby his changing up those variables and only making it that much more likely to be a successful abduction..

Tho, the "perfect storm" does very much consist of happenstance beyond the perpatrator's control that in this case aligned correctly for his imo is very much the combination of both thorough premediatation and happenstance falling into place and without the organized, planning that was put into it the much more likely it would have been a failed attempt.. Without a doubt as briefly described above just in the "hunting phase" alone the amount of preparation for this particular abduction/murder is tremendous.. Imo it is in all phases and processes of this crime that this perp thoroughly premeditated...not just the hunting phase..

Imo his determination had only grown stronger from his prior failed attempts and thereby only further fueled his dedication to ensuring he not fail on this attempt.. Sadly it was Jessica Ridgeway that became the hunted prey for this monster and imo if not found and stopped he will only better hone his skills and only finely tune and tweak the variables in his once again beginning the hunting phase all over again..this monster gets off on every phase of this..the plotting, planning, hunting, execution, and unfolding within his community of all of his "work" displayed in the media.. He gets off on it ALL and without a doubt will strike again and again if not stopped..

All jmo.
Drugs don't = this stuff (they can trigger psychosis but c'mon, a person f'd up is not going to be this meticulous).
Personality Disorders coupled with possible schizo-affective disorder CAN create this (the entire relation to god and delusions are normally associated with a "break").

Look back at any serial killer and you'll likely not find schizo-affective anything nor bi-polar 1. what you'll find is on par with disassociate break in personality. Normally brought about by the desire to be desired.

Gary Ridgeway
Ted Bundy
and the list goes on. they left calling cards as they became more brazen.
Knowing what we know about another photographer in a different state, I hope LE has been informed of this.

I'm not really a fan of coincidence...

That is really too bizarre, I'd send the pic in and call the tip line,

Actually, I quoted this because I agree, but my post is meant for Harmony. I would hope that LE saw the graffiti if in fact it is still there. This photo is from 2007. But the graffiti may not still be visible, it may be covered up with newer graffiti etc... So I do hope you will consider forwarding the link and the description to LE.
I have been following the Long Island Killer case for 2 years and some of the earlier victims were dismembered. Many have made a comment that the Long Island Serial Killer may be seeking another hunting ground. Denver LE did make a statement that from the looks of Jessica's remains, there was an indication of an experienced killer. There was also mention of an older killer because of the size and the weight of the victim chosen. I realize that the victimology is different but the last victim that Bundy killed was 12 years old. Wonder if any of the Oak Beach POIS hunt or vacation in Colorado?

Most of the women killed during that (because I'm more familiar than I wish to be with it), were working with an agency/driver or on Craigslist/backpage. he chose them carefully and methodically.

Ted wasn't privy to prostitutes, he really enjoyed the :pristine types. College co-eds, non street smart etc. I think the 12 year old was him running wild and trying new things (sorry, that's barf worthy).
It occurs to me that the cross found remains the best clue.

Obviously, crosses are most often associated with Christianity.

I wonder if there is some sort of "off shoot" type church know, the Melissa Huckaby type of church with a handful of followers who remain outside the normal Christian belief boundaries.

Sorry to play devil's advocate but it just looked like someone trying to freehand a cross with spray paint and not lining it up quite right.

Problem with the whole cross thing is that it's one of the most ubiquitous symbols in Western civilization.
I have been following the Long Island Killer case for 2 years and some of the earlier victims were dismembered. Many have made a comment that the Long Island Serial Killer may be seeking another hunting ground. Denver LE did make a statement that from the looks of Jessica's remains, there was an indication of an experienced killer. There was also mention of an older killer because of the size and the weight of the victim chosen. I realize that the victimology is different but the last victim that Bundy killed was 12 years old. Wonder if any of the Oak Beach POIS hunt or vacation in Colorado?

IIRC the Long Islands victims were buried? At least an attempt to hide them?

Not compatible with this guy, in my opinion.

Knowing what we know about another photographer in a different state, I hope LE has been informed of this.

I'm not really a fan of coincidence...


I just want to throw out there, that I'm very taken aback by that guy. He's on a website and WORKED with one of my photographers. We had what they call "workshops". Models and an area was chosen. Some people like to photograph models in the wild while others like to photograph the grounds without us. From all accounts he was boring, had no interest in women to photograph and above that he was a jerk. He as several accounts (same name) - several websites and yes the FBI knows about them.
I´v been thinking:

Due to that LE have shared with the public that they belive that the Ketner Lake trail, May 28, 2012 (and possibly also the Ketner Lake July 2010 attempted abduction? ) attempted abduction of a 22-year old woman (the abducter using chemical cloth, and possibly LE found simelar chemicals on/in JR body?) is connected to the Jessica Ridgeway case, AND then the fact that the Ketner Lake is located right next to the Witt Elementary School, Jessiac Ridgeway's School (the school is located aprox. 500 feet north of the Ketner Lake trail ) , I suspect that it is possible that the killer either live in the Ketner Lake area OR work there close to the school, and that he might have had oppertuinty to watch the children arrive and leave school everyday.

IF that is the case he might have seen Jessica arrive and leave the school for some time, and choosen her as his next victim.
Then stalked her, gotten to know all her rutines etc, and planed the crime.

I also have though:

What if Jessica, for whatever reason, didn´t make it in time to her schoolmates house, was late, but when theschoolmate had left, Jessicia walked the normal rute, the walking rute towards her school, a 0.4 mile rute (blue line in the map), and the killer abducted her at some location on that rute, possibly close to the school?

And maybe the killer have some kind of connection to the Superiour area where the backpack was placed, maybe relatives? girlfiend? friends? maybe lived there at some point? grew up there?

Here is a map:

I just want to throw out there, that I'm very taken aback by that guy. He's on a website and WORKED with one of my photographers. We had what they call "workshops". Models and an area was chosen. Some people like to photograph models in the wild while others like to photograph the grounds without us. From all accounts he was boring, had no interest in women to photograph and above that he was a jerk. He as several accounts (same name) - several websites and yes the FBI knows about them.

Er can you clarify which photog you mean before witch hunt ensues? :)

"And Oct. 11, part of Jessica's body was discovered near Pattridge Park Open Space in Arvada."

There were two Denver Post articles today. One with the great timeline and this one that focuses on the site search:

"Authorities have not said whether they've recovered all of Jessica's remains."

My opinion is if the authorities had found a complete body, they would have said so. kwim
IIRC the Long Islands victims were buried? At least an attempt to hide them?

Not compatible with this guy, in my opinion.


No he didn't hide them. He basically threw them or tossed them by the roadside. Gary Ridgeway style. He has no regard for sex workers and probably feels he's doing "Gods work" or cleaning the streets. It was later noted that none of the women screen their clients, this means

1. phone call to an ad
2. women or agency answers
3. gets address or 2nd call point (this means, go to payphone and call the # and they'll give the address).
4. OR the women were picked up at the 2nd call point, bus stop etc etc. Might have met in public at a late night diner.

I don't know that any were "car dates" (as in street walkers) from what I understand they were online ads. He disposed of them asap without an attempt to hide them.
Er can you clarify which photog you mean before witch hunt ensues? :)

lol sure. The man who was arrested for abducting the young girl who escaped (the guy who takes scenic shots). He was arrested 1 week after Jessica's remain(s) were found. There's 4 pivotal modeling websites out there to seek work, I'm not comfortable in naming them. My tip was called in.
Way back on thread #7 MisterMayor made a great post with his opinion of the perp's profile.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #7[/ame]
We now know the remains were not openly displayed or arranged in some kind of pattern as had previously been assumed. They were inside of a dark garbage bag and were found near the culvert. <snipped for space>

FWIW I think WS is the only place I've seen it mentioned - speculation or otherwise - that her remains were "displayed" or "arranged." Of course I might've missed it. It seems the bag found that had some of her remains in it wasn't hidden or at least wasn't well hidden. Somehow I think "not well hidden" morphed into "displayed."
lol sure. The man who was arrested for abducting the young girl who escaped (the guy who takes scenic shots). He was arrested 1 week after Jessica's remain(s) were found. There's 4 pivotal modeling websites out there to seek work, I'm not comfortable in naming them. My tip was called in.

Ok, gotcha, Wyoming guy, think his name was Speers.
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