CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #15

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It is impossible (for me) to try to figure out this perp until we know if he is really linked to the abduction attempt in May. That would be a totally different type of perp, IMO, from what I am thinking of as someone who would abduct a child from a suburban street, which seems like fulfilling a sick impulse, something he has longed to do and can no longer resist.

If the two are linked, seems more like a violent predator with no particular type, just the need to inflict harm.
FWIW I think WS is the only place I've seen it mentioned - speculation or otherwise - that her remains were "displayed" or "arranged." Of course I might've missed it. It seems the bag found that had some of her remains in it wasn't hidden or at least wasn't well hidden. Somehow I think
not well hidden" morphed into "displayed."

To clarify, I think the idea that the body was "displayed" came from a few locals who were watching live helicopter shots that were quite graphic. As far as I can tell, thee pictures never made it to the Internet. I myself have never seen them. In my opinion, the investigators themselves may have been "arranging" things to take photos on site, and that was perceived differently by those watching an incomprehensible live broadcast of horrific sights.
Two questions over the last couple of pages:

1) Was it confirmed by LE that this was "non-random"? I mean, is that still the latest news or was that something that was said in the beginning, but was later recanted?

2) If this was planned, and JR had been stalked for several days, I guess my question is motive. It would be notoriously difficult to pull this off on any given day - the walk was a short one, her regular routine included meeting up with friends, and on this day in particular she was meeting a friend with a parent (ie adult) who was also waiting. That leaves very little room for mistakes, and would be very difficult for someone to pull off -- even with planning, you never know when a neighbor might head out to put trash out or get the mail, etc. If you're planning on abducting this kid -- why would you intentionally plan to grab her when you've only got 3/10s of a mile to get her in the car, the whole time being in front of residential homes where anyone could be home/come outside/drive by at any given time?

Off topic of that --
I have been following WebSleuths since earlier in the summer, coming across this in the very beginnings of the Mickey Shunick case. I am so surprised at how many of the rumors and rumblings turned out to be true in the aftermath of that case. It's an awesome testament to the intuitiveness of this " snipped by me:

For example, I don't think the perp lives near where the backpack was found. IIRC, LE monitored traffic in and out of the neighborhood following that discovery. They searched homes in Westminster, I believe they would've searched that entire neighborhood as well -- had he resided there, there should be a suspect. I believe he was at least familiar enough with JR's neighborhood to know any basic details "it's quiet. it's kid friendly. etc etc" but I don't think he would have had JR in his home, dismembering the poor girl, while so much heat hit a street or two over.

This is such a sad case. I really hope LE has a LOT they aren't telling us (similar to the thread I just read over on Mickey Shunick regarding how much evidence LE collected in that case).


The BP was found about 6 miles from Jessica's house, so the perp could very well have lived in the Superior neighborhood where the BP was found. Hard to say, though, at this point. IMOO.
We all know that religion can be a great hiding spot for monsters.

I'm not implying religious involvement, but I am pondering the perp having some sort of religious background which has somehow woven itself into his fantasies.

Very true. I think he believes he's doing "Gods work" (and I swear to you, I'm not saying that because of my beliefs). I've watched so so so many psych patients and there's one line that REALLY believes he's the messiah. I can't link it but he was in jail for trying to kill Obama. you should look at his youtube videos ONLY to get an idea of the anger, rage and belief system that some have. He's an eye opener because he had a family - kids - money - a great life and BAM! Something happened. What? i don't know but for now he's "Christ" and hates Jews, wants camps back, sexually glorifies women to the point I"m kinda awestruck and he speaks normally - looks appealing (not my type but I can see how women dig him). He is smart. However, his pride and his ego are what gets him. That in fact is what gets them all

DISCLAIMER: There is no way the person I'm using as a reference as a person who could have done this. Without stating his state (because he's not a perp) - he is on house arrest along with CIA up his butt.

Okay, so I said it awhile back but the cross looks totally homemade if not prison made. It's stained, cut with a saw and smoothed.The notches in the wood give an idea how soft the wood is .. to a point. I have no idea about the S but I'm guessing that's his calling sign. maybe he's a "saint".
And suddenly when I go to the post I referred to on the WPD page that had the bizarre smiley face, the icon has changed.
Ok something I thought of and it's WAAAAAY out of the box but seeing everyone debating if Jessica was being 'targeted' brought something to mind- what if and it's a huge IF, JR was a case of mistaken identity--- bizarre thought I know but let me explain-

That neighborhood and the surrounding ones Countryside, etc ALL have streets named Moore, Nelson, Newcombe, 104th, 105th etc... All with different but similar extensions (Rd, drive, street, court) And having been the child in the middle of a horrible custody battle my father threatened to kidnap me or have me 'snatched' at one point in the fight- we even went 'underground' for a while til things cooled off--- ANYHOW here's my wild theory...

What if a non custodial parent had hired someone to 'snatch' their child who lived on a Moore (whatever) and said hired help was on the wrong Moore at the right time and mistook JR for his 'target'.

He could have then killed JR when he realized he had the wrong child and disposed of her and her belongings to cover up his tracks.

I KNOW it's a crazy theory but just one that went through my head- knowing how the street names are so similar and having flashbacks to those threats- I came up with my wild idea.

Just my opinion... (Or idea rather)
Question: And I totally don't mean to gross anyone out

1. Just half her torso was discovered correct? I ask this because they said they couldn't determine if it were male or female (but this could have been to stave off press). She was of an age where she may have begun her cycle but prior to that she's born with ovaries and genitalia. To make it where you can't tell the sex, you'd have to cut from the bottom of the ribs to the top of the pelvic bone.

Was any other parts recovered? I know that there are bears in that area which makes everything questionable.
Actually, I quoted this because I agree, but my post is meant for Harmony. I would hope that LE saw the graffiti if in fact it is still there. This photo is from 2007. But the graffiti may not still be visible, it may be covered up with newer graffiti etc... So I do hope you will consider forwarding the link and the description to LE.

Yes. The reason why this stands out to me is that it looks so much like the cross. "A" cross would not stand out to me, but one that matches does.

I live in Wisconsin and I'm sure the "smiley face killer" has been talked about here. It's true if you are on alert looking for something as common as a smiley face you will see them everywhere. But the shape of this cross is too right on.
Question: And I totally don't mean to gross anyone out

1. Just half her torso was discovered correct? I ask this because they said they couldn't determine if it were male or female (but this could have been to stave off press). She was of an age where she may have begun her cycle but prior to that she's born with ovaries and genitalia. To make it where you can't tell the sex, you'd have to cut from the bottom of the ribs to the top of the pelvic bone.

Was any other parts recovered? I know that there are bears in that area which makes everything questionable.

Basically, we just don't know. From numerous witnesses to the live shots on TV it seemed like her legs, or parts of them were possibly with the torso. But in all honesty, I don't think we know even that much for certain.
No offense against some folks in this thread, but I think they are getting a little carried away about what people are supposed to notice during the day. I am a single parent to a 3 year old, and getting her out the door and to the car is a major task in itself, let alone noticing everything, everywhere around me.

I pay careful attention to my surroundings, and was fully aware of this little girls' disappearance. I still can't say that would make me see a backpack on the sidewalk and yell, "Oh my it must be that missing girl's!!!!" Let alone maybe notice the backpack because things are busy.

There are how many children in Colorado? Perhaps this neighbor thought a child simply left it at first and would come back to retrieve it. How was he supposed to automatically connect it to Jessica?

I agree completely Daisy. Even if you DID notice it and say ran over to check it out you'd be criticized for leaving your 3 year old in the car while you did so. Or risking her safety by bringing her with you so close to the street. Personally I'm just grateful the person who found the backpack noticed it, realized it was out of place or it was there too long, and reported it.
Question: And I totally don't mean to gross anyone out

1. Just half her torso was discovered correct? I ask this because they said they couldn't determine if it were male or female (but this could have been to stave off press). She was of an age where she may have begun her cycle but prior to that she's born with ovaries and genitalia. To make it where you can't tell the sex, you'd have to cut from the bottom of the ribs to the top of the pelvic bone.

Was any other parts recovered? I know that there are bears in that area which makes everything questionable.

Best of my knowledge, LE have confirmed no details whatsoever, everything is speculation from non-archived live aerial footage.
"There are some similarities between the investigation into Jessica Ridgeway's murder and Washington, D.C.'s infamous serial sniper case a decade ago...........

Michael Bouchard, a former agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, helped lead the sniper investigation.

"These kinds of cases are one tip away from being solved," Bouchard told 7NEWS.

As a mother of four children ranging in age from 7 to 11, Booth says it is natural for parents to focus on the threat of random acts by strangers.

Snipped and BBM...
As respectfully as I can say this, we are often told a case is one tip/clue away from being solved, and it is certainly true, IF that tip is: "I have absolute proof of who did this". IMHO, it is a statement that really means nothing, but I suppose helps fill the void when there is so little LE is willing or able to say publically.

We all know that religion can be a great hiding spot for monsters.

I'm not implying religious involvement, but I am pondering the perp having some sort of religious background which has somehow woven itself into his fantasies.

Yep! An example would be Coral Eugene Watts. He said he could "see evil" in his victims' eyes. He was extremely religious.

A photographer took photos back in 2007 and I noticed that photos number 8 and 9 have a red spray painted cross exactly the same offset shape as the one found. The painted cross on that wall is next to one of the three windows and peering through the window would provide a view of the remain's site across the street. I just found it interesting and coincidental under the circumstances.

On the photographer of thise very pictures's facebook, a poster with intials TC is comparing him to the recent arrested WY child rapist photographer Jesse Speers.

I wonder if those two photographers know each other???:

here is TC's post:

Yes. The reason why this stands out to me is that it looks so much like the cross. "A" cross would not stand out to me, but one that matches does.

I live in Wisconsin and I'm sure the "smiley face killer" has been talked about here. It's true if you are on alert looking for something as common as a smiley face you will see them everywhere. But the shape of this cross is too right on.

America is one of the most religious, and violent, countries in the world.

With this in mind, it wouldn't surprise me if a cross played a part in most crazy people's thoughts and mental landscape.

Another thought is, that the cross could be planted to mislead the investigation.
Someone just posted this on facebook on the Westminster PD page. Does anyone have a link to this article? I have been gone all night, sorry if you have already discussed this.

Do you have more details about the Denver Post story on Sunday 10/21/12 page 5B? Primarily, why are we only learning about this now?
Ok something I thought of and it's WAAAAAY out of the box but seeing everyone debating if Jessica was being 'targeted' brought something to mind- what if and it's a huge IF, JR was a case of mistaken identity--- bizarre thought I know but let me explain-

That neighborhood and the surrounding ones Countryside, etc ALL have streets named Moore, Nelson, Newcombe, 104th, 105th etc... All with different but similar extensions (Rd, drive, street, court) And having been the child in the middle of a horrible custody battle my father threatened to kidnap me or have me 'snatched' at one point in the fight- we even went 'underground' for a while til things cooled off--- ANYHOW here's my wild theory...

What if a non custodial parent had hired someone to 'snatch' their child who lived on a Moore (whatever) and said hired help was on the wrong Moore at the right time and mistook JR for his 'target'.

He could have then killed JR when he realized he had the wrong child and disposed of her and her belongings to cover up his tracks.

I KNOW it's a crazy theory but just one that went through my head- knowing how the street names are so similar and having flashbacks to those threats- I came up with my wild idea.

Just my opinion... (Or idea rather)

I think your idea is interesting. Probably not the case, but with so many kids that are taken and never found/so many unsolved crimes, we just don't know. The only thing crazier than the idea itself is that this stuff does really happen.
I had seen all the pictures and the one with the tape, but couldn't get a handle on it. After both of you posted in answer to me, I went to google images (cross with ridgeway) and every image they posted is there. Sorry I don't know how to bring one over. The ends of the arms are a little bigger than the main part of the cross. It looks like it is 1/4" or a little less in thickness. Very, very small. The pictures are very misleading sizewise. Thanks.

ETA - The thickness of three popcicle sticks stacked together.

Thanks Watcher9, I'd wondered about this too (as I mentioned, not great at guessing those types of things). I think you're right that the pics are kind of misleading. At first I was picturing quite a big cross, and once I saw the pic next to the tape measure it changed quite a bit. Looking at it again I see what you mean, maybe it's even thinner than I thought too.
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