CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #15

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I'm off to bed. But someone can contact the reporter for clarification. His email should be hyperlinked to their name on the article. Reporters have been very accomodating in the past.
But I don't feel it is possible to identify what it is made of, etc. from a photo. You would have to hold it your hand. And it is so generic- looking, IMO. LE just wants to know who had one like it and doesn't have it now.
Yeah, I got that. Just telling you why it might be important to know or at least have an idea of what kind of wood it is, and why it might matter to posters. I'll tell you, there are very few Denibian Slime stones out there.....
It was like any other morning. I got home at 7:30, her alarm went off at 7:45..she had wanted her own alrm clock so she could wake up to her alarm..she goes downstairs to watch TV, eats her granola bar, goes back upstairs and gets dressed, and then we peeled oranges for her snack at school, and made her water bottle. She gets on her coats, she calls her friend to make sure they're walking and gonna meet her friend that morning and her friend was walking. And I watched her walk out the door and thats the last time I saw her..and we need her to walk through that door.

The mom is talking in general terms she didn't specifically say where she was meeting her friend. The fact that it's now common knowledge published that she was going to the friends house instead of to the park makes me believe it. Not the mothers interview who admittedly didn't even see the direction she went in when she walked out the door.

common knowledge? Published? In what direction would she have to walk? Who is the source of this information? Is it fact or theory? Is this a different friend then the one Jessica was supposed to walk with every day?
I have definitely seen that behaviour some places, but this is an Open space. I agree beer cans etc. might be thrown out, but there aren't usually trash bags along the road, unless it was a "trash mash" weekend and volunteers were putting the bags along the side of the road. (which I have heard nothing about).

I do think the Denver Post article today noted they saw the trash bag and found it unusually heavy. I don't think it is normal to just see things like refrigerators, trash bags, etc. along the road there. JMO and all that.

I was the one who drove through this area last weekend and saw collected trash in bags on the side of the road, each marked with a traffic cone. My assumption is that the trash is collected by someone on foot, and then brought to the side of the road where the cones are, so that a truck can drive through and pick up the trash. It isn't random trash and refrigerators and the like ... it's litter (and stuff that has blown from the nearby landfill) that is collected.

I don't know if this was known by the murderer or not. He didn't leave the bag on the side of the road. Also, the bags I saw were plastic trash bags, but they weren't black, they were white.
I don't understand why someone would question what one chooses to sleuth?

If a subject on the thread does not interest you, I believe the polite thing to do is to simply move on. That's what I do.

Sleuthing the origin of the cross does no harm to this case, near as I can see.

The cross may be the single biggest clue to capturing the perpetrator of this heinous crime.


ITA and why LE is wanting to know more about it.
common knowledge? Published? In what direction would she have to walk? Who is the source of this information? Is it fact or theory? Is this a different friend then the one Jessica was supposed to walk with every day?

Just read the link please.....
I guess my doubts arise from the rewind thread and the statements of the ones who were interviewed. There were major discrepanies in those interviews and while I could accept one mistaken date, I find it hard to accept two or three accounts as being on the wrong day. Sorry, but it doesn't compute. One mistaken date okay, two or three not buying it. jmo
I believe the point is that they never asked the public to let them know where it was purchased, what kind of wood it was, or anything of that nature. They wanted to know if ANYONE HAD SEEN A PERSON WEARING THIS CROSS. Please correct me if I am wrong. tia

edited to say I agree with you. lol

LOL...yeah, we're on the same page! Just wishin' we had more company!
I guess my doubts arise from the rewind thread and the statements of the ones who were interviewed. There were major discrepanies in those interviews and while I could accept one mistaken date, I find it hard to accept two or three accounts as being on the wrong day. Sorry, but it doesn't compute. One mistaken date okay, two or three not buying it. jmo

It's crazy, since they were all interviewed that very day, weren't they?
I've posted the link where it states that she was meeting at the friends house. Read the link...Denver Post-What happened to Colorado Girl. That's where it says that.

"Before leaving for school that day, Jessica called a friend who lives a few blocks away to see if he would be walking to nearby Witt Elementary School, according to police dispatch tapes.
It was 8:25 a.m. She spoke to the boy's father, who said his son would wait for her.
"It is snowing," Sarah Ridgeway recalled in an interview four days after her daughter disappeared. "I watch her walk out the door. I shut the door. And that is the last time I saw her."
Jessica headed out at about 8:30. The walk to her friend's house is slightly more than 1,000 feet.
The route through the modest neighborhood of single-tract homes leads past Chelsea Park — a pocket park with playground equipment.
On some days, Jessica would meet friends at the park for the walk that a few But on that chilly day, Jessica planned to meet her friend at his home. By 8:40 a.m.blocks later cuts across open space and leads to Witt Elementary.
, she had not arrived. With only 10 minutes until the bell rang, father and son drove off to school.
Reached last week by The Denver Post, the father declined an interview request.

Read more: Jessica Ridgeway: What happened to the Colorado girl? - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content:
Jessica talks to friend's dad at 8:25, walks out door at 8:30, does not arrive at friend's house by 8:40 so they leave? Who does that? Wouldn't your first thought be call and find out what time she left so you know how much longer you have to wait? Who just leaves and never calls? She was 10 years old.

We were to meet friends at 12:30 today, they showed up at 1:15. No cell reception so we waited. Who just leaves? We were meeting other adults who were in a vehicle, not a child in the snow.
Story dated today, October 21, from the Denver Post.


On the afternoon of Oct. 10, maintenance workers were out picking up trash — a routine exercise in a park neighboring a landfill.

Earlier that day, police announced they had ruled out Jessica's parents as suspects and believed an unknown person abducted her.

That would be 2 days of investigation clues after LE stated they had nobody running around and randomly abducting kids. Some evidence clearly changed their perspective, even before Jessica's body was found. IMHO, the killer may not have known Jessica at all, and that is was a crime of opportunity. he may have been waiting for some victim, and took the one he was able to get at that moment in time.

That's my theory as well.

I think the perp has probably been trolling through several "target rich" environments, looking for the circumstances to fall together in such a way as to give him his opportunity. I don't think he was looking specifically for Jessica, he was looking for someone who fitted his mental profile in some way (only girls? only under 15? etc), who happened to be alone and unobserved at that moment.

Comparing security cam footage of the walking distance areas around Jessica's school with security cam footage from other neighbourhoods within walking distance of other schools might reveal possible POIs. But it would be an incredibly tedious and mind numbing job... and whichever investigators are doing this (as I am sure they are), my hat is off to them. It's a job with little chance of glory and high certainty of headache.

If I'm correct, the one school he won't be seen anywhere near is the school nearest his own residence. I don't think he knew that Jessica's mother wouldn't be answering her phone that day; I think he already had a plan in place to get his victim out of the logical search zone quickly.

The problem with checking out this part of my theory is that there are so many elementary schools in the Denver metro area and I doubt he was trolling them all. He probably had 3 or 4 neighbourhoods he trolled.

When he gets the itch again, he'll probably troll different neighbourhoods.

So I hope people start thinking in terms of noticing if there is a vehicle that had been a familiar sight on the streets in the last few months that is no longer seen. Noting an absence, rather like Sherlock Holmes and the dog that didn't bark in the night.
ITA and why LE is wanting to know more about it.

Sorry, but they don't want to know more about the cross. All they want to know is if anyone has seen an individual wearing the cross or if anyone knows of an individual who used to wear this kind of item and now they aren't. They have specifically asked the public not to call in about retailers/sellers who have one like this, they haven't asked what kind of wood it is made out of, they don't want to know about the markings...none of that.

Let's all do the happy dance!!!


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About the "new evidence"

"Investigator Trevor Materasso of the Westminster Police Department said that "60 percent" of what Fox 31 reported Sunday night was "erroneous and bad information."

He said someone walking near the park reported finding some items, including a tuft of what appeared to be blonde hair, and called police.

Materasso said there is no indication yet whether the hair are connected to the case. "We don't even know if this is dog hair yet," he said."

Here refute it if it's false information. The boys house was 1000 feet away.

from Jessica's house to her friend's house is .9 miles walking. 5000 feet. takes 15 minutes. as the crow flies it may be closer to 1000 feet but you can't get through all the dead ends and cul de sacs. there could be a shortcut but I doubt it'd knock it down to 1000 feet.

It was approx 1000 feet to Chelsea park.
NO ONE KNOWS if she went to the friend's house, the park, one of 2 different rec centers in completely different directions, or through the open space to school. well, maybe LE knows, but we do not know nor do any MSM reports to date.
therefore, we cannot determine where she went missing from, and/or how long she was out of her house before being abducted.
After reading all of the arguing here about it, I wonder if the boy's father and Jessica may have gotten their wires crossed and there was a big misunderstanding. From the interview, it does sound like Jessica was expecting to meet her friend at the park (or she could have just not mentioned the change in plans to her mother). From what the father reportedly said, it wounds like he and the friend were expecting her to go to the house. Isn't it possible that both are telling the truth (as they knew it) ?

Both parents say that Jessica called her friend's house to see if he was walking that day. The father says he told her that J would wait for her, but it sounds like maybe they meant he'd wait at the house. JR tells her mother that J is going to be walking with her and leaves. Maybe she was waiting for him at the park while he was waiting for her at home. I just don't see how else the different stories make sense.
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