CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #15

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Its not an opinion. Its a question. How accurate are they at giving out the truth?

IMO, they are good. One of the better papers out there. I would be shocked to find out they printed that big of a mistake. But....I've seen it happen before.
Ok...this will be my last post about the "wood" and I "get" all that, but it still WILL NOT identify the murderer!!! and if LE thought the type of wood was significant, don't you think they would already know what the thing is made out of? They do have it in their possession....and access to the world's foremost experts if needed...pretty sure they know this answer that everyone is struggling to find! So, my original question still stands....what's the point?

The point is simply that if it happens to be made of some unusual type of wood, that is information that could help identify the killer.

Say you're a shop owner in the Denver metro area, and you sell crosses made of Dag Wood (made that up!). In fact, you're the only seller in Colorado that you know of that sells crosses made of Dag Wood.

And say the cross in question is made of Dag Wood.

The police could narrow down the places one might purchase a Dag Wood cross, and then once they located the store that sells them, they could do everything from comb through credit card transactions for the past couple of years to interviewing sales clerks to see if they had any recollection of purchasers of those crosses.

If the wood is not a unique wood, the chances of knowing about the wood being helpful are slim to none, but if it's unique... it could be critical information.
Well, I'm probably going to make everyone mad here, but from the very beginning I was under the impression that Jessica was walking to Chelsea Park to meet the friend and the dad. Thought I read somewhere back early on that the dad decided to drive his son at the last minute and meet Jessica, pick her up and drop both kids off at the school...which makes a lot more sense than either direction the fighting is about.
MSM is quotable, but not always 100% accurate. Can't always rely on them for absolute facts.
The timeline thread has a transcript of Jessica's mother's interview.

I'm not actually seeing where she said they were to meet at the park that morning. I have that in my timeline, but that is because MSM originally said that. Maybe it has been interpreted wrong.

You're absolutely right! The mother didn't mention the park. This is all making better sense now too. I wondered why J's father would backtrack from his house to the park with his son to wait for Jessica. If he was going to drive that far, why not just pick her up from her house. Now that we know that Jessica was going to meet J at his house it falls into place.
If "Daisy" knows that "Michael" had a Denibian Slime stone cross because he talked about it, but she had never seen it, and LE had said "We're trying to match this Denibian Slime stone cross with someone." Then "Daisy" might think to contact LE. But LE didn't. They just show a cross, and don't say what it is made of. So perhaps posters thinks "Hey, if we identify that wood, then people might think of a conversation with someone regarding having a cross made with XXXX type of wood, even if they never actually saw the cross."

Makes sense in my mind, because I had a NPD friend who would brag about having some BIZARRE things, but I never saw any of them (I suspect he didn't actually own those items, but you never know). So if an Ironwood Unicorn was part of a murder, I might remember he said he had one, but I would never have SEEN it.

But I don't feel it is possible to identify what it is made of, etc. from a photo. You would have to hold it your hand. And it is so generic- looking, IMO. LE just wants to know who had one like it and doesn't have it now.
IMO, they are good. One of the better papers out there. I would be shocked to find out they printed that big of a mistake. But....I've seen it happen before.

Thank you for answering.
Well, I'm probably going to make everyone mad here, but from the very beginning I was under the impression that Jessica was walking to Chelsea Park to meet the friend and the dad. Thought I read somewhere back early on that the dad decided to drive his son at the last minute and meet Jessica, pick her up and drop both kids off at the school...which makes a lot more sense than either direction the fighting is about.
MSM is quotable, but not always 100% accurate. Can't always rely on them for absolute facts.

Early on, I actually laid out a scenario involving Jessica going to her friend's home and what could have occurred.....but I am sure it is not allowed at this point.
My phone is acting up, I posted the next post a couple down. So sorry.
The white car has come up a few times in reports recently.
AND the guy put a rag over her face.

You are right. It has come up in many reports. And it is totally creepy
Why not? It's in a previous thread here. If you disagree, just hit the alert button and a mod will help you. :great:

As far as I know that picture was deleted b/c of the minor.
Well, I'm probably going to make everyone mad here, but from the very beginning I was under the impression that Jessica was walking to Chelsea Park to meet the friend and the dad. Thought I read somewhere back early on that the dad decided to drive his son at the last minute and meet Jessica, pick her up and drop both kids off at the school...which makes a lot more sense than either direction the fighting is about.
MSM is quotable, but not always 100% accurate. Can't always rely on them for absolute facts.
I agree that that is what I originally read from MSM, but now once I read the exact words of the mom's interview and the scanner, I'm beginning to wonder if MSM didn't just use their OWN interpretation, which might be less than accurate.
It was like any other morning. I got home at 7:30, her alarm went off at 7:45..she had wanted her own alrm clock so she could wake up to her alarm..she goes downstairs to watch TV, eats her granola bar, goes back upstairs and gets dressed, and then we peeled oranges for her snack at school, and made her water bottle. She gets on her coats, she calls her friend to make sure they're walking and gonna meet her friend that morning and her friend was walking. And I watched her walk out the door and thats the last time I saw her..and we need her to walk through that door.

The mom is talking in general terms she didn't specifically say where she was meeting her friend. The fact that it's now common knowledge published that she was going to the friends house instead of to the park makes me believe it. Not the mothers interview who admittedly didn't even see the direction she went in when she walked out the door.

Mom makes it sound like Jessica talked to the child, not the father, yet some places I have read make it sound like she spoke with the father...
Or they do. Who do they say their info came from?
I will find my sources, after I calm down. Because, then I've had it wrong since the case broke and someone would have corrected me by now.

That said, I've been confused before but nowhere have I read that LE has said Jessica was to meet at a friend's house but never arrived.

There was a phone call made to someone in the a.m. LE officers conversed about it and later said it was Thursday, not Friday, the man drove his kid to school. In other words, they weren't involved on Friday.

Jessica was to walk to school with the same person every day.

I've posted the link where it states that she was meeting at the friends house. Read the link...Denver Post-What happened to Colorado Girl. That's where it says that.
About an attempted abduction on Oct 16th.|topnews|bc|large

AURORA - Aurora police are asking for the public's help in locating a vehicle and identifying two suspects involved in an attempted kidnapping.


The woman said she started to give them directions when the male passenger got out of the car, came up from behind her and tried to put a towel over her mouth. She said she knocked him to the ground and ran inside the bar to call police.*

Much more
The description of both of those guys sounds an awful lot like the one from Ketner Lake.

I don't know about you guys...but sometimes I get so tired and sleepy while reading late here on Websleuths. The posts are so serious and tedious, and rightfully so...but it becomes akin to being on the second row in church when the holy giggles take over.

I read and read....and then suddenly, I start laughing. We are going over and over the same interviews and media sources...and sometimes I feel like we are a host of Inspector Clouseau's.

Of course, WS has some of the smartest and most caring people on earth....and all of us want so much for Jessica's killer to be caught.

I think we have more Jessica Fletchers and Miss Marples...:detective::dunno:
Why in the world would she walk to the friend's house? It makes absolutely no sense at all, whatsoever. Why would her mom agree to this arrangement?
My personal OPINION is that the Denver Post writers got their information from the WS scanner thread.

They say in the article: "according to police dispatch tapes". I don't think they are reporting, I think they are surmising.
Ok...this will be my last post about the "wood" and I "get" all that, but it still WILL NOT identify the murderer!!! and if LE thought the type of wood was significant, don't you think they would already know what the thing is made out of? They do have it in their possession....and access to the world's foremost experts if needed...pretty sure they know this answer that everyone is struggling to find! So, my original question still stands....what's the point?

I believe the point is that they never asked the public to let them know where it was purchased, what kind of wood it was, or anything of that nature. They wanted to know if ANYONE HAD SEEN A PERSON WEARING THIS CROSS. Please correct me if I am wrong. tia

edited to say I agree with you. lol
The longer the case goes unsolved, the more information LE releases. Usually. There's often a few things that LE tries really hard to keep confidential.

A case this new? I'm not surprised they are keeping so much information to themselves.

In 20 years, if this has turned into a cold case, then most of the information will probably be out there. Partly for practical reasons: the best chance LE has of solving this case is via information from the public, so the more the public knows, the more likely it is for someone to line up the dots and go "I think I know a guy..."

Hmmm....I don't really agree with that. The Cold Cases and Missing But Not Forgotten forums are filled with decades-old cases that can barely be discussed because there's no information about them. I think that if Jessica's case does go unsolved, 95% of what we know will be generated during the first year or two.
Where did the cross come from? Did they find it in the bag with her body or was it on the ground nearby? I'm assuming on the ground nearby, but is there more to it that makes them believe it belongs to the killer??
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