CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #15

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There has been discussion on the timing of backpack and body drop offs and some have stated that they think he disposed both on the same "run" so to speak. I don't think so, and here is why.
I think that he used the backpack to draw LE away from the neighborhoods they were searching. Simple distraction. I think that his residence is within they door to door search, roadblock area or right nearby. He may have been one of the homes that there was " no answer" and would return to follow up. I believe he actually was sweating bullets when it wasn't discovered and called into police sooner. He may very well listen to police scanner.
I think the victim was left at his home while he made the backpack run, making sure to place it somewhere it would be seen. He would've have been very gutsy to make the backpack drop with a body in his car.
I wish we had a forensics person here...I find it hard to believe that the bag would have emptied at the scene by LE for any reason. The bag itself becomes evidence in these cases and it should have been placed inside another container, intact, until back in the lab, IMO. If it was opened at the scene and dumped out, for example, I think this must have been done by workers who found it.
I wouldn't be surprised if he had driven by other mornings with intentions of grabbing her but had a neighbor come out for some reason, another car come by or some other disruption. Just because there were no witnesses (as far as anyone knows) it doesn't mean that he just got lucky. If someone had appeared, I think he would have just kept going and tried again another day. MOO

I think the forensic team may have taken her out of the bag to see what all was in there and what was missing, see if there was a weapon or anything else. They probably also had everything laid out (the torso, the bag and whatever else there was) for photographs, etc.

Unlikely in my opinion.

They would have attempted to take the bag and contents exactly how they were found, to a controlled environment to examine thoroughly.

Emptying the bag on site like a kid on Christmas Day is not going to preserve all the evidence.

The only thing a person high on weed is going to attack is a box of chocolate donuts or a bag of Doritos.

Wish there was a "Laugh out Loud" Button on these very serious topics! It is needed every once in a while!
I don't know...I sure would not open a trash bag, probably a lot of people wouldn't. It is lucky that this one was opened, IMO.

The trash collectors were on the ball. They are used to picking up trash bags along that highway. Imo, trashbags likely filled with paper, cans, regular trash items. But that bag felt (according to the report) heavy. They evidently thought an animal had been disposed of....animal control came by...they looked in the bag and saw....:( Jessica. imoo
I also want to add that I think it's interesting that the roads had been blocked at partridge park up until the week before the abduction.
Was it due to construction, I think I read that several threads back.
I believe this perp had the disposal sight in mind prior to abduction. Probably visited the site beforehand

A photographer took photos back in 2007 and I noticed that photos number 8 and 9 have a red spray painted cross exactly the same offset shape as the one found. The painted cross on that wall is next to one of the three windows and peering through the window would provide a view of the remain's site across the street. I just found it interesting and coincidental under the circumstances.

Thank you. I don't get creeped out easily but photo #9 certainly creeped me out. Coincidence? Wow.
I wish we had a forensics person here...I find it hard to believe that the bag would have emptied at the scene by LE for any reason. The bag itself becomes evidence in these cases and it should have been placed inside another container, intact, until back in the lab, IMO. If it was opened at the scene and dumped out, for example, I think this must have been done by workers who found it.

I agree, this has perplexed me greatly .
I wish we had a forensics person here...I find it hard to believe that the bag would have emptied at the scene by LE for any reason. The bag itself becomes evidence in these cases and it should have been placed inside another container, intact, until back in the lab, IMO. If it was opened at the scene and dumped out, for example, I think this must have been done by workers who found it.

Good point clu.

The animal control person may have just ripped the bag open to see what was inside.
So much rests on information we just don't know, but on the surface it would seem we have two different personalities at work on this crime.

The reason I say that is essentially, the non-intactness of her body (is this a word?).

If we go with rumour and statistical likliehood, the remains were dismembered to hide identification.

Why then, would the remains be dumped out in the open, just waiting to be found?

The perp was concerned with hiding the ID, then NOT concerned?

This could well indicate two organised, the other not so much.

Interesting to note the "white van" attempted abduction at the other school the day earlier allegedly had two passengers.


IMO there is much more going on than trying to hide her id to explain the state her remains were found in. Chilling words from LE continue to make me believe this.

"We have dealt with ugly. That is our job," said Westminster police Investigator Trevor Materasso. "But we haven't ever dealt with something like this."

Read more: Jessica Ridgeway: What happened to the Colorado girl? - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content:
"At about 2 p.m., workers came across a plastic garbage bag in plain view near a culvert on the side of the road, said Arvada police spokeswoman Jill McGranahan. The bag was heavy and "seemed kind of strange," she said. "


"The maintenance workers flagged them down. An animal-control officer looked inside the bag and saw human remains, McGranahan said. Law enforcement officials have declined to be any more specific than to say they discovered a body that was "not intact."

Those who know me know I mostly read rather than post. I've been following this case since the beginning and doing my own research in the background just like many of you. However the past two threads have given me a massive headache. Please everyone, stop fighting and being snarky. I know we are all frustrated with the lack of progress in finding the perp but going over the same things over and over and over and arguing about minute details that really have no relevance to finding the evil being that did this does no one any good. I'm sorry but I've been scrolling past pages and pages of this and have barely found anything new that would help any of us find new leads or clues. I know we all have good intentions and this case is heart wrenching. Just take a moment to step back and recompose.

Never bashed anything,just stating Denver area is very high on consumption. Watching 60 minutes and looking at crime there.
I am thinking drugs of all kinds msy be involved as is some sick mental minds.

Laced mary-j could make somebody go wacko...
Discussion topic:

For past successful stranger abductions in broad daylight with no witnesses - how did the perp do it? Let's discuss similar cases to this one.

A lot of us are wondering how people could not have noticed, but it's happened before. Perps, and survivors, have given details.

No offense against some folks in this thread, but I think they are getting a little carried away about what people are supposed to notice during the day. I am a single parent to a 3 year old, and getting her out the door and to the car is a major task in itself, let alone noticing everything, everywhere around me.

I pay careful attention to my surroundings, and was fully aware of this little girls' disappearance. I still can't say that would make me see a backpack on the sidewalk and yell, "Oh my it must be that missing girl's!!!!" Let alone maybe notice the backpack because things are busy.

There are how many children in Colorado? Perhaps this neighbor thought a child simply left it at first and would come back to retrieve it. How was he supposed to automatically connect it to Jessica?

A photographer took photos back in 2007 and I noticed that photos number 8 and 9 have a red spray painted cross exactly the same offset shape as the one found. The painted cross on that wall is next to one of the three windows and peering through the window would provide a view of the remain's site across the street. I just found it interesting and coincidental under the circumstances.

It that a crazy looking smiley next to it in that picture? Because there was a weird comment from someone on the WPD FB page a while back with a weird smiley face icon and said it was his sister and she was found dismembered and to add him for more info.....
The man who found the backpack didn't even know Jessica was missing. We forget that not everyone keeps up with the news...even if its local.

No. The men found that bag pack did nothing wrong.
I'd be surprised if this crime has anything to do with drugs, unless the perp is someone who is supposed to take meds for a mental illness, for example, and stopped, i.e. schizophrenia. Even that seems unlikely, although there was a case where I live some years back where this happened with a man, and he went on a killing spree.
I imagine what caused this lunatic to do what he did to Jessica (and who knows, maybe others too) has little or nothing to do with marijuana, etc. and more to do with being a disgusting, perverted, homicidal freak.
I have been following the Long Island Killer case for 2 years and some of the earlier victims were dismembered. Many have made a comment that the Long Island Serial Killer may be seeking another hunting ground. Denver LE did make a statement that from the looks of Jessica's remains, there was an indication of an experienced killer. There was also mention of an older killer because of the size and the weight of the victim chosen. I realize that the victimology is different but the last victim that Bundy killed was 12 years old. Wonder if any of the Oak Beach POIS hunt or vacation in Colorado?

A photographer took photos back in 2007 and I noticed that photos number 8 and 9 have a red spray painted cross exactly the same offset shape as the one found. The painted cross on that wall is next to one of the three windows and peering through the window would provide a view of the remain's site across the street. I just found it interesting and coincidental under the circumstances.
That is really too bizarre, I'd send the pic in and call the tip line,
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