CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #20

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Once the heart stops beating there would be no bleeding. Is this true? That is what I am finding on the internet. tia
The blood in a large artery or vein that is severed will flow with the pull of gravity in a deceased person. (Example: a garden hose on a hillside will drain with the pull of gravity.) Smaller arteries and veins will more quickly clot (even in a deceased person).
Somewhere along the way there was something possibly misunderstood in that I do not believe that the detailed negative components in my post create these type predatory criminals..just as you mentioned they have long since existed way prior to the forms of media of which I speak.. I do however strongly believe that individuals who are already predisposed to many factors that tend to be present in these predatory criminals(genetics, abuses, dysfunctional environments, etc, etc)..those already predatory type of individuals imo when introduced and immersed heavily into the forms of negative content media imo can have explosively negative results..

Again nowhere do I believe these medias CREATE the predatory criminal..

Also something that somehow was misconstrued is that making the human body less taboo has absolutely zero to do with excessive immersion into extremely violent video and role playing "games", nor would it have a thing in the world to do with dark sadistic *advertiser censored* where sexual deviancy and sadistic pain inflicted upon children as well as adults is the large arousal factor in the *advertiser censored*..

No amount of making the human body less taboo has anything to do with, nor would it in any way positively impact those who have come to have obsessive and excessive habits of viewing and interacting in these particular negative medias..

I'm not sure if it's that exposure to these things have "explosively negative results" so much as it is that people who are likely to commit these heinous crimes are also likely to enjoy that type of entertainment. It doesn't mean that everybody who likes it will eventually rape, torture or murder anyone, but there's a good chance that those who do have enjoyed watching it done in movies, games, books, etc. before they got to the point of actually doing it themselves.
Sorry I have been reading too long, and apparently can no longer phrase questions correctly. Did they search his house in the beginning of the investigation?

I don't know if they did a full search on his house, but it was a house that was canvassed during the early part of this investigation. I don't know if anyone's house was searched to that extent, but many homes were canvassed and many people were swabbed for DNA.
Someone had asked how the mom or brother couldn't know he had the body parts there.

Look at the Craigslist killer. His fiancee had no idea there was a 9 mm under the bed or zip ties and 16 pair of women's underwear under their mattress.

The mom probably works, the brother is at school and Austin very likely dismembered Jessica in the bathtub and cleaned the place up with a lot of bleach. He might have even gave his mom and brother a line about experimenting with something for school if they smelled the strong odor of bleach….if that is how it went down. He hid the body in the car until he left at night to go throw it in the open space.

I don't own a home with a crawlspace, so I have no idea what kind of a hiding place that is, but I can tell you that I have a walk in attic that is off my daughter's room. She and my son were hiding cupcakes and twinkies in there that they brought home from their grandma's house so they could have late night snacks.

I didn't know about their little stash for months. Found the third round of snacks when I went to get the halloween decorations down.
I guess that's where I get confused. I didn't see anything in MSM about the cost of the father's home, how many bedrooms it had, when the mother's bankruptcy was filed or discharged, and all that good stuff (I know his home and criminal record were mentioned and so was the fact that she had filed, but I've missed anything about the details). I'm just a bit paranoid at times. I'm such a stickler for following rules, that I can't even bring myself to cheat at solitaire! Thanks to all who answered.

I'm sort of new around here ... briefly followed a local case or two before, but not this much ... I sort of get the rules, but sort of not. The info about bankruptcy, no. of bedrooms, etc is verifiable fact. Yet rampant speculation that the parents did drugs when pregnant, never paid attention to their kids, allowed them access to *advertiser censored*, etc ... judge judge judge judge, but no one really knows?

I know that his dad bought a house with 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms and 5 acres in 2000 (well, I'm pretty sure, assuming MSM showed the right one). It's much more creepy to sit and point fingers at parenting styles when you have really no clue....
From NG Transcripts, last nights show, regarding the dumpster, and discussion of the possible dismemberment weapon, the crawlspace:

MATT ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER (via telephone): Yes, Nancy, in addition to searching at the home, one thing that investigators are looking at is reports that they`re examining the contents of what looks like a construction dumpster across the street from the suspect`s home. So if he did allegedly dismember her, maybe they`re looking for additional evidence inside the dumpster.

Regarding the 13 year old girls that Sigg hung out with:

With me is 13-year-old BO, Sigg`s neighbor.

B, again, thank you for being with us. You mentioned earlier that he used to play with you and other of your little girlfriends. Did he ever creep you out? And if so, why?

O: Yes. Sometimes he did because he only wanted to play with us. And the only times he wanted to was if he could come over to our house or come in our house or come in our backyard. He just wanted to find some way to be able to hang out with us. And he would ask and ask constantly. And a lot of the times we would say no because it would kind of creep us out.

He didn`t have many friends other than us that I know of. Because he never -- like, whenever I saw him on his scooter in the neighborhood he was always by himself. And he never talked about other friends. He only talked about playing with us. And the games that we normally played were capture the flag and, like, hide and go seek and tag.
I don't know if they did a full search on his house, but it was a house that was canvassed during the early part of this investigation. I don't know if anyone's house was searched to that extent, but many homes were canvassed and many people were swabbed for DNA.

Thanks, just thinking that she might not have been there at that time? Or he hid the crawl space
If that's what they are claiming, I don't buy it. How convenient that Mom just happened to figure out that her son was the killer and call him in, all while the cops were figuring out how to charge him. Right.

Fact: many witnesses have come forward in the press now stating that AS was unsettling, odd, creeped them out, was "off." WS posters and people who know him have commented on his stare, that something in his eyes is unsettling.

Speculation: 1000s were interviewed during canvasses (presumably by uniformed officers, detectives, feds,etc. - all with varied levels of direct knowledge of the "guts" of the investigation). Futher: 500 DNA samples were taken ( by whom? CSI techs, beat cops pulled in for the purposes of the canvass due to a need for bodies?)

Supposition: canvassers, interviewers, DNA takers, etc may have been different persons, perhaps havng different interactions with AS during the course of the investigation, at different times, each experiencing him differently.

Say one of those individuals found him highly suspicious, another a little off and still a third not at all unusual, all based off their own interaction with him. Say there was no probable cause but someone found him worthy of a closer look. Would that info make it up the chain of command to trigger further digging into this suspect? How quickly? Would digging, if done, have given LE enough probable cause to further focus on AS, a minor?

Point (and there is one): hindsight is almost always 20/20, even for seasoned investigators.

Apologies for any typos, arthritic fingers and tablet typing do not mix well.
Do you remember when that article came out, I missed it. tia

It wasn't an article, it was a statement given by the dad on a video. Go to Channel 9 Denver homepage. I think dad's statement is on the same video where they talk about the cops searching the house. If not, there is one more video on the case there, it will likely be on it.
-One junior college student on Nancy Grace stated that Austin was charming and brilliant.

-High school classmates and neighbors described Austin as spooky, socially isolated, talked out loud to himself, and inappropriate in social situations.

Either one of the above is incorrect or Austin somehow "changed" over the last few years. I wonder if Austin began to take prescribed medications when he was allegedly treated for his *advertiser censored* addiction.

(I don't think he was only treated for a *advertiser censored* addiction. He may have been diagnosed with several mental health problems. Few mental health patients have only one diagnosis.)

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
Question: what area did they search? Did they search AS house? If so they would probably look in the crawl space. Just curious.
Bet we won't know for real until the trial.I am sure there will be one.I don't see this pleading guilty
Can someone please clarify this for me-Aren't Austin's parents divorced? Do they not live in separate houses?

If so, how long has his father been in Mexico?

I'm just wondering if he used his dad's house to do the dismembering. If so, that might explain why he refuses to tell LE where it happened. That would not be good for dad's property values.
Regarding privilege under the law between Mother and Child:

First to you, Mickey, the fact that his mother turned him in, there is no privilege under the law between mother and child. What he tells her absolutely will come into court.

MICKEY SHERMAN, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY, AUTHOR OF "HOW CAN YOU DEFEND THOSE PEOPLE?": I agree. His confession to her is going to come in. And that`s not unusual. The mother of the Unabomber, Kaczynski, his brother turned him after that. But this guy is like a junior Jeffrey Dahmer, and I don`t mean that to be in any flip way. He is obviously insane. I know you`re going to jump all over me for that. But we will never judge him insane because his crime was so evil that the community wants him to be punished as harshly as possible including the death penalty.
Perhaps he confessed to his mother once he heard that DNA had linked the two crimes, knowing his DNA would match, sooner or later.
Someone had asked how the mom or brother couldn't know he had the body parts there.

Look at the Craigslist killer. His fiancee had no idea there was a 9 mm under the bed or zip ties and 16 pair of women's underwear under their mattress.

The mom probably works, the brother is at school and Austin very likely dismembered Jessica in the bathtub and cleaned the place up with a lot of bleach. He might have even gave his mom and brother a line about experimenting with something for school if they smelled the strong odor of bleach….if that is how it went down. He hid the body in the car until he left at night to go throw it in the open space.

I don't own a home with a crawlspace, so I have no idea what kind of a hiding place that is, but I can tell you that I have a walk in attic that is off my daughter's room. She and my son were hiding cupcakes and twinkies in there that they brought home from their grandma's house so they could have late night snacks.

I didn't know about their little stash for months. Found the third round of snacks when I went to get the halloween decorations down.

They are also known for having a lot of cats, so if she did smell something, she may have thought a cat had died in the crawlspace. I have a crawlspace and it's scary lol but there's worms, bugs and once a very feral scared cat. It's super small though and I have to get on my belly to do much down there. I'm sure it's different in each house. My home is over 100 years old, their's is much newer.
From NG Transcripts, last nights show, regarding the dumpster, and discussion of the possible dismemberment weapon, the crawlspace:

Regarding the 13 year old girls that Sigg hung out with:

AND that is creepy.
Hard to explain to children why other children could possibly want to harm them. I do not think AS is a child though. He committed a horrible crime, deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law... And hopefully, just hopefully, be put in with everyone else so they can have at him.
I'm sort of new around here ... briefly followed a local case or two before, but not this much ... I sort of get the rules, but sort of not. The info about bankruptcy, no. of bedrooms, etc is verifiable fact. Yet rampant speculation that the parents did drugs when pregnant, never paid attention to their kids, allowed them access to *advertiser censored*, etc ... judge judge judge judge, but no one really knows?

I know that his dad bought a house with 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms and 5 acres in 2000 (well, I'm pretty sure, assuming MSM showed the right one). It's much more creepy to sit and point fingers at parenting styles when you have really no clue....

Honestly, I know it can look like finger pointing and gossip, even. But a lot of it is people come here to cope. I can speak for myself, anyway.
Someone had asked how the mom or brother couldn't know he had the body parts there.

Look at the Craigslist killer. His fiancee had no idea there was a 9 mm under the bed or zip ties and 16 pair of women's underwear under their mattress.

The mom probably works, the brother is at school and Austin very likely dismembered Jessica in the bathtub and cleaned the place up with a lot of bleach. He might have even gave his mom and brother a line about experimenting with something for school if they smelled the strong odor of bleach….if that is how it went down. He hid the body in the car until he left at night to go throw it in the open space.

I don't own a home with a crawlspace, so I have no idea what kind of a hiding place that is, but I can tell you that I have a walk in attic that is off my daughter's room. She and my son were hiding cupcakes and twinkies in there that they brought home from their grandma's house so they could have late night snacks.

I didn't know about their little stash for months. Found the third round of snacks when I went to get the halloween decorations down.

:floorlaugh:third round of stash:floorlaugh:
PS a cellar is like a basement but only a foot or so high. You can crawl in it to access water pipes, etc, but cannot stand up in there or store much.
In the eyes of the law, the act of removing Jessica's clothes is sexual assault.

LEE: Yes. You`re right, Nancy. At least five different area from primary scene, to the park, hogtied and then removed the body, dismembered the body, and deposit the body and the handbag. And now, of course, I disagree with some of the speakers think that`s no such activity involved, just remove her clothing. So that alone is consistent with a sexual assault.

Of course, we`d have to wait for DNA result. Whether or not semen was found. And this is a planned case. He probably followed the little girl and he had to bring a rope with him. And try to remove the clothes. Everything looks like a premeditated.
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