CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct. 2012 - #22

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Thank you and no worries here. The one brat (yes I said it) that picked on my son, I had E (my kid) send him a birthday card with well wishes and hopes that despite their differences that one day they can be friends. Kill it with kindness is what we tell kids. I try and let them handle their business unless it starts to interfere with school work, sleep or personal things and that's when mommy steps in. Chicago and NYC were so much different, and in a much better way. Where we are now (for my schooling) is just pathetic.

I know so many parents that tried to push me to homeschool and I don't get that. You have to prepare your kids for the inevitable, which is life and all its unfairness. Otherwise, how else will they learn how to work in groups and speak to a ton of people who rather pick their noses (which is the corporate world at large)? I have met many home-schooled people in my college life and man o' man are they either a) out of line with little to now social graces or b) higher than Charlie Sheen by 8am to cope with it all. One guy during a speech a few weeks ago (who was home-schooled his entire life) fainted in a group presentation. He confessed it's because he's never had to do anything like it and it was beyond frightening not to have his mom there. :waitasec: . I know it takes all kinds but I've yet to see the type that doesn't go hog wild or freak out their first few years away. The kids that were bullied tend to be the guys who are "mysterious" and quiet; basically the hot ones in bio or chem that know all the answers and aren't rude. Blanket statements about in this off topic update!

Carry on..

I know this is OT and probably over discussed by now, but I was in the tub earlier when I read this and it's rather hard to reply from there, so I wanted to respond to this.

First, it is just as unfair to stereotype home schoolers as it is kids who dress "goth." I believe that was a concern of yours in a previous post/thread. There are also many varied reasons why people have turned to this. I home school my four children.... 7th, 5th, and 4th graders and a kindergartener. ;) I assumed that if I was sending my children to public school, and they were making all A's and had above average SAT scores, that they were learning in school what I learned and they must be doing fine. However, I was incorrect in this assumption. Standardized testing has run a muck in our local school, and only math and reading are being taught to elementary aged children. No science, no history except state history in 5th grade. Two years ago, when I took my children out, my very high achieving oldest son had never been taught what adverbs, adjectives, prepositions or prepositional phrases, outlines, topic sentences, Roman Numerals, photosynthesis, or any geography other than the immediate 50 states and didn't even know all those. None of my children could tell me the seven continents or name the major bodies of water. They had never been taught about animal kingdoms or classifications, or even animal characteristics... such as what makes a mammal a mammal, or a reptile a reptile, etc. Now, this might just be MY area, but I was surprised to find out this information, and looked for alternative resources for educating my children. The nearest private school in a 45 minute one way drive for us, plus the $9,000 year tuition times four is a little much. I brought them home, and I am proud to say that not only do my children now know all of the above, they have exceeded my expectations and learned much, much more.

My children are VERY social, and this was a concern of mine when weighing their educational needs with their emotional needs. Our local home school co op meets together every Friday, and there are 172 students K-12th grade. There, they take enrichment classes taught by mostly parents, and enjoy many social activities with peers their age. Our county home school group offers varsity football, varsity and JV boy's baseball and basketball, varsity and JV girl's volleyball and softball, as well as track, an Honors Club for Home schoolers, Science Olympiad, horseback riding and karate. They also organize an annual prom and other activities. So far this year, my children have met with the mayor of our city, toured City Hall, toured a courtroom and spoke with a judge and lawyers about our judicial system and how a court works, took a field trip to a Native American Festival, had a pool party, played mini golf, and had numerous after school picnics and park play dates. (Funny side note... my 5th grader asked the mayor if he paid taxes. lol) Outside of homeschooling, my boys play football, baseball, and basketball with our local association, as well as taking drum, guitar, and piano lessons. My daughter takes ballet, gymnastics, piano and voice, softball, and wants to play basketball this summer. She also does competitive cheer, and just mastered her round off back handspring... a pretty decent skill for a 5 1/2 year old. ;) We are very active in our community, and attend our local public school's events.

As far as socialization in public schools goes, there is negative socialization as well as positive socialization. In some of my children's classes, there were children with such behavioral problems that my kids would come home talking about nothing but what so-and-so did to disrupt the classroom all day. Children are being taught that being kind, courteous, studious, and caring are considered "weird" while being a bully, obnoxious, and disobedient is "cool." Parents no longer care if teachers call home to report bad behavior... must be the school's fault, or the other student. My children did not personally deal with major bullying, but they did see other kids get bullied. My children were lucky in that aspect that they wore the "right" clothes, are handsome, and generally well-liked. However, heaven help the children who did not have this luck on their side. :( It is MY job to teach my children who they are to be. My job to mold them, and shape them... build up their confidence and teach them how to be strong, educated individuals. It is not the world's job, and I definitely am not going to leave the shaping of my children's characters up to a variety of public influences. I disagree that children have to learn the ways of the world and "put up with" or "tolerate" people who disrespect them when they become adults. I DO NOT TOLERATE people in my life who are mean or disrespectful to me and my children should not, either. I surround myself with positive, caring people who have my best interest at heart. No adult should tolerate misbehavior in the workplace, as well. All people, children AND adults, deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of whether we "like" them or not. As an adult, if someone is being detrimental to my life and emotions, I have the ability to change things. Get another job. Get new friends. Move away. Change activities. Etc. Children do NOT have this luxury, and can't see their lives past next week. They cannot simply avoid those who are terrorizing them, and they sometimes seek drastic and permanent measures to solve temporary problems. Bless 'em!!

All that said, home schoolers vary in many of the same ways as public school students. They do not all fit in the same little mold.

By the way, as I was finishing typing this, my 5 year old was belting out "This is My Country, land that I love!!!" They say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, along with the Lord's Prayer, and are learning patriotic songs for the first time in their lives, since they are not allowed in school. We are also celebrating Jewish feasts this year, even though we aren't Jewish. Most of all, I am thoroughly enjoying this time spent with my children. I never knew how much joy I was missing out on by sending them to school every day. They continually amaze me, and I personally think I have the most rewarding, selfless, non-monetarily compensated job there ever was.
I don't think the pool had water ... but that is just a guess. It was October and the snow was beginning to fly ... most likely it had been drained, if it was even filled last summer. If Westminster is on water meters, then it was probably not filled.

I'm speaking strictly from a California perspective so I don't know if this applies, and I was a kid at the time, but I remember we were always told to keep the pool full, preferably covered with a dark colored (for heat) cover, during the winter, and run the pump on low overnight. The logic was that if the ground around it froze and the pool was empty, the ground would pop the concrete pool out. I remember them saying even if we didn't put chemicals and such in it, it was better to leave it with water in it than empty. The most snow we ever got was well under an inch, not even enough to cover the grass really, so it might be different? (I'm sorry, I should probably look this up for more linkable info, I'm just insanely tired and being lazy)
Ya think Jessica's mom was aware that a sexual predator was active in Westminister since May 2012? Would she have allowed Jessica to walk to school or to the park on 10/05/2012, if she had known?
Awareness is the key to prevention...

I certainly would not dare to speak for Jessica's mom because hind sight is always 20/20 in every circumstance.

That predator from May 2012 attacked an adult female. As far as we know he did not attack anyone else since that date (at least no others that have been connected). People tend to let down their guard after the immediate threat of danger has passed. People tend to disregard a predator's target could change even though they typically don't alter them.

It's like knowing statistically there is a greater risk to driving a car than flying but the odds of surviving a car crash are higher than from a plane crash. Will you still take that family vacation across the country? Will you drive or fly?

There is no "safe" place but you can take steps to be more self-aware and vigilant without living in a bubble. I will worry about my son's safety until the day I die but I won't let my fears hold either of us hostage.
Ummmm.... nice. I homeschool. 6 kids. The 2 oldest are adults. No drugs (ever!) & everyone tells me how awesome they are & what a GREAT job I did.. I guess behind our backs they must be whispering about what freaks they really are???

Believe it or not, there are people from all walks of life here....

(oh, and I went to school & public speaking is probably the WORST thing that can ever happen to me. I've always been horribly shy & it never got better.)

BBM and please forgive the brief OT but I'm so with you there! I'm not especially shy, but public speaking, NO WAY. Hate it. The last couple of times I tried I passed out, literally.
Have a link, pinto? There were numerous abduction attempts in adjacent jurisdictions to Westminister, constituting an epidemic, imo. Due to jurisdictional linkage blindness/communication issues among LE agencies, the dots were not connected, imo...

Many folks do not watch the news or read the paper. Especially single moms that work the graveyard shift..
Were the local schools notified? Were there flyers, emails, or alerts issued to the community?
I get phone calls/emails from my local govt officials when there is a weather alert, and I live in a very rural area of the north GA mountains...

I do not know about other alerts. School was almost out by Memorial Day (our schools are always out before M. Day, in fact). I do agree that they probably could have done more; I just don't characterize it as "silence." And at some point, individuals who expect to be aware of things need to take responsibility and read the papers and watch the news. You can't have everything force fed ...

Two mentions:

It was in paper 2 days later.

Also on news

Neighbors nervous after near kidnapping
Watch the story
May 30, 2012 at 4:39 PM,6/27/2012
WESTMINSTER - It was a brush with panic when a man grabbed a woman while she was jogging on Monday.
I wasn't attacking anyone for home-schooling. to each their own.

I know you were not.... I didn't feel attacked, and I hope you don't either. ;) Home schooling is very misunderstood a great deal of the time, and I think those of us who participate just like to share our very opposite examples of what most of the public thinks. I know I was very uninformed about it before I started doing it myself, and thought that anyone who did it must be out of their mind! lol However, I am glad that I opened my mind and heart to learn about it and just wanted to share my positive experience. <3
I know you were not.... I didn't feel attacked, and I hope you don't either. ;) Home schooling is very misunderstood a great deal of the time, and I think those of us who participate just like to share our very opposite examples of what most of the public thinks. I know I was very uninformed about it before I started doing it myself, and thought that anyone who did it must be out of their mind! lol However, I am glad that I opened my mind and heart to learn about it and just wanted to share my positive experience. <3

I home-schooled 1 year. (K12 program through public schools), I couldn't do it. So hats off to those that can, as I said before. It's not for every family BUT this thread is turning into a home-school thread & it'll just end up being shut down until further notice (I'm guessing here).
I home-schooled 1 year. (K12 program through public schools), I couldn't do it. So hats off to those that can, as I said before. It's not for every family BUT this thread is turning into a home-school thread & it'll just end up being shut down until further notice (I'm guessing here).

Thanks for the new post. I tried to respond to the other one, but it disappeared. ;)

lol.... last OT remark. I promise. But hey... can't be any worse than all that Jeep and video talk. Ha!!
They continually amaze me, and I personally think I have the most rewarding, selfless, non-monetarily compensated job there ever was.


I am a homeschool mom to 4 very social and well-rounded kiddos also and I agree 100% with what you said :seeya:
Time for bed here, school in 6 hours; I really do hope against everything, that Jessica's family is able to finally have a funeral this week. I cannot imagine that pain of waiting for her body. Time to bring her home. Nothing angers me more then thinking Austin is stalling that for them by not being honest. I don't know if anyone here goes to her official website, but there was one that had been ran by some con artists as well. Jessica's is still up with a donation button to help with the proceeds. I hope that financial difficulties do not arise from this.
I do not know about other alerts. School was almost out by Memorial Day (our schools are always out before M. Day, in fact). I do agree that they probably could have done more; I just don't characterize it as "silence." And at some point, individuals who expect to be aware of things need to take responsibility and read the papers and watch the news. You can't have everything force fed ...

Two mentions:

It was in paper 2 days later.

Also on news

Neighbors nervous after near kidnapping
Watch the story
May 30, 2012 at 4:39 PM,6/27/2012
WESTMINSTER - It was a brush with panic when a man grabbed a woman while she was jogging on Monday.

pinto, I honor and respect your opinion. The following comment by SmoothOperator, a few threads back speaks volumes, imo.. The community may not have been aware, but someone in authority should have known...

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #17[/ame]

Sadly what connects all these puzzles is that there's a victim@the heart of each..

Timeline with area, date, specifics, and MSM link for each attempted abduction
Below is a documented and sourced by me timeline of sorts of all the attempted abductions within the last 18 months in this particular area of Colorado.

October 23, 2012-
Arvada- A young girl was approached while on her way to school by a male in a red sedan telling her to get in the car.

October 22, 2012-
Arvada- An 8yo girl attempted abduction at school bus stop.

October 19, 2012-
Colorado Springs- Police said the child was walking in the parking lot of The Classical Academy school at 975 Stout Road when a man in a truck asked him to help find a lost puppy.

The boy said the middle-aged man was sitting in a brown, rusty, full-sized truck, possibly a Ford. The man never exited the truck or approached the child. The incident happened around 12:45 p.m.

October 17 2012-
LITTLETON, Colo.—A 14-year-old boy walking home from a friend's house has told authorities a man tried to pull him toward a car before he could run away.

October 16 2012-
Aurora- A woman is approached in a bar parking lot and a perp attempted to place a chemical soaked rag over her mouth.she was able to escape and full attempt caught on video.(2 perps)

October 5 2012-
Westminster- Jessica Ridgeway abducted on her way to school.

September 14 2012-
Colorado Springs- The first happened in the 7700 block of Fountain Mesa Road when a child was walking home from school, according to police. The child told police a black man in a grey pick up truck stopped and told the child to get into the truck. The child ran away.

September 14 2012-
Colorado Springs- The second incident happened near Fountain Middle School as a child was walking home from school. Police say, in this case, the child reported being followed by an older white pick up truck. When the child got out a cell phone to make a call the truck drove away.

September 12 2012-
Arvada- An elementary school student reported someone attempting to entice him into a car with candy around 5:40 p.m. on Wednesday, in front of Fitzmorris Elementary School at 62nd Avenue and Independence Street.

September 10 2012-
El Paso county- A 12-year-old boy managed to escape a possible kidnapper early Monday morning.

According to Lt. Jeff Kramer with the El Paso County Sheriff's Office, the boy was on Cabellero Avenue near Grand Peak in Security-Widefield around 6:40 a.m. when an man approached him and tried to make the boy get in his car.

The boy was able to get away, and was unharmed in the attempted abduction. Kramer says that the boy didn't see a gun, but that the suspect implied that he had one. The Sheriff's Office is treating the case as though the suspect did have a gun.

September 9 2012-
Arvada- According to Arvada police, around 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, a child was walking near Quaker Acres Park, near 74th Place and Terry Court, when someone tried to entice the child into a car with candy.

May 28 2012-
Westminster- A 22yo jogger is grabbed from behind and chemical soaked rag attempted to be placed over her mouth. She was able to fight him off and call 911
**this is the case definitively linked to Jessica Ridgeway case per WPD**

January 20 2012-
9yo girl abducted but able to escape when car broke down. Suffered injuries but alive. Garcia arrested for abduction.

October 5 2011-
Aurora- A 13yo girl on her way to school in Aurora, Co was approached and perp attempted to get her into his car.sketch also at link..

August 12 2011-
Pueblo- Police say the woman didn't notice the man in her mini-van when she pulled out of the parking lot. She heard a noise inside, turned around and saw the man climbing over the seats coming toward her. The 24 year old jumped out of the van while it was in gear. The van, with the man inside, crashed into a tree at 1st and Union.

July 5 2011-
Colorado Springs- It happened in the carmel middle school area, that's near Fountain Blvd. and Chelton Rd.

Police say he pulled up to the 9yo girl who was waiting for an ice cream truck and asked her if she wanted him to expose himself.

When the girl said no, the man offered her a dollar.
I'm speaking strictly from a California perspective so I don't know if this applies, and I was a kid at the time, but I remember we were always told to keep the pool full, preferably covered with a dark colored (for heat) cover, during the winter, and run the pump on low overnight. The logic was that if the ground around it froze and the pool was empty, the ground would pop the concrete pool out. I remember them saying even if we didn't put chemicals and such in it, it was better to leave it with water in it than empty. The most snow we ever got was well under an inch, not even enough to cover the grass really, so it might be different? (I'm sorry, I should probably look this up for more linkable info, I'm just insanely tired and being lazy)

Hmm, that is interesting. Pools are pretty rare here so I don't know anyone who has one. Our summer season is fairly short and there isn't enough time to swim to justify the expense of a pool. Has there been a pic showing if the pool was above ground or in the ground?
Hmm, that is interesting. Pools are pretty rare here so I don't know anyone who has one. Our summer season is fairly short and there isn't enough time to swim to justify the expense of a pool. Has there been a pic showing if the pool was above ground or in the ground?

I don't see any pool. -CO-/?action=view&current=102412h3.jpg -CO-/?action=view&current=102412h2.jpg -CO-/?action=view&current=102412h1.jpg -CO-/?action=view&current=1024122-fox.jpg
Very quickly after AS was arrested it was discovered that there is another young man with the same name in that area. I don't remember if he was from Aurora but I do remember he was a football player. The address in Aurora could easily be his rather than that of the perp's.

You'd have to look back to the thread and messages immediately following the arrest - though since those messages were sleuthing of an unrelated person, they may have been removed by a moderator.

It wasn't Austin listed as the address-holder on the records I located (as far as I am aware the other Austin Sigg lived in another state, though).

I am sure police are looking into it, perhaps it is completely unrelated.

I just found it noteworthy that 2 miles from an address previously associated with an immediate family member (it is literally right down the road) that we had an attempted abduction using one of his MO's (chemical rag), that fit the physical description (young 'possibly hispanic' which is what he was described as originally?).

I acknowledge the differences (night vs day, an accomplice) but honestly I don't think you can really pattern him very accurately based on the information currently available.
I know this is OT and probably over discussed by now, but I was in the tub earlier when I read this and it's rather hard to reply from there, so I wanted to respond to this.

First, it is just as unfair to stereotype home schoolers as it is kids who dress "goth." I believe that was a concern of yours in a previous post/thread. There are also many varied reasons why people have turned to this. I home school my four children.... 7th, 5th, and 4th graders and a kindergartener. ;) I assumed that if I was sending my children to public school, and they were making all A's and had above average SAT scores, that they were learning in school what I learned and they must be doing fine. However, I was incorrect in this assumption. Standardized testing has run a muck in our local school, and only math and reading are being taught to elementary aged children. No science, no history except state history in 5th grade. Two years ago, when I took my children out, my very high achieving oldest son had never been taught what adverbs, adjectives, prepositions or prepositional phrases, outlines, topic sentences, Roman Numerals, photosynthesis, or any geography other than the immediate 50 states and didn't even know all those. None of my children could tell me the seven continents or name the major bodies of water. They had never been taught about animal kingdoms or classifications, or even animal characteristics... such as what makes a mammal a mammal, or a reptile a reptile, etc. Now, this might just be MY area, but I was surprised to find out this information, and looked for alternative resources for educating my children. The nearest private school in a 45 minute one way drive for us, plus the $9,000 year tuition times four is a little much. I brought them home, and I am proud to say that not only do my children now know all of the above, they have exceeded my expectations and learned much, much more.

My children are VERY social, and this was a concern of mine when weighing their educational needs with their emotional needs. Our local home school co op meets together every Friday, and there are 172 students K-12th grade. There, they take enrichment classes taught by mostly parents, and enjoy many social activities with peers their age. Our county home school group offers varsity football, varsity and JV boy's baseball and basketball, varsity and JV girl's volleyball and softball, as well as track, an Honors Club for Home schoolers, Science Olympiad, horseback riding and karate. They also organize an annual prom and other activities. So far this year, my children have met with the mayor of our city, toured City Hall, toured a courtroom and spoke with a judge and lawyers about our judicial system and how a court works, took a field trip to a Native American Festival, had a pool party, played mini golf, and had numerous after school picnics and park play dates. (Funny side note... my 5th grader asked the mayor if he paid taxes. lol) Outside of homeschooling, my boys play football, baseball, and basketball with our local association, as well as taking drum, guitar, and piano lessons. My daughter takes ballet, gymnastics, piano and voice, softball, and wants to play basketball this summer. She also does competitive cheer, and just mastered her round off back handspring... a pretty decent skill for a 5 1/2 year old. ;) We are very active in our community, and attend our local public school's events.

As far as socialization in public schools goes, there is negative socialization as well as positive socialization. In some of my children's classes, there were children with such behavioral problems that my kids would come home talking about nothing but what so-and-so did to disrupt the classroom all day. Children are being taught that being kind, courteous, studious, and caring are considered "weird" while being a bully, obnoxious, and disobedient is "cool." Parents no longer care if teachers call home to report bad behavior... must be the school's fault, or the other student. My children did not personally deal with major bullying, but they did see other kids get bullied. My children were lucky in that aspect that they wore the "right" clothes, are handsome, and generally well-liked. However, heaven help the children who did not have this luck on their side. :( It is MY job to teach my children who they are to be. My job to mold them, and shape them... build up their confidence and teach them how to be strong, educated individuals. It is not the world's job, and I definitely am not going to leave the shaping of my children's characters up to a variety of public influences. I disagree that children have to learn the ways of the world and "put up with" or "tolerate" people who disrespect them when they become adults. I DO NOT TOLERATE people in my life who are mean or disrespectful to me and my children should not, either. I surround myself with positive, caring people who have my best interest at heart. No adult should tolerate misbehavior in the workplace, as well. All people, children AND adults, deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of whether we "like" them or not. As an adult, if someone is being detrimental to my life and emotions, I have the ability to change things. Get another job. Get new friends. Move away. Change activities. Etc. Children do NOT have this luxury, and can't see their lives past next week. They cannot simply avoid those who are terrorizing them, and they sometimes seek drastic and permanent measures to solve temporary problems. Bless 'em!!

All that said, home schoolers vary in many of the same ways as public school students. They do not all fit in the same little mold.

By the way, as I was finishing typing this, my 5 year old was belting out "This is My Country, land that I love!!!" They say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, along with the Lord's Prayer, and are learning patriotic songs for the first time in their lives, since they are not allowed in school. We are also celebrating Jewish feasts this year, even though we aren't Jewish. Most of all, I am thoroughly enjoying this time spent with my children. I never knew how much joy I was missing out on by sending them to school every day. They continually amaze me, and I personally think I have the most rewarding, selfless, non-monetarily compensated job there ever was.

We are also homeschoolers and I nominate you Homeschool MAYOR :blushing:
Fantastic post!! :great:
Hmm, that is interesting. Pools are pretty rare here so I don't know anyone who has one. Our summer season is fairly short and there isn't enough time to swim to justify the expense of a pool. Has there been a pic showing if the pool was above ground or in the ground?

Enigmatic portrait of Jessica Ridgeway suspect's family emerges
POSTED: 10/28/2012 12:01:00 AM MDT

White paint has chipped away from the eaves, the garage doors have been battered by wear, and the roof looks frayed around the edges. But it's the yellow police tape that sets the two-story house on West 102nd Avenue apart from its neighbors.

Neighbors recalled that when Mindy and Rob Sigg first moved onto the block in 1996, they renovated the entire house &#8212; even adding a swimming pool, a rare feature on the middle-class street that includes families who have lived there for 30 years.

Read more: Enigmatic portrait of Jessica Ridgeway suspect's family emerges - The Denver Post
pinto, I honor and respect your opinion. The following comment by SmoothOperator, a few threads back speaks volumes, imo.. The community may not have been aware, but someone in authority should have known...

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #17

I'm not sure what the point is ... these were all reported. (And I'm not sure if I misunderstand what was said in OP about "this particular area of Colorado," because that list stretches far and wide, from Westminster to Pueblo is over 100 miles.)

Anyway, yes, maybe some better coordination should be happening. I'm not an expert. And as we've seen in the past few weeks, some reports are misunderstandings, so I can understand why police don't go overboard on things (the same reason it takes longer to issues Amber Alerts for teenagers, desensitization).
It wasn't Austin listed as the address-holder on the records I located (as far as I am aware the other Austin Sigg lived in another state, though).

I am sure police are looking into it, perhaps it is completely unrelated.

I just found it noteworthy that 2 miles from an address previously associated with an immediate family member (it is literally right down the road) that we had an attempted abduction using one of his MO's (chemical rag), that fit the physical description (young 'possibly hispanic' which is what he was described as originally?).

I acknowledge the differences (night vs day, an accomplice) but honestly I don't think you can really pattern him very accurately based on the information currently available.

RE: I just found it noteworthy that 2 miles from an address previously associated with an immediate family member (it is literally right down the road) that we had an attempted abduction using one of his MO's (chemical rag), that fit the physical description (young 'possibly hispanic' which is what he was described as originally?).

IA_Reader, can you find a msm link or a police report of this abduction attempt.. TIA
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