CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct. 2012 - #22

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it's not music in this case. it's child *advertiser censored*, probably gore *advertiser censored*, probably with abuse of children involved. so I'd say, yah, there should have been more parental responsibility and oversight.

kids these days - they should have more supervision obviously.
they shouldn't be walking alone when there's a predator on the loose, and kids shouldn't be so messed up and so free to be predators in the first place.

Oh... I think it's all one big ol ball of wax.

Austin Sigg would be a rarity among teen killers if convicted

"Precocious" doesn't sound like the right word. Yet it means someone has developed certain capabilities or proclivities at an unusually young age.

The killer of 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway dismembered her. That would make 17-year-old murder suspect Austin Sigg, if convicted, a rarity — even among serial killers.

Little has been released by authorities about the details of the crime, but the singular fact of dismemberment is telling, experts say.

"The amount of violence — the pathology in that — is remarkable at any age, but especially for a teen," said retired FBI profiler Gregg McCrary. "That's very unusual. That's very striking."

He certainly is a special little snowflake :rolleyes:
The whole discussion about hoping that criminals can continue victimizing others, or commit violent crimes, in prison strikes me as bizarre.
I haven't read the charging documents yet as I just ate dinner but got an overview reading through this thread. Were there any charges related to computer material... ie possession of child *advertiser censored*? After the post and subsequent conversation about the dark web (is that what it's called??) here the other day, I renewed and added Norton and two or three other computer protection programs and wish I could put similar filters on my brain!! It seems like AS had an active internet life, albeit unconfirmed, coupled with the *advertiser censored*-addiction past and the sleuthing done here... Maybe the computer LE are still working but it'd be interesting to see if any charges come from that or to see how they can sure up the case against him. His word means nothing, imo, his computer will be good in verifying.
I had decided I wasn't going to discuss the details of what he did to her, but here I am anyway. I would think that if he raped her, he would have to remove the backpack to undress her. Since she most likely fought that, he would have to take it by force. I'm not sure if they can get a guilty verdict on that one, but I think the rest of the charges are sure to stick. I'd be very surprised if he ever sees the outside of a prison again. MOO

Boy do I hope you're right about him never seeing the outside of a prison again.

I keep hoping she was at least unconscious during whatever he did to her... it might be naive, but I am hoping it anyway.
I haven't read the charging documents yet as I just ate dinner but got an overview reading through this thread. Were there any charges related to computer material... ie possession of child *advertiser censored*? After the post and subsequent conversation about the dark web (is that what it's called??) here the other day, I renewed and added Norton and two or three other computer protection programs and wish I could put similar filters on my brain!! It seems like AS had an active internet life, albeit unconfirmed, coupled with the *advertiser censored*-addiction past and the sleuthing done here... Maybe the computer LE are still working but it'd be interesting to see if any charges come from that or to see how they can sure up the case against him. His word means nothing, imo, his computer will be good in verifying.

If they find anything incriminating, what's the bet he tries to blame his little brother.

Very, very hard to prove who was actually typing in the key strokes.

That may be why it isn't mentioned...they don't need any extra charges and he will lie anyway.

I don't wish that for him. I know a lot of people believe an eye for an eye and all of that but I believe justice must come in the form of the judicial system at work. He is accused of terrible things but he is not yet convicted of them.

I believe in Karma:seeya:
Look up direct supervision prisons when you get a chance. These are facilities designed and run so that inmates are never out of view of the corrections officers. Run properly, they can effectively quash prison culture. Inmates don't have the privacy that allows them to intimidate other prisoners.

Such facilities are cheaper to run, have a lower rate of recidivism than standard prisons and are less stressful for the prison staff.

I worked in what you call a direct supervision prison for 12 years, mens maximum. One officer on the floor and one in the control picket. Also inmates in Gen Pop went to the gym, commissary, rec yard, school, law library and oh lets not forget the chapel where alot of hanky panky went on. If there is a will, there is a way and the inmates find it! Saw the aftermath of it many times but I'm sure most off these rapes went unreported.
newbie and not sure if am doing this right--anyways i can see why all the different charges--i used to be a victim advocate for a court where i lived and the wording played a key role---reading his charges (AS) the one we all cringed at so much--hate to say it myself--the monster--anyways it said "sexual CONTACT" not conduct---where Ilive that type of wording would meant more of touching not penetration of anysort--to be that the wording would have been CONDUCT--is that the same there in CO???? not that it isnt bad enough--sick

also the cross--was wondering if maybe the crooked "S" on the back was his initials??? IF it was left at JR scene i think it was an accident and a high power, or "g*d send" incident put it there if you know what i mean---guess i get hung up on if it was found with the jogger--i truly do not understand why LE didnt or wouldnt have pursued anyone recognizing it back then

again hope this is written okay

You're doing just fine, jdmyangel, and welcome aboard to Websleuths!!! Good to see you here.
On a prior page, someone provided a link to "abuse of a corpse" legislation. It is a misdemeanor in CO

I keep wondering why abuse (sexual) of a corpse would be a misdemeanor.
Is it because it's not abusing a life since the life is gone?
On a prior page, someone provided a link to "abuse of a corpse" legislation. It is a misdemeanor in CO

Boy do I hope you're right about him never seeing the outside of a prison again.

I keep hoping she was at least unconscious during whatever he did to her... it might be naive, but I am hoping it anyway.

I hope so too.
I fear he was into snuff films. Is that what they're called?
If they find anything incriminating, what's the bet he tries to blame his little brother.

Very, very hard to prove who was actually typing in the key strokes.

That may be why it isn't mentioned...they don't need any extra charges and he will lie anyway.


Ugh. Of course. Lies lies lies. Blaming others. The little brother too. I'd think he would have his computer protected by passwords and covered his tracks. Would be surprised if he let anyone touch his computer or any of his other "tools" but blaming others, yes. Also I'm guessing he was home alone alot when the brother and mother were out or away so his computer activity -could- be attributed to him but hope you're right that there's enough to keep him locked away for life. I don't think this mom is like Cindy A down in Orlando willing to lie about computer searches to cover for her kid. Where's that little head banging icon you included... I second that!
I haven't read the charging documents yet as I just ate dinner but got an overview reading through this thread. Were there any charges related to computer material... ie possession of child *advertiser censored*? After the post and subsequent conversation about the dark web (is that what it's called??) here the other day, I renewed and added Norton and two or three other computer protection programs and wish I could put similar filters on my brain!! It seems like AS had an active internet life, albeit unconfirmed, coupled with the *advertiser censored*-addiction past and the sleuthing done here... Maybe the computer LE are still working but it'd be interesting to see if any charges come from that or to see how they can sure up the case against him. His word means nothing, imo, his computer will be good in verifying. v. Sigg Charging Document.pdf
I hope so too.
I fear he was into snuff films. Is that what they're called?

I agree with you and this has been in the back of my mind all along. I just didn't want to bring it up. But, I think he also maybe did not have a helper, but I think others knew what he had done. If he thought what he did was okay, it stands to reason there are others out there that would go along with him. Others who feel the same way. That is what is so scary. jmo
Ugh. Of course. Lies lies lies. Blaming others. The little brother too. I'd think he would have his computer protected by passwords and covered his tracks. Would be surprised if he let anyone touch his computer or any of his other "tools" but blaming others, yes. Also I'm guessing he was home alone alot when the brother and mother were out or away so his computer activity -could- be attributed to him but hope you're right that there's enough to keep him locked away for life. I don't think this mom is like Cindy A down in Orlando willing to lie about computer searches to cover for her kid. Where's that little head banging icon you included... I second that!

I posted a link (perhaps yesterday) where Austin was described by friends as staying after school often in grade 11 to use the computers. That suggests to me that he didn't have access to a computer at home at that time. This would make sense if his *advertiser censored* addiction was tied to computer use. School computer use is monitored (I would think), so he wouldn't have been watching snuff films and *advertiser censored* at school. Here it is:

"Former high school classmates painted a picture of the 5-foot-6, 160-pound Sigg as an intelligent teen who often wore black and complained about school but who would stay late sometimes to work on computers."
Question regarding parental responsibility: Is it our responsibility as parents to monitor our minor childs music choices? If we have a preteen or teen child who requests to go to a concert where the band playing has songs titled Murder, Murder, Murder and Serial Killa, is it our job as parents to say NO?. Theoretically, what is our culpability if we allow (and pay for) our children to attend such concerts and they then commit crimes that mimic the lyrics?

Not implying music makes kids serial killers. BUT I do believe it can be a tiny piece of a puzzle that when combined with already present mental issues....can contribute, creating an altered accepted reality for someone who is already evil.

Do the parent(s) hold any responsibility in this scenario?

Again..not implying anything. Just wondering.

Any mental health experts want to weigh in?

I'm not an expert by any means, but I just don't think music choices make parents liable in any way, shape, or form. My grandmother thought for sure I was going to he** for listening to "that rock and roll music!" (Mellencamp, Springsteen, the Eagles, Bryan Adams - you know, all those 'evil' bands), while my younger brother listened to some really hard core rap that even made me cringe. Neither of us has raped or murdered anyone (well AFAIK I suppose, but I know I haven't and I'd be beyond shocked if he has). I can't imagine any parent being expected to base a kid's rules and restrictions on the kid's music choices. I think all that'd do is either make the music more "shocking" or make the kid hide what they were listening to better. IMO.
I posted a link (perhaps yesterday) where Austin was described by friends as staying after school often in grade 11 to use the computers. That suggests to me that he didn't have access to a computer at home at that time. This would make sense if his *advertiser censored* addiction was tied to computer use. School computer use is monitored (I would think), so he wouldn't have been watching snuff films and *advertiser censored* at school. Here it is:

"Former high school classmates painted a picture of the 5-foot-6, 160-pound Sigg as an intelligent teen who often wore black and complained about school but who would stay late sometimes to work on computers."

Wouldn't vile stuff like *advertiser censored* (of all kinds) be blocked from school computers? :waitasec:
I see this is mentioned by otto too. I had the original post in mind.
Wouldn't vile stuff like *advertiser censored* (of all kinds) be blocked from school computers? :waitasec:

It shud be, but kids these days are so tech savvy they can find a way around the restrictions schools put on their computers.
I posted a link (perhaps yesterday) where Austin was described by friends as staying after school often in grade 11 to use the computers. That suggests to me that he didn't have access to a computer at home at that time. This would make sense if his *advertiser censored* addiction was tied to computer use. School computer use is monitored (I would think), so he wouldn't have been watching snuff films and *advertiser censored* at school. Here it is:

"Former high school classmates painted a picture of the 5-foot-6, 160-pound Sigg as an intelligent teen who often wore black and complained about school but who would stay late sometimes to work on computers."

I thought computers at schools and libraries had some kind of "locks" on them to deny access to certain sites, or had some kind of alarm built in that would shut it down if certain things were searched....not so?
I thought computers at schools and libraries had some kind of "locks" on them to deny access to certain sites, or had some kind of alarm built in that would shut it down if certain things were searched....not so?

I know my children laugh at the fact social media sites are restricted in their high school, yet they go on them all the time in the i.t suite. All the kids do, they just bypass the restrictions. They said it's easy. That being said, i'm sure *advertiser censored* sites would be a different matter altogether.
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