CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct. 2012 - #22

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You could have a point there.

They'll get to him anyway, sooner or later.

He can't avoid the realities of incarceration for ever.

I'm fairly sure there are a few lifers in Colo jails who are dads or grandads, just rubbing their hands together and drawing straws for when they can give ARS a taste of his own medicine.

Kiddie rapers can hand it out, but are not very good at taking it.

He will spend the rest of his life shaking in fear...just like poor little Jessica did...but he won't have the release of death to look forward to for many, many years.

They definitely have enough charges against him. They are likely stacking them just in case he decides to plead not guilty and then try to plead it out.

The prosecutor is not obligated to offer a plea bargain nor to accept any proffer from the defence.
Great to hear that Sigg is being charged as an adult. Sad to hear he sexually assaulted Jessica. So he is a rapist, and would rape a child as well as an adult. I don't think he had any preferences in terms of age.

When I read the charge about the robbery, I wonder if he grabbed Jessica by her backpack and threw her in the car while she was still wearing it? I'm not reading anything about him using a noxious substance i.e. a chemical on a rag to knock her out.
So, he grabbed her off the street and got her in the vehicle all by himself based on the charges.

I remember watching Oprah or some similar show that stated the people can grab kids by their backpacks if they wear the pack properly, over both shoulders. It traps the child and they will get pulled back by someone who grabs the pack.

Plead guilty Sigg. And give the whole story.
Well if that is fact it is just WONDERFUL news!


Some of you seem to relish the idea of AS getting raped and stabbed in prison. But remember that the prisoner who thinks he has society's permission to harm others will leave prison with the same attitude. And those brutalized in such a prison come out worse than when they went in. A society that allows prisoners to prey on each other isn't acting in it's own best interest. It is just creating more skilled predators.
I think the charges of crime of violence have to do with her dismemberment.

If he is convicted as a minor charged as an adult, Sigg faces life in prison with the possibility of parole after 40 years on a single first-degree murder charge. Convictions on the additional charges would lengthen the sentence, Dvorchak said.

District Attorney Scott Storey declined to say what charges Sigg will likely face but said charging Sigg as an adult is "the right thing to do." As a 17-year-old, Sigg can be tried and, if convicted, punished as an adult in the case. But after U.S. Supreme Court rulings in other cases, he would not be eligible for the death penalty or a mandatory life term without parole.

Some of you seem to relish the idea of AS getting raped and stabbed in prison. But remember that the prisoner who thinks he has society's permission to harm others will leave prison with the same attitude. And those brutalized in such a prison come out worse than when they went in. A society that allows prisoners to prey on each other isn't acting in it's own best interest. It is just creating more skilled predators.

I understand that but that is the way it goes. Some things are just an eye for an eye and this is one of them.

Some of you seem to relish the idea of AS getting raped and stabbed in prison. But remember that the prisoner who thinks he has society's permission to harm others will leave prison with the same attitude. And those brutalized in such a prison come out worse than when they went in. A society that allows prisoners to prey on each other isn't acting in it's own best interest. It is just creating more skilled predators.

If LE can prove someone in prison raped another inmate then free world charges will be filed against that inmate and he would be tried for that assault. The only way to stop that type of thing from happening would be to have 24/7 surveillance and that still may not stop it, but would name the attacker. It seems to be one of the disadvantages of being thrown into prison with every kind of diviate on the planet. If you make it out unscathed you're either tougher than your attacker, have a network of "friends" or in a minimun security environment.
Question regarding parental responsibility: Is it our responsibility as parents to monitor our minor childs music choices? If we have a preteen or teen child who requests to go to a concert where the band playing has songs titled Murder, Murder, Murder and Serial Killa, is it our job as parents to say NO?. Theoretically, what is our culpability if we allow (and pay for) our children to attend such concerts and they then commit crimes that mimic the lyrics?

Not implying music makes kids serial killers. BUT I do believe it can be a tiny piece of a puzzle that when combined with already present mental issues....can contribute, creating an altered accepted reality for someone who is already evil.

Do the parent(s) hold any responsibility in this scenario?

Again..not implying anything. Just wondering.

Any mental health experts want to weigh in?
No, My belief is they are there to protect him mostly. After all, murderers and child abusers have rights.:furious:

Take away Sigg's rights, and you are taking away the rights of anyone who has ever been charged with a crime.

Some of you seem to relish the idea of AS getting raped and stabbed in prison. But remember that the prisoner who thinks he has society's permission to harm others will leave prison with the same attitude. And those brutalized in such a prison come out worse than when they went in. A society that allows prisoners to prey on each other isn't acting in it's own best interest. It is just creating more skilled predators.

Well let's take this even further and ask why the poor kiddie raper has to go to jail in the first place, as clearly he's sick and sick people shouldn't be punished.

Let me find some compassion in my heart for the raping murdering little ****....

Looks like I'm fresh out. Sorry and all...:banghead:

But I'll be on the cheer squad if he's made to suffer even one fraction of the amount he made little Jessica suffer.

Some of you seem to relish the idea of AS getting raped and stabbed in prison. But remember that the prisoner who thinks he has society's permission to harm others will leave prison with the same attitude. And those brutalized in such a prison come out worse than when they went in. A society that allows prisoners to prey on each other isn't acting in it's own best interest. It is just creating more skilled predators.

Thank you, Footwarrior.

I have had vengeful thoughts in the past along those lines. What stopped me was when someone I greatly respected as a spiritual person asked what was the difference between hoping a rapist is raped and a rapist choosing a victim. To the rapist, the victim in some way deserves being raped. The only difference is in who is being chosen as a target.

Compassion is a constant struggle for me. It is easy to feel compassionate for Jessica and her family. It is not so easy for me to find compassion for Sigg and yet I accept that I must do so.

Some of you seem to relish the idea of AS getting raped and stabbed in prison. But remember that the prisoner who thinks he has society's permission to harm others will leave prison with the same attitude. And those brutalized in such a prison come out worse than when they went in. A society that allows prisoners to prey on each other isn't acting in it's own best interest. It is just creating more skilled predators.

I don't wish that for him. I know a lot of people believe an eye for an eye and all of that but I believe justice must come in the form of the judicial system at work. He is accused of terrible things but he is not yet convicted of them.
Regarding the robbery charge-I have mentioned on here before that I was the victim of an abduction/sexual assault. One of the charges the perp faced in my case, among others, was aggravated robbery. The AR charge was based solely on the fact that they found my bra in the garbage can at his residence. The legal reasoning was that 1.) He forced me to remove the bra by force (in commission of the sexual assault) and 2.) It was in his possession (even though he tried to discard it)

That charge was dropped pretty early on, IIRC because it would have violated the double jeopardy rule. We will probably see the same thing happen in this case-along with many of the other charges (AS certainly cannot be convicted of 4 murder counts for the same victim, for example) but from a legal standpoint, prosecutors want to stick anything and everything they can get for him early on because it is more difficult to tack on additional charges after the arraignment (not to mention it will slow down the judicial process)

I don't believe that the robbery charge shouldn't be interpreted as anything more than the facts show Austin Sigg forcibly removed Jessica's backpack at some point during the commission of the kidnapping/sexual assault/murder, and at one point had her property unlawfully in his possession.

Hope that makes sense :)

ETA-Also in my case, the perp was charged with 2 charges of unlawful restraint/kidnapping- One for not allowing me to leave his vehicle, and one for taking me to a separate location. I see that Sigg also has 2 charges of kidnapping. That tells me he did NOT kill her right there in his car, as he has claimed (not that I ever believed him in the first place :furious:) but took her to a second location, where he killed her :(

Also just want to make it clear I'm not bringing this up to get anyone's sympathy, just to help some of this legalese make a bit more sense :)

Some of you seem to relish the idea of AS getting raped and stabbed in prison. But remember that the prisoner who thinks he has society's permission to harm others will leave prison with the same attitude. And those brutalized in such a prison come out worse than when they went in. A society that allows prisoners to prey on each other isn't acting in it's own best interest. It is just creating more skilled predators.

While I personally do not "relish" the idea of rape and stabbing, period.. I will say that prison is for punishment, not rehabilitation or counseling(while I understand that does take place in sone cases and rightfully so) in this case, with these offenders there is NO REHABILITATION..


He has every right to attempt press charges on those who perpatrate a crime on him.. Go for it Sigg!.. But it is all part of the sick, evil perversion THAT HE CHOSE TO UNLEASH ON JESSICA AND IN DOING SO WILLFULLY CHOSE PRISON WITH ALL ITS GLORIOUS "PERKS" IT COMES WITH..


Some of you seem to relish the idea of AS getting raped and stabbed in prison. But remember that the prisoner who thinks he has society's permission to harm others will leave prison with the same attitude. And those brutalized in such a prison come out worse than when they went in. A society that allows prisoners to prey on each other isn't acting in it's own best interest. It is just creating more skilled predators.

It's not about relishing for's about justice. No matter HOW bad his days are in prison they won't even come close to what Jessica had to suffer in her last moments.

I DO however believe he will have his day...with the one and only who knows who the REAL Austin Sigg is and what he's done to another. What Jessica went through will pale in comparison to what I think he has coming in HIS final moments.
It is sad to think of how his Dad must feel being there. That murderer destroyed so many lives besides the victim and her family. He ruined his parents and brother's lives too. I hope they somehow can cope with this.

But, my feelings of sadness are especially for Jessica and her family. It is so painful to even think about it, let alone live through it.

I put the blame solely on the murderer. No matter how someone is brought up, nothing excuses what this monster did. There are many examples of people having terrible childhood's and they grow up to become well established productive members of society.

I hope the tragedy ends here for both families, and hope that they can somehow not let this destroy the remainder of thier lives.

The crime(s) not only affect the immediate families, friends, also peripheral persons, investigators, search personnel, and so forth, and that is to include persons such as us posting here. With every crime there is damage done to those of us who are victims, know victims, empathize with victims. It is a ripple effect.
so he could theoretically get 16 years in prison without parole, right?
4 counts of 1st degree murder? 40 years each?
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