CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct. 2012 - #22

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I don't wish that for him. I know a lot of people believe an eye for an eye and all of that but I believe justice must come in the form of the judicial system at work. He is accused of terrible things but he is not yet convicted of them.

He confessed.

Conviction is a mere formality.
I don't wish that for him. I know a lot of people believe an eye for an eye and all of that but I believe justice must come in the form of the judicial system at work. He is accused of terrible things but he is not yet convicted of them.

Well I think he will be convicted as he confessed. I hope. I guess I have seen the judicial system fail so very many times and have come to the conclusion that sometimes justice has to be served in other ways.
I have nothing good to say at this point so I will bow out.
Good Night all.
While I personally do not "relish" the idea of rape and stabbing, period.. I will say that prison is for punishment, not rehabilitation or counseling(while I understand that does take place in sone cases and rightfully so) in this case, with these offenders there is NO REHABILITATION..


He has every right to attempt press charges on those who perpatrate a crime on him.. Go for it Sigg!.. But it is all part of the sick, evil perversion THAT HE CHOSE TO UNLEASH ON JESSICA AND IN DOING SO WILLFULLY CHOSE PRISON WITH ALL ITS GLORIOUS "PERKS" IT COMES WITH..


I agree. I basically think, in ordinary circumstances, that to do something that causes pain to others, one must be in a great deal of pain. therefore inflicting more pain on the perp does no good. BUT, in this case, as in others like this, that perspective flies out the window and if he cannot feel torment and misery from remorse, I want nothing but for him to experience pain, torment and misery for the rest of his days due to causes other than remorse.
Hang him by his you-know-what in the center of town. That's about all the compassion I have for monsters like him.
Question regarding parental responsibility: Is it our responsibility as parents to monitor our minor childs music choices? If we have a preteen or teen child who requests to go to a concert where the band playing has songs titled Murder, Murder, Murder and Serial Killa, is it our job as parents to say NO?. Theoretically, what is our culpability if we allow (and pay for) our children to attend such concerts and they then commit crimes that mimic the lyrics?

Not implying music makes kids serial killers. BUT I do believe it can be a tiny piece of a puzzle that when combined with already present mental issues....can contribute, creating an altered accepted reality for someone who is already evil.

Do the parent(s) hold any responsibility in this scenario?

Again..not implying anything. Just wondering.

Any mental health experts want to weigh in?

quite frankly, I am wondering what people think myself. There have been many who have expressed that parents play not part in what a child grows up to be. So what exactly is the role of the parent? I imagine if you don't want to go to prison, you have to provide food, shelter and clothing

Apparently, after those are fulfilled, it doesn't matter what the parent does.

Now, I do not feel that way. Someone has posted on here a list of serial killers and their home lives. I didn't get that far reading because there are sooooo many, but what I read is that the home lives were horrible.

I still continue to say that I would rather spend the money providing for a dent life for children such as good schools, childcare, parenting classes, etc than spend the horror on things like we read on WS and then the incredibly expensive law enforcement costs, the costs of trials and the costs of prison

What happens to the victim and the families are horrors Why do we allow this with our lack of providing for children in this country?
Question regarding parental responsibility: Is it our responsibility as parents to monitor our minor childs music choices? If we have a preteen or teen child who requests to go to a concert where the band playing has songs titled Murder, Murder, Murder and Serial Killa, is it our job as parents to say NO?. Theoretically, what is our culpability if we allow (and pay for) our children to attend such concerts and they then commit crimes that mimic the lyrics?

Not implying music makes kids serial killers. BUT I do believe it can be a tiny piece of a puzzle that when combined with already present mental issues....can contribute, creating an altered accepted reality for someone who is already evil.

Do the parent(s) hold any responsibility in this scenario?

Again..not implying anything. Just wondering.

Any mental health experts want to weigh in?

it's not music in this case. it's child *advertiser censored*, probably gore *advertiser censored*, probably with abuse of children involved. so I'd say, yah, there should have been more parental responsibility and oversight.

kids these days - they should have more supervision obviously.
they shouldn't be walking alone when there's a predator on the loose, and kids shouldn't be so messed up and so free to be predators in the first place.
I'm still not convinced about AS being the person responsible for Amy Ahonen but I guess it is possible.

She did happen to go missing right after a holiday, which seems to be part of AS's M.O.

She was also 38 years old and had posted an ad or a roommate on Craigslist. Something in connection with that advertisement had her very afraid.
I agree. I basically think, in ordinary circumstances, that to do something that causes pain to others, one must be in a great deal of pain. therefore inflicting more pain on the perp does no good. BUT, in this case, as in others like this, that perspective flies out the window and if he cannot feel torment and misery from remorse, I want nothing but for him to experience pain, torment and misery for the rest of his days due to causes other than remorse.

Indeed, he appears to have no remorse.

Interrupting the Judge when his charges were read out, not making eye contact with anyone, shedding no tears at what destruction he has wrought, even upon his own "loved ones".

The judicial system itself rolls off the back of these freaks. They have no concept of grief, regret, or empathy. They just feel unlucky to get caught.

I believe a stint as "victim" may well be the ONLY thing that gets through to these animals.
Regarding the robbery charge-I have mentioned on here before that I was the victim of an abduction/sexual assault. One of the charges the perp faced in my case, among others, was aggravated robbery. The AR charge was based solely on the fact that they found my bra in the garbage can at his residence. The legal reasoning was that 1.) He forced me to remove the bra by force (in commission of the sexual assault) and 2.) It was in his possession (even though he tried to discard it)

That charge was dropped pretty early on, IIRC because it would have violated the double jeopardy rule. We will probably see the same thing happen in this case-along with many of the other charges (AS certainly cannot be convicted of 4 murder counts for the same victim, for example) but from a legal standpoint, prosecutors want to stick anything and everything they can get for him early on because it is more difficult to tack on additional charges after the arraignment (not to mention it will slow down the judicial process)

I don't believe that the robbery charge shouldn't be interpreted as anything more than the facts show Austin Sigg forcibly removed Jessica's backpack at some point during the commission of the kidnapping/sexual assault/murder, and at one point had her property unlawfully in his possession.

Hope that makes sense :)

ETA-Also in my case, the perp was charged with 2 charges of unlawful restraint/kidnapping- One for not allowing me to leave his vehicle, and one for taking me to a separate location. I see that Sigg also has 2 charges of kidnapping. That tells me he did NOT kill her right there in his car, as he has claimed (not that I ever believed him in the first place :furious:) but took her to a second location, where he killed her :(

Also just want to make it clear I'm not bringing this up to get anyone's sympathy, just to help some of this legalese make a bit more sense :)

I wanted to sincerely thank you for sharing your story, Tree. I'm glad you survived and are here to advocate for other victims/survivors of crime. (((Hugs)))
newbie and not sure if am doing this right--anyways i can see why all the different charges--i used to be a victim advocate for a court where i lived and the wording played a key role---reading his charges (AS) the one we all cringed at so much--hate to say it myself--the monster--anyways it said "sexual CONTACT" not conduct---where Ilive that type of wording would meant more of touching not penetration of anysort--to be that the wording would have been CONDUCT--is that the same there in CO???? not that it isnt bad enough--sick

also the cross--was wondering if maybe the crooked "S" on the back was his initials??? IF it was left at JR scene i think it was an accident and a high power, or "g*d send" incident put it there if you know what i mean---guess i get hung up on if it was found with the jogger--i truly do not understand why LE didnt or wouldnt have pursued anyone recognizing it back then

again hope this is written okay
I think at this point they would charge him with jaywalking and spitting on the sidewalk if they could. It appears from the document that they're chasing every aspect of criminal behavior they can match to a state statute.

I'm surprised there is no charge of abuse of a corpse, but perhaps the crimes of violence charges address that. I would have thought it would have been a separate charge given what he did to her and presumably at more than one location.
Does Colorado have abuse of a corpse as a criminal offense? Some states may not. Florida did not until a horrific crime - a young man and his friend murdered his mother. The friend had sex with the mother's corpse then they dumped her body down a well.

When the body was found and the men were arrested (it didn't take long since they were living in the mother's house and spending her Social Security checks) the DA was surprised to find out that Florida did not have any offenses about abuse of a corpse. The next legislative session one was passed that included necrophilia but that was too late to charge the men for that crime.

That was about twenty years ago so there are no online links I can find about the crime. The mother had been a customer of my husband's so we kept track of it.
Does Colorado have abuse of a corpse as a criminal offense? Some states may not. Florida did not until a horrific crime - a young man and his friend murdered his mother. The friend had sex with the mother's corpse then they dumped her body down a well.

When the body was found and the men were arrested (it didn't take long since they were living in the mother's house and spending her Social Security checks) the DA was surprised to find out that Florida did not have any offenses about abuse of a corpse. The next legislative session one was passed that included necrophilia but that was too late to charge the men for that crime.

That was about twenty years ago so there are no online links I can find about the crime. The mother had been a customer of my husband's so we kept track of it.

On a prior page, someone provided a link to "abuse of a corpse" legislation. It is a misdemeanor in CO
Suicide jacket? I always thought those were bulletproof vests for their protection?

Oops sorry, should've posted a link. While I sometimes question the accuracy of Wikipedia, I think the link's ok here and this looks like what I'm talking about: I guess it's referred to as a smock rather than a jacket. Here's another article about them:
Please don't miss a special edition of the Levi Page Spreecast tonight (Tuesday) 10 PM Eastern.

I am honored to be Levi's guest tonight. The topic will be Jessica Ridgeway.

CLICK HERE to watch Levi's Spreecast tonight 10 PM Eastern.

IMO - the legalese seems to "sanitize" what happened.

Here's an example of sanitization from my direct experience:

While visiting a concentration camp, for example, there were placards stating things such as: 10,000 people were hanged in this place, or shot in this place.

Also, I mentioned earlier that I had seen the words that were written on that little shack/building at a concentration camp: Abandon all hope... I did see those words at Dachau, FYI. I said on a gate. Now, that I recall, they were written or etched on a wall there.
If LE can prove someone in prison raped another inmate then free world charges will be filed against that inmate and he would be tried for that assault. The only way to stop that type of thing from happening would be to have 24/7 surveillance and that still may not stop it, but would name the attacker. It seems to be one of the disadvantages of being thrown into prison with every kind of diviate on the planet. If you make it out unscathed you're either tougher than your attacker, have a network of "friends" or in a minimun security environment.

Look up direct supervision prisons when you get a chance. These are facilities designed and run so that inmates are never out of view of the corrections officers. Run properly, they can effectively quash prison culture. Inmates don't have the privacy that allows them to intimidate other prisoners.

Such facilities are cheaper to run, have a lower rate of recidivism than standard prisons and are less stressful for the prison staff.
I read the charging document as ATTEMPTED sexual assault on the jogger.. I saw it stated upthread as an actual sexual assault,, but this is mistaken, right?..the jogger is an ATTEMPTED sexual assault, right?..just wanting to make sure I am not misunderstanding..

newbie and not sure if am doing this right--anyways i can see why all the different charges--i used to be a victim advocate for a court where i lived and the wording played a key role---reading his charges (AS) the one we all cringed at so much--hate to say it myself--the monster--anyways it said "sexual CONTACT" not conduct---where Ilive that type of wording would meant more of touching not penetration of anysort--to be that the wording would have been CONDUCT--is that the same there in CO???? not that it isnt bad enough--sick

also the cross--was wondering if maybe the crooked "S" on the back was his initials??? IF it was left at JR scene i think it was an accident and a high power, or "g*d send" incident put it there if you know what i mean---guess i get hung up on if it was found with the jogger--i truly do not understand why LE didnt or wouldnt have pursued anyone recognizing it back then

again hope this is written okay

Thank you for your insights. Contact versus conduct ... every word having a distinct meaning ... so true.
I read the charging document as ATTEMPTED sexual assault on the jogger.. I saw it stated upthread as an actual sexual assault,, but this is mistaken, right?..the jogger is an ATTEMPTED sexual assault, right?..just wanting to make sure I am not misunderstanding..


Yes-attempted SA, 2nd degree kidnapping and murder on the jogger. All with crimes of violence enhancements.
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