CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct. 2012 - #23

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Someone could look like Johnny Depp and have all the persuasive powers in the world, and I am not going to exchange vows with them while ON THE STAND in the penalty phase of their trial for identity theft, least of all for yet another conviction for murdering women. Yes it is very very very easy to judge. That said, I hope his daughter is doing well because no one deserves that kind of back story.

However, this really has nothing to do with Jessica and, save being evil, Sigg doesn't seem very much like Bundy at all so it's probably off topic. However, you know there are some women out there right now, thinking that Sigg may just be their soul mate. It's all so weird.
I forgot what I came to post after reading (and thinking) about prison penpals, admirers, and groupies. A whole seperate sub-culture of creepy sickos. A while back in reference to ARS someone posted a great summary of the different profiles of individuals who correspond and engage in relationships with prisoners. Yuck.
That on top of the foundation arrogantly using Jessica's name against her family's wishes is maddening. The ripple effects of criminals and their crimes - neverending.
WS is such a nice safe haven.
I forgot what I came to post after reading (and thinking) about prison penpals, admirers, and groupies. A whole seperate sub-culture of creepy sickos. A while back in reference to ARS someone posted a great summary of the different profiles of individuals who correspond and engage in relationships with prisoners. Yuck.
That on top of the foundation arrogantly using Jessica's name against her family's wishes is maddening. The ripple effects of criminals and their crimes - neverending.
WS is such a nice safe haven.

Believe it or not, the vultures are even worse for the families of the missing. They get hit up by self proclaimed psychics, by private investigators offering their services, by fake search dog handlers, etc, and then by all the believers in the foregoing, everyone telling them that if they will just pay out some more money, their loved one will be found.

It is truly, truly awful and I'm glad Jessica's family has been spared most of that.
Is this one truly supported by the Ridgeway family and not a sham like that other charity? I don't do Facebook, so I can't investigate this on my own. Thanks for double checking for me!

Post made in October by Westminster PD on their Facebook page regarding official donations.

Westminster PD
Please remember the only way to officially donate to the Jessica Ridgeay Benefit is to go to We cannot validate the authenticity of any other sites.
I have a very close friend who has a step son that has lived with her and her husband for the last 10 years. He is 12 now. Since he was around 7 she told me that she is afraid of him. She often thinks of divorcing because of the step son. He has ADHD, has some autistic issues, he has always been on medication. She sleeps with her bedroom door locked and sleeps with a gun under her pillow. The husband does not see anything wrong with his son. He buys him guns every year for Christmas. My friend has said she does not want him to have access to guns but her husband uses the excuse that HE is the biological father and can decide these things. The husband is retired military. After my friend shared everything with me I stopped seeing her. I have a son the same age and I felt limiting the contact was appropriate. I have known her for over 30 years. I have to admit that her kid scared me from the first day I met him. He does what he wants, how he wants, talks back in a menacing way and now that he is physically taller and bigger than my friend she is even more scared. However she does not see a way to help him. He is always kicked out of school for violence and he hurts her dogs. The last time he hurt her doxen (sp) he broke her 2 front legs. Lied about it but since they were the only 2 home she knew it was him. she lied to the vet.

Until he kills someone what IS there to do? She says the step son needs her for stability and does not want to give up on him.She has no biological children of her own. Everyone in her family wants her leave but she just won't. she feels that he would get worse with just his father but at the same time she has no legal recourse due to being a step parent.

From what I gathered he was born this way, was a very difficult baby, his mother abandoned him while his father was overseas,he just exudes evil to me. It's the look in his eyes or rather the humanity that is missing in his eyes.

What would you do if you were my friend?

Oh my, my, Victor. That is a scary scenario. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. <shiver> Is the boy in a therapy group or in a private school somewhere? (It didn't sound like either was happening.)

Bigger than she is, and he's 12. Will the family even be there when he is 15? If I were she, I would at least talk to someone outside the family to get perspective -- a psychological professional or a shrink, a pastor, or a social worker. There has got to be something that can be done before she tells her husband she is leaving unless the son gets some definite help outside the home. I am sorry that you've had to separate yourself from her, but I think I would have to do the same thing -- you've got to protect your son from danger, from getting coaxed into doing something harmful to someone else, or from getting in trouble with the law. I feel sure your friend knows why there is a distance between you now. How awful for you, your son and your friend's whole family.

How do these things happen?? Is it a physical/genetic disorder of the frontal lobe? We just don't know enuff yet... And people suffer....
Someone just like Austin, only older:

Chris Wilson ... obsessed with death and murder, wanted to be a mortician ... no reaction when arrested. Trial was May 2012, Washington.

This sounds familiar: "Wilson was sentenced to 14 years, 3 months in prison, the maximum sentence he faced for the killing. He also pleaded guilty to first-degree robbery, as well as second-degree assault on another woman."
The courts gag order + the threads gag order on profiling AS psychology = not much left to be able to discuss. All that remains is more circutious debates on where he grabbed Jessica or what he did to her and with her remains, none of which will be confirmed til trial, if then.

I don't think there's a problem with throwing out hypotheticals in terms of: what made him who he is, but I think the examples have to be based on non-personal references. Regarding the discussion about autism spectrum disorder, asperger syndrome, or other dyslexia ... we haven't really seen anything to suggest that he has those problems. That's not to say that he doesn't have these or other problems. I'm curious about aligning something we know about Sigg with the definition of one of those disorders.

He doesn't look like he's into drugs - maybe tried pot, maybe acid, but perhaps he has a kind of arrogant, entitled attitude ... maybe it's worse when he's one on one. It sounds like the attack on the jogger was very aggressive, where the intent to subjugate and rape was very clear. That's not the "kind" Austin from two years earlier that we heard about from the girlfriend.
I have a very close friend who has a step son that has lived with her and her husband for the last 10 years. He is 12 now. Since he was around 7 she told me that she is afraid of him. She often thinks of divorcing because of the step son. He has ADHD, has some autistic issues, he has always been on medication. She sleeps with her bedroom door locked and sleeps with a gun under her pillow. The husband does not see anything wrong with his son. He buys him guns every year for Christmas. My friend has said she does not want him to have access to guns but her husband uses the excuse that HE is the biological father and can decide these things. The husband is retired military. After my friend shared everything with me I stopped seeing her. I have a son the same age and I felt limiting the contact was appropriate. I have known her for over 30 years. I have to admit that her kid scared me from the first day I met him. He does what he wants, how he wants, talks back in a menacing way and now that he is physically taller and bigger than my friend she is even more scared. However she does not see a way to help him. He is always kicked out of school for violence and he hurts her dogs. The last time he hurt her doxen (sp) he broke her 2 front legs. Lied about it but since they were the only 2 home she knew it was him. she lied to the vet.

Until he kills someone what IS there to do? She says the step son needs her for stability and does not want to give up on him.She has no biological children of her own. Everyone in her family wants her leave but she just won't. she feels that he would get worse with just his father but at the same time she has no legal recourse due to being a step parent.

From what I gathered he was born this way, was a very difficult baby, his mother abandoned him while his father was overseas,he just exudes evil to me. It's the look in his eyes or rather the humanity that is missing in his eyes.

What would you do if you were my friend?

I would be out of there so fast you that wouldn't be able to see me for dust and small stones.
What is a child sociopath?

A total of 44 mental age- and IQ-matched 10-13 yr old normal and sociopathic boys were administered L. Kohlberg's moral development interview and the WISC.

Results reveal that level of moral reasoning was higher for normal than for sociopathic Ss at both mental age levels. Within each group, high-mental-age Ss tended to have higher moral judgment scores than low-mental-age Ss, suggesting the presence of a general cognitive factor underlying moral development. The poorer performance of the sociopathic Ss was interpreted as supporting the formulation that sociopathy is related to an arrest in moral development. Discussion focuses on the relative lack of opportunities for role-taking and identification in the families of sociopathic children. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Moral judgment in sociopathic and normal children.
Campagna, Anthony F.; Harter, Susan
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 31(2), Feb 1975, 199-205. doi: 10.1037/h0076318
Maybe Austin has bipolar disorder ... he was manic when he was hunting a jogger or grabbing a child off the street, and then in one lucid moment, he told his mother.
I would be out of there so fast you that wouldn't be able to see me for dust and small stones.

He sounds like a very cold child, but since he is only 12 ...

I would ask the parent ... Isn't there some possibility that he could still turn into something that speaks of a prosperous, happy life? What if he was told that he is built like a rower ... tall, slim at age 12 ... ask him if he'd like to row, set his sights on the olympics. Look at him, help him identify what he does well ... build on it ... figuring it out is the tough part ... but once you figure it out, seize the day.
"Discussion focuses on the relative lack of opportunities for role-taking ... in the families of sociopathic children."
(above quoted article)

That's an interesting conclusion ... lack of opportunities for role-taking in families of sociopathic children. Austin didn't seem to have a good male role model, and from the sounds of the finances, his mom was really busy. He obviously learned to drive, but was he morally vacant with no role-based boundaries?
He sounds like a very cold child, but since he is only 12 ...

I would ask the parent ... Isn't there some possibility that he could still turn into something that speaks of a prosperous, happy life? What if he was told that he is built like a rower ... tall, slim at age 12 ... ask him if he'd like to row, set his sights on the olympics. Look at him, help him identify what he does well ... build on it ... figuring it out is the tough part ... but once you figure it out, seize the day.

"She sleeps with her bedroom door locked and sleeps with a gun under her pillow." "He is always kicked out of school for violence and he hurts her dogs. The last time he hurt her doxen (sp) he broke her 2 front legs."

Some people might be able to handle living in a situation like that but I personally couldn't live like that. Not when I have to sleep with a gun under my pillow because I'm so afraid of him and also wondering what he was going to do next to my pets. Not saying that he can't be helped but I wouldn't be staying around to find out.
Some people might be able to handle living in a situation like that but I personally couldn't live like that. Not when I have to sleep with a gun under my pillow because I'm so afraid of him and also wondering what he was going to do next to my pets. Not saying that he can't be helped but I wouldn't be staying around to find out.

Most countries don't allow for that ... something should be done well before someone is sleeping with a rifle under the pillow.

Perhaps staying around in the first place was the mistake. Did I read that this relationship started when the child was ... can't remember exactly ... an evil looking infant, or was it a toddler ... mean child? The relationship between step mother and child started with fear and the step mother is still afraid 8 .. 10 years later? What in the world kind of childhood is that?

Children that hear I beg your pardon grow up to say pardon me (rather than what), children that hear swearing eventually swear every third word, children that are mean may have had a rough treatment.
Most countries don't allow for that ... something should be done well before someone is sleeping with a rifle under the pillow.

Perhaps staying around in the first place was the mistake. Did I read that this relationship started when the child was ... can't remember exactly ... an evil looking infant, or was it a toddler ... mean child? The relationship between step mother and child started with fear and the step mother is still afraid 8 .. 10 years later? What in the world kind of childhood is that?

Children that hear I beg your pardon grow up to say pardon me (rather than what), children that hear swearing eventually swear every third word, children that are mean may have had a rough treatment.

Yes, it was posted that the "step son that has lived with her and her husband for the last 10 years. He is 12 now" and that the "friend has said she does not want him to have access to guns but her husband uses the excuse that HE is the biological father and can decide these things." Also, "The husband does not see anything wrong with his son."

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO - *ARREST!* Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct. 2012 - #23[/ame]
Someone just like Austin, only older:

Chris Wilson ... obsessed with death and murder, wanted to be a mortician ... no reaction when arrested. Trial was May 2012, Washington.

This sounds familiar: "Wilson was sentenced to 14 years, 3 months in prison, the maximum sentence he faced for the killing. He also pleaded guilty to first-degree robbery, as well as second-degree assault on another woman."

Read the second article referenced to get an understanding of how the trial went.

Here's a novel idea I have: The justice system in this country should be changed so that the Victim(s) also have a Defense Team in addition to the Prosecution Team.
Find a therapist for myself who has a good track record in helping parents of difficult children. Such therapists are not exactly thick on the ground, so I would be prepared to travel up to a 180 mile radius of my home in order to find one.

My bold above.

Who would pay for the gas, let alone the time taken off from work for research, appointments, transportation?

My bold above.

Who would pay for the gas, let alone the time taken off from work for research, appointments, transportation?

The vast majority of the research would be done via the Internet. Time off for appointments might not be a huge issue, since many therapists keep hours outside of normal business hours because so many of their clients have to work.

As for appointments and transportation, I was assuming that I was still able to drive.

Since this is not a situation involving a single parent, I'd tell the boy's father that he has to step up and supervise his own child for one 8 hour session each week (transportation time plus appointment time). And heck, that might be enough to give the father a more realistic view of his own child.

Most of all, if I was afraid for my life, I would find the money. If that meant forgoing two meals a day all week, well, I've done that in times of need. If it meant begging family and friends for loans for the purpose, I've done that too. If that meant taking out a mortgage on my house, I'd do it (and I am so averse to mortgages that I saved the money to buy a house rather than co-own with a bank).

This woman is sleeping in a locked bedroom with a gun under her pillow. I think her subconscious is sending her a very loud and very graphic message: she is living with someone who wants to kill her. And if her subconscious mind is so poorly calibrated that it is sending her the wrong message, she needs to know that as well. Unfortunately, I tend to think her subconscious is right on target.

To me, that demands making finding help the highest priority in her life. She needs professional advice and professional help. The sort of help she needs is not exactly easy to find, so she has to be prepared to have to make significant sacrifices in time, energy and money to get it.

Going without two meals a day for months on end is not fun. Begging other people for money is not fun. I know that from experience. But it is one heck of a lot better than becoming the subject of a thread on WS.

Read the second article referenced to get an understanding of how the trial went.

Here's a novel idea I have: The justice system in this country should be changed so that the Victim(s) also have a Defense Team in addition to the Prosecution Team.

It's a brilliant idea. The "justice" system would actually be worthy of its name. But we wouldn't want to infringe upon the defendant's rights, now would we....:banghead:
I am hoping that someday the amount of missing and found murdered people will go way down.

We know a lot about what makes people strike out.

Although this article is about borderline personality disorder, it talks about rage

Rage underlies so many issues. If we increase the treatment of rage, we will see a huge decrease in harmful behavior.
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