CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #7

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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BEWARE: unpopular thoughts ahead!
Even if the father called - mom never would have answered!!! Her phone was off and nowhere near her. So then what? Should the father have banged on the door and then knock it down when mom didn't answer? I mean, where is the line drawn in laying responsibility on this man?

Of course you're 100% right about the extent to which getting ahold of Mom would have been impossible anyhow.

I regret making that emotional post. I think seeing her new beautiful pictures and knowing that she was out there, helpless, while people slept, went on about their day without a concern (while knowing she hadn't shown), was just too much after the last few days. I don't doubt that Mom and neighbors are kicking themselves for what they could have/should have done.

I think I just need a break.
CAn a local tell me if homes in the area (on average) have basements?
Please excuse graphic comment...
The extensive time it is taking to identify the remains, leads me to believe that they are having to use DNA, which probably means, the head, hands and feet may be missing (unless they have been recovered and her prints are not on file...which is hard to believe considering her prints had to be in the house) or it was set on fire. Either way it takes a great deal of privacy to do either. The suspect probably lives alone or has some type of secluded area either at home or maybe where he works to have been able to do this.

Most Colorado homes I know do have basements unless it is specified on the land survey that it is in a flood plane. We could maybe tell with google images if there are basements in the houses, they would have windows in window wells.

ETA: Or a crawl space
Very possible, callyn. If true, this would possibly indicate that the perp is retaliating against the Justice system for a prior perceived injustice, imo..
A friend, family member, or coworker would easily identify this perp if this info was shared by investigators, imo.

BBM - this crossed my mind as well.
Just a thought, could monster live near where the deceased was found?
If he does he could be seen on the land as a hunter and no one would be the wiser.
And he could easily place her there in broad daylight.
Never be on the road.
Never cross the fence,etc.
He could watch all the excitement when she was found
very sick,

"This is the type of critical info that should be shared with the MS Media, imo. If investigators have a vehicle description of the green truck; make, model, & year, etc. It could be very important"
(Snipped from link)

Investigators continued to search the field where the body was found for evidence and clues.

Neighbors said they talked to police about seeing anything suspicious leading up to the discovery of the body.

“I’m very sorry. I’m very much afraid that it’s the little girl,” said Shirley Snyder.

Snyder lives just a few streets away from where the grim discovery surfaced.

“They asked if I had seen anything suspicious in my backyard, like thrown over my fence,” said Snyder.

“That’s as much quiet country as you can get. There’s nothing back there from this house to 93 there’s nothing,” said neighbor Chris Mourie.

Mourie is one of several neighbors who have told police about suspicious activity in the community.

“There was a green pickup truck that was parked there yesterday. Because this was such a remote area we really don’t see that many people,” said Mourie.
the person to blame is the predator that took this child.

no one else.

Can someone fill me in (sorry, I know it's annoying!). Did the conference happen yet and any new info coming out today? TIA and I love you all!
Yes and we know from the Anthony case garbage bags can be matched. It may help too if they have a suspect or when they do.

And from Loralei and Heather Sims case (Paula Sims).

Anxious Colo. parents protect children as officers search for suspect in girl's disappearance

Colo parents anxious as police search for abductor

By P. SOLOMON BANDA | Associated Press | 18 minutes ago in

Anxious parents kept close and protective watch over their children on Friday after the FBI warned them that a 10-year-old girl who vanished a week earlier may have been abducted by someone they know.


More at the Source:
Can someone fill me in (sorry, I know it's annoying!). Did the conference happen yet and any new info coming out today? TIA and I love you all!

not yet and not a clue as to when it could be either...
In our school systems...there are "emergency contact" numbers/persons for the school to contact when they can't reach parents. You must have a minimum of 3 EC #s on file with the school. Perhaps Jessica's mom relies on a similar system in case of emergency? Just a thought. I'm not sure if her school is similar.

Where was the grandmother? I would think that she would certainly be on the emergency number list. And there was the landline that could be used. jmo
No, it's not completely out there. But the reports of the backpack, which are in previous threads, indicated the backpack was upright, not tossed or thrown. I doubt an animal dragged it and put it in place so nicely, LOL.

Anything's possible, but still think we're barking up the wrong tree about this. JMO, and everyone is entitled to bark at anything they want.


The next morning, the man said he noticed the bag was still there and he and a neighbor checked it out. He said the backpack appeared to have been placed deliberately in a standing-up position on the sidewalk rather than tossed haphazardly.

"Just like you'd set a bag down," he said.

If it had some weight it might sit up like that. My backpack has my gyn shoes, purse, clothes, and a whole bunch of other things in it. If I drop it, I'll bet it lands upright.
With a route like Jessica's to school, the odds of a serious car accident are pretty slim.
If your child can walk to school in such a short time, odds are good you aren't going to be traveling at high speeds driving them.

Most car accidents do occur very close to home.
However, if your child is correctly restrained then those minor accidents wouldn't be likely to be a problem. (Sense of control.)

Yeah, but we feel a greater sense of control and a lesser sense of horror about the possibility of a fatal car accident.

Call CPS. A 5 year old left to wander alone at 9:00 pm is the victim of neglect. That's what you can do.

Where I live a 5 year old wandering will get zero attention unless they are seriously injured or right next to a pool or something.

Finding a baby in the road doesn't even warrant a response. I almost got arrested when the cop refused to do anything.

Toddlers play outside alone... you just dodge little kids in the road and pray that they stay safe somehow. It is infuriating.
Hey Darkman00! It is good to see you buddy! thanks for posting the articles... you are so good with doing that :rocker:
It is all soo sad .... and yet so "unpreventable" in so many ways .... if a predator decides that this is the day to take his prey then it is almost inevitable that he will find the way to do so ... no parent ...... no matter how protective or observant (or whatever you wish to phrase it) can ever be with their child 24/7 ... nor should they be ... talk about inhibiting their natural need to grow and become independent functioning individuals ... we should never, in cases like this, ever put even the slightest blame upon the parents who have been cleared by the police as being 100% not involved .... even if the phone had been answered ... what then? The sadistic monster still has grabbed the child .... and gone ..... it happens in a second and even the most doting of parents can lose their children to these monsters!!!!! what is the answer? ..... yes walking in groups would be good, screaming,kicking and fighting whenever anyone (other than direct family) try to take them anywhere, however the predator may still win out.... my daughter (20) was stalked and abducted by a supposedly professional coworker ... she died a terrible death (after only 20 days of knowing the individual) ... was tortured for hours ... she knew Judo, she had been taught "stranger danger" ... and yet no-one could have foreseen this evil..... how can a normal good hearted individual ever know and truly see evil ... they cloak it to fit in and in the end if they decide they wish to kill they will do so.... dear beautiful Jessica, her lovely family and fiends are simply victims of this monster ... if not dear Jessica then he/she would have found someone else. My heart is with her dear sweet mother and father who raised such a lovely vibrant girl, with her friends and family, as are my prayers!!! Rest in peace darling girl and dance amoung the angels!!!!

I am So Sorry Basilcat. Hugs
In looking at all the search pictures, I must say that the area is very beautiful. It's too bad I have to see the beauty of CO with LE doing searches in the photos.

Patiently waiting for for an update from LE....:pullhair::pullhair:
Just a thought, could monster live near where the deceased was found?
If he does he could be seen on the land as a hunter and no one would be the wiser.
And he could easily place her there in broad daylight.
Never be on the road.
Never cross the fence,etc.
He could watch all the excitement when she was found
very sick,

It isn't really hunting space, but I wondered if this was an area the perp could see from his own home
Mom said they met at the park. Makes sense to me that Dad would drive J to park and drop him, but JR isn't there, Dad just drops off J, he walks the rest of the way to school. Jessica was taken somewhere between her house and the park.

OK this doesn't make sense to me. In the prior thread, I believe the posting said something about JR leaving home around 8:30 or maybe earlier. J left home around 8:40. SO.....if they were supposed to meet at the park, and if JR lived only three blocks away, and J lived further, why would he and his dad not leave home until 8:40? I want to say the previous thread actually indicated that she left home at 8:25. A young child could walk 3 blocks in under 10 mins., but even if it took her 10 mins, that would put her at the park at 8:35 (I think 8:30-8:32 is more likely). Therefore, why would the boy be leaving his house at 8:40 if he was going to meet her?
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