CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #22 *ARREST*

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Yes, another man who worked with PF also said the only contact they had was as co-parents. I think his name was Cline. He was the one who said PF often brought the child to work and his wife took care of her.
Investigate this man and his wife before deciding their words are unbiased and truthful.
Some of the FB groups are spearheading a baby registry for the baby and there is a donation fund for the family, afaik. MOO.[/QUOTE]

Thank you! I did not know that.
People are using IN for the nurse, so she may be a different woman than I thought.

I'm sure the Daily Mail UK will have her name and photos after LE has confirmed her safety.

Maybe the IN is being used because it could stand for "Idaho Nurse" until MSM releases more news or maybe even charges come down.

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no info and no hearing date

But there is a hearing date:

Date Len Name Hearing Type Case # Location Division
1:30 PM 3.50H FRAZEE, PATRICK Motions Hearing D602018CR330 Teller County DIV 11 - TELLER DISTRICT COURT
9:00 AM 1D FRAZEE, PATRICK Preliminary Hearing D602018CR330 Teller County DIV 11 - TELLER DISTRICT COURT
8:30 AM 1H FRAZEE, PATRICK Pre-Trial Conference D602018JV26 Teller County DIV 11 - TELLER DISTRICT COURT

link: Seventh Judicial District » Docket Search
Maybe the IN is being used because it could stand for "Idaho Nurse" until MSM releases more news or maybe even charges come down.

I prefer Nurse Ratchet myself :)

That is exactly what IN stands for. The name is out there, we just can't reference it in any form, though, so IN just became the default.
I am afraid that the Frazee family is going to bash KB's 'mothering' and also bash her family, in order to try and regain custody themselves.

Bashing would NOT work in their favor. The court hears that kind of thing all the time..
Forgive me if I'm wrong but wasn't a guardian ad litem appointed? A judge will usually side with the opinion of the GAL (I know not always).
At some point, someone who may or may not be PF's sister used social media to make what appeared to be a negative comment about KB. That kind of thing will in no way please the guardian ad litem. JMO.
Yes, another man who worked with PF also said the only contact they had was as co-parents. I think his name was Cline. He was the one who said PF often brought the child to work and his wife took care of her.

Where was the work? Or what type work?
FWIW, I believe what P’s acaquaitances are saying is what they believe to be true. They only know what they know, what he’s told them or what they observed.
Bashing would NOT work in their favor. The court hears that kind of thing all the time..
Forgive me if I'm wrong but wasn't a guardian ad litem appointed? A judge will usually side with the opinion of the GAL (I know not always).
At some point, someone who may or may not be PF's sister used social media to make what appeared to be a negative comment about KB. That kind of thing will in no way please the guardian ad litem. JMO.

What might they have to “bash” about that can be proven?
It’d have to be something quite aggregious, IMO. And, I don’t think there’s any info out here that the bs are other than stellar. Imo
Speculation on my part only- no facts to back this up:

Pf moved Kelsey to Colorado to be near him. According to the Daily Mail, they said that the girlfriend from Idaho and PF also started seeing each other around the same time, 2016.

Is is possible that PF wanted a child of his own, but this woman from Idaho either couldn't have any more children or didn't want to get pregnant again, and he used Kelsey to have a baby? He probably thought that Kelsey would want to remain in her career, that once she had the baby, she would not want to stay home and be a full time mother. He may have promised her the moon and back, if she had his child, or maybe he deliberately got her pregnant to have one of his own. This would explain the delay in getting married- he had no intentions of marrying her, he just wanted the baby.

I have a feeling that this woman from Idaho fit in to his life more than Kelsey did. She was into rodeos herself, where as it appears Kelsey wasn't. He may have been in love with this other woman and used Kelsey to get what he wanted, not expecting her to stick around and want to co-parent their child. When Kelsey didn't go away on her own, perhaps the woman from Idaho was getting upset and told him either it's her or me, and he or the two of them planned Kelsey's demise, so that he got full custody of his child and could be with the woman he wanted to be with.

I'm also thinking that his family had to have known this woman- whether they thought she was just a friend or acquaintance, it's hard to say. I just don't see how he could have hidden her and his feelings for her from his family and friends all of this time, especially if she visited Colorado for Thanksgiving this year. Also, wasn't it said that they worked together, possibly at the rodeos? Maybe his family liked this woman and didn't care for Kelsey, hence why none of them showed any concern when she went missing?
I used to have a boss who would annoyingly schedule text messages for exactly 8 AM. Hypothetically, could he have seen nurse and given her a “Christmas gift” and told her not to open it until she got home, then it was an IPhone so when she turned it on the texts sent that he had previously drafted? I’m just looking for a way that this person who must be capable to have the career she has, could have got mixed up in this innocently. Specualating and MOO
It will be interesting to see if there is a back and forth exchange of texts. If PF responded and Kelsey's work responded, and if the texter answered, then the person in possession of the phone at the time likely typed them IMO.
Why would she have had full custody? I’ve never heard that she ever had full custody of the baby.

Yes. I missed that when I replied to the post the first time.

First of all, there is no such thing as "full custody". It's not an actual legal term although some inexperienced lawyers use it. There is legal custody (decision making) and physical custody (who the parent lives with primarily).

There is nothing to indicate that any custody decisions by a court had ever been made prior to KB's disappearance.

The term "custody" is really a legal one that has to do with what the court grants. But there is no evidence of court action until now.

If a parent is married to the mother, on the birth certificate, and/or signed a voluntary declaration of patnernity after birth, they have automatic parental rights until and unless a court action of some sort is initiated to determine that the person is not the father or that his rights should be terminated for some reason.

By all appearances these parents were both heavily involved in raising the kid and co-parenting. There is nothing to indicate she had sole possession and certainly no court orders as to custody had been issued.

And even if they had, let's say she had been granted sole legal and sole physical custody of the kid, if she died, the kid would go to the father by default regardless of what she put in her will.
I wonder if the delays in unsealing things has to do with being able to verify IN or other player’s stories. If their stories match evidence that is not public, it would be more plausible, than if it matched public evidence. If this is the case, it makes me wonder if they have been given some inaccurate stories that don’t match evidence, which would make the person an unreliable witness.
It WILL be shared. There is a hearing on it tomorrow. Where did you hear that the defense was forbidden by the court to share? It may not have happened yet, but most likely the court will rule that it happens tomorrow. Let's not twist things up. IMO
You don’t KNOW that it will be shared. That is what is going to be argued tomorrow. And the defense attorney has had the affidavit in his possession since shortly before the arrest, but he’s had to withhold it from PF because of the prosecution’s pending motion, which is extremely rare according to legal experts:

EDIT: I think the attorney hasn’t seen the affidavit, either.
Maybe to rattle another person or two's nerves. Better come in and talk with us yourself, or we're coming to get you......
Going back to the first press conference on Dec 10 with CB and the WPPD Chief - he was putting "Gooding, Idaho" on notice. JMO LE already knew about IdahoNurse at that time. I agree with others in the last thread that releasing this tidbit last night about IdahoNurse is about applying additional pressure.
So will Patrick's desires have any great weight in deciding which family to place her with? It seems so unfair because Kelsey's wishes can't be spoken.
And what is entailed when a parent terminates their rights?
If Kelsey has a will, I'm sure she sets out who she wants to raise Kaylee if
Kelsey were to die.
So will Patrick's desires have any great weight in deciding which family to place her with? It seems so unfair because Kelsey's wishes can't be spoken.
And what is entailed when a parent terminates their rights?

His desires won't mean much when compared with what DHS recommends, in my experience. However, I haven't had any direct experience with a dependency case in which an incarcerated but not yet guilty party is actively involved. Usually they're not showing up.

I posted a link a couple days ago as to the process that these cases go through and what happens and how a parent's rights can be terminated.

I will do some research when I have time as to whether there are any differences when a parent is incarcerated but not yet found guilty.

There have been some big cases in other states about this issue. One in particular involved a child who was ultimately taken from the functional and well to do family in TN that had been raising her after the mother got into drugs and dad was incarcerated. The child was eventually given back to the father she did not know, and moved to I think Nebraska or Missouri, to live with him, when he was released from prison.

But the case did focus on termination of parental rights when a parent is inacerated. It went to the Tennessee Supreme Court. And maybe beyond.

But let's see if these cases are handled differently in CO.
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