I am beginning to think that Narc is just the tip of the iceberg in PF's case.
I know the mods don't like allusion to other media, but it has been mentioned today.
PF (I assume) was the source of information about KB that proved to be outright lies.
I am wondering if we could assume that everything he said about KB could have been his own problem. That it was a form of psychotic, for the lack of a better word, or at least very delusional, transference. Maybe it is narcissistic transference, only I never heard the term.
Today we heard that PF allegedly said to KK that he was afraid KB was crazy and might hurt a child.
Any normal person who has evidence to the above would call Child Protective Services. This is how one deals with such concerns.
Not PF. He kills KB.
So - how about turning the tables on PF? What if PF, IRL, harbored the plans to hurt his child? Per the Rs, he threatened KKL's child, a girl. Assuming it was right (we dont' know), is there a possibility of him having similar plans about own girl?
Before, as it had already been mentioned today, PF accused KB of being bipolar (that is a diagnosis, and PF is not even a therapist). Where did he take it from? KB was a pilot and from what i know, functioned well in a difficult environment with minimal help.
What if PF was once diagnosed with being bipolar?
Given prior accusations, I am now asking myself if PF potentially had drinking problems and maybe, used drugs? (Paranoia!).
Etc, etc. If you hear about KB being this or that, you might wonder if PF had all these issues.
Mods, you are free to remove this, but as you can see, many of PF's accusations have penetrated MSM, so I wonder if we should speak about what in reality stands behind them.
My guess - PF's own issues.